Antennas Lab #4: Part 2: Antenna Radiation 9 Plane Wave Propagation and Lab #5: Plane Waves Propagation and Polarization Polarization 10 Reflection & Transmission... Lab #6: Reflection and Transmission of & Waveguides EM waves 11 EM Applications (Radars) Lab #7: Waveguide Lab 12 EM Applications (Radars Final Project: Building a Radar cont.) (Integration) 13 EM Applications (Cell Final Project: Building a Radar Phones) (Analysis of Components) 14 EM Applications (Cell Final Project: Building a Radar Phones
students (Edstrom et al., 2007; Prince & Felder,2006). The goal is for students to apply, integrate, and/or synthesize their knowledge, includingknowledge from previous coursework, in completing the project, which reflects the complexityencountered in an engineering environment (Sheppard et al., 2009; Prince & Felder, 2006;Edstrom et al., 2007). An inductive approach tends to drive or motivate the need for the contentor theory, which may be difficult or otherwise seem of minimal use until students beginstruggling with a real challenge (Prince & Felder, 2007). Project based learning (PBL) is a keypedagogical model that can address and improve transfer of knowledge from one context toanother, retention of information, and student
to introduce the device and the motivation for its design,state the objectives of the design, and present the final design using diagrams, tables, and text.One or more CSR considerations needed to be explicitly and clearly accounted for and integratedinto their design. Then, in their draft CSR report, the students were tasked with summarizing –for a broad audience—how they accounted for CSR in their design. They were also expected towrite a 1-2 paragraph reflection of how incorporating CSR influenced their design process andfinal design, because reflection is another suggested component of PBL [9]. Finally, they had togive a short in-class presentation to Peach’s Board of directors justifying their design and theincorporation of CSR. Over
education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, liberatory maker spaces, and a RED grant to increase pathways in ECE for the professional formation of engineers. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Work in Progress: Creating a Climate of Increased Motivation and Persistence for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students: A Project-Based Learning Approach to Integrated LabsAbstractThis work in progress studies the impact on students and faculty and their perceived value ofintegrating project-based labs with lectures on student learning in a
and watching the pre-lecture videos, andstudents who took the tests and/or watched the videos. The final exam grades and the surveyresults were used as the assessment tools for analyzing the effectiveness of the new componentsadded to the course and the revised structure of the course in the Spring quarter. Additionally,instructor reflections on the process of revising the course from Winter to Spring quarter areprovided in this paper.Literature ReviewThere has been an ongoing effort to improve engineering instruction and create learningexperiences that echo practical skill-sets in the field (Felder et al., 2000). Accordingly, there hasbeen a breadth of research that examines various teaching methodologies in the discipline. Toframe this
learning in this important path byemploying a customized version of experiential learning model. Kolb’s Model of ExperientialLearning [5] relies on the humanistic perspective that experience plays a critical role in learning.The four stages of the experiential learning cycle are shown in Figure 1a. The first stage in thismodel is concrete experience where a student or a team is assigned a task and learn by doing, notonly by watching or by listening to an instructor. The reflective observation is the step that thelearner reflects on the subject by communicating with the team or another individual. Theabstract conceptualization involves interpreting the experiment results. The final stage, activeexperimentation, is when the learner uses the outcomes
uploading an artifact, selecting acategory, writing a description, listing skills, tagging teammates, and creating a hashtag. Eachstudent in the REU Program created ten posts during the ten-week program. They documentedresearch deliverables, professional and technical sessions, field trips, conferences, or anyexperience that helped them grow professionally.The purposes of e-portfolios were for developmental (learning/reflection), showcase(professional/career), assessment (summative), and institutional (academic) purposes [6]. TheREU Program focused on the developmental and showcase uses. For developmental purposes,their e-portfolios promoted transferable skills, lifelong learning, and reflective thinking [7]. Asone student shared, “The
