voluntary.The pedagogical theoriesThe pedagogical theories supporting the Para didactic Laboratory activities are: i) constructivismas proposed by Jean Piaget; ii) experiential learning according to David Kolb and John Dewey;iii) reflective learning according to Donald Schön and John Dewey. And as support tools: i) thefour stages of competence of Noel Burch; ii) the theory of Flow created by MihalyCsikszentmihalyi.ConstructivismAccording to Jean Piaget for the process of learning to be efficient it must take into account thecurrent stage of cognitive development of the students and create situations that allow them todevelop new cognitive structures to absorb the knowledge and develop the skills andcompetences required at each stage of their learning
given multiple realisticconstraints, much like they would experience after they took their first engineering position 3.Most undergraduate engineering programs have now been through several iterations of theABET 2000 accreditation process, which normally occurs in six-year intervals. After fifteenplus years of functioning under the ABET 2000 criteria it seems appropriate to reflect upon thechanges and consider the results. This paper focuses on a review of the engineering curriculum,an overview of accreditation, the role of capstone in the curriculum and finally a new model forcapstone in relationship to the curriculum. A hierarchical ordering of student outcomes ispresented with examples of possible direct measures.2. Status of the Engineering
that faculty grades are based on academic achievement and externalgraders are based on project success. These reflect two unique perspectives on the capstoneprocess, which leads to future studies related to what bias affect the scores of faculty andexternal judges.IntroductionEast Carolina University’s Department of Engineering (ECU’s DoE) is a general engineeringprogram offering five discipline specific concentrations. ECU’s DoE has a two semester longSenior Capstone Design program that spans two distinct courses. The first semester requiresstudents to compete a conceptual level design for an industry sponsored project. The secondsemester requires students to complete a detailed design and often requires build/test objectivesbe completed. The
self-regulation as “self-generated thoughts, feelings, and behaviorsthat are oriented to attaining goals. Self-regulated individuals are skilled in goal-setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction, and self-reinforcement4 and "habits of mind" and commitment to theideals of reflective thinking, assessment, and learning as an ongoing, lifelong process. Therefore,it naturally follows, that students with good self-regulation are more likely to perform better intheir academic work.5 In this study, a SRL model showing the dynamic and iterative interplay betweenmetacognitive and cognitive activity described in Butler and Cartier’s model was used.6, 7, 8 Inthis model, SRL is characterized as a complex, dynamic, and situated learning process9
engineering courses. Most of the SDPs are real-world inspiredprojects, which are externally sponsored by industry and government agencies, and many of themare multidisciplinary in nature involving engineering as well as non-engineering students. Inaddition to carry out these design tasks, they are also required to interact with students in the EDMclass and provide feedback to their junior-level peers while enhancing their skills incommunication and design implementation through reflective learning. Pre and post-class surveysand feedback sessions are conducted to not only gain inputs from students to improve thecoordinated learning process, but also to engage them in self-reflection for continuous learning.The crux of the effort here is to develop an
over 20 years with an emphasis on mechanical packaging of microwave circuitry.Dr. Diane L. Zemke Diane Zemke is an independent researcher and consultant. She holds a Ph.D. in leadership studies from Gonzaga University. Her research interests include teamwork, small group dynamics, dissent, organiza- tional change, and reflective practice. Dr. Zemke has published in the International Journal of Engineering Education, the Journal of Religious Leadership, and various ASEE conference proceedings. She is the author of ”Being Smart about Congregational Change.” c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 How Students Create Verbal Descriptions of Physical PartsClear and precise
– March – 2016] 5. R. Morris et al., Sustainability by Design: a reflection on the suitability of pedagogic practice in design and engineering courses in the teaching of sustainable design. European Journal of Engineering Education, 32:2, 135-142, 2007.
