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Displaying results 331 - 360 of 646 in total
Conference Session
Empathy and Human-centered Design 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xiao Ge, Stanford University; Daigo Misaki, Kogakuin University; Nanami Furue, Tokyo University of Science; Chunchen Xu
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Design in Engineering Education
or likelyfuture jobs within the firm (due to a lifetime employment culture, Lorriman, 1986), whereas self-marketability was observed to be more common amongst American engineers.3. Cultural values underlying problem-solving and creativityShifting lenses to the specific educational goal of fostering creative design capability, there is arise of creativity research in engineering design education, as reflected in growing research incurriculum design (Zhou, 2012), creativity-facilitating intervention (Hawthorne, et al., 2014) andcreative behavior and cognition (Toh & Miller, 2014). However, we lack a deep understandingabout different, and possibly conflicting, cultural beliefs and practices around creative problemsolving amongst students
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Rogers, The Ohio State University; Denny C. Davis, The Ohio State University; Sarah Winfree, The Ohio State University ; Kaycee Ash, The Ohio State University; Lin Ding, The Ohio State University
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Design in Engineering Education
global, h. economic, environmental, and societal context i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j. A knowledge of contemporary issues An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering k. practice.In addition to ABET student outcomes, learning outcomes listed in the TUEE Phase 1 reportwere considered carefully because they reflect industry perspectives. Outcomes are rated byimportance and by extent to which they are observed in engineering graduates [1]. Becauseneither ABET nor TUEE outcomes were defined in terms that are consistently interpreted, theauthors developed definitions of fifteen top outcomes that
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marjan Eggermont, University of Calgary; Aloysius F. Hepp, Nanotech Innovations LLC; Vikram Shyam, NASA Glenn Research Center
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Design in Engineering Education
Figure8DwarfMountainPineChallengesandStrategiesdiagram 8The second diagramming example is that of the Cicada. The wings of Cicadas shed dirt andwater while inducing a self-cleaning effect to prevent contamination, erosion, and bacterialaccumulation. The biological structure of these wings also creates an anti-reflective coating.Wings contain thousands of hexagonal sections across the surface. These sections have nipple-like protrusions that hold air pockets between them to prevent the build-up/accumulation ofbacteria, residue, and matter.9 Figure9CicadaChallengesandStrategiesdiagram
Conference Session
Design Methodologies 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Klaus Castrén, Aalto University; Sine Celik, Aalto University; Tua A. Björklund, Aalto University Design Factory; Niina Nurmi, Aalto University, School of Business
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Design in Engineering Education
the course, after a key milestone;and the third interview set was between 1-3 months after the end of the course project. Thisspread allowed data collection which would capture temporal and situational contexts toinfluence the data, as well as allow the liaisons to regularly reflect on the value of the project,enabling rich data.The interview methodology used followed the semi-structured, intensive interviewingapproach, where the premise is to create a directed conversation with individuals who haverelevant experiences, which – with the help of the interviewer – are reflected upon in-depth ina way that is rare in everyday life [36]. Broad open-ended questions were devised toencourage interviewees to explore the notion of value for themselves
Conference Session
1st and 2nd Year Instruction in Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cory A. Cooper, United States Air Force; Michael Lawrence Anderson, United States Air Force; Daniel D. Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy; Joseph M. Fulton, U.S. Air Force Academy; Kristin L. Wood, Singapore University of Technology and Design
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Design in Engineering Education
largely experiential course, the capstone can support the inductivelearning style well. The necessary deductive-style teaching of accepted engineering design steps Designettes in Capstone: Characterizing the Impact of Early Design Experiences in Capstone Education with Emphasis on Designette Project Choiceshould be balanced with the inductive learning of the students. The challenge lies in allowingthe experiences of the students’ inductive learning to occur with enough time to reflect and buildtheir cognitive framework.Finally, a look at the Kolb cycle (Figure 1) and its application to the design curriculum andcapstone program could be informative. The Kolb model is characterized by a cycle that beginswith concrete experience, proceeds
Conference Session
Design Teams 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Marcia Gail Headley, University of Delaware; Sara Grajeda, University of Delaware; Dustyn Roberts P.E., University of Pennsylvania; Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware
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Design in Engineering Education
