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Displaying results 271 - 300 of 353 in total
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratories
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seunghyun Chun, University of Texas, Austin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Bruce McCann, University of Texas, Austin; Ariane L. Beck, University of Texas, Austin; Eric Dean, National Instruments; Alexis Kwasinski, University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Page 22.852.4 Figure 3 : DAQmx VIs in LabVIEW Figure 4 : NI ELVISmx Express VIs in LabVIEW The specifications of NI myDAQ are designed to allow sampling and generation ofanalog signals through the audio range of frequencies. Digital lines are configurable as eitheroutput or inputs, and one line is reserved as a counter for pulse train input/output . Fixed powersupplies allow students to power sensors or IC’s on a breadboard. The total power available isgoverned by the USB bus and is limited to 500mW. The analog outputs may be used as a Specifications: • Analog Input • 2 channels, 200kS/s, 16
Conference Session
Innovative Uses of Technology and Techniques for Laboratory Exercises
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ghassan T. Ibrahim, Bloomsburg University; Aaron J. Homiak, Geisinger Health System; Alexander Hallden-Abberton, Bloomsburg University; John R. Pulaski
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
generally uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Page 25.1162.8or DHCP, which assigns a different IP address to a client machine each time that client connectsto the network. For a simple client like the Arduino there seems to be no way to check the IPaddress assigned by the network, it can only respond to the IP address pre-assigned in its code.To resolve this problem, the team met again with the campus network administrators whothankfully agreed to allocating a static IP address to the Arduino’ s Wi-Fi card.Wi-Fi Connectivity Sequence ChartThe student tasked with wireless connectivity and information logging had no prior knowledgeof wireless
Conference Session
Pedagogical Innovations in Laboratory Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Murthy Kasi, North Dakota State University; Yaping Chi, North Dakota State University; G. Padmanabhan, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
this experiment is shown in Figures 10b and 10c. Analuminum cylinder was used as analogous to the pumping well, while aluminum sheet(s) were Page 22.1392.8used to simulate perennial stream(s) condition. The tank was filled with mildly conducting waterto simulate homogeneous aquifer soil condition. The higher voltage of 20V was applied to thealuminum sheet and the lower voltage of 0V was applied to the aluminum cylinder to simulatethe pumping (or discharging). For two constant head boundaries, a second step-down transformerwas used and a constant voltage of 10V was applied to the second constant head boundary.Constant voltage locations were
Conference Session
Mechanical and Architectural Engineering Laboratories
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Robin Kizirian, Drexel University; Brittany Killen, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
isstill active. If this command is not sent, the MP2000 will unlock its keyboard continuously forapproximately 30 seconds.In addition, the Visual Basic program is required to send an update packet every 300milliseconds. This packet is sent in the format: obj1value + obj2value + Sp byte + verify byte +0x0d. The Verify Byte is a result of byte calculation of the bytes before the Verify Byte. In thiscase, these bytes consist of obj1value, obj2value and Sp byte. In order to calculate the value ofthe Verify Byte, the sum of the previous bytes is found. Then, the 2’s Complement Rule isapplied to the sum of the bytes which is then passed through a modulus of 128. The formulacalculates the correct value for the Verify Byte which is used by the MP2000
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Christine Haas, Engineering Ambassadors Network; Karen A. Thole, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Melissa Marshall, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Engineering from the University of Illinois, and a Doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin. After receiving her PhD, she spent two years as a post-doctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. Her academic career began in 1994 when she became an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1999, she accepted a position in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Virginia Tech where she was promoted to Professor in 2003 and was recognized as the William S. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering in 2005. In 2006, she was appointed and continues to hold the position of Head of the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University
Conference Session
Fluid Mechanics Experiments and Laboratories
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Calvin Hsieh, Portland State University; Gerald Recktenwald, Portland State University; Robert Edwards, Pennsylvania State University-Erie
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
data is collected.Use of qualitative reasoning is encouraged because the experiments are designed to allow trendsin the dependent variable(s) to be readily measured.The Laboratory ExercisesThe two laboratory exercises described in this paper were performed as part of a weeklylaboratory section in a required fluid mechanics course for third year students in Civil andMechanical Engineering. Altogether, the students performed six laboratory exercises that weregraded. Four exercises were conventional, and two were inquiry-based.Tank FillingThe objective of the tank filling exercise is to develop in students a solid conceptual Page
Conference Session
Metrology Laboratories
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Sugg, Navy; John Fishell, STEP
