abilities are lesssatisfied with their ethics education might seem obvious to many experienced engineering ethicseducators, the reality that this finding reflects a national situation after significant large-scaleefforts to improve engineering ethics education over the past 20 years calls for focused attentionand a significant shift in pedagogy. Our research team, consisting of scholars from Engineering(Biomedical, Electrical, Materials, and Engineering Education), Communication, andPhilosophy, has taken on this national education challenge in engineering ethics.The following additional observations come from recent literature on engineering ethicseducation: 1. There is a growing call for ethics training across engineering disciplines from
traditional,descriptive ones. Furthermore, as new technologies continue to progress rapidly and coursecontent and laboratory instrumentation continue to evolve in order to keep pace, laboratorymanuals will also have to be revised frequently in order to stay relevant and effective. A laboratory manual revision process was developed in this study in order to supportthese new types of laboratory classes. It is a four-step process, which includes: 1) CollectingAudience Responses, 2) Scaffolding the Class Project, 3) Project Report Writing Requirementand 4) Peer-Review and Reflection. This development was carried out based upon the technicalwriting framework, as it is believed that technical writing can promote critical thinking andactive learning
Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers PUBLICATIONS (i)Most Closely Related [1] W.J. Stuart ’Problem Based Case Learning - Composite Materials Course De- velopment – Examples and classroom reflections’ NEW Conference, Oct 2011 [2] W.J. Stuart and Bedard R. (EPRI) ’Ocean Renewable Energy Course Evolution and Status’ presented at Energy Ocean Pacific & Oregon Wave Energy Trust Conference, Sept. 2010. [3] W.J. Stuart, Wave energy 101, presented at Ore- gon Wave Energy Symposium, Newport, OR, Sept. 2009. [4] W.J. Stuart, Corrosion considerations when designing with exotic metals and advanced composites, presented at Corrosion Conference of Exotic Met- als, Park City, UT, 2009. [5] W.J. Stuart, Ruth
thecreation/adaptation of such measurement methods as needed in a research or an industrialenvironment.Numerous optical techniques are available for both quantitative and qualitative measurements.Many use sophisticated and expensive setups that include imaging components. A set of precisetechniques are based on a combination of inexpensive diode lasers, mirrors, and prisms. It is onadapting these techniques to laboratory experiments that this team will focus on.The following figures display the components of a preliminary design for creation and testing ofan apparatus for measurement of the angle of twist of bars by application of torque. A mirrorattached to the free end of the bar reflects the laser beam back on a scale before and after
progress forward. However, thereis no general consensus as to what specific attributes of feedback lead to improved learning, andmultiple lines of research emphasize that appropriate feedback is specific to the learning contextof the student and/or task.9 Researchers have advocated that feedback works best when it directsstudent attention to appropriate goals and actions,10 and encourages student reflection.11 Othersbelieve that students are most receptive to feedback when they are sure their answer is correct,only to learn later that it was wrong.12 Additional factors include a student’s understanding ofand agreement with the feedback provided, the motivation the feedback provides, and the limitson the student’s cognitive load.13While feedback
Optimization Students use complete PLP A C Compiler for PLP Add to the C Compiler for platform in embedded using GNU tools. PLP; perform multi-pass system applications optimizations.Figure 1: Courses that can use PLP. Ample course materials are available for a sophomore/juniorcourse on microprocessors, and for a computer architecture course. Materials are being developed for theother courses.On the hardware side, PLP is a System on a Chip design written in Verilog that can besynthesized on contemporary FPGA boards, with accompanying tools reflecting a contemporaryCPU architecture. All hardware components of PLP are
attract college STEM majors into the teaching profession and bydeveloping a rigorous middle grades teacher preparation program that reflects core commitmentsof effective middle grades educators. We will present some of our progress thus far related toSUSTAINS development.IntroductionBeginning in 2012, teacher educators throughout Pennsylvania launched programs to prepareteachers who specialize in middle grades (4-8). The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s newemphasis on highly qualified middle grades teachers provides a unique opportunity to impactchildren at a crucial time in their formal education experience, when they are developing a senseof their efficacy as learners, exploring career aspirations, and developing as adolescents alongsocial
