foundations, to the use of better informed practices, andto identification of new research directions8. Reviews can also be broadly classified as status quo reviews that present the most currentresearch in a given field of research, or historical reviews that present the development in a givenfield of research over time9. Our review belongs to the historical category as we have includedpapers from 1993.Strategize SearchDatabase We reviewed papers from ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education)’s Journalof Engineering Education (JEE) (ISSN 2168-9830), which is a primary publication choice for theUS engineering education researchers10. Pawley et al.11 argue that JEE is the flagship and themost highly ranked American journal of the
through a “quality assurance” regime. To provide a flavor of thecurrent approach, faculty are required to specify the number of hours students need to spend tolearn specific content; academic credit as well as faculty course loads are then assigned usingthis measure, even as the specified learning outcomes provides the basis for determining whatdegree programs students are qualified to enter at the start of the second cycle. This means thatEurope has embraced a learning outcomes regime far more extensive than anything required byABET EC 2000’s accreditation protocols.6As an institutional historian and an ethnographer of educational institutions, we have reason tobelieve that the changes brought about by the Bologna Process will not occur all
affairs organizations. Organizational structures for student support services inuniversities have been studied for many years, and tend to be updated periodically as newgenerations of students (and parents) arrive on campus with new expectations about supportservices. The structural model for these services is highly centralized within ODOS at ourinstitution. ODOS oversees student programming as well as residence life, Greek life, and othercore services; they also provide routine support to students in need. The overall variety instudent affairs organizational models is staggering[5], and our institution fits neatly intoManning et al.’s “administrative-centered traditional” model, specifically the “functional silo”model. As Manning et al. point
description of situated learning, Greeno et al. 32 describe knowledge as,“distributed among people and their environments, including the objects, artifacts, tools, books,and the communities for which they are apart.”32 This is nearly identical to Newstetter’s 8paradigm shift description of student learning in engineering design teams. This environment isalso consistent with Salas et al.’s 17 integrative model of team effectiveness. In describing thetheory, Salas et al. reference team leaders (plural) not team leader (singular) and describe howshared cognition affects leadership and vice-versa. Within the context of engineering education,this situated learning environment has been described by Johri & Olds 33 as a promising constructfrom the
development.Robin Adams, Purdue University Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She is also leads the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE). Dr. Adams received her PhD in Education, Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Washington, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Dr. Adams' research is concentrated on understanding design knowing and learning (particularly iterative cycles in design
identify and define our key coding categories, briefly discuss the implications ofthese different activities in terms of learning, and, finally, show examples of participantinteraction that illustrate the ideas captured by the coding category. These examples are labeledwith the associated session number (in terms of week), section identifier (Tuesday orWednesday), and participant code (Tuesday participants were indicated with S followed by anumber while Wednesday participants were indicated with T followed by a number). Thecategories are shown in alphabetical order so that no particular activity is privileged in thelisting. The next section focuses on the alignment between our results and three relevant theoriesof learning.Audience. Participants
. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.IX. References[1] Koretsky, M.D., Amatore, D., Barnes, C., & Kimura, S. (2008). Enhancement of student learning in experimental design using a virtual laboratory. IEEE Transactions on Education, 51(1), 76–85.[2] Koretsky, M.D., Kelly, C. & Gummer, E. (2011). Student Perceptions of Learning in the Laboratory: Comparison of Industrially-situated Virtual Laboratories to Capstone Physical Laboratories. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(3), 540–573.[3] Koretsky, M.D., Kelly, C. & Gummer, E. (2011). Student Learning in
expected ofgraduates. Programs are required to demonstrate that students are graduating with thedemonstrated attributes, and that a continual improvement process is in place, “thatdemonstrate(s) that program outcomes are being assessed in the context of the graduateattributes, and that the results are applied to the further development of the program” (CEAB). Page 25.594.4The CEAB has described the investigation and communication attributes as follows: Investigation: an ability to conduct investigations of complex problems by methods that include appropriate experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information in