strive forin their own learning, monitor their progress towards those goals, and adapt and self-regulatetheir cognition, behaviors, and motivation in order to reach those goals. Students who believethey can learn (personal efficacy) and perceive their efforts to learn will result in desiredoutcomes (outcome expectancy) [18], [19] are more likely to report the use of self-regulatorystrategies associated with task orientation [23], [24].Self-regulatory strategies are important because they can be used by learners to manage theiracademic time on projects or tasks, prioritize and reflect on their progress towards learning goals,and seek help when experiencing difficulty [20]. By contrast, students with low self-efficacymay perceive that they aren’t
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuyi Lin, University of Missouri
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Design in Engineering Education
below showedthe scores of these four design teams.Table 1. Team Scores in Project Presentation Team Name Scores1 Collecting energy from exercise bike 78/1002 Harvesting energy from walking 92/1003 Fuel log made from biomass 61.5/1004 Fuel gas generation from biomass 82.5/100The scores reflect and support our judgment, which is summarized as follows:1. The re-creation of simple, commercialized designs is not a good idea for capstone design projects. Even with a simple commercial product, limited time
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Dawson, York College of Pennsylvania; Stephen Kuchnicki, York College of Pennsylvania
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Design in Engineering Education
,modifications made to the course, an overview of the Assessment Evaluation Forms, andproposed actions for course improvement. This method has proven to be effective in helpingfaculty members reflect on teaching methods and develop strategies for course improvement.An example of an Assessment Evaluation Form is shown in Figure 1. It has several sections,starting with the instructor’s evaluation of the level of difficulty of the assignment (easy,moderate, or difficult). Next, the instructor writes a description of how they expected students toperform on the task. Observational notes are then written which evaluate student performanceon the task, including quantifying the number of students exceeding (E), meeting (M), or below(B) expectations. An overall
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Lockwood, University of Calgary; Daryl Caswell, University of Calgary; Marjan Eggermont, University of Calgary
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Design in Engineering Education
and evaluation scheme.While this might appear counter-intuitive, one of the most common complaints about thecourse was the lack of understanding about how expectations were communicated andhow work was evaluated. As grades are, in the common-core year, of utmost importance, Page 15.1209.5as they determine acceptance into second-year programs, most students are fairly grade-focused.The student frustration with the expectations and evaluations was clearly reflected in theUSRI or student feedback scores. The University uses a seven point scale, where 1 ispoor, and 7 is excellent, for evaluation. The key questions influencing the redevelopmentwere two
Conference Session
Design Pedagogy and Curriculum 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Kristine Sheridan, University of Toronto; Robert Irish, University of Toronto; Jason A. Foster, University of Toronto
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Design in Engineering Education
experiences and information. It is a precursor to the constructivist theories that we use tounderstand our students’ learning experience. In both internalization and constructivism, studentsconstruct their own understanding of their experiences and of the materials they are presented.1Such construction asks students to refashion pre-existing beliefs about the topics covered in thecourse as they receive new ideas, deeper understanding, and novel approaches. To facilitate this,instruction focuses on providing students with opportunities to develop, apply, and reflect ontheir own conceptions of course materials, subject to ensuring compatibility with the widerengineering profession. Course instructors and instructional materials also avoid
Conference Session
Design Spine
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey L. Schiano, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Design in Engineering Education
2016.Design Sequence ArchitectureAs a starting point for achieving the three objectives stated earlier, the undergraduate committeebegan by reviewing the design component of the curriculum at peer Electrical EngineeringDepartments with similar size and ranking. Our senior capstone design course was organizedalong the same lines as many other departments, and reflects ABET criteria. In addition togeneral lectures concerning professional engineering topics, there are weekly laboratory sections.In self-defined project sections, students first complete predefined laboratory assignments duringthe first half of the semester before beginning a self-defined project approved by their instructor.In other sections, student teams select a major design
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Howard Medoff, Pennsylvania State University, Ogontz; Robert L. Avanzato, Pennsylvania State University, Abington
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Design in Engineering Education
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the viewsof the National Science Foundation. Page 22.1595.10
Conference Session
Design Tools & Methodology II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas E. Doyle, McMaster University; Spencer Smith, McMaster University; Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego
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Design in Engineering Education