partnerships were organized from highest to lowest based on theoverall lab scores and the functionality of the receiver. Factors such as habitual absenteeism,tardiness or events such as problems between partners were identified and those pairs wereeliminated from the study. The questionnaires were then rearranged by lab partners.Commonalities and differences between partners were first identified. In particular, the degreesof active vs. reflective, sensing vs. intuitive, visual vs. verbal and sequential vs. global learninghad to be reviewed. Each partnership was then described based on the learning styles presentand the degree to which these learning styles were found.ResultsThis study is in it’s infancy with follow on studies planned to increase the
diagrams, intro. to TDR examples (RC TDR examples (RC Orcad TDR simulation time-domain reflect. and RL circuits) and RL circuits) (individual lab) HP AN 1304-2 5 Impedance profiling, System freq. response EXAM 1 No lab spectral content for Bode plots squarewave and trapezoidal signals 6 Crosstalk Three-conductor Time-domain crosstalk, TDR Hyperlinx examples crosstalk modeling lumped-component
first hand experience of theinfluence of learning style or motivation, then questions of understanding, then a tutorial aboutlearning style or motivation strategies, and finishing with reflection questions and an evaluationof the module. The learning style module creates the “first hand experience” by asking studentsto learn material that is presented in different learning styles. The motivation modulemanipulates task value and control beliefs in its presentation of new material to learn.The modules have been implemented in two mechanical engineering classes: a sophomore levelmanufacturing class and a junior level design processes class. To test the effectiveness of themodules, we compare results from a lifelong learning readiness
framework integrated into courses in several engineering disciplines, assessingwhether this framework increased student motivation and, if so, what facets of learning benefitfrom this approach.The EGC framework, as implemented here, follows a series of six stages that progress fromstatement of the problem, through exercises that teach a foundational concept using an EGCexample, to reflection on the role of engineering in addressing the problem. The framework wasimplemented in three diverse courses: a computational methods course taken by all first-yearengineering students, an upper-level signal-processing elective in electrical engineering, and adesign course for upper-level students in environmental engineering. Instructors for each of
ofdynamic fields without some form of scaffolding to aid them, while others prefer to learnkinesthetically by doing hands-on practical examples. A lab was designed to enable students tovisualize a mathematical vector field in real-time as well as post-processing (replay the event) foranalysis and reflection. The combination of hands-on (kinesthetic), documentation (read/write),collaborative (auditory discussion), and visual results in a single lab is intended to benefitstudents with different learning styles. This serves to reinforce student understanding of themathematics of vector fields in electromagnetics.The EM Fields course is 4 credit hours and generally held in an electrical and computerengineering teaching lab. Students are grouped into
using low-costfluorescent cameras, visible and near-IR cameras, and far-infrared thermal cameras areused to characterize the grain structure, defects, surface roughness, reflectivity,electroluminescence, photoluminescence, and photovoltaic operation of solar cellmaterials (e.g., monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon wafers), thin-film and nanosolar cells, commercial silicon solar cells, and photovoltaic modules. Students canimport captured images into MATLAB or other widely-available image processingsoftware for analysis and interpretation. Topical laboratory modules and projects arebeing developed suitable for on-line delivery.Overview, Purpose and Broad Aims: The purpose of this work is to develop, validate,and disseminate a series of
between cv and cP. Warehouse. 50 min studio 4 students Fall 2013; Available on Concept Work Pv work as an energy transfer process interviews, 155 students for Warehouse. reflections 50 min studio Definition of a reversible process; 4 students
Page 24.422.3hands-on and minds-on experiences. At the Figure 1. The EFFECT framework.conclusion of each active learning session, students reflect on their learning by responding toquestions in an online journal system developed for this purpose, called the Online AssessmentTool (OAT). Instructors rate student responses using a rubric designed to assess both coreknowledge and critical thinking. Written feedback is provided within OAT to explain the ratingsand identify student misconceptions or misunderstandings. Each EFFECT concludes with astudent report that contains a final answer to the driving question, which is supported with theproposed solution and how the solution has changed as a result of the active learning exercises.These
