design.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Rex Hartson and Doug Bowman for their influence in theoriginal course design and guidance throughout. We also express our appreciation to thestudents who contributed to the development of this research study. Finally, many thanks toLindsay Wheeler for her guidance and reviewing of this work.References[1] J. Pirker, M. Riffnaller-Schiefer, and C. Gütl, “Motivational active learning - Engaging university students in computer science education,” in ITICSE 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference, 2014, pp. 297–302.[2] B. Simon, S. Esper, L. Porter, and Q. Cutts, “Student experience in a student-centered peer instruction
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period. The MEA was launched in the laboratory setting which was facilitated by twoGTAs supported by four undergraduate assistants. Student teams of 3-4 students developedDRAFT 1 of their memo with procedure and results. This draft entered a double-blind peerreview process. In preparation for the peer review, students participated in a calibration exercisein which they practiced giving feedback on one prototypical piece of student work using theMEA Rubric, were provided an expert‟s review of that student work, and reflected on what theyneeded to do differently to improve their ability to give a peer review. For the actual peerreview, each student reviewed one other team‟s solution to the MEA. Each team was assigned atleast 3 peer reviewers. Each
anengineering bachelor degree. Since the students’ remaining major courses at ASU consisted oftechnical and design courses, the first two items covered the predominant competencies requiredto complete the major. The third item was hypothesized to cover all other degree requirements orsummarize the first two responses. Items were measured on a five-point Likert scale, withresponse options from 1=Not confident, 3=Moderately confident, 5=Extremely confident [20].(2) Supports and Barriers. We adapted Lent et al.’s [20] measure of Social Supports and Barriersrelated to majoring in engineering for this variable. Students were asked to rate each of eightsupports/barriers (e.g., “I have sufficient money for tuition and/or school or expenses,” “I haveclassmates
Paper ID #34866Use of Scrum in a Virtual Environment to Enhance Collaboration andSystemic Reasoning of Engineering StudentsDr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez, Tecnologico de Monterrey Dr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez is professor – consultant in the Science Department in Tecnologico de Mon- terrey, Puebla campus. He studied a PhD in Financial Science in EGADE Business School (2016), a MSc in Industrial Engineering in Tecnologico de Monterrey (2011), and a BEng in Industrial and Systems En- gineering in Tecnologico de Monterrey (2006). Dr. Sayeg-S´anchez has more than 10 years of experience in teaching statistics, mathematics, and
a network of fully interconnectednodes), and sub-group size (the size of a clique which has an allowed count of missing ties).Participant demographics will include age, race, gender, ethnicity, veteran status, and maritalstatus. Dependent variables will consist of participants’ course performance outcomes (i.e., anengineering course specific GPA calculated to avoid potential bias incurred from includingoutcomes from general education courses), retention (i.e., continuation in the engineeringprogram to the following semester), and cluster(s). K-plex sub-group identification will provideclusters of student sub-groups (well-connected groups of students) and modularity clustering willprovide clusters of participant performance
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KLI framework, for instance, but toposition it as a necessary and useful framework to balance constraining more of complexity withcapturing more of it. Furthermore, giving students practice with exploring and capturing complexphenomena is becoming ever more important in a world of increasing collaboration andincreasingly complex phenomena. All instruction molds more than just what knowledge we holdin our minds. Integrative pluralism might be a framework to help us attend to that “more”productively and consciously.References[1] S. Lane, A. Karatsolis, and D. R. Sadoway, “Materials Science and Engineering Reasoning: A New Tool for Helping Students See the Big Picture,” presented at the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New
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engineering.For future research into reducing attrition, deeper analysis into how students feel about theirmajors may be a better route than looking into their expectations. This could be done throughfurther survey of students or by conducting interviews. While the “Push” and “Pull” data wastoo small to be analyzed further in this study, it does provide a topic for future survey orinterview questions.References[1] M. C. Bottia, E. Stearns, R. A. Mickelson, S. Moller, and A. D. Parker, “The Relationships Among High School STEM Learning Experiences and Students’ Intent to Declare and Declaration of a STEM Major in College,” Teach. Coll. Rec. Teach. Coll. Columbia Univ., vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 1–46, 2015.[2] N. N. Heilbronner, “Stepping
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, dissemination of the resultsof this work is expected to provide a model for institutional implementation of evidence-basedpractices at colleges or universities of similar size and/or student body demographics as AAMU,a land-granted minority serving university.AcknowledgmentThis study has been supported by the S-STEM program of National Science Foundation (NSF)and MSEIP program of Department of Education (DOEd). The authors greatly appreciate thesupport and encouragement from the NSF and DOEd program officers and university colleagues.References 1. Chang, M. J., Cerna, O., Han, J., & Sáenz, V. The contradictory roles of institutional status in retaining underrepresented minorities in biomedical and behavioral science majors. The Review of
