Paper ID #7714Key Aspects of Cyberlearning Resources with Compelling ResultsMrs. Jeremi S London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi S. London is a graduate student at Purdue University. She is pursing a Ph.D. in Engineering Edu- cation. In 2008, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Purdue, and a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from Purdue in 2013. Her research interests include: the use of cyber- learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education; assessing the impact of cyberlearning; and exploring ways computer simulations can be used to
College at Buffalo; a MEd from Bowling Green State University in Ohio; and a PhD from the University of Minnesota.Dr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Malinda S. Zarske is the Director of K-12 Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boul- der’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching secondary science from the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity and in civil engineering from CU-Boulder. She is also a First-Year Engineering Projects Instructor, Faculty Advisor for SWE, and on the development team for the TeachEngineering digital library. Her primary research interests are on student identity
context k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practiceAssessment methods other than the FE exam are more suitable for ABET criteria (b), (c), (d),(g), (i), and (j). Table 2 shows how our FE metric is embedded with other metrics in ourassessment program. The letters “P” and “S” designate primary and secondary metrics,respectively. Secondary metrics are recorded and archived; however, they are not used forreporting purposes unless the primary metric is incomplete or equivocal. Our metrics are: SES: Senior Exit Survey FE: Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam CDSA: Capstone Design Sponsor Assessment CRSW: Comprehensive Review of Student Work
0837749 andEngineering Education Program under Grant 1129460. Any opinions, findings andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography[1] Gray, G.L., et al. The dynamics concept inventory assessment test: A progress report and some results. in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. 2005.[2] Jordan, W., H. Cardenas, and C.B. O'Neal. Using a Materials Concept Inventory to Assess an Introductory Materials Class: Potential and Problems. in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Proceedings. 2005.[3] Krause, S. and A. Tasooji. Diagnosing
innovative STEM educationprograms designed in part to increase student attitudes toward STEM subjects and careers. Thispaper describes how a team of researchers at The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation atNorth Carolina State University developed the Upper Elementary School and Middle/HighSchool Student Attitudes toward STEM (S-STEM) Surveys to measure those attitudes. Thesurveys each consist of four, validated constructs which use Likert-scale items to measurestudent attitudes toward science, mathematics, engineering and technology, 21st century skills.The surveys also contain a comprehensive section measuring student interest in STEM careers.The surveys have been administered to over 10,000 fourth through twelfth grade students inNorth
rated “Very Important.”High School Career Interest Assessments (59%), High School Guidance Counselor (56%),Friends (51%), High School Teachers (49%), and Flexibility of Work Schedule (45%) rated the Page 23.587.14highest in the Not Important Category. Using the variance measure, there was very littleagreement on importance levels in the following five influence categories: Opportunity toParticipate in Student Organizations (0.12%), Flexibility of Work Schedule (0.18%), Probabilityof Graduating with Honors in Major (0.46%), Family Member(s) (0.52%), and High SchoolTeacher(s) (0.55%).Analytical Results: Underrepresented
non-users.The indicative components did not show a significant difference between users and non-users.However, three of the indicative components were being used by 85% or more of concept testusers (Table 2) (having students: “participate in activities that engage them with course contentthrough reflection and/or interaction with their peers”, “provide that answer(s) to a posedproblem or question before the class can proceed”, and “discuss a problem in pairs or groups”).The high percentage of users spending time on these activities shows that they are used inconjunction with Concept Tests, but also with other RBIS or in the general classroom as well
assessment instruments.III. E XPERIMENTAL S TUDY D ESIGNBuilding on the related research and pedagogical underpinnings in Section II, we consider herethe design of the experimental study. The primary hypothesis of the research study is as follows:“There exists significant improvement in the engagement, student interest, and motivation forsoftware engineering content using an integrated approach of active and deign-based learningcompared to traditional teaching approaches.” Traditional approaches refer to a combinationof lectures, tutorials and lab sessions for a software engineering course.To test this hypothesis, the experimental study included the design of software-engineeringcourse content, coordination of the study’s control (traditional) and
identity, and physics career choice: A gender study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching;2010, 47, 978–1003.[15] Cribbs, J., Hazari, Z., Sadler, P. M., & Sonnert, G. Development of an explanatory framework for mathematicsidentity. In Proceedings of Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American (PME-NA) ChapterConference; 2012.[16] Potvin, G., Beattie, C., & Paige, C. Building a valid and reliable assessment of physics identity . In NationalAssociation for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference; 2012.[17] Lent, R. W., Brown., S. D., & Hackett, G. Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academicinterest, choice, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior; 1994, 45, 79 – 122.[18] Lent, R. W., Brown
integrated curriculum in chemical engineering. Advances in Engineering Education, 2011. 2(4): p. 1-22.4. Everett, L.J., P.K. Imbrie, and J. Morgan, Integrated curricula: Purpose and design. Journal of Engineering Education, 2000. 89(2): p. 167-175.5. Cornwell, P.J. and J.M. Fine. Integrating mechanics throughout the sophomore year. in Proceeding of the 1999 ASEE Annual Conference 1999: American Society for Engineering Education.6. Posner, G.J., et al., Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 1982. 66(2): p. 211-227.7. Vosniadou, S., A. Baltas, and X. Vamvakoussi, Reframing the conceptual change approach in learning and instruction. Reframing the
