highfrequencies.Here we compute complex propagation constant in a biological material which has aconductivity of 1.6 S/m (muscle) and relative dielectric constant of 51 at the frequency of 915MHz. Intrinsic impedance is also calculated. 6 f := 915 ⋅10 σ := 1.6 εr := 51 − 12 ε0 := 8.854 ⋅10 ε := εr ⋅ε0 −7 ω := 2 ⋅π ⋅f µ0 := 4 ⋅π ⋅10 2 α ⎛ ε⎞ := ω ⋅ ⎜ µ0 ⋅ ⋅ 1
withoutgraduate degrees. In multiple instances, employers and/or graduate school representatives haveexpressed how impressive and important the undergraduate research experience was, not only inthe initial hiring and financial support decisions, but also in the rate and quality with which the Page 15.939.2new hires performed their responsibilities. The success of these students has been a majorcomponent of the author‟s positive reputation in this research arena.The author has made a strong effort to integrate undergraduate research in semiconductor andthin film materials with instruction. For example, he developed two lecture/laboratory coursepairs in
Computational Introduction to STEM StudiesAbstractWe report on the content and early evaluation of a new introductory programming course “Media PropelledComputational Thinking,” (abbreviated MPCT and pronounced iMPaCT). MPCT is integrated into afreshman-level entering students program that aims at retaining students by responding to the academicrecruitment and attrition challenges of computer science and other STEM disciplines.This course is intendedto provide meaningful experiences of relevance to students choosing majors that also fortifies theirqualitative understandings of foundational math and physics concepts. MPCT‟s activities are designed to provide analytical challenges typical of STEM professions and tomotivate additional inquiry
( ) p.u. 2 = p.u. ( ) p.u. ( ) (1) synwhere = power angle in radians, p.u. = angular speed of the rotor in p. u. , = time in seconds, syn = synchronous angular speed in rad/s = machine inertia constant in seconds, p.u. = mechanical power in p. u. , p.u. = electrical power in p. u. Page 15.19.3In the per-unit swing
shaft vs. Shaft speed 120 20 m/s 15 m/s 100 10 m/s 5 m/s 80 Pshaft (W) 60 40 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Shaft Speed (rpm) Fig. 1: Power vs. Shaft Speed curvesNote: The power shown in Fig.1 was scaled by a factor of 1/15 and a gear ratio of 50 was usedfor the shaft speed. This was
further analyses. According to student survey feedback, allparticipants were impressed by the new pulse oximeter module and found the laboratory to beenjoyable and informative. The survey-based laboratory assessment indicated a 40% qualitativeimprovement in students’ self-perceptions of their abilities relative to the learning objectives forthe laboratory. Page 15.40.11References[1] S. Warren, J. Yao, and G. E. Barnes, "Wearable Sensors and Component-Based Design for Home Health Care," in 2nd Joint EMBS-BMES Conference, Houston, TX, Oct. 23-26, 2002, pp. 1871-1872[2] M. J. Drinnan, J. Allen, and A. Murray, "Relation
must build and demonstrate an SDR that addresses the problem(s) defined by the WirelessInnovation Forum and supporting the target waveform(s). The SDR domains provides a methodto tie together many of the subjects in a typical electrical engineering and computer science andengineering undergraduate’s curriculum. Although student teams may choose to use whateverdevelopment environment they wish, we have had success with the GNU Radio developmentenvironment as well as the MATLAB Simulink environment. Simulink allows a model-baseddesign approach, which allows students to take a systems approach to designing the overall SDRtransceiver, which provides them with exposure to this important aspect of project development.In this paper, we discuss the
modules will be used within our outreach program to students withinhigh needs inner-city schools in the Buffalo Public Schools system. The developed modules willexploit a shared undergraduate nanotechnology education laboratory.IntroductionThe integration of nanotechnology and Sensing Data Storagephotonics continues to advance. Pho ton s Opt ical Lithog rap hy
electromagnetic problems, transient heat flow and solid state structural analysis using finite element routines, EMI and EMC characterization, S-parameter permittivity extraction routines, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) design and data processing routines, and the use of Genetic Algorithms for antenna optimization. Dr. Baginski is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the IEEE Education and Electromagnetic Compatibility Societies. He is also a member of Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Page 15.728.1© American Society for
Circuit analysis in the s-domain Topics not explicitly introduced or covered in detail Scaling y, z, and h parameters Convolution* Fourier analysis* *Topic in the text that is sometimes, but not always covered in an EE circuits sequence. Figure 1: Circuits I Coverage Compared to a Traditional Two-Semester Circuits SequenceFigure 2 lists the labs associated with Circuits I content that is covered at either an intermediate- or anintroductory-level. More information about labs in