vehicles.abstractGrowing enrollment numbers in Computer Science programs in schools across thecountry are a reflection of the rapidly growing computer industry over the last fewdecades. Many schools have met the challenge of higher enrollment numbers by addingclasses to address new course content and increasing the sizes of these classes. Whilethe size of the more specialized classes may still be kept at a manageable andreasonable level, the core classes that most university students have to take presentspecial challenges for the administration. Over the last ten years, we have, at differenttimes, tried different approaches and used a variety of different class sizes toaccommodate the higher enrollment numbers for such core classes.Importantly, each approach has
viability [16],[17]. Table 2 lists the four processes as well as how they fit within the structure of the capstoneand the learning outcomes they deliver. The Creative Idea Process addresses both creativeideation and team development. The Customer Discovery Process and the Client ValidationProcess address meeting customer needs at different stages of product development.Commercial viability is addressed in the process of the same name.Experiential learning has four phases: the concept, the application expectations, the experience,and reflection on the three prior phases [26]. We designed the implementation of each process tosatisfy pedagogical scaffolding that supports these phases of experiential learning without takingsignificant time or resources
bybeing involved with design. All of the faculty/staff interviews were audio recorded, and fourwere transcribed and coded for key insights.iThese insights were then used to develop a pair of surveys to gather feedback from students whohad been involved in the Design Certificate Program and DFA: one survey for alumni and onefor current undergraduates. The surveys were essentially identical in the sections that collecteddemographic information, the students’ experiences with design, and what benefits they felt theyhad received from design at Northwestern, but the alumni survey also included a section thatasked alumni to reflect on the skills they gained from being involved with these design programsand how their design experiences affected their
wherestudents may be of different demographics than those they will ultimately design for. Upongraduation, students will be expected to design solutions for handicapped or elderly individualswho are from a completely different background 3,29.Within the context of engineering design, the term “empathetic design” has emerged as animmersive design experience meant to help designers understand the needs of the end-user.Empathetic design is defined by Battarbee 30 as the ability of an engineer to immerse themselvesin the lives, environments, attitudes, experiences, and dreams of end users. Further, thisimmersive experience should be reflected in the design requirements 31. This experience is oftenrecommended in various user-centered design
spaces; is it the same or different?Our studyThis research project is investigating three very different universities with engineering programsthat have embraced the maker culture: University B, University A, and University C. Each ofthe spaces are different, reflecting the differences in the institutions. University B is first andforemost a technological institute with the majority of undergraduates majoring in engineering.Its maker space, housed within the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is operated by a 70person team comprising of 65 undergraduate volunteers and 5 non-student members. The makerspace comprises five rooms totaling 2,500 square feet that includes a rapid prototyping suitewith six 3D printers having various material
Lifelong Learning Characteristics 1 Relate academic learning to practical issues 2 Engage in self-direction and self-reflection in job performance 3 Locate information to complete engineering projects 4 Adapt learning/problem solving strategies to solve open-ended problems 5 Meet deadlines 6 Manage time in an effective manner 7 Take responsibility for seeking informationResults and DiscussionAdvisor Survey ParticipantsThe survey was distributed to 13 former faculty advisors who had worked with the programduring the period 2013-2015. Out of the 13 advisors, 11 completed the survey. While thissample size is small, in the history of the program there has only been
regulateaspects of analysing, rethinking and actively engaging in learning. Graham Gibbs[7] revealedthat the quality of education is based on focus of aligning learning outcomes and theirassessment. Studies show that the teaching does not attract students rather they are influencedby assessment practices.Sally Brown[8] discusses and recommends ‘fit for purpose’ assessment practicing enableevaluation of the extent to which learners learnt and demonstrate their learning. The Authormentions that, academics need to consider the best time to assess the students. In many cases,assessment should be focused on students’ achievement through evidences. It is worth toconsider student centred assessment that reflects student centred curriculum. The students arenot
content was reflected in not only the types of components studentsrequested from a list of recommended vendors to allow grouping of orders for efficiency (forexample, DigiKey offers over 20,000 unique LEDs), but also by the variety of components fromother vendors selected by students, including numerous Amazon and Ebay vendors. The BOMalso included any 3D printing requests for the on-site printing facility. It was clear based oncomments made by the 3D printing facility supervisor that a rich variety of objects wereFigure 8- Layouts of two of six panelized printed circuit boards representing approximately 40unique prototypes.submitted for printing. Some students chose to use 3D printing services from outside, in the fewcases where an unusual
to the learning and teaching styles in engineering education by Felder and Silverman.9Active learning encourages not only high levels of physical engagement with course content(such as physically experimenting with concepts) but also reflection on the results of thatactivity. Teaching styles that are correlated with prevailing learning styles lead to higher successand greater fulfillment. Engineers are more likely to be active learners and engaging learningenvironments have a significant impact on this segment of learners. The role of active learningthrough the use of cooperative learning environments and project-based exercises has also beenendorsed by other researchers as means to improve design education.10 It is our thesis that