environmentssuccess should mainly be understood as personal growth or development. In other words, success Page 24.597.7should not be understood as reaching certain position or achieving specific goals, but as adeveloping process. The following quote from one faculty member summarizes this point: ―Ibelieve it [i.e. success] also includes professional development (is the professional gettingsmarter? Is s/he developing their expertise?) I guess I am looking for growth.‖ Severalparticipants specifically mentioned that both academic and professional success should beindividually
) Nerds are white males 6. Those who are nerds are typically portrayed as technology andmath loving, socially awkward, white male sexual failures 8. While the term nerd can be datedback to the 1950’s where it first appeared in Dr. Suess’s book, If I Ran a Zoo, and early versionsof the nerd on television can be dated to the 1960’s with characters like Richie on Happy Days,the stereotypical nerd persona is highly attributed to the Revenge of the Nerds franchise in the1980’s8. It is also in the 1980’s when television and film started to portray the relationship Page 23.240.3between nerds and cool jocks as a contentious relationship where nerds were
work remains to be done in more fully understanding the relationship between writing andlearning, particularly in order to help faculty develop assignments to support specific types oflearning.Bangert-Drowns et al.’s review five years later reflects similar processes and gaps [48]. Theirsystematic review examined hundreds of articles on writing-to-learn written over the pasthundred years, though as they note the majority of these articles were written in the 1980s and1990s. After a rigorous evaluation process that allowed them to identify a core set of articles thatprovided empirical evidence of the academic effects of writing-to-learn assignments againstcontrol groups without those assignments, the authors conducted a statistical meta
towards its lack of intellectual inquiry and critique. He viewed the relationshipbetween professional bodies and academic professionals as being inherently in conflict with theindependent pursuit of knowledge within the ideal university. According to this argument,accreditation is prejudiced because the people who are doing the accrediting likely owe a greaterallegiance to the profession than to the university: an inherent conflict of interest.Consider John Henry Newman´s core ideas regarding the value of liberal education put forwardin his 19th century book The Idea of a University [12]. Newman argued that the university is ahybrid educational environment which serves to educate students for life by means of“collegiality”, “enlargement of mind
Villa, “Enhancing Peer Led Team Learning Through Cooperative Learning,” in 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition. ASEE Conferences, Jun. 2008. [4] D. Budny, C. A. Paul, and B. B. Newborg, “Impact of peer mentoring on freshmen engineering students,” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, vol. 11, no. 5/6, p. 9, 2010. [5] C. Gattis, B. Hill, and A. Lachowsky, “A Successful Engineering Peer Mentoring Program,” in 2007 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. ASEE Conferences, Jun. 2007. [6] K. L. Meyers, S. E. Silliman, N. L. Gedde, and M. W. Ohland, “A Comparison of Engineering Students’ Reflections on Their First-Year Experiences,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 169–178, 2010. [7] Ying
ReferencesBreuker, J., Wielinga, B. J., Breuker, J. A., Wielinga, B. J., & Wielinga, B. (1984). Interpretation of verbal data for knowledge acquisition. University of Amsterdam.Breuker, J.A. (1984). A theoretical framework for spatial learning strategies. In C. Holley and D. Dansereau (Eds.), Spatial learning strategies. New York: Academic Press.Gentner, D. (1989). The mechanisms of аnаlogical learning. In S. Vosniadou & A. Ortony (Eds.), Similarity and analogical reasoning (pp. 199–241). London: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from, A. F. (2010). Some Consequences of Prompting Novice Physics Students to Construct Force Diagrams. International
; Brumbelow, K. (2014). Data-driven curriculum redesign in civil engineering. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2014 IEEE,1-9.Fowler, D., Macik, M., Turner, J., & Hohenstein, J. (2015). Facilitating program, faculty, and student transformation: A framework for curriculum redesign. Journal of Transformative Learning, 3(1), 59-73.Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.Mezirow, J. (2000). Learning to think like an adult: Core concepts of transformation theory. In J. Mezirow and Associates (eds.) Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress (pp. 3-33). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.Ryan, R. M
interdependence,individual accountability, promotive interaction, social skills, and group processing.The results of this study could be used to begin to show that engineering student teams that havelongevity perform better on a wider collection of team-based activities. In order to further theunderstandings in this area, more studies like this one are needed in different contexts to verifythe claims.Bibliographic Information1. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Criteria for Accrediting Programs in Engineering, Baltimore, MA: ABET, Inc., 2003.2. Guzzo, R. A. “Group Decision Making and Group Effectiveness,” In Goodman, P. S. (Ed.), Designing Effective Work Groups, 34-71, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1986.3. Locke, E. A., &