design vs. teaching how to do design in a largefirst year class is not a trivial transition, nor can it be done without some scaffolding. Thegoals of enhancing student learning and improving engagement are positively reflected instudent feedback. Student feedback also suggests an intellectual curiosity to exploremore of the system modelling. In addition, the goal of closing the design loop has beenmet with positive feedback.As an initial offering the course instructor wanted to expose first year students to thetools that would be used in an iterative design process. This exposure required someconsideration as the complexity of some topics and some tools can quickly turn thelearning experience into an exercise in frustration.The authors are
Conference Session
Design Methodology and Evaluation 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam R Carberry, Arizona State University; Morgan M Hynes, Arizona State University; Ethan E Danahy, Tufts University
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Design in Engineering Education
engineering education in theK-12 and college settings. He is particularly interested in howstudents and teachers engage in and reflect upon the engineering designprocess. His research includes investigating how teachers conceptualizeand teach and how students engage in engineering through in- depth case study analysis.Dr. Ethan E Danahy, Tufts University Ethan Danahy is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department Computer Science at Tufts Univer- sity outside of Boston MA, having received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science in 2000 and 2002, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007, all from Tufts. Additionally, he acts as the Engineering Research Program Director at the Center for
Conference Session
Capstone Design
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kimberly B. Demoret P.E., Florida Institute of Technology
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Design in Engineering Education
some concern about the project being viable. Instead of being cancelled, it was decided to just relax the requirement to use the university making facilities. Even with the pandemic restrictions, student survey results suggest the project was still successful, possibly because it allowed them to exercise autonomy and make connections within the class. Figure 5: Questions reflecting senior student ability to help junior design
Conference Session
Design Teams 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Meghan Leigh Fajarillo; Angie Moussa; Yanfen Li, University of Massachusetts Lowell
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Design in Engineering Education
T-test.Project Manager Reflections Upperclassmen Project Managers were given a reflection assignment followingcompletion of the course. Assignment prompts were “What were your group dynamics like”,“What would you do differently if you were to be a PM again”, “What advice do you have for afuture PM starting out in your role”, and “What do you think your strengths and weaknesses areas a PM?”. Project managers noted the importance of communication, organization, timemanagement, and the ability to relate to team members. Most project managers struggled withthe balance of being a friend versus a Project Manager. Some project managers felt they instilledthe wrong dynamic by being too friendly. Students were able to realize the importance
Conference Session
Design Pedagogy
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xinyue (Crystal) Liu, University of Toronto; Yasaman Delaviz, York University; Scott Ramsay, University of Toronto
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Design in Engineering Education
%). This was worthwhile to note, as such activities requiring management ofa moderately sized set of data from a mechanical test could be an essential skill for a well-trainedmaterials engineer or researcher. Reflection by the authors on other courses within the programhas noted a shift towards students being provided with heavily-processed data to analyze in theirlab reports and they are rarely asked to collect and process moderately sized raw data sets.3.2 Teaching Team ObservationsThroughout this study, informal, virtual drop-in office hours were made available to the students2-3 times each week, in addition to the formal tutorial sessions covering each module activity.These informal sessions provided an opportunity for the authors to make some
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Katja Holtta-Otto, University Of Massachusetts-Dartmouth; Pia Helminen, Helsinki University of Technology (TKK); Kalevi Ekman, Helsinki University of Technology (TKK); Thomas Roemer, University of California-San Diego
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Design in Engineering Education
multiple functions in Understanding of PD costs and economy creating a new product (e.g. marketing, finance, industrial design, engineering, production). Ability to work out project plan and schedules, manage resources, manage risks, complete a Ability to coordinate multiple, interdisciplinary project successfully, and communicate and tasks in order to achieve a common objective. document effectively. Reinforcement of specific knowledge from other courses through practice and reflection in an action-oriented setting
Conference Session
Design Methodolgy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose Salinas, United States Military Academy; Bobby Crawford, USMA; Tony Jones, USMA
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Design in Engineering Education