-4021 experiments).Check boxes that apply: X Program director notification needed Course coordinator notification needed Entries below are for course coordinator and/or program director only. Action(s) taken by course coordinator: Action(s) taken by program director: Page 15.1152.10 Plan of action was presented by Dr. XYZ and approved (course coordinator) at program faculty meeting on 1/4/10. Refer to faculty meeting minutes. APPENDIX 2: Mapping Electrical Engineering Program Courses to Program OutcomesI=introduced, R=reinforced, A=assessed Curriculum Program outcomes Course a
are the sameFigure 1. A Multiple Choice Question from DIRECT1.08 (Reproduced with permission.) 9) Which circuit(s) will light the bulb?For example, consider a multiple-choice question from DIRECT CI as shown above in Fig. 1.Based on the categories (A) A of analysis discussed above, the question below can be characterized asshown in Table (B)3.C The question targets common student misconceptions about current: current (C) D and order of elements, and current is “used up” in circuit. Option (A) “Pointdepends on direction (D) that1” is a distractor A and C targets misconception that current supplied by the battery is used up in the (E) B and
transforms for the analysis of circuits in the s-domain including Bode plots and frequency response. Also, perform Fourier circuit analysis8-11.4. Use PSpice to simulate and analyze simple electronic circuits.The abovementioned courses have a laboratory component where students build simple electriccircuits and make measurements in the laboratory by using basic laboratory equipment, computersimulation tools, and work in teams.The course objectives are in agreement with ABET Criterion 3 outcome and assessment foraccrediting Engineering programs12. Page 15.699.3Assessment Method and Information GatheringThe next sections of the paper report the
( N1 / 1)σ 12 − ( N 2 / 1)σ 22the categories is then given by d ? where s ? s N1 − N 2Note that the parameter s 2 is a weighted combination of the category sample variances, withrelatively more emphasis given to the category with more samples. For an effect well-separated from the control category, s will be small for a given µ1 / µ2 (since the categoryvariances σ12 and σ 22 will be small), thus d will be “large.” For cases where either category isdispersed (and therefore has a larger category variance) the increased value of s serves toreduce the distance between categories and d will be “small.”For the at-risk students in Circuits & Systems, Cohen’s effect size was
mPSS project with other European universities, andat the moment of writing this work, our group has completed and tested two very different mPSScourses: ≠ “Introduction to ITIL® concepts and terminology”. The objective of the course is to be a tool for reviewing the main concepts and terminology of the third version of ITIL6 (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). It is based on the knowledge the students must have acquired after the normal process of learning in the ____’s postgraduate course of title “Curso de Experto Profesional en Gestión de Servicios TI basados en ITIL® e ISO 20000”, of 6 months of duration. This course has, as an optional objective, to prepare the students for an
placementRequested equipment within the proposed experiment: This laboratory experiment projectfocuses on the optimal placement of the nodes. The optimal power setting of the transmitter issuch that the Receiver Signal Strength (RSS) at the receiver is greater than the sensitivity at thereceiver while the bit error rate (BER) is able to remain in a given range during the desiredlifetime of the network. This research laboratory project also deals with the optimal basestation(s) placement (with its unlimited power supply) situated centrally in such a way as toreduce the power consumed by nodes during communication of sensors data.Results: The software package for the optimal placement of the nodes that can be delivered withthe Received Signal Strength
. Distributed systems: concepts and design. Addison-Wesley,second edition, 1994.[7] J. Farley. Java: distributed computing. O’Reilly and Associates, 1998.[8] S. P. Amarasinghe. Multicores from the compiler's perspective: a blessing or a curse? Keynote Speech,International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), San Jose, CA, March 2005.[9] S. Carr, J. Mayo and C-K Shene. ThreadMentor: a pedagogical tool for multithreaded programming. InACM Journal on Educational Resourses in Computing, Vol. 3, Issue 1, March 2003.[10] C. Shene and S. Carr. The Design of a multithreaded programming course and its accompanyingsoftware tools. The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Vol. 14 (1998), No. 1 (November), pp. 12 - 24.[11] Homepage of MIT 6.189
+ I2 = 2.74 mA 12V R2 R3 V3 V1 = 4.59 V — Find: R1, R2, and R3 Is Figure 7: Series-Parallel Circuit The design proceeds as follows: V1 4.59 V Ohm's Law (R1): R1 = = = 389 I s 11.8 mA Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (Outer Loop): V3 = 12 V − V1 = 12 V − 4.59 V = 7.41 V V3 7.41 V Ohm's Law (R2): R2 = = = 2.70 k
