together to do the design and implementationplanning. The integration of C3’s user-interface work with C4’s back-end code is the primarychallenge. And, of course, since the C4 students have already taken C3, there will be naturalmentoring about user-interface and animation issues.The projects have evolved, but are now based on work that Wilczynski did during hisentrepreneurial career when his company built manufacturing applications in an area called cellcontrol7. In the fall we do an assembly cell. In spring we do a glass-processing line. Schematicsof the cells, which the students will build and animate, are shown in figures 1 and 2 in theappendix. Here are links to the specifications the students start from:
Paper ID #10633Ultra Low-Cost Software-Defined Radio: A Mobile Studio for Teaching Dig-ital Signal ProcessingDr. Cory J. Prust, Milwaukee School of Engineering Dr. Cory Prust is Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE). He earned his BSEE degree from MSOE in 2001 and his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2006. Prior to joining MSOE in 2009, he was a Technical Staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He teaches courses in the signal processing and embedded systems areas.Dr. Steven Holland, Milwaukee School of Engineering Steven S. Holland (M ’13
., "Development of an educational environment for online control of a biped robot using MATLAB and Arduino," Mechatronics (MECATRONICS) , 2012 9th France- Japan & 7th Europe-Asia Congress on and Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), 2012 13th Int'l Workshop on , vol., no., pp.337,344, 21-23 Nov. 2012 [3] Neto, J. M.; Paladini, S.; Pereira, C.E.; Marcelino, R., "Remote educational experiment applied to electrical engineering," Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), 2012 9th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,5, 4-6 July 2012 [4] Ogawa, H.; Oguntoyinbo, B.; Tochi, K.; Naoe, N., "Electric vehicle project for introduction to engineering Creation Experiment
offered in cities.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank all the high school students and their parents for their participation in thelessons and this study, as well as the teachers who helped in recruiting these students. This workwas supported in part by NSF grant AST-2037830.References[1] Project Lead the Way,[2] S. Karaman, A. Anders, M. Boulet, J. Connor, K. Gregson, W. Guerra, O. Guldner, M.Mohamoud, B. Plancher, R. Shin, J. Vivilecchia, "Project-based, collaborative, algorithmicrobotics for high school students: Programming self-driving race cars at MIT," IEEE IntegratedSTEM Education Conference (ISEC), Princeton, NJ, 2017, pp. 195-203, 2017.[3] First Robotics, https
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theinitial pre-surveys of students enrolled in the 11 of the 13 HBCUs where research was completed atthe beginning of the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters and the final post-surveys assessing theirunderstanding of the project and electrical engineering concepts at the end of fall 2015 and spring2016 semesters. The goal of the N S F - f u n d e d project was to increase the number ofhighly qualified and prepared engineering students, particularly African American engineers, aswell as to ensure electrical engineering students and graduates have a better understanding oftechnology and its role in STEM education and the policy associated with it. Another key goal ofthe project was to promote wide spread dissemination and usage of portable hands-on
, evaluating, and selecting credible evidence or relevant examples; ● organizing ideas and information consistent with the purpose; ● demonstrating a nuanced understanding of audience(s) and word choice; ● adhering to acceptable mechanical, structural, and format style guidelines appropriate to the discipline and purpose; and ● using effective visual representations to enhance, focus, and amplify written communication and text.SLO 2 measures the voluntary student engagement in the process of writing through the use ofthe following practices and articulating the impacts of engaging in this process: ● Researching ● Drafting ● Reflecting ● Collaborating ● Revising ● EditingAs each program joins as a WEP, the QEP
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have to support other educational goals, such as teaching students how to engage ineffective teamwork.TeamworkEffective teamwork is essential for project success. Typically, much of the “training” inteamwork is experiential - students may be given some theoretical framework(s) forunderstanding what is going on, but learning seems to happen during actual project work.Assessment of teamwork is non-trivial and tends to rely heavily on peer assessment, such as useof CATME [17]. It is also difficult to provide timely feedback to teams unless an instructor isoverseeing all of the student teams on a daily basis. Frequent Scrum meetings under thesupervision of the Scrum Master provide an opportunity to gain real-time insights. However,what is to be
structure, communication was noted by all as the key element for success. Initiative anddirection taken by students supports the flipped classroom approach. Table 3 Primary Decision-Maker by Activity* Decision-maker Team A member My team Decided Activities Instructor TAs Leader of my team as a group myself F’13 S’14 F’13 S’14 F’13 S’14 F’13 S’14 F’13 S’14