, reinforcing goodperformance and demonstrating a genuine concern that students understand the reasons for poorperformance.9The final means of facilitating student-instructor communication in ME450 came through arobust end-of-course assessment procedure that involved in-class discussion combined with thecompletion of an extensive online survey and the submission of reflective essays which coveredstudent impressions of the positive aspects of the course, along with recommended areas forimprovement. Data gathered from these surveys and essays has been extremely valuable inassessing the effectiveness of ME450 as a vehicle to provide the fundamentals of an engineeringeducation to students in non-engineering majors.ResultsThe primary mode of obtaining an
Conference Session
Capstone Design III
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Orono, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis; Stephen Ekwaro-Osire, Texas Tech University
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Design in Engineering Education
styles; and psychological support of the students 8. This is allconducted in an environment that encourages students to be reflective while executing theirprojects 10. The scheme of pan-mentoring including the assessment nodes is shown in Figure 1.Pan-mentoring was adapted in this research study. Pan-Mentor Select Student Project Assessment Creativity Tools Individual Team Creativity Creativity
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Christine Co, Oklahoma State University; Bear Turner, Oklahoma State University
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Design in Engineering Education
different team members be responsible for differenttasks and the values below should reflect this distribution of effort. In this section of theevaluation you are asked to assign the relative percentage of work done by all member on theteam, including yourself. Each column represents part of the team grade for the class and eachcolumn should add up to 100%. If any column does not add up to 100% when you click thesubmit button, your scores will not be accepted, and you will have to return and correct thevalues. Use integer numbers only or you may have to start from the beginning!The numbers you enter here will be used to calculate a suggested rating for each of your teammembers. You do not need to use the number suggested, but should your rating
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado, Denver; Stephen T. Frezza, Gannon University
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Design in Engineering Education
another’s perspective and reflection 29. Thisdevelops solutions in an improvised fashion that, in retrospect, might appear inevitable tooutsiders. As learning scientist Keith Sawyer puts it, “when it’s over, it appears more predictablethan it actually was” 10 This is a common response to seeing a creative thought in action, whichSawyer calls script-think – presuming there was a script to follow when in fact, there was none.It is creative engineering work in möjligheter-finding that distinguishes for the developmentteam the difference between acceptable and unacceptable solutions, leaving the ‘script,’ if therewas one, to be the process of developing an acceptable solution.Teaching möjligheter findingDeveloping product möjligheter includes
Conference Session
Student Empathy and Human-Centered Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kirsten Heikkinen Dodson, Lipscomb University; Joseph B, Tipton Jr., Lipscomb University; Mark Philip McDonald, Lipscomb University ; Greg Nordstrom, Lipscomb University; A. Fort Gwinn, Lipscomb University
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Design in Engineering Education
to the Course Design for Fall 2018Overall, from student and faculty responses, proposed improvements to the course will focus onthree main areas: improving consistency so that students and faculty in different sections do nothave widely varied experiences, continuing to encourage innovation, creativity, and thoughtful,holistic design, and tackling the corresponding lecture period to streamline the entire course.These main areas of improvement reflect the best practices and lessons learned from faculty andstudent responses. Minor improvements will be made to Phases 1 and 4 while major improvementswill be made to Phases 2 and 3. Due to the major changes and consolidation of various parts ofthe course, the terminology of Phase 1-4 is removed
Conference Session
Design and the Capstone Experience
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shayne Kelly McConomy, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Ruturaj Soman; Nikhil Gupta, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Chiang Shih, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
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Design in Engineering Education
of engineering education where students will bring together their gained engineering knowledge and nontechnical professional skills such as teamwork, professionalism, communication, and project management. At the end of the second-semester, the Capstone Design course finishes with a whole-day open house event featuring team presentations, a poster session, and review session with panel judges. The audience is fellow students, faculty, external sponsors, and a panel of judges mostly comprised of the Mechanical Engineering Advisory Council (MEAC) members.Throughout the school year, the EDM and SDP classes are required to interact thus encouragingexchange of experiences, self-reflection, and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Projects
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kaela M. Martin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott; Richard T. Mangum, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Dina M. Battaglia, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
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Design in Engineering Education
