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Paper ID #19158Helping Engineering and Computer Science Students Find Joy in Their WorkDr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and propulsion
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and ethicalresponsibility" as one of its required student outcomes.1 There are different approaches todealing with ethical or moral issues. One approach to ethical issues is based on virtues, that is, totake as a reference the moral qualities engineers should have, such as honesty, compassion,respectfulness, etc. Each decision is judged against these qualities or virtues. The decision thatseems to be most in line with the relevant moral virtue(s) is considered to be the best decision,even if it means that certain rules are broken with negative consequences. These approaches canbe found in the ethical codes of professional engineering organizations such as the IEEE Code ofEthics.2 Another approach is based on consequences,3 which requires an
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: Pre- and Post-Simulation Survey Data Evalulation Question Pre-Simulation Post-Simulation Mean Score / % Mean Score / % Strongly Agree Strongly Agree or Agree or Agree You should be able to anticipate the key impacts 1.63 / 92% 1.75 / 89% (positive or negative consequences) of your de- cisions on yourself and others at the time the decision(s) need to be made. The NSPE Code of Ethics will provide you with 2.72 / 46% 2.98 / 43% a clear
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abilities of therich, the middle class or the poor?Another important question is raised by the flooding in New Orleans. Through theconstruction of levees and various shipping canals, much of the coastline is washingaway, leaving the city and the residents of south Louisiana in a much more precariouscondition. Louisiana is losing her coastal land (both wetlands and flatlands) at acatastrophic rate. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers estimates that the present rate ofcoastal land loss is 25 square miles a year. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service places thatfigure even higher at about 34 square miles a year. The latter number is based onmeasuring the loss in coastal land area between 1978 and 1990. What are theresponsibilities of engineers and
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impact your ethical knowledge, reasoning, or behavior?” Alumni rated sixengineering related activities, three non-engineering related, and could add other(s). Theresponse options provided were: did not participate, involved but no impact (0), small impact (1),moderate impact (2), large impact (3). Near the end of the survey, individuals were askedwhether they might be willing to participate in an interview about how their ethics instruction asa student impacted them after graduation. The survey concluded with demographic questions:year they had taken the targeted course, year they had earned their Bachelor’s degree, open-ended line to fill in the major of their Bachelor’s degree, whether or not they had earned graduatedegrees, types of
showing where they may — intentionally or unintentionally — “game” theprocess. This demonstrates that an applied ethics approach is a systematic analytic process andnot — as one student suggested “loosey-goosey feel-good b____t”.Requiring students to present their analysis to their peers in class and receive coaching andfeedback right then and there allows the instructors to help students build confidence in their newknowledge and skills at assembling stable ethical scaffolds, and to steer their projectsaccordingly. From their analysis and in-class feedback, students finalize their ethical assessmentand how it has affected their projects in their final project report to the faculty member(s)teaching the course and their clients.Students are also
urges practitioners to avoid causing harm. 3Indeed, responsibility to hold an ideal paramount is substantively different from responsibility topromote the same ideal. For example, teachers, pilots, and doctors must all hold paramount thehealth and safety of the individuals in their charge, but among them only doctors must dedicatetheir work to the promotion of these individuals’ health and safety. The American MedicalAssociation’s (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics states that physicians are obliged to provide“competent medical care, with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights.”4 TheAmerican Bar Association’s (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct urge lawyers tofunction as “representative[s] of clients, [officers] of the legal system
should be responsible for teaching this code of ethics to new engineers? How does this code of ethics apply to those engineers who cannot or choose not to become licensed as a Professional Engineer (PE)? (note: PE licensure is not available for all disciplines) What happens when engineers fail to follow these guidelines?After discussing the applicable Code(s) of Ethics, participants shift back to case studydiscussions. “Tweaking the Data” asks participants to consider how the power differentialbetween a supervisor/employee or mentor/mentee can impact the gathering and reporting of data.In this scenario, an inexperienced engineer is tasked with collecting data that ends up surprisingand puzzling the project manager