design course. As is the nature of thecourse, future semesters will experience incremental changes. We intend on increasing theinteraction with video material by making available more videos to build a larger archive ofreference material. In the present semester, we are video-recording laboratory sections in whichwe are teaching the effective use of software packages, such as Mathworks Matlab and AliasMaya. We intend on evaluating the availability of this reference material by comparing studentperformance to prior semesters.References[1] Abowd, G.D., Atkeson, C.G., Feinstein, A., Hmelo, C., Kooper, R., Long, S., Sawhney, N., Tani, M. Teaching and Learning as Multimedia Authoring: The Classroom 2000 Project. In Proceedings of the ACM
). “Diversity in Engineering” National Academy of Science AnnualMeeting. Oct. 4.[6] Haden, C. (2007). “Evaluating Support for Underrepresented Students in EngineeringDegree Programs.” Proceedings, 2007 American Society for Engineering Education AnnualConference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, 2007.[7] May, G.S. and D.E. Chubin, (2003) “A retrospective on undergraduate engineering successfor underrepresented minority students”. Journal of Engineering Education, 2003. Vol. 92 No.1.pp. 27-38.[8] Maple, S. and F. Stage (1991) “Influences on the choice of math/science major by ethnicity”.American Educational Research Journal, 1991. Vol. 28 No.1. pp. 37-60.[9] Foor, C., Walden, S. and Trytten, D. (2007). “‘I Wish that I Belonged More in this WholeEngineering
of NSET education in secondary science, and extend this approach to newinitiatives in science, engineering, and technology curricula.References1. Sweeney, A. E.; Seal, S.; Vaidyanathan, P., The promises and perils of nanoscience and nanotechnology: Exploring emerging social and ethical issues. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 2003, 23, (4), 236- 245.2. Foley, E. T.; Hersam, M. C., Assessing the need for nanotechnology education reform in the United States. Nanotechnology Law & Business 2006, 3, (4), 467-484.3. Merkle, R. C., It's a small, small, small, small world. Technology Review 1997.4. Chang, C.-Y., The highlights in the nano world. Proceedings of the IEEE 2003, 91, (11), 1756-1764.5
to more students that might not otherwiseachieve a STEM degree.The type of intervention program(s) envisioned would focus on students that could succeed inobtaining a STEM degree but might not already possess an interest in the topic as well thosestudents who require extra assistance in order to succeed in studying STEM. A program toincrease the students’ awareness of STEM and their personal motivation to pursue it could assistin increasing the number of students that choose a STEM major vs. a STEM-Related or Non-STEM major. A program to assist the students at risk of not succeeding in STEM to strengthentheir academic skills could increase the number of students that are capable of attempting andcompleting a STEM degree.Adapting these
Page 14.966.51970’s. Among them is the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88)16conducted between 1988 and 2000. The NELS:88 study consisted of collecting demographic,attitudinal, experiential, educational, and vocational data about a representative cohort ofAmerican students at specific stages in their scholastic progression. The goal of the study was tobe able to draw conclusions about the factors that could affect the student’s progression andachievement by 2000. Academic performance was validated by obtaining transcripts from post-secondary school attended and by conducting cognitive learning tests in three waves of datacollection during high school. Parents, teachers, and school administrators were also invited tocomplete
student’s presentcapacity, making her/him stretch to acquire the new ability or knowledge. If material ispresented at a too-rapid pace or at a level that is significantly beyond the student’s ability, s/hecan become overwhelmed and frustrated; students struggle to gain mastery in such a teachingand learning environment. Additionally, the student’s emotional reaction to the difficulty furthercomplicates her/his ability to gain mastery over the new knowledge. [6] Students who feelfrustrated or defeated by their learning experiences do not gain mastery over new material.MT students repeatedly describe circumstances of unmanageable difficulty. A strong perceptionthat courses are designed to “weed” students out permeates the campus. Physics, Calculus
implement the lowest level of interactivity (LLI), which is still commonplaceamong engineering departments, and compare the effectiveness of MLI to LLI.Bibliographic Information1 Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 93(3), 223-231.2 Bonwell, C. & Eison, J. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University Clearinghouse.3 Campbell , W., Smith, K. (1997). New Paradigms in Engineering Education. Edina, MN: Interaction.4 Smith, K., Sheppard, S., Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (2005). Pedagogies of Engagement: Classroom-Based Practices. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94(1), 87-101.5 Ruhl, K., Hughes, C
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