theoretical ideas, (2) reflect important real-life problems, (3)give visual and acoustic sensation, (4) have a suitable timescale, (5) be nonhazardous, (6) beinexpensive, and (7) be easy to understand and use. With today’s technological advances,designing a laboratory course that addresses all of these constraints is more feasible than ever.However, many existing laboratory courses and off the shelf modules violate one or more ofthese constraints, and therefore fail to deliver an optimal lab experience.There are two opposing routes to take when designing an undergraduate controls laboratory: usecommercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware and accompanying software, or design the hardwareand use or design open source software. There are many advantages to
research and development, most remotely-accessiblelaboratories have remained as isolated technical novelties, with most projects being shutdownonce their initial funding runs out. This point is reflected in the fact that most works in theliterature address only the technical merits and potential benefits of remote access technologies, Page 14.1209.2rather than addressing the impact of remote experimentation on engineering pedagogy. Clearly, anew fundamentally different approach to remotely-accessible laboratories is required.Recently, a new paradigm for remotely-accessible laboratories, namely the eLaboratory, wasintroduced by the authors5. This
Logistics research projects, and begin communicating with mentors Orientation and Project Participants attend orientation workshop and prepare 1 W Definition research plans with their mentors Research and Library Literature review and library resource workshop with the 2** W Workshop Engineering Librarian Waste management and landfill design/construction 3 Continued Research S seminar with individual reflection
that included their decision justifications. The students, rather thanpassively taking in information from the instructor, became actively involved in theapprenticeship. As part of this transformed role, the students were encouraged to reflect onchanges in their problem solving approaches in the final progress report. The students’ reflectiveresponses were then qualitatively analyzed for insight into their problem solving processes. Astatistical comparison of the project scores was also done to assess improvement. Theinstructor’s assessment of the students’ use of his feedback and their problem solving approacheswas gathered via semi-structured interview and included as part of the overall evaluation.1. IntroductionEngineering education must
flexibility in understanding the concept and application of remote access laboratories. If alearning experience can be created in which the learner takes part in an event or events thatconnect with their understanding of relevant information, concepts or ideas (propositions), via anonline or remote interface, this can be seen to constitute a remote access laboratory.Barak11 derives four principles from behavioural, cognitive and social learning theory whichunderpin the effective design and use of ICT-based lab work, i.e.• “learning is contextual• learning is an active process• learning is a social process• reflective practice plays a central role in learning” (pp. 122-123).These principals are not discipline specific and have to
responses were challenging to grade effectively and consistently, even with awell-defined grading algorithm. It became clear that even if this intervention were effective, itwould be unlikely to be broadly implemented due to these challenges. The interventionresulted in only small trends in improved test performance. These observations led us toreconsider and redefine our writing prompt.After considerable re-assessment, discussion and continued research, we streamlined the writingassignment. In the latest iteration of the prompt, implemented during the Fall 2013 semester, weasked students to reflect on any confusion they had about how to solve the selected homeworkproblem and then revise this reflection after receiving instructor input
reflect on and modify their curricula prior to implementation in their ownclassrooms. The STEM summer camps included students from grades 4-8, and teachers wereable to pilot their curricula with a group of approximately eight students for two 2.5 hoursummer camp sessions. During the fall, the teachers made changes to their curricula based ontheir pilot experiences, so they were ready to implement the curricula in their classrooms.ParticipantsOur sample includes 10 participants who developed 5 curricular units during the summerinstitute. The participants are affiliated with 8 schools within 2 large districts in the Midwest.Table 1 provides information about the participants and their schools. Only units that wereimplemented into the classroom by