to affect thelarger world, or what we have termed global agency. The global agency factor is a significantnegative predictor for science students (p<0.001) but is non-significant for engineering students.Table 5: Regression on choice of engineering (N=2501, Adjusted R2=0.295). Factor Estimate Std. Error Beta Coefficient Significance§ Gender (0-male; 1-female) -0.703 0.052 -0.237 *** Father's Education -0.076 0.025 -0.0641 ** Mother's Education -0.004 0.027 -0.0033 n/s Math Identity 0.152
experience in computing improves computing self-efficacy.Universities should obtain this data from students to identify when material should beadded to a course that allows all students to be brought up to speed on their computingskills before launching into STEM-based majors. Future investigations utilizing this toolwill attempt to understand the impact of computing self-efficacy on student performance,i.e. time to complete a task and academic achievement.Bibliography1. Bandura, A. 1995. “Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies.” Cambridge University Press.2. Bandura, A. 1997. “Self-efficacy: The exercise of control.” New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company.3. Baker, D., Krause S., and Purzer S. Y. 2008. “Developing an instrument to measure
-domain tasks in theprocess of solving-problem, indicating in step 8 “Take pride in your solution,” and step 9“Prevent future occurrences of this problem.” Page 23.1261.14References 1. Axton, T. R., Doverspike, D., Park, S. R., & Barrett, G. V. (1997). A model of the information-processing and cognitive ability requirements for mechanical troubleshooting. Int. J. Cogn. Ergon. 1(3): 245–266. 2. Brown, J. S., Burton, R. R., Bell, A. G. (1975). SOPHIE: A step toward creating a reactive learning environment. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7(5): 675–696. 3. Career Guidance and Students Welfare
…half and half. Half of [theprofessors] will [not teach well], [the] other half are pure geniuses who actually genuinely careabout you.” While, Georgia from HBCU2 had a slightly more positive experience: …I came over [to this university before I enrolled], and I…was just browsing…I spoke with an advisor in the industrial engineering program, Ms. V. … [S]he was just so nice. She was caring. As soon as I came in, she [said], ‘Oh, we need you here. We need people here.’ And I [said], “Okay, okay.” I was at [another university] at the time, and I just felt like a number there. But as soon as I came here…they just automatically showed me that they cared.Georgia’s experience was similar to that of Carlos from HSI1
metrics within educational settings. Previous reviews of concept mapping theory andapplications include Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson’s investigation of concept map tasks17, responseformats, and scoring systems, and Besterfield-Sacre et al.’s overview of concept mapterminology, scoring approaches, and mapping applications in engineering2; both were excellentresources. We also examined Bayram’s weighted scoring system based on a map’s hierarchicallevels, propositions, and branches1, Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson’s work in assessing declarativeknowledge16, and Turns et al.’s exploration of the breadth, depth, and connectedness of conceptmaps19. From our review, it was evident that while concept mapping is fairly standardized as anactivity, the metrics used
could increasethe number of students in engineering if attraction rates were higher (or abstention lower).Examining alternate pathways such as the ones explored here can lead to a better understandingof how students enter and exit engineering, which can permit a more comprehensive view of theengineering student body, who composes it, how to attract and retain such students and how wemight engender a more diverse student body.AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through awards 0811194 and0935157. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the NSF.References1 Ohland, M.W., Sheppard, S., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra, D. & Layton
, while consulting a third expert in survey development helpspreserve face validity. Further validity was gained through factor analysis. We conclude that our Table 2: Pattern Matrix, Five Factors Table 3: S tructure Matrix, Five Factors Factor FactorItem 1 2 3 4 5 Construct Item 1 2 3 4 5 Construct1 .722 Interest 1
/market relatedquestions. Page 23.857.6Principles Course Content The 'enduring understandings' that a student should take away from Principles areestablished based upon prior entrepreneurship research that identified critical entrepreneurialskills and are assumed to be the following: 15 • Opportunity Recognition18 ( Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley) • Presentation Skills 9 (Hood and Young) • Entrepreneurial Competencies 18 (Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley) Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley cite the ability to recognize and evaluate a new ventureopportunity as a dominant entrepreneurial thinking skill as do many other researchers 18-20
, pinpointing underutilization of key tasks that have been linked tosuccessful problem solutions as well as identifying errors committed in each segment of theprocess. The complete assessment consisted of eight stages and a measure of solution accuracy.Next, the assessment tool was modified into a form that could be used to assess problemsolutions in the absence of a complete recording of the problem solving process. This ensures atool that is more generalizable to the target user group of instructors and education researcherswho would not necessarily have access to a complete digital recording of student problemsolving attempts. To accomplish this, the first two of Pretz et al.’s stages were combined forsimplicity, and two stages were eliminated due