mentored to provide such labeling seemsvanishingly small. William S. Cleveland has provided useful insight on how to design graphicsfor clarity and to eliminate distortion of data,18 but his work is not generally cited in Engineeringpublications and courses.Problems with publishing research (questions about anomalous data, duplicate publication,authorship status, plagiarism, and copyright violations) have been addressed by numerousresearchers.19,20,21 Much of this work, however, has come out of the medical community, whichhas developed ethical codes in response; as an example, see the explanation of applicable codeson publication and authorship developed by the American Psychological Association.22Responsible Conduct of Research (2003)23 uses
.Before actual measures of network growth can be discussed, the concept of strong andweak ties must be defined. Within a network or community, there are variations in thestrength of the connections between different members. For engineering education, hereare some example ties, listed in order of increasing strength: 1. heard of a person and/or her work 2. met that person once 3. talk with that person semi-regularly, regularly or frequently 4. cite the other person’s scholarly work 5. collaborate with the person on proposal(s) or conference paper(s) 6. coauthor a journal article with this personTo run a social network analysis, the researcher must decide which level is mostappropriate to the study. For example
metrics within educational settings. Previous reviews of concept mapping theory andapplications include Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson’s investigation of concept map tasks17, responseformats, and scoring systems, and Besterfield-Sacre et al.’s overview of concept mapterminology, scoring approaches, and mapping applications in engineering2; both were excellentresources. We also examined Bayram’s weighted scoring system based on a map’s hierarchicallevels, propositions, and branches1, Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson’s work in assessing declarativeknowledge16, and Turns et al.’s exploration of the breadth, depth, and connectedness of conceptmaps19. From our review, it was evident that while concept mapping is fairly standardized as anactivity, the metrics used
a network of opportunities external to the universityPage 15.1122.11VI. Bibliography[1] Berger, J. B., & Lyon, S. C. (2005). Past and present: A historical view of retention. In A. Seidman (Ed.), College student retention: Formula for student success. Westport, CT: Praeger.[2] Seidman, A. (2005). College student retention: Formula for student success. Westport, CT: Praeger.[3] Tinto, V. & Pusser, B. (2006). Moving from theory to action: Building a model of institutional action for student success. Commissioned paper presented at the 2006 Symposium of the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC).[4] Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition
succinct, redundancies are avoided, etc) 5 Figures/Tables - Figures and tables are effectively used to support the discussion (e.g. they are referenced properly from the text, they complement the information given in the text, and are complete with respect to units and labels) 6 Problem Definition - A clearly stated design problem definition is presented (e.g. what need(s) does this design meet, what are important constraints, etc.) 7 Goals/Criteria - Design goals, criteria, and functional requirements are clearly defined 8 Concept Evaluation - Design alternatives considered are presented, and a clear methodology is used for the evaluation of alternatives (e.g
This research is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-0648267. We also acknowledge the support of Mitchell Nathan, L. Allen Phelps and our othercolleagues in the UW-Madison School of Education. Page 15.227.12Bibliography1. Sheppard, S., Macatangay K., Colby, A., Sullivan, W. (2009). Educating Engineers: Designing for the Futureof the Field. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.2. Trevelyan, J. (2007). Technical coordination in engineering practice. Journal of Engineering Education, 96 (3),p. 191-204.3. Wirsbinski, S., Anderson, K. J. B., Courter, S. (2009
a point load located ¾’s the away from the Beam Loading support. The ranking points are located on the neutral axis spread horizontally along the Scenario beam. 5: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the x-axis. (See Figure 2) of cut on beam 6: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the y-axis. (Similar to Figure 2) of cut on beam 7
could increasethe number of students in engineering if attraction rates were higher (or abstention lower).Examining alternate pathways such as the ones explored here can lead to a better understandingof how students enter and exit engineering, which can permit a more comprehensive view of theengineering student body, who composes it, how to attract and retain such students and how wemight engender a more diverse student body.AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through awards 0811194 and0935157. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the NSF.References1 Ohland, M.W., Sheppard, S., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra, D. & Layton
educations and explore how misalignments betweenuniversity and workplace practices impact preparation and retention.This paper presents recent research results on the engineering student learning experience fromthe multiple campuses involved in the study. These summarized results—from the students'perspective(s)—present initial conclusions about significant themes. In the longer run, thesethemes will be synthesized across the results of this large study. Among other ideas, theseresults question the veracity of the pipeline metaphor that has been used to describe students’navigation through their education. The “leaky pipeline” metaphor has also been questioned byothers, including Watson and Froyd26 recently, who are calling for an alternative view