to make adjustments as needed. Specifically, students who effectively employ metacognitivestrategies, such as reflection and self-assessment, are more likely to master the problem solvingskills that are essential to programming success [3].Writing to learn (WTL) activities promote metacognition in any discipline. Based on the ideathat writing is a visual representation of thinking [4], WTL activities are usually short, low-stakes writing assignments that are designed to promote reflection, analysis, synthesis, anddeeper understanding of course material. When integrated into a problem-solving assignment,such as a programming lab, WTL prompts allow students to think about the choices they aremaking and the reasons for those choices. When
triggeringdifferent thinking in students to enhance his or her creative thinking. The proposedmodel can thus identify level of creativity and assist both teachers and students.IntroductionIn a highly competitive global market, industries urgently need talented people whocan innovate and engage in self-design. To meet the needs of industry and cultivatetalented workers, engineering education courses in most schools focus on developingstudents’ abilities to collect, analyze, interpret, and apply detailed information, as wellas to create, reflect, and adapt to change. Therefore, engineering education programsshould give importance to how they can equip students with adequate innovationskills.In creativity education, the interpretation and opinions of the
coursework.ImplementationTheoretical Framework:The current version of the project was implemented as a cornerstone project (a term commonlyused to refer to a culminating first-year engineering design experience) in 2014 within the secondsemester Programming 2 course of Ohio Northern University’s first-year programmingsequence. To ground the project in a pedagogical framework, this section will outline thetheoretical underpinnings of the project design.As mentioned in the Introduction, the Kolb Cycle of Experiential Learning, illustrated inFigure 1, was used to help organize the series of cornerstone activities into a cyclic pattern ofexperiences and reflections. The cycle was augmented by Greenaway’s Active Reviewing Cycle,a model which provides a different way to examine
computerassisted virtual environment (CAVE) EON Icatcher and EON Professional integrated developmentenvironment (IDE) software. Two groups of graduate students enrolled in the course for twoconsecutive years provided feedback through surveys, discussions, and informal interviews.Students gained practical experience with designing VR systems and VR environments,appreciated the labs, and were excited about their VR projects.IntroductionThe demand for new knowledge content is high in engineering education practice at the graduatelevel. It is expected that the graduate courses lead, or at least reflect, the current state oftechnological developments and scientific discoveries. To stay competitive and current,curriculum designers are under constant pressure to
-10. During this timeof undergraduate research experiences, there has been a push from using inquiry into authentic science andauthenticity for classroom learning11-13.Some researchers stress the use tools such as the microscope or telescope, or activities like bioinformaticsand biodiesel production, or community collaborations and summer camps as the focus for authenticscience14-23. Tomas and Ritchie claim that integrating authentic science activities into classrooms assiststudents in learning how practicing scientists conduct research24. These types of authentic scienceexperiences can motivate students25.Interestingly, sometimes the terms are combined, such as the “reflection on authentic science inquiry26” and“authentic science inquiry27
to solveauthentic problems with an inquiry approach. We wanted the students to develop problem solvingand self-directed learning abilities while they also remain motivated to learn increasinglychallenging topics. To incorporate experiential learning in our curriculum, each module beginsfrom concrete experience to reflective observation, then to abstract conceptualization to activeexperimentation. In other words, the first stage is where the learner actively experiences anactivity. The second stage is when the learner consciously reflects back on that experience. Thethird stage is where the learner attempts to conceptualize a theory or a model of what is observed.The fourth stage is where the learner is trying to plan how to test a model or
assumptions tosimplify problems, choose equations and solution methods, break complex problems down intocomponent parts, link component parts together to form solutions for complex engineeringsystems, and reflect on the results of the analysis and associated design they learn engineering.Throughout this learning process, formative assessment and feedback effectively guides studentstoward mastery of learning objectives [1], [2]. The engineering instructor learns to identifyproblems that will provide students with the necessary skills to be successful in their course.For years, chapter-end problems and solution manuals have provided instructors a helpful tool forassigning and assessing students work as part of this learning process. Over time, students