semester, students are required to submit a ½ to 1-page analogy reflection. Inthe assignment, students must either reflect on one of the analogies given throughout the courseto connect it to a personal life experience, or to create their own analogy that connects the circuitcontent to another topic, and reflect on the connection to a life experience. The analogy shouldbe stated, and the underlying deep structure between the source and target should be described.For grading, the correctness of the statements made about the analogy and the related circuittopic are checked (i.e., the stated deep structure is sensible and correct). Also, how well theanalogy is related to the student’s own life experience is assessed. The grading of the
their weekly homework assignment, students completed a memo responding to severalprompts that required them to use information from and reflect on their experience. Theydescribed the process their TV would go through at the center and after that. In response to theprompt “What stood out to you about your time at the USD Electronics Recycling Center?Describe how this learning can impact you both personally and professionally as a futureengineer,” about half of the students commented that what stood out to them was the largeamount of electronic waste generated in the USA. Several mentioned that they had never been tosuch a center and never considered “what has happened to all of my old electronics.”Some found it inspirational that students from
working on the homework exercises. Promote lifelong learning – One part of the first Basic PLC laboratory exercise – construct the logic to make two lamps to alternately flash at a given period – requires the student groups to think. No solution is given to them and it is not covered in the prior course lectures, though the lab teaching assistant will help them to figure out the solution. In addition, at the end of each laboratory exercise, the students ask a series of reflection questions to help them evaluate their performance and what they could do better.All of these courses were initiated in response to industry demand. In the 1980’s, AT&Tsponsored a project to develop manufacturing-related courses
arbitrarily shaped/customized antennas, propagation in bentwaveguides, reflections/scattering of waves from discontinuities, etc. Examples of some of the (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 3. Some of the 3D visualizations developed. (a) Right-hand rule. (b) A rotating vector field and its Curl calculation. (c) Stoke’s Theorem representation and Electrostatic field of a dipole (d).visualizations that were developed are presented in Fig. 3. Specifically, Fig. 3(a) demonstratesthe right-hand rule for cross product operations, Fig. 3(b) illustrates the curl of a vector field, Fig.3(c) provides an interactive
utilizes a 2.2nF capacitor in series with an IR phototransistor that conditionally discharges the capacitor proportionally to the amount of reflected IRlight it receives (which has been reflected back from its surroundings). Figure 14 shows theschematic for these IR sensors. Figure 14. IR photo transistors and IR emitters used in the front, left & center sensors.By making the bidirectional pin an output for one-half of the cycle, the capacitor is charged to alogic high. Then, the bidirectional pin is changed to an input, and the IR photo transistordischarges the capacitor. This time of discharge is measured using counters inside the CPLD andhas proven to be stable and accurate. Calibration is needed and the students are required toprovide
into a summaryreport, which can be used to detect if a team is becoming dysfunctional, when there is still thepossibility of making corrective structural or behavioral changes. After the project is over,students are required to do a final peer evaluation, which the instructor may use to make gradingdecisions based on each person’s participation and contribution. Self-reflection and the ability towrite thoughtful evaluations are skills that we expect our students to learn and practice.TrelloOne project management scheme that our ECE curriculum has adopted is the kanban board. Itoriginates from the Kanban system, which is a scheduling method developed by a Japaneseautomotive company in the 1950s to improve manufacturing efficiency. In its
)]where V0+ is incident voltage and V0- is reflected voltage. At the source location z = -ℓ and theinput impedance seen by the source is given by:Zin = Z0 [ ZL + Z0 tanh(γℓ) ] / [ Z0 + ZL tanh(γℓ) ] Ωwhere tanh(γℓ) = [exp(γℓ) – exp(-γℓ)]/[ exp(γℓ) + exp(-γℓ] and ΓL = (ZL – Z0)/( ZL + Z0)=V0-/V0+Students at this point see the mathematical complexity of the EM problem. The followingnumerical example helps students compute input impedance and complex power delivered to theload by using a software package.We next present a MATHCAD example for computation of complex power absorbed by a loadimpedance ZL = 100 + j50 Ω, connected to a voltage source vs(t) = 20.28 cos (ωt) V with sourceresistance Rs = 20 Ω and frequency of f = 75 MHz. The