,theresultsfromquestionnairesalreadyshowthattheprogramfavorablyimpactstheacademicskillsandattitudesoftheparticipantstowardtheirSTEMmajorsandSTEMcareers.URMparticipantsinparticularstronglyvaluethisearly‐careerresearchexperience.References[1] T.Litzinger,L.Lattuca,R.Hadgraft,W.Newstetter,“EngineeringEducationandthe DevelopmentofExpertise”,JournalofEngineeringEducation,January2011,Vol. 100,No.1,pp.123–150[2] Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University. State University of New York: Stoney Brook; 1998.[3] Pender, M., Marcotte, D.E., Sto, M.R. & Maton, K.I. 2010, The STEM Pipeline: The Role of Summer Research Experience in Minority Students' Ph.D. Aspirations., Educ. Policy Anal. Arch., 18(30)[4] Slovacek, S.P., Tucker, S. and Whittinghill, J., 2008, Modeling Minority Opportunity Programs: Key Interventions and Success Indicators: Journal of Education and Human
Paper ID #28319Microprocessor Design LearningMr. Dominic Zucchini, Missouri University of Science and Technology Dominic Zucchini is senior in at the S&T Cooperative Engineering program in Springfield. He is studying for his degree major in Electrical Engineering and minor in Computer Engineering. He has taken all courses in computer engineering available in the cooperative program and is now exploring curriculum outside of the classroom through research projects such as the WIMPAVR. His research interests include embedded system programming and ASIC design.Mr. Justin Chau, Missouri University of Science and Technology
35.5 39 Influence mentor(s) while in college. Parental Motivation to study engineering due to parental influences. 15.8 19.6 InfluenceThe second reason for this focus was driven by the interest level from the pupils in some of theworkshops ECE has directed in the past and observing the success of existing programs, such asBotball and FIRST. The common theme of both of these programs is that they are focused onthe creation of a technologically advanced robot and framed into a fun competition that engagespupils. They have found a great way to leverage the intrinsic behavioral and intrinsicpsychological motivators. The merit of this recruiting methodology was reinforced whileserving as a mentor in the FIRST
( N1 / 1)σ 12 − ( N 2 / 1)σ 22the categories is then given by d ? where s ? s N1 − N 2Note that the parameter s 2 is a weighted combination of the category sample variances, withrelatively more emphasis given to the category with more samples. For an effect well-separated from the control category, s will be small for a given µ1 / µ2 (since the categoryvariances σ12 and σ 22 will be small), thus d will be “large.” For cases where either category isdispersed (and therefore has a larger category variance) the increased value of s serves toreduce the distance between categories and d will be “small.”For the at-risk students in Circuits & Systems, Cohen’s effect size was
development,which seeks a way to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futuregenerations to meet their own needs.9 Figure 1. Sustainability Venn diagram motivated by the Euston & Gibson definition of sustainability6 and James White’s four sustainability “E”s.104E Sustainability AnalysisTo explore sustainability issues in electronics experiments, this work employs the proposed 4ESustainability Analysis technique. By writing sustainability analyses, students learn to explainhow engineering experiments, their applications, and their impacts foster or preventsustainability. Analyses uncover energy and resource issues in engineering topics and relate themto sustainability issues. The analyses involve environmental
they prioritize their competing career goals? What are some actions that the candidate(s) can take to negotiate for a better offer? 4 Please share your experience or suggestions on how to achieve work-life balance. What are some strategies to achieve equal partnership at home when you are in a dual- career relationship? How should one entice, encourage, or even “train” a partner to become an equal partner at home? From your personal experience, can you offer any tips on starting/expanding a family in regard to the tenure clock? 5 In general, what is the climate that one may expect to experience from colleagues when in a dual-career relationship? More often than not, the partner hire is perceived by colleagues as
courseduring the pandemic has shown us that the future of experiential learning in a Post-COVID era isbright indeed. References 1. I. Angulo, L. Rodrìguez-Gil, and J. Garcìa-Zubìa, “Scaling up the Lab: An Adaptable and Scalable Architecture for Embedded Systems Remote Labs,” in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 16887-16900, 2018. doi: 2. E. A. Lee, S. A. Seshia, and J. C. Jensen, “Teaching embedded systems the Berkeley way,” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education (WESE '12), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 1, 1–8, 2012. doi: 3. M. El
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constructed so that if theinput units are in cm, then the output units are in cm.This rectilinear one degree of freedom system can be modeled as shown below in Figure 3.Figure 3. Model of a one degree of freedom system. Only one cart is free to move, and there is atleast one spring attached.The transfer function for this model can easily be shown to be X 1 ( s) K ? F (s) 1 2 2| s - s -1 yn2 ynwhere K is the static gain, yn is the natural frequency, and | is the damping ratio. In the timedomain, both | and yn can be estimated
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course I feel confident in my ability to write a lab/design report I pulled my fair share of work Comradery: *My groupmate(s) were a distraction or to completing the assignments I got to know other people in my class *I felt ostracized by my lab group I felt a kinship toward other students in my class I felt heard and respected by my peers *I would have preferred to work by myself If I did not understand why a solution worked, I asked my group member to explain it to me *Questions where a disagreeing response is considered positive Figure 1. Survey Questions for Group Assignment StudyThe survey also asked students whether they would have preferred a different