• computer searches of databases such as PubMedJournal management platform ScholarOne includes their “Reviewer Locator” [7] to offer upnames, but the underlying process for how those names are identified is unknown. This system isused by ASEE’s Journal of Engineering Education (JEE). Lisa Benson [8], current editor ofJEE, offers the following guidance for Associate Editors (AEs): In general, reviewers should be chosen to reflect the broad, growing, global field of engineering education, including content domain experts and experts in education and the learning sciences. Also, well-qualified graduate students may be invited to review manuscripts. Consider choosing reviewers for their expertise in the methodology used by
greenhouse gas known as methane. Methane is a powerfulcontributor to the progression of global warming since it can amplify the greenhouse effect ofcarbon dioxide by 21 to 25 times [8]. To combat this effect, California, for example, has enactedAssembly Bill no. 1826 in 2014 [9]. This bill requires organizations to establish wastemanagement facilities; this also reflects onto universities and colleges. The inclusion ofuniversities in this bill is following the landmark 2001 decision of EPA to hold higher educationinstitutions responsible for their environmental impact on an equal footing with othercommercial and governmental institutions [10], [11]. Universities are not only among the manyinstitutions that contribute to energy, water or solid waste
Education MinorityScience and Engineering Improvement Program under Grant No. P120A140051. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Education.References[1] US Census Bureau, 2016 Census Data for Kern County.[2] US Census Bureau, 2017 Estimated Census Data Nationwide.[3] California Department of Education, Data and Statistics website. Data for Kern High School District.[4] N. Gorgievski and et al., "Tablet PC: A Preliminary Report on a Tool for Teaching Calculus," The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 95-102, 2005.[5] C. Lysy, C. A. Romney, J. P. Paniagua
could be of further use in SEP-CyLE. We will conduct additional studiesto measure the impact of additional gamification elements on student performance and learningwhile using SEP-CyLE. Also, in future studies we will use SEP-CyLE in advanced levelprogramming courses and evaluate how these different learning strategies improve advancedunderstanding of software programming and testing techniques. 8. Acknowledgements:This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants DUE-1225742and DUE-1525112. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. 9. References:[1] I. F. de Kereki
-12STEM learning. It also contributes to the assessment and evaluation of CT in K-12students.AcknowledgementWe wish to thank the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the support of this studyunder Grant Number 1640228. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the NSF. We also wish to thank Dr. Yu-hui Ching and Dr.Sasha Wang for their effort in the curriculum design and data collection of this study.References[1] National Research Council (NRC), How Students Learn: History, Science, andMathematics in the Classroom. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2005. [2] J. M. Wing, “Computational thinking,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 49
) coil, f) BNC, alligator and bananacables, g) HTC Vive Controller, h) capacitor on breadboard, i) hand replacement for controller.Figure 3 shows a close up of the oscilloscope, capacitor, and function generator to provide anexample of the detail viewable in the VR experience.Figure 3. Close-up of oscilloscope panel, capacitor/breadboard, and function generator panel.Not to scale. Figure 4 shows a screenshot of the second prototype experiment. This experiment is usedto investigate the tensile strength and stress-strain response of materials.Figure 4. Screenshot of the VRILE for investigating tensile strength of materials. a) tensiletesting machine, b) DAQ computer monitor, c) instructional tablet d) polymer specimen, e)reflective tape, f
Standards [6]. In particular, the standards for 4th and 5th grade studentswhich apply directly to this work are shown below.4-PS3-2. Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.4-PS3-3. Ask questions and predict outcomes about the changes in energy that occur when objects collide.4-PS4-1. Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move.4-PS4-2. Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen.4-PS4-3. Generate and compare multiple solutions that use