juniors andseniors, provided they meet the prerequisite of Microprocessor Design.It should be noted that this paper exclusively addresses the IoT-based enhancements to theEmbedded Systems course, roughly lasting between one and two weeks towards the end of thequarter. In both instances, the IoT projects were designed to be in contrast with the main classproject in that the latter was designed and taught as a gradual development that involvedexperimentation, deliberation, reflection, and a close-to thorough study of its theoreticalunderpinnings from the field of computer architecture. The former, on the hand, were designedto be fast implementations where students would get a taste of quick deployment thatincorporates networking, signal processing
developsover time.AcknowledgementThis research is based upon work supported for the National Science Foundation (NSF) underaward EEC-1623125. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. 10References 1. Chachra, D., Kilgore, D., Loshbaugh, H., McCain, J., & Chen, H. (2008, June). Being and becoming: Gender and identity formation of engineering students. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Pittsburgh, PA. 2. Pierrakos, O., Beam, T.K., Constantz, J., Johri, A., & Anderson, R. (2009). On the
that received a 25 on the quiz, but then got all answerscorrect during the retake would receive a 70 to reflect both their initial low score and their newunderstanding. Figure 1 illustrates the original and post-retake averages and the number ofeligible retakes.After revisiting the quiz, students were asked of their sources for studying the quiz (after theinitial grading cycle). These sources were gathered qualitatively, and then coded and converted toquantitative data. The sources are listed in Figure 2. The sources themselves were not factoredinto the grading of the retake. However, if the student cited a source that was deemedinappropriate or less trustworthy, the instructor would discuss other possible sources.Additionally, good sources
resolved by considering thatthe sampled data is no longer real-valued but instead complex-valued, with separate real andimaginary components. Hence, there are actually two data elements per sample, and with twicethe data, it is possible to obtain Hz of signal bandwidth while sampling at Hz. Note thatsince the time-based data is no longer real-valued, the resulting spectrum is no longer conjugatesymmetric such that the center frequency is not a center reflective point. The developer needsto be cognizant of this fact when processing signals, in particular, when isolating signals andapplying symmetric filters or converting the complex-valued signal into a real-valued (floating-point format).Signals used in SDR processing are normally complex in
criteria [7, 8, 9], the changes overall reflect the need to keep the criteria relevant andrealistic [10]. It is important to note that the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission(ETAC) has also made changes to Criteria 3, 5, and 6. These changes go into effect during the2019-2020 accreditation cycle [11].The revised EAC general criteria is helpful as it includes several concise definitions [12]: - Basic Sciences: Consist of chemistry, physics, and other natural sciences including life, earth, and space. - College-level Mathematics: Consist of mathematical topics that require a degree of sophistication, such as calculus, differential equations, probability, statistics, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics
), such as “Explain the advantages anddisadvantages of using linked lists over arrays.”DiscussionTo summarize the evolution of assessments in the course, the challenges, lessons learned andmotivation for improvement in each phase is listed in Table 1. These reflected the experience ofthe course staff throughout the changes. However, it would be valuable to look at this processfrom the students’ perspective. To understand students’ perception on quizzes and exams, weanalyze the results of the end of course evaluation. In particular, there are two questions regardingfairness of assessment contents and fairness of assessment grading. In order to study the overalltrend, we collected six semesters of data from the fall of 2015 to the spring of 2018
improvement compared to technical skills.Students’ abilities to design, implement and test digital systems has improved to “Good andExcellent” by 14%-54% while “communication skills” did not reflect any improvement.Students felt more confident in their ability to design, test and implement digital systems at theend of the semester and hesitated to confirm advancement in their communication skills. Table 2: learning outcomes Pre and Post survey results Somewhat Not Sure
and the Maker Movement(Halverson & Sheridan, 2014; Jordan & Lande, 2016; Larson, Lande, Jordan, & Weiner,2017; Weiner, Lande, & Jordan, 2017; Wigner, Lande, & Jordan, 2016).Like Differentiated Instruction (DI), Project-Based Learning (PBL) is also used as astudent-centered and student-driven approach which enables teachers to help studentsmeet their learning needs (Miller, 2012). Miller (2012) proposes six strategies forDifferentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning; (1) differentiate through teams:structuring teams is important as it helps teachers facilitate the teams through instructionbased on their needs, (2) reflection and goal setting: an important part of PBL is reflectionas it helps students know their