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2006-636: CHEATING IN COLLEGE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ETHICALBEHAVIOR IN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PRACTICETrevor Harding, Kettering University Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Kettering University where he teaches courses in engineering materials and manufacturing. Dr. Harding's research interests include wear phenomenon in orthopeadic implants, ethical development in engineering undergraduates, and pedagogical innovations in environmental education. Currently, Trevor serves on the ERM Division Board of Directors and on the Kettering University Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Advisory Board.Cynthia Finelli, University of
engineering from educators’ standpoint in the respectivenations and region. We also plan to study engineering ethics education in other countries.References[1] ConnecticutHistory.org[2] Baker, R, A Caplan, L Emanuel, and S Latham, eds. 1999. The American Medical Ethics Revolution:How the AMA’s Code of Ethics Has Transformed Physicians’ Relationships to Patients, Professionals, andSociety. 1st ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.[3] Pfatteicher, Sarah K A. 2003. “Depending on Character : ASCE Shapes Its First Code of Ethics.”Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 129 (January): 21–32.[4] Kline, Ronald R. 2002. “Using History & Sociology To Teach Engineering Ethics.” IEEE Technologyand Society Magazine
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right vertical axis, representsthe percentage of students indicating that a given behavior was not wrong or unethical. All student responses regardless of class werepooled in this analysis (n=49).Figure 5: This question asked how many times in the prior two academic semesters had the student engaged in each of twenty behav-iors. Allowable discrete responses were zero, one, two, or three or more times. The segments of the bar represents the percentage ofrespondents selecting a given answer. The left half of each composite bar represents the responses from the freshmen (n=17), while theright half represents the upperclass students (n=31).References [1] John S. Baird. Current trends in college cheating. Psychology in the Schools, 17(4):515–522
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1 D. Jonassen, J. Strobel, and C. B. Lee, J. Eng. Educ. 95, 139 (2006).2 D. H. Jonassen, D. Shen, R. M. Marra, Y. H. Cho, J. L. Lo, and V. K. Lohani, J. Eng. Educ. 98, 235–254 (2009).3 J. R. Herkert, Bridge Link. Eng. Soc. 32, 8–13 (2002).4 L. J Shuman, M. Besterfield-Sacre, and J. McGourty, J. Eng. Educ. 94, 41–55 (2005).5 William T. Lynch and Ronald Kline, Sci. Technol. Hum. Values 25, 195–225 (2000).6 E. T. Layton Jr, The Revolt of the Engineers. Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession.(Johns Hopkins University Press, 701 W. 40th St., Baltimore, MD 21211 ($29.50 hard cover, $9.95 paperback).,1986
issue of how to useengineering ethics education to promote social development is still to be further discussedand improved by scholars. Awakening scholars' attention to this issue is also one of thepurposes of this paper.AcknowledgementThe paper is supported by China Association of Higher Education (No. 2016GCZD02) andthe title of the project is The Cultivation System of Green Engineering Education Talents fromthe Washington Accord.References[1] Chen, S. , and Ravallion, M. 2013. “More relatively‐poor people in a less absolutely‐poorworld”. Review of Income and Wealth,59(1): 28.[2] Griffiths B, Tan K. 2007. “Fighting Poverty Through Enterprise: The Case for SocialVenture Capital”. Transformational Business Network.[3] Wieser, Christina . 2011
difference between “right” and “wrong” 2) An ethical dilemma can have multiple decisions that are equally ethical 3) The ethical decision making process is a rational, thought based process 4) Two people can arrive at different decisions to an ethical dilemma and still be ethical 5) A person’s experiences can influence their ethical decisions 6) An office culture can influence ethical decisions 7) A person’s culture can influence ethical decisionsQuestions 8-13 were rated on a similar scale, with the questions asked once for each class andstudents filling in the content for the course(s) they were enrolled in. Questions 8-10 wereanswered for the capstone course and questions 11-13 were answered for the steel design course
network. Services such as DNS, mail, and web must be setup just as in a realnetwork. Students are generally given wide latitude to choose their own operating systems,server applications, and network configuration, as this also helps them learn what works well andwhat does not. The setup phase can last 1-2 weeks, depending on the situation, during whichtime the students’ network(s) are isolated from any attacks. Page 12.1462.10The exercise itself can last any amount of time, but often occurs over 12-24 hours. In this phasetwo additional teams participate, referred to here as the red and green teams. The red team ismade up of educators, industry