supplementary open questions related to participants’ experience in thecollaborative virtual assembly task, their reflections, and feedbacks. The development of these two questionnaires will follow the instrument developmentprocess in the affective domain introduced by McCoach, Gable, & Madura [35]. Specifically, foursteps will be completed in sequence: (1) literature reading and existing similar instruments search;(2) item writing or revision; (3) content validity assessment; (4) face validity assessment. Two orthree researchers in the engineering education and the automotive fields will be invited to assessthe validity of generated items and 3–5 undergraduate students to evaluate whether the instrumentscan be understood for the face
textual and verbal descriptions in favor of examples tocomplete problem assignments [8].Amongst instructors, there was a distribution of responses related to content with an emphasis onthe effectiveness of the video content and interacting with the viewer. These responsespotentially reflect the importance instructors place on retaining the attention of the learnerthroughout the video. There were no responses related to creating content that providesderivations or explanations of theory.Instructor PresenceWith 20 total responses (6 student 14 instructor responses), instructor presence was consideredthe third most important feature based on overall responses. Responses related to the instructorpresence category were subcategorized as shown in Table
providing reflection, mentoring, and professional growth. 2) The timing of the process was geared towards the class registration process and its deadlines and not the student’s calendar of professional development. The current process takes place near the end of each semester when students are most focused on final exams, projects, and finishing up course work in general rather than their future development and growth. 3) Within the Engineering Leadership department, the department has grown and gained students and faculty with diverse interests and backgrounds. This has created an advising process that requires modifications to maintain the individualized feel that originally existed but was lost as the
how the SEP-CyLE cyber-learning environmentwould impact the performance of students when team formation is based around groups that areassigned to work on projects outside of SEP-CyLE. Also, we are working with courseinstructors to develop a larger set of LOs that would help overcome some of the knowledgedeficiencies of students and would enable increased usage of SEP-CyLE in introductoryprogramming courses.10. Acknowledgements:This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants DUE-1225742and DUE-1525112. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.11. References:[1] R. Alex
Science Foundation (NSF) (PRIME #1544259). Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.The authors would like to thank FutureLearn for providing the data and the many reviewers whomade this a much stronger paper.8. REFERENCES[1] R. F. Kizilcec and C. Brooks, “Diverse big data and randomized field experiments in MOOCs,” in Handbook of Learning Analytics, 1st ed., C. Lang, G. Siemens, A. Wise, and D. Gasevic, Eds. Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), 2017, pp. 211–222.[2] R. F. Kizilcec, C. Piech, and E. Schneider, “Deconstructing disengagement: analyzing learner subpopulations in massive open online
student will receive an email from the app askingher to log into the system and answer the question by a deadline, typically 24-36 hours awayfrom the time the homework is posted, with the deadline also being listed in the email. Theapp will require the student to make a specific choice –such as “domain” or “problem” or “so-lution”, and to include a brief justification as part of her answer. We will refer to this as thestudent’s initial submission. Note, these initial submissions are made by individual students andeach reflects the particular student’s (initial/current) conception of the problem. Also, a studentcan log back in any time before the deadline and modify her answer if she wants to. Figure 2shows the initial submission made by one of
these efforts to be reflected in faculty and staff participation in the academic year ahead.• Ensuring print quality and overall quality control. 3D printers are the most popular technology housed in the space, and consequently are the machines used most often. As a result, regular maintenance is required to ensure acceptable print quality. In the first semester of operation few visitors knew how to use the software necessary to 3D print objects. Because of this, most 3D printing, including prints for visitors, was completed by staff members. This proved to be challenging for the six staff members for two reasons: 1) print preferences and personal settings varied considerably; and 2) the first printers were largely
15 10 5 0 Excel PYTHON MATLAB Excel and MATLAB Figure 7. Student submittal typesExample student realizations / spread sheet formThe students were instructed to keep the standard notation for four bar linkages shown in thelecture notes. Figure 8 shows the numbering conventions for a typical linkage, shown in the openposition [12]. A crossed or closed configuration would be realized with all links remaining at thesame lengths shown in Figure 6, with link 4 reflected across the horizontal axis with link 3 stillconnecting the ends of links 2 and 4. Figure 8. Link, angle