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
overall human capital strategy. The remainderof the paper will focus on the STEP Program itself.A consequence of the end to the cold war was that the Department of Defense (DoD) found itselfwith an excess amount of infrastructure that was no longer required. The excess infrastructureincluded personnel no longer needed to support our post cold war efforts. This lead to congressauthorizing a number of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) rounds to be conducted into themid-1990’s that were intended to right size DoD both in physical plant infrastructure as well asin personnel resources. BRAC rounds were conducted every odd numbered year culminating inthe last, and most extensive, round occurring in 1995. This periodic BRAC process did reducethe size
Conference Session
Design of Laboratory Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Glen Thorncroft, California Polytechnic State University; James Patton, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
in the friction factor playing the largest role. On theother hand, the measured mass flow rate when h was about 25 cm yields an uncertainty of Page 11.936.9approximately ± 1%. The bucket-stopwatch is accurate to this level because the bucket wasallowed to fill for a long period of time -- about 200 s -- so that about 7 kg of water wascollected. Thus the relative effect of the uncertainties is reduced. Table 1. Estimated measurement uncertainties. Estimated Quantity Uncertainty
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Pedagogy of Lab Courses
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Hou, Old Dominion University; Feifei Zhong, Southwest Jiaotong University; Orlando M. Ayala, Old Dominion University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
), “What Defines Effective Chemistry Laboratory Instruction? Teaching Assistant and Student Perspectives”, Journal of Chemical Education, 80(10), 1197-1205. 4. Yalvac, B., Smith, H. D., Hirsch, P. L. and Birol, G. (2006), “ Teaching Writing in a Laboratory-Based Engineering Course with a “How People Learn” Framework”, Chapter 5, New Direction for Teaching and Learning, No. 108, Winter 2006, Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc., 59-73. 5. Tan, R. H. (2014), “Project-based Learning Cycles Design Framework” 6. Watai, L. L., Brodersen, A. J. and Brophy, S. P. (2005), “Designing Effective Electrical Engineering Laboratories using Challenge
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Best of DELOS
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenna P. Carpenter, Campbell University; Lee Kemp Rynearson, Campbell University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, creating a norm of all students keeping up with thepace of the class. Each of the six tables features a ‘go / no-go’ block that is red on one side andgreen on the other, with green indicating that all students at that table have completed the task(s)and are ready to move on. These blocks allow the instructor and any students who havecompleted the task to easily identify students who may need assistance.To accommodate this type of instructional arrangement, classes meet for longer periods of time(equal to the combined total of lecture plus lab hours allotted per week when those are taught asseparate classes in different rooms on different days and usually taught by different people).These longer class periods are assembled to align with university
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies: Pedagogy of Lab-Oriented Courses
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natacha Depaola, Illinois Institute of Technology; Roberto Cammino, Illinois Institute of Technology; Bonnie Haferkamp, Illinois Institute of Technology; Paul R. Anderson, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Jamshid Mohammadi, Illinois Institute of Technology; Fouad Teymour, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
.AcknowledgementsLaboratory space and equipment was generously provided by the Armour College ofEngineering, Illinois Institute of Technology. We would like to thank Craig Johnson for helpingequip the laboratory and for supporting students in our machine shop. We would also like tothank our many engineering students who provided constructive feedback throughout the pilotimplementation.Bibliography1. Eagan, M., Hurtado, S., Chang, M., Garcia, G., Herrera, F., & Garibay, J. (2013). Making a Difference in Science Education: The Impact of Undergraduate Research Programs. American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 683-713.2. McLaughlin, D., Schmitz, S., & Mean, E. (2013). Report on the Learning Experiences of Undergraduate Students in a Novel
Conference Session
DELOS Best Paper Nominations
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Johnny Chang, National University; Ayman El Salim, National University; Ronald Uhlig, National University; Michelle Bright
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
project(s) for other groups of students. b. One or more areas are relevant to faculty’s personal research interests and faculty is/are willing to mentor one or more groups of students to continue the research. 3. Assuming positive answers to Step #2, the interested faculty develops a Progressive Research Project Master Plan. The Plan for a progressive research project must identify desired outcomes that can be achieved by successive groups of students in a series of 3- month research projects. This should be based on the results Step #1. Ideally this is done in conjunction with the students who completed the initial project. 4. Faculty, with students who have completed their project(s
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratories
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chiu Choi, University of North Florida
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