learner was greatlyincreased while also increasing the amount of time for in-class problem solving. However in thisstudy it is difficult to isolate the effect of the daily quizzes from the change in number of weeklymeetings or increase of time for in-class problem solving. Further the course evaluation dataremains difficult to interpret. In the 2016, only 51% of students enrolled in the course participatedin the final course evaluations and in 2017, only 35% of students completed the evaluations.Because of these low response rates, it is possible that the reported data in this study does notaccurately reflect general student perceptions of the course. More work is need to isolate theeffects of the daily quiz and to study the effect of the various
answers questions. 30% Project How well the schedule and the budget are managed with remaining time, tasks and Planning & resources. Are the tasks done in a reasonable time or last minute? Are the task’s management dependencies, priorities, critical path, issues, risks, delays, and issues managed well and reflected in the task planning? A recovery plan is in place in case of delays task 30% reshuffling and rescheduling? Technical Individual technical contribution towards the project on a regular basis. All team Contribution members have well-thought-out solutions for technical issues and they are resolved in timely manner. Technical achievements are tested and verified
studentswhich study these translations; however, relying on any manual process inevitably leads to error.Students must often rely on manual or ad-hoc methods to check their homework and laboratorysubmissions, ranging from visual inspection of their code by teaching assistants to a set ofloosely-defined functional tests – “if it works, your code is good enough.” More formal ap-proaches, such as the use of unit tests to verify C translations, place a significant burden on theinstructor: do the tests written correctly reflect the operation of a C compiler? Subtle issues suchas integer promotion require extraordinary ability to develop a set of correct and accurate tests.In addition, writing a comprehensive set of unit tests for each translation requires a
GrantNumber DUE1525775. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] R. M. Felder, D. R. Woods, J. E. Stice, and A. Rugarcia, "The future of engineering education II. Teaching methods that work," Chemical Engineering Education, vol. 34, pp. 26-39, 2000.[2] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, et al., "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, pp. 8410- 8415, 2014.[3] B. Kerr, "The flipped classroom in engineering
Learner Capstone Panels Approach In this approach, the students select their preferred technical focus in computer systems design topicsamong a set of 5 to 7 technical focus topics such as reliability, circuit energy, memory read/write powerconsumption, etc. as identified by the course Instructor. Students are mentored on extending the coursematerial from a topic list by the laboratory Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) and the courseInstructor. The students gain experience composing a scholarly article and produce a substantial paperthat reflects a deep understanding of a topic having narrow breadth. Extra Credit (EC) is allotted to thoselearners who go beyond the baseline requirements and explore additional papers in order to provide amore
theinstructor’s experience of teaching other courses, the percentages for ‘strongly agree’ are higher inthis course, implying a possible effect of the pedagogies developed. Especially, on Questions 3 and6, student percentages of ‘strongly agree’ are much higher at 88.9% and 77.8% than usual. Question3 is tied to an ability to design electrical systems, components, or processes to meet desired needs,and Question 5 is related to an ability to communicate effectively, illustrated in Fig. 7 (Zhao, et. al.,2017). In addition, in comparison with the instructor’s previous experience teaching this course witha traditional project-based method (i.e. no sub-projects, no divide-and-conquer learning protocoland no interview sessions for reflection and adjustments
and Completeness (“3Cs”).Questions to help the instructors evaluate students’ projects are detailed in Table 5. Such aquestionnaire evolved over many years based on input from students, faculty and employers. Table 4: Evaluation Questions for the Project Selection • Is the design a result of consultation with someone who will actually use the product? • Is the design suited to the users' diverse social and physical environments? • Does the design reflect the technology innovations in the field? • Is the analytical component of the design sound