a real-world manner. FE learning modules provide specific instructions onhow to build the FE model of the engineering problem to increase student performance in theanalysis for “Concrete Experience” on Kolb’s Cycle. Page 24.212.7 4 Figure 1. Kolb Learning CycleLearning StylesEach FE ALM developed in this work is designed to span a spectrum of different characteristicsin which students learn. The Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles25 is composed of fourdimensions: active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global
program.11 Differences in the observedoutcome variables, GPA and persistence are calculated from the treated and matchedparticipants, with the average differences being the effect of co-op participation.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the National Science Foundation Research in Engineering Education Program(Award Number:1329283) for support of this research. Page 24.129.5References Cited1. Haddara, M., & Skanes, H. (2007). A reflection on cooperative education : from experience to experiential learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 8(1), 67–76.2. Edgar, S., Francis-Coad, J., & Connaughton, J. (2013). Undergraduate
learningduring lecture.3 This structured questioning process actively involves all students in the class.Peer instruction encourages students to reflect on the problem, think through the arguments beingdeveloped, and put them into their own words. Just as important, it provides both student andinstructor with feedback regarding student understanding of the concept.Concept Inventories have emerged in many science and engineering fields.4-16 Similarlynumerous studies in physics, chemistry, and biology classrooms have shown that active learningpedagogies that are based on concept questions (ConcepTests) are more effective for studentlearning than traditional lecture.17-27 This project intends to encourage and shift the focus oflearning in chemical
.7. Recognize “scientific language” and “teacher language,” and know when and how to use eachlanguage.SECTION TWO: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES:For Items 8-14, please rate the various summer program activities on their usefulness on a scale of1-5, with 1 = Not useful and 5 = Very Useful. Please make comments.8. Participating in intensive research on various aspects of smart car vehicle development.9. Coaching on curriculum development with new standards.10. CMU faculty visits highlighting research and education topics.11. Training sessions for lab instruments and/or tools.12. Professional development sessions on effective teaching.13. Social activities and team building activities.14. Reflection sessions.SECTION THREE: RESEARCHFor Items 15-19, rate
supported by the National Science Foundation under awardnumber DUE - 1317238 and is supported in part by funds given to the National ScienceFoundation by the Intel Foundation and the GE Foundation. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not Page 24.736.5necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References 1. American Society for Engineering Education. 2012. Going the Distance: Best Practices and Strategies for Retaining Engineering. Engineering Technology, and Computing Students. http://www.asee.org/retention- project 2
workshops Objective 1 Objective 2 Critical Engineering Literacy Test (CELT) Evidence-based Self-Assessment of Problem Solving • Develop a two-tier multiple-choice information Strategies (ESAPSS) literacy test. The first tier focuses on assessing • Develop a two-tier Likert-scale survey: The first tier students’ reflective judgment and information measures students’ perceptions of their self-directed literacy skills. The second tier checks students’ learning and problem solving strategies. The second reasoning and explanations. tier gathers evidence such as student
, Robert Fourney and Steven HietpasAbstractFor six years South Dakota State University has implemented major revisions to the EnergyConversion Course to include advanced topics in the area of electric drives. With these changes,the course name has been changed to Electromechanical Systems (required 400-level course withlab) to better reflect the content of the course that emphasizes a systems approach to teachingmachines, power electronics, and the use of microprocessors in an electric drive system. Overthese six years the development of DC permanent magnet and AC inductions motor drivesystems has provided more advanced study within the lecture and required laboratory course,wherein students model power electronic drives and motors, conduct
, 2012b; Prince, Vigeant, & Nottis, 2010), as well as student answers to post-‐activity reflection questions. Faculty using these activities will be surveyed both for the amount of time they spent on each particular topic as well as about their sense of how much they liked the approach they were testing. Acknowledgement Funded through TUES NSF-‐1225031 Page 24.366.3 2 Bibliography Prince, M., Vigeant, M., &