2004 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference, June 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.[4] Dorsey, J., Continuous and Discrete Control Systems, McGraw Hill, 2002.[5] Franklin, G., et al., Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, 1994.[6] Goodwin, G., et al., Control System Design, Prentice Hall, 2001.[7] Huang, H.-W., The HCS12/9S12: An Introduction, Software & Hardware Interfacing, Thomson DelmarLearning, 2006.[8] Morton, T., Embedded Microcontrollers, Prentice Hall, 2001.[9] Nise, N., Control Systems Engineering, 4th ed., John Wiley, 2004.[10] Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2002.[11] Pack, S., et al., Embedded Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005[12] Stefani, S., et al
Conference Session
Pedagogical Innovations in Laboratory Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas Sugg, United States Navy; Elizabeth Gentry, National Institute of Standards and Technology; John Fishell, STEP Conference
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
education of our youth. Not only are minoritiesin need of assistance in mathematics and science, but females also. A recent article by Dr.Pamela S. Clute, professor of mathematics and education at the University of California,Riverside, again highlights this long known fact. She states that: “While it is true that women[now] represent 57 percent of the nation’s college population, less than one-third major inscience, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Research shows they [females] have theability, but lack the interest.” [3].Staff research further produced more alarming facts: California ranked last among 40 statesaccording to the results of the 2000 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) [4]tests; US students in the final year of
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Controls Laboratories
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Faramarz Mossayebi, Youngstown State University; Frank Li, Youngstown State University; Eric Lombardo, YSU; CHITRA RAJAGOPAL, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, vol.1, pp.559-562, June 2006.2. Oliver, T.F.; Mohammed, S.; Krishna, N.M.; Maskell, D.L., "Accelerating an embedded RTOS in a SoPC platform," TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference , vol.D, pp. 415-418.3. Uo-Huang Lin; Hsin-Sheng Lee, "Implementation of Embedded Controller using SoPC Technology," 2006 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, pp.1-6, Dec. 2006.4. Zadeh, L., Fuzzy sets, Information Control 8, 338-353, 1965.5. Patyra, M.J.; Long, J.E., "Synthesis of current mode building blocks for fuzzy logic control circuits," 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol.4, pp.283-286.6. Roy, A.; Miranda
Conference Session
Metrology Laboratories
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Lapinskes, Sypris Test & Measurement Inc
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
only worsened the situation. This paperexplains the decline in military Metrology training, the attempt to integrate the needed traininginto colleges and Universities, and Sypris Test & Measurement Inc.’s (ST&M) partnershipefforts with Central Georgia Technical College and University of Central Florida to meet itsIndustrial Metrology needs.Introduction“Metrology” is the Science of Measurement. It is a small field that is obscure from mainstreamScience and Engineering but shares the same principles and theories taught at any institution ofhigher learning. The function of this small group touches almost every action we do and everytransaction we make in our day to day existence. Two such examples of this that are easilyrelated to are
Conference Session
Fluid Mechanics Experiments and Laboratories
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
B. Terry Beck, Kansas State University; Brian Anderson, Kansas State University; Mina Hosni, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
instrumentation for data acquisition is shown in Figure 1(b). (a) Wind Tunnel Facility (b) Test Section and Instrumentation Page 13.102.4 Figure 2: Educational Wind Tunnel FacilityWhile relatively inexpensive in comparison to some wind tunnels, this facility has beendemonstrated to be capable investigating a wide variety of phenomena of interest to fluidmechanics and aerodynamic courses.1,3-5 The wind tunnel has a test section measuringapproximately 12 in x 12 in x 24 in (305mm x 305mm x 610mm), and has a maximum air speedof approximately 140 mph (63 m/s). It is instrumented with an electronic strain
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Mariano Savelski, Rowan University; Robert Hesketh, Rowan University; C. Stewart Slater, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
M = 2 DC s Ct t 1mixed with a hydrophobic matrix, and 0compressed into tablet form using a standard 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5method such as the direct compression method or 1/2 1/2dry granulation method. Drug, matrix, and Time (h )process parameters affect the tablet’s physicalproperties which include hardness, disintegration Figure 1. Higuchi drug release follows a square-root of time dependence.and dissolution. These properties can beevaluated using standard methods
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melinda Hess, University of South Florida; Autar Kaw, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, Individual differences in learning entrepreneurship and their implications for web-based instruction in e-business and e-commerce, British Journal of Educational Technology, 34, 455-465 (2003).12. S Hasegawa, A. Kashihara, and J. Toyoda, E-learning Library with Local Indexing and Adaptive Navigation Support for Web-based Learning, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 12, 91-111 (2003).13. J.D. Bransford, J. D., A.L. Brown and R.R. Cocking, How people learn: brain, mind, experience and school, National Academy Press, Washington DC (1999).14. N. Sonwalker, The sharp edge of the cube: pedagogically driven instruction design for online education”, Syllabus Online Magazine, December 2001.