the88 respondents was 21.7 with 88% of the students younger than 23 and a maximum age of 32.The primary reported ethnicity was white or Caucasian (n = 73) followed by Hispanic (n = 14)and Asian (n = 8). Unsurprisingly, most of the respondents, 64, identified as male, and 19identified as female. These demographics reflect the overall campus demographics where 25% ofthe students are female and 67% are white.Results also showed that over half of the participants are working while in school with eightstudents working over 20 hours per week. Two of the students identified as veterans, nine asROTC students, and one as active duty. Around 77% of the students indicated that theireducation was funded by student loans.Of the 88 students who completed the
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafael Suero, The Pennsylvania State University; Kathryn W. Jablokow, The Pennsylvania State University; Kevin Charles Helm, The Pennsylvania State University; Wesley Teerlink; Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Eli M. Silk, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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Design in Engineering Education
that lie at the boundaries of the solution space or connect itwith other tangential solution spaces. They may offer more ideas, not because they are morecapable or have a greater capacity, but because they spend less time checking their ideas againstthe constraints of the problem and may even actively push against those constraints.Efficiency (E): The E sub-factor reflects an individual’s preferred method for managing andorganizing ideas in solving problems. The more adaptive prefer to define problems and theirsolutions carefully, paying closer attention to details and organization, while searchingmethodically for relevant information and solutions. In contrast, the more innovative oftenloosen and/or reframe the definition of a problem before
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shahriar Shamsian, University of Southern California; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California; Jeffrey Miller, University of Southern California; Michael Shindler, University of Southern California
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Design in Engineering Education
vehicles.abstractGrowing enrollment numbers in Computer Science programs in schools across thecountry are a reflection of the rapidly growing computer industry over the last fewdecades. Many schools have met the challenge of higher enrollment numbers by addingclasses to address new course content and increasing the sizes of these classes. Whilethe size of the more specialized classes may still be kept at a manageable andreasonable level, the core classes that most university students have to take presentspecial challenges for the administration. Over the last ten years, we have, at differenttimes, tried different approaches and used a variety of different class sizes toaccommodate the higher enrollment numbers for such core classes.Importantly, each approach has
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kris Jaeger-Helton, Northeastern University; Bridget M. Smyser, Northeastern University
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Design in Engineering Education
, however, IE teams were much less likely to use quality references and write effectivebackground literature reviews. For both disciplines, project management proficiency variedwidely term by term. This may reflect variations in coordinator, project type, or other factors.Table 3. Capstone 1 Report: Percentage of teams achieving each component.75%=acceptable, shading code: 70 < [ ] < 80 < [ ]The averages and standard errors shown in Figure 2 below outline some patterns for eachof the writing components in the Capstone 1 report, illustrating that overall both majors weresimilar in their project management competencies. While the average of the IEs was much lowerfor abstract composition, a single class from Spring 2014 brought the average
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Mental Frameworks
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Sara Bernice Grajeda, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Dustyn Roberts P.E., Temple University
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Design in Engineering Education
positively because learners who fall into this group tend to be motivatedby learning new things, are persistent in completing difficult or ambiguous academic tasks, andtend to use cognitive strategies to support learning such as metacognition and reflection [20, 21].Task oriented students tend to view mastery as dependent on effort, and perceptions of ability areself-referenced [22]. Task oriented students focus their attention on the task, not on extrinsicrewards; learning, understanding, developing new skills, and problem-solving are motivators [17,23]. Task orientation, like mastery orientation, is the most adaptive orientation for self-regulatedlearning [24, 7]. Task oriented students set self-improvement and learning as their goals; as aresult
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Laguette, University of California-Santa Barbara
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Design in Engineering Education
program. It is important to note that the intent ofCapstone Design program is to reflect the technical excellence and expertise of thedepartment while providing a variety of project types and challenges for the students. TheIndustry Partner program and projects are an important component of program but are notintended to be the sole source of the projects for student consideration.Capstone Design Projects Course ObjectivesThe senior design projects are developed with the support of local industry, interestedfaculty, student organizations, and interested students. The projects reflect the academicintegrity and excellence of the Mechanical Engineering department. A committed facultyand Industrial Advisory Board are instrumental in this process.It