hour completionpercentage, number of courses with D or F grades as of Fall midterm, and credit hours attemptedin the spring term. The predictive results showing at-risk students are used to make interventionattempts. Raimondo22 described analysis at the University of Michigan to assess within classperformance by students and offer guidance via a digital resource called “E2Coach”s to assistthem in improving their performance trajectory. McKay23 has used E2Coach to interact withphysics students predicted to be at risk of not succeeding and provide tailored feedback to allenrolled students that they can use to adjust their strategy in the course.Universities have constrained resources including enrollment capacity, faculty, staff, lab space,etc
centimeters. If the student had beendiscussing a journal article with a boss or colleague in the semiconductor industry, s/he would beperceived as a novice, not aware of or fluent in the discourse of the industry. This mistake wouldhave symbolized the student’s lack of experience, and possibly lack of credibility. The coachsubtly corrected the student and the student took up that correction, perhaps even subconsciously Page 23.1216.13adopting the discourse of the coach and thereby the semiconductor industry. Because the lack ofindustry-specific discourse often translates to the perception of a lack of legitimacy in thecommunity, this episode was
G. Hackett, Toward a Unifying Social Cognitive Theory of Career and Page 23.621.18 Academic Interest, Choice, and Performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1994. 45(1): p. 79-122.7. NAE, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. 2004, Washington, DC: National Academies Press. xv, 101 p.8. Bankel, J., K.F. Berggren, K. Blom, E.F. Crawley, I. Wiklund, and S. Ostlund, The CDIO syllabus: A comparative study of expected student proficiency. . European Journal of Engineering Education, 2003. 28(3): p. 297-317.9. Lattuca, L.R., P.T. Terenzini, and J.F. Volkwein, A study of the
Teaching, vol. 23, 1994, pp. 346-348.2. Stewart-Wingfield, S., & Black, G. S., “Active versus passive course designs: The impact on student outcomes,” Journal of Education for Business, vol. 81, no. 2, 2005, pp. 119-125.3. Elshorbagy, A., & Schonwetter, D. J., “Engineer morphing: Bridging the gap between classroom teaching and the engineering profession,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 18, no. 3, 2002, pp. 295-300.4. Dorestanni, A., “Is interactive learning superior to traditional lecturing in economics courses?” Humanomics, vol. 21, no. 1/2, 2005, pp. 1-20.5. Felder, R. M., & Brent, R, “The ABC’s of engineering education: ABET, Bloom’s taxonomy, cooperative learning, and so on,” Paper
University in 2008. While in the School of Engineering Education, he works as a Graduate Research Assistant in the X-Roads Research Group and has an interest in cross-disciplinary practice and engineering identity development.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. Her research is concentrated in three interconnecting areas: cross-disciplinary thinking, acting, and be- ing; design cognition and learning; and theories of change in linking engineering education research and practice. Page 23.89.1
out how this case study and other existing research impacted recruitment policies forundergraduate and community college students. Also, interviewing community collegeprofessors, administrators, and program coordinators to determine the qualities for a successfulundergraduate or community college student in the summer experience would be beneficial.Bibliography1 Community College Fact Sheet. (American Association of Community of College, 2012).2 National Science Foundation. Science and Engineering Indicators. (National Science Board, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2008).3 Goldrick-Rab, S. Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Community College Student Success. Review of Educational Research 80, 437
Engineering’s Bernard Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education and the recipient of the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Educational Excellence Award and the ASEE Chester Carlson Award. He is a fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education and the National Society of Professional Engineers.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. Her research is concentrated in three interconnecting areas: cross-disciplinary thinking, acting, and be- ing; design cognition and learning; and theories of change in linking engineering education research and practice
underrepresentation of white women and people of color inengineering undergraduate education are diverse, yet follow common patterns: many attempt toprovide undergraduates with tools for better negotiation of institutions by decreasing bias,increasing access, and improving fairness. An examination of recent summaries of work ongender and race helps reveal these patterns.AAUW (formerly the American Association for University Women)’s recent summary of criticalresearch10 on gender in STEM disciplines describes six common types of research: 1)examinations of gender-based theories of intelligence and how promotion of a “growth mindset”over a “fixed mindset” can help “protect” (p. 33) girls and women from various forms ofstereotype; 2) examinations of stereotype
“best practices” of implementing PEL projects include providing time for project development,advance notice for students to ensure clear expectations, and that projects designed to besemester long should include a variety of course concepts. One faculty member suggests that it isbest to assign the project early in the semester “so that they can get thinking on a concreteexample[s].” This additional time allows student groups to review the project concept severaltimes as a group and turn to instructors throughout the semester for clarity. Due to theassessment weight and the length of the project, student project groups are often strategicallycomposed to provide an intellectual balance. Instructors also hope to encourage peer-to-peerinstruction
class. After initial contact, volunteers participated in a sample interview, completed theStatics Concept Inventory10, and were classified in quartiles based on their Statics grade. Duringthe sample interview students were asked questions about their personal history in order toprovide sociocultural background information, they were asked to complete a statics ranking task Page 23.963.4in order to assess their Statics concept reasoning, and they were asked two questions fromGreene et al.’s Epistemic and Ontological Cognition Questionnaire5 to get an initial assessmentof their personal epistemology. After the interview, students were asked to