. It would need long term monitoring and afollow up survey of students to see if it has made a significant impact on their critical thinking,problem solving, and retention of concepts.References[1] J. Heywood, Empowering Professional Teaching in Engineering: Sustaining the Scholarshipof Teaching. Morgan & Claypool, 2018 (to be published).[2] J. Spurlin and H. Ozturk, “Assessing the Connectivity of an Electrical and ComputerEngineering Curriculum,” 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, 2006, June.ASEE Conferences, 2006.[3] S. Sheppard, et. al Educating engineers: Designing for the future of the field. Vol. 2. Jossey-Bass, 2008.[4] R. Toghiani, A. Minerick, and K. Walters, “Making The Connections: Facilitating
designed and carried out inthe future.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant EEC-1519438. Anyopinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are not those of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Chen, T., Maciejewski, A. A., Notaros, B. M., Pezeshki, A., & Reese, M. D. “Mastering the Core Competencies of Electrical Engineering through Knowledge Integration”. American Society for Engineering Education. 2016 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA.2. Maciejewski, A. A., Chen, T. W., Byrne, Z. S., de Miranda, M. A., Sample McMeeking, L. B., Notaros, B. M., Pezeshki, A., Roy S., Leland, A. M., Reese, M. D., Rosales, A. H., Siller, T. J., Toftness, R. F
Purdue University Calumet. In August 1986 he joined the department of electrical and computer engineering at IUPUI where he is now professor and Associate Chair of the department. His research interests include solid state devices, applied superconducting, electromagnetics, VLSI design, and engineering education. He published more than 175 papers in these areas. He received plenty of grants and contracts from Government and industry. He is a senior member of IEEE and Professional Engineer registered in the State of IndianaLauren Christopher, Electrical and Computer Engineering, IUPUI Dr. Lauren Christopher attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she received her S. B. and S. M. in Electrical Engineering
," Executive Office of the President, Washington D.C., 2012.2. White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, "," February 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 January 2016].3. E. Seymore and N. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Boulder: Westview Press, 1997.4. U.S. Department of Education, "STEM Attrition: College Students' Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields," National Center for Education Statistics, Washngton DC, 2014.5. E. Shaw and S. Barbuti, "Patterns of Persistence in Intended College Major with a Focus on STEM Majors," NACADA, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 19-34, 2010.6
Paper ID #16948Innovative Course Modules for Introducing ECE to Engineering FreshmenDr. Girma Tewolde, Kettering University Girma S. Tewolde received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the M.Eng.Sc. degree from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Aus- tralia, and the Ph.D. Degree in Systems Engineering from Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. Dr. Tewolde is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering in the Electrical and Computer En- gineering Department of Kettering University, Flint, MI. His areas of interest are in Embedded Systems
Engineering and Computer Science DepartmentAbstractIn the United States, more than 10% of traditional electrical engineering programs havecombined with computer science into a single department 1. Historically computer scienceprograms emerged from mathematics or electrical engineering departments in the mid to late1960's. Since mathematics is not typically in the engineering college many computer scienceprograms developed independently from engineering programs. In the 1970's and early 1980's,with the advent of the microprocessor and embedded computer systems, computer engineeringevolved mostly out of existing electrical engineering programs and has since become a separatediscipline distinct from electrical engineering with
forward would depend on the specificapplication being developed. For the purpose of this example, it is sufficient to demonstrate thedifferences between the two images. Page 25.906.8 Figure 7. RGB Image Edge Detection Figure 8. Depth Image Edge DetectionThe intention of the model and examples discussed above is to demonstrate the value ofintegrating the KinectTM sensor into the MATLAB® and Simulink® software environment. TheVU-Kinect S-Function and Simulink® block allow the KinectTM sensor data, RGB and depth, tobe manipulated and processed by the various tools available in the Simulink
m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xa am _0 _0 _0 _0 _0 _0 _0 _0 _0 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1 _1 E Ex ST S T ST ST ST ST S T ST ST ST ST S T ST ST ST ST S T ST ST st- e- Page 24.649.11 Po Pr Figure 10 – Main Effect Plot Illustrating the Effect of Students and
length using single-sided razor blades (never double-sided razors). More recently, aPCB milling machine has been employed to take direct CAD layouts and put them directly to theFR-4. In both schemes, pass band insertion losses of less than 0.2dB and stop band rejections ofgreater than 50dB are easily obtained using both techniques. The students then use an HP-8510BAutomatic Network Analyzer to measure the S-parameters of their final prototype and comparewith the original set of specifications. Figure 2 shows examples of two 3rd order commensurateline filters using both techniques. Page 22.1190.3Figure 2: Examples of student-designed nominal