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Wheeler, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; JianJian Song, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; David Voltmer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
volt pulse is introduced into a 75 Ω transmission line having vp= 108 m/s. 11.3 µs later, a -2volt pulse is observed at the TDR unit. What information is available about the discontinuityand its location? Figure 2: Time-domain reflectometry setup and measurementSolution: From v(t) at the input to the transmission line, the reflection coefficient can bedetermined. From this measured Γ, the load impedance can be calculated. v- ZL - Zc Γ = + = -0.2 = ⇒ ZL = 50 Ω v Z L + ZcFrom the time of the reflected pulse, the distance to the load (z = d) can be determined. Note thatthe time is the sum of the time
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Pedagogy of Lab Courses
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aldo A. Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology; Bonnie H. Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert Lineberg, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kevin Peter Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technoloy; Zachary Crawford, Georgia Institute of Technology; Justin Tamayo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Course,” Advances in Engineering Education, Vol.5, No. 3.[4] Baxter, M., Byun, B., Coyle, E.J., Dang, T., Dwyer, T., Kim, I., Lee, C.-H., Llewallyn, R., and Sephus, N., 2011,“On project-based learning through the vertically-integrated projects program,” Proceedings, Frontiers of EducationConference (FIE), Rapid City, SD, October 12-15.[5] E.J. Coyle, J.V. Krogmeier, R.T. Abler, A. Johnson, S. Marshall and B.E. Gilchrist, 2014, “The Vertically-Integrated Projects (VIP) Program – Leveraging Faculty Research Interests to Transform Undergraduate STEMEducation,” Proceedings of the Transforming Institutions: 21st Century Undergraduate STEM EducationConference, Indianapolis IN, Oct. 23-24, 2014[6] Melkers, J.E., Kiopa, A., Abler, R.T., Coyle, E.J
Conference Session
Division Experimentation and Lab-Oriented Studies - Pedagogy of Lab Courses
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arash Mahboobin, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Education Conference, San Jose, CA, 717-720Sharp, J., Olds, B., Miller, R., & Dyrud, M. (1999). Four Effective Writing Strategies forEngineering Classes. Journal of Engineering Education, 88(1), 53-57Sullivan, G. & Feinn, R. (2012). Using Effect Size-Or Why the P Value is Not Enough. Journalof Graduate Medical Education, 4(3), 279-282Van Bramer, S. & Bastin, L. (2013). Using a Progressive Paper to Develop Students’ WritingSkills. Journal of Chemical Education, 90(6), 745-750Yalvac, B., Smith, H., Troy, J., & Hirsch, P. (2007). Promoting Advanced Writing Skills in anUpper-Level Engineering Class. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(2), 117-128Young, A. & Fulwiler, T. (1986). Writing Across the Disciplines: Research into Practice
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies - Bring Your Own Experiment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl J. Spezia P.E., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Garth V. Crosby, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, Strategies for Success”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, 2012.4. Radian Belu, “Virtual Laboratory For Study of the Electric Machines Parameters and Characteristics”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, KY, 20105. Radian G Belu, Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, “Using a Virtual Platform for Teaching Electrical Machines and Power Systems”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, 20136. S. Ayasun and G. Karbeyaz, DC motor speed control methods using MATLAB/Simulink and their integration into undergraduate electric machinery courses, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 15, 2007, pp. 347 - 354.7. J.R
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies - Bring Your Own Experiment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Garth V. Crosby, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Marcelene Allecia Cunningham
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
) (1)Carrier Signal:AC cos(2p fC )t (2)Modulated Signal: S AM (t )  [ Ac  Am cos(2 f mt )]cos(2 f ct )  Ac [1  k cos(2 f mt )]cos(2 f ct ) (3)where, Am and Ac represent the amplitude of the message signal and carrier signal, respectively; fcand fc represent the frequency in Hertz of the message signal and carrier signal, respectively; trepresents time, in seconds, and k is a constant.These equations are written in JavaScript such that the end-user is able to modify the parametersof the equations via a graphical user interface. The mathematical equations for theaforementioned waveform along with the corresponding