. However, this colleague made at leastone critical mistake, and misspelled some MATLAB command(s):clear all;close all;%--------------------------------------------------------% Array of available area widths (a 1D array of numbers)Wmiles = [1:1:150]; % width of the square area in miles (vector)Wmeters = Wmiles*1609; % width of the square area in meters (vector)A = Wmeters.*Wmeters; % area in m^2 (vector); note element-by-element % vector multiplication!%--------------------------------------------------------% Array of available array efficiencies (a 1D array of numbers)E = [1:1:25; % efficiency percentage (vector
S A N D S Comments A S D1. The idea is highly creative.2. The idea could lead to a broadly applicable product.3. The idea could serve as a catalyst for furtherideas/products.4. The problem does not respond to a clearly identified need.5. The proposed project fits the problem for which it wascreated.6. The problem description clearly communicates its purpose.7. The problem description appears incomplete.8. The idea shows evidence of careful thought and planning.9. The idea is not very easy to understand.Mark an "X" in ONE category below that best describes Commentsthe idea proposed for the project:10a.The idea is a truly new product
separation]. Ref: HW#4 Page 15.1219.10 problem 4.7” b. “[I] did not realize that gop [optical generation rate] and tau [recombination lifetime] were in different units. Reference: HW#4 problem: 4.7” c. “I used the value of 10-7 [u]s for tau instead of 10-1 us . Reference: Textbook: pg 143: Example 4-5 and pg. 131: Formula defined.” d. “I forgot how conductivity changed [when excess electrons and holes are created in a semiconductor]. Ref: Text: Pg. 124 and 102.” e. “I ran out of time and didn’t know how to do it [determine the quasi Fermi level]. Ref: Textbook pg 142-143” f. “For some reason I didn’t use no*po=ni2 [the
ts s e le ne en ri e uip ab nd ct w ts pe ng a n la ex Cha me le nt d b a Implement changes ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES NO
embedded in the signal transmittedfrom an antenna array. In this scheme, each mobile node with an omni-directional, single-element antenna estimates the AOT based on one (or more than one) signature signal(s)transmitted from the fixed node equipped with an antenna array. The mobile node then furtherestimates its distance from the fixed node based on the RSS of the signature signal to ultimatelybe able to pin-point its location in the polar coordinates where the fixed node is assumed to be atthe origin. Page 15.868.2Although our work on a prototype of an indoor positioning system exploiting AOT will need tobe continued to the next stage, up to the
microstrip circuitsMatrix representation of multi-port networks (S-,Z-,Y- and ABCD parameters)Calibration of coaxial and in-fixture VNA measurementsThe diode at radio and microwave frequenciesMicrostrip filter designPower dividers, combiners and couplersEven and odd mode analysisScattering parameter design of transistor amplifiersLinear dynamic range, noise figure and noise calculations for microwave systemsLAB / DESIGN EXERCISESIntroduction to the vector network analyzer (VNA) and basic transmission line theory –Students measure the reflections from a series of open circuit transmission lines of differentlengths and at different frequencies and compare measurement to theory.Passive component characterization using the VNA – Students measure the
individual converter topologies. The UPS system extendsthe learning opportunity to cover integrated subsystems and provides features to study systemperformance, protection and control, as well as energy storage device characteristics.REFERENCES[1] J. Platts, J. S. Aubyn, “History and Market Growth” in Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Stevenage, UK: IET, 1992, ch. 2, p.9.[2] A. Smit, D. Heer, R. Traylor, T.S. Fiez, “A Custom Microcontroller System Used as a Platform for Learning in ECE,” presented at the ASEE 2004 Annu. Conf. and Expo., Salt Lake City, UT, Jun. 2004.[3] L. Schuch, W. Priesnitz Filho, C. Rech, H.L. Hey, J.R. Pinheiro, “Integrated Software to Assist the Design and Study of UPS’s,” presented at the IEEE Power Electron. Educ
AC 2010-695: CHANGING THE MINDSET: THE LECTURER’S RESPONSIBILITYWHEN PRESENTING A FIRST YEAR COURSE.George Gibbon, University of The Witwatersrand George Gibbon obtained a National Diploma in 1973 and was awarded an MSc(Eng) in 1990 and a PhD in 1995 by the University of the Witwatersrand. Before joining Wits in 1986 he worked at S A Philips (now Philips South Africa) from 1971 to 1974, and the Chamber of Mines Research Laboratories (1974-1986) where he was responsible for the design and development of instrumentation for seismic, rock mechanic and sequential blasting research. His research interests include measurement systems, marine electromagnetic radiation and its influence on sharks
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