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies: BYOE Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Yeau-Jian Liao, Wayne State University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, October 2012.2. G. Zhang, Study on methods of electric vehicle safety test, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Man-Machine-Environment System, 259, 2014, pp 133-1423. Y. Xing, E. Ma, K. Tsui and M. Pecht, Battery management systems in electric and hybrid vehicle, Energies, 4, 2011, pp. 1840-1857.4. J. Chatzakis, K. Kalaitzakis, N. Voulgaris, and S. Manias, Designing a new generalized battery management system, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50/5, October 2003.5. Y. Liao and D. Fu, 2015, Design and development of teaching tool for lithium-ion battery management system, Proceedings of 2015 ASEE Conference for Industry and
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-oriented Studies: Electrical and Computer Engineering Labs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aidan F. Browne, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Wesley B. Williams P.E., University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Keith Loftus, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Christopher Benfield
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
for remote robot teleoperation: Applications in training and simulation." In IIE Annual Conference and Expo, pp. 977-982. 2008.[2] Pereira, Carlos Eduardo, Suenoni Paladini, and Frederico Menine Schaf. "Control and Automation Engineering Education: combining physical, remote and virtual labs." In Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012 9th International Multi-Conference on, pp. 1-10. IEEE, 2012.[3] Soares, F., C. P. Leão, V. Carvalho, R. M. Vasconcelos, and S. Costa. "Automation and control remote laboratory: a pedagogical tool." International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 51, no. 1 (2014): 54-67.[4] Sekar, Ramnath, Sheng-Jen Hsieh, and Zhenhua Wu. "Remote diagnosis design for a PLC- based automated system
Conference Session
Distance, Remote, and Virtual Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peng Li, East Carolina University; Philip Lunsford, East Carolina University; Tijjani Mohammed, East Carolina University; Lee Toderick, East Carolina University; Chengcheng Li, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, the students were expected to install, configureand use intrusion detection systems and other network monitoring tools. For example, thestudents were required to practice the whole process of deploying and using the Snort intrusiondetection system (IDS), including downloading the Snort source code, compiling and installingthe program with gcc, configuring snort.conf, setting up rules, running Snort as packet logger,running Snort as network-based intrusion system and analyzing network traffic from trace files. Figure 1. Typical virtual machine(s) inside a Windows XP host operating system.A typical virtual machine setup7 for the students’ host OS is shown in Figure 1. A single FedoraLinux virtual machine ran on the student’s personal
Conference Session
Design of Lab Experiments II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmad Pourmovahed, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Page 12.1421.12Figure 9: The Centrifugal Pump used to demonstrate pump performance mapping Pump Performance Curve (at 2000 rpm) and System Resistance System Pump Perf. 12.00 10.00 8.00 Head (m) 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Flow Rate (liters/s) Page 12.1421.13 Figure 10: Pump head and system resistance versus flow rateFan LawsEducational
Conference Session
Design of Laboratory Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Afshin Goharzadeh, The Petroleum Institute; Arman Molki, The Petroleum Institute; Michael Ohadi, The Petroleum Institute
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
D.F.G., Heitor M.V., Tropea C., Maeda M. and Whitelaw J.H. (2000) Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics. Springer Verlag.2. Albrecht H., Tropea C., Borys M. and Damaschke N. (2003) Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques. Springer Verlag.3. Adrian R. J. (1991) Particle-imaging Technique for Experimental Fluid Mechanics. Ann Rev Fluid Mech. 23, 261-304.4. Raffel M., Willert C. and Kompenhaus J. (1998) Particle Image Velocimetry. Springer Verlag.5. Smits A. and Lim T.T., (2000) Flow Visualization: Techniques and Examples. Imperial College Press.6. Okamoto K., Nishio S., Saga T. and Kobayashi T., (2000), Standard Images for Particle-Image Velocimetry, Meas. Sci. Technol., 11, 685-691.7. Kompenhans J
Conference Session
On Pedagogy of Lab Courses and Their Design
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Pape, Central Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
body, and theappendix. The header contains the name of the person to whom the memo is addressed,the name(s) of the person (people) submitting the memo (printed and signed), the date thememo is handed in, and a brief description of the memo subject. An example of a memoheader is shown in Figure 1. Technical Memorandum To: Professor From: John Smith, {signature} WWhite Susan Jones {signature} Date: January 18, 2001 Subject: Lab # 3 Dynamic Response Figure 1. Example of a Technical Memo