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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 919 in total
Conference Session
Capstone Projects and Experiential Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chad M. Laux, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Abram Walton, Ph.D., Purdue University; Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kimberly Marie Deranek, Nova Southeastern University; Darrel L. Sandall, Purdue University; Rick L. Homkes, Purdue University; Sarah E. Leach, Purdue University, Statewide Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
business models through the development of emerging continuous improvement methodologies. Specif- ically, Dr. Walton’s unique systems-thinking approach to Leadership strategies for Lean, Healthcare, and Product Lifecycle Management has cultivated multi-disciplinary collaborations, generating research and scholarship on innovative organizational strategies and best practices for engineering and innovation initiatives.Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette AMY S. VAN EPPS is the Engineering Librarian, Coordinator of Instruction at the Seigesmund Library, Purdue University, West Lafayette. She is a graduate of Lafayette College (B.A., 1991), The Catholic University of America (M.S.L.S.,1994) and Rensselaer
Conference Session
Academe/Industry Collaboration
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy K. Sundheim, Saint Cloud State University; Aaron J. Barker, St. Cloud Technical and Community College
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Society for Engineering Education, 2019 T e c h n ic ia n -T e c h n o lo g y T e a m w o r k : M u ltifu n c tio n a l C o lla b o r a tio n o n I n d u s tr y P r o je c t sA b s tra c tT h e im p o r ta n c e o f m u ltif u n c tio n a l te a m w o r k h a s b e e n a d v o c a te d f o r s o m e tim e . T h is in c lu d e sh a v in g te c h n ic ia n s a n d e n g in e e r in g te c h n o lo g is ts le a rn to w o r k e ff e c tiv e ly to g e th e r . T h e g o a l o fth is p ilo t p r o je c t w a s to h a v e s tu d e n ts f r o m 2 -Y e a r a n d 4 - Y e a r p r o g r a m s le a r n to v a lu e th e irc o u n te r p a r ts b y w o rk in g to g e th e r o n a c o m b in e d
Conference Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ana Djuric P.E., Wayne State University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Ece Yaprak, Wayne State University; Wen Chen, Wayne State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
s Armature Current Ia [ A ] 8.25 Stall Torque Tstall [ Nm ] 97.2 No-load angular velocity  noload [ rad ] 150 s 2 Load Inertia J L [ kgm ] 5 Load Damping Coefficient DL [ Nms ] 30 rad
Conference Session
Assessment of Engineering Technology Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Lamb, Youngstown State University; David Kurtanich
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
visit. The department, as a whole, had information fromalumni and employer surveys, which we were able to use for some outcomes assessment. Thedepartment did not have any real hard data to present regarding student(s) learning outcomes,course accomplishments with respect to the student(s) and, obviously, therefore could not assesscourse outcomes or individual program outcomes. Nor could the department/program evenbegin to look at closing the loop of making changes to improve a course or program for thestudents. What was the view from the trenches at this point? We were in the middle of a neverending downpour and the trench was filling up fast. As a department there was not a clear sense of what TAC-ABET was looking for andwhat the
Conference Session
Project Based Learning In ET Program
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vassilios Tzouanas, University of Houston - Downtown; Matthew Stevenson; Sanjo Peter, University of Houston Downtown
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Engineering Technology
, students must work in teamsand complete a capstone project. This project, also called Senior Project in our terminology,provides students with an opportunity to work on complex control problems, similar to onesencountered in the industry, and employ a number of technologies and methods to provide apractical solution.In general, the Senior Project entails the design and construction of a process, identification ofkey control objectives, specification and implementation of required instrumentation for processvariable(s) monitoring and control, real time data acquisition and storage methods, modeling ofthe process using empirical and/or analytical methods, design and tuning of controllers, andclosed loop control performance evaluation.Equally
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Vladimir Sheyman, Wayne State University
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Engineering Technology
Heat Rejection 4. Evaporator Heat Absorption 5. Evaporator Heat Absorption (alternate method) 6. Time to reach steady state condition 7. Thermostatic Expansion Valve Operation Examples of Experiments Experiment 3 – Condenser Heat Rejection Page 12.394.4 Purpose: To calculate the heat (kJ/s) rejected by the condenser into the air. Definition: Heat is transferred from the hot refrigerant vapor to the condenser tubes, (shown below), fins and finally to the air. In steps 2 through 5, this
Conference Session
Robotics, Automation, and Product Development
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vassilios Tzouanas, University of Houston, Downtown; Steely Earl Varon Falar, University of Houston, Downtown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
demonstrate the practicality of thenew PID design method.The remaining of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the methodology and itsimplementation in Microsoft Excel. Section 3 presents simulation results on the performance ofthe proposed method for a number of processes. Section 4 presents experimental results whileSection 5 discusses the impact on undergraduate education. Finally, Section 6 summarizes themain results.2. The Proposed Tuning Method2.1 Block Diagram RepresentationConsider a process under feedback control as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Schematic of a feedback control loop.where (in the Laplace domain): Gp(s) is the process model Gc(s) is the controller transfer function Gd
Conference Session
Multimedia and Distance Learning in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikunja Swain, South Carolina State University
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Engineering Technology
. Page 11.395.4The other equation that are used in this VI are equations to calculate the RMS values of voltageand current, the maximum value of current from voltage and impedance information, and the realpower (P), reactive power (Q), and total power (S). Vm Im V m ∠θ vV = ...... I = ......I m = ............(6) 2 2 Z∠θ zP = V I cos θ .........Q = V I sin θ .............S = P + jQ................(7)θ = θ v − θ i ....................................................................(8)The front panel of this VI consists of (a) the user inputs (controls) such as maximum voltage,angle of the voltage, impedance, angle of the
Conference Session
Renewable Energy Topics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Biswajit Ray, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
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Engineering Technology
Load_Voltage (V)Angular Speed SSM - s (rad/s) B Generator Scope E
Conference Session
MET Papers 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Cynthia Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Nan Yao, Beihang University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
firstattempt, while additional attempts are recognizing the fact that they are still in the learning phaseand may require some “guidance”. No partial credit is given for problems with incorrect answer.The overall strategy is to simulate learning progression from educational environment toindustry/work setting. Although these modifications were initially greeted by students withapprehension, at the end of the course students recognized the benefits of this structured andrigorous approach and expressed very positive attitude towards the examination strategy.ResultsThe study was performed on the results collected during eight semesters (S’13 – F’16). Thecourse modification was made in the Fall ’14 and implemented in the Spring ’15. The reportedresults
Conference Session
Robotics, Automation, and Product Development
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Biswajit Ray, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
system model, given the system transfer function.Open-loop mass-spring-damper systemA mass-spring-damper mechanical system10 excited by an external force (f) is shown in Figure 1.This second-order system can be mathematically modeled as a position (x) control system withobject mass (m), viscous friction coefficient (b), and spring constant (k) as parameters. Based ona free-body diagram, the system differential equation is expressed in (1). Using LaplaceTransform, this time-domain equation leads to a position-to-external force transfer functiongiven by equation (2). Once the transfer function is derived, a set of parameter values (m = 0.1kg, b = 1 N*s/m and k = 2 N/m) is used to obtain the system transfer function shown in (3
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Civil Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nirmal Das, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
xj 1 010 6 Mx j 5 0105 0 0 10 20 30 xj 4Required shear strength: Vu ? 7.685 · 10 lbf 5Required moment strength: M u ? 6.339 · 10 ft© lbf2. Design for moment:Selected beam width: b w ? 22in Selected beam overall thickness: h = 36 in 2Required area of steel: A s ? 4.516in
Conference Session
Simulations and Project-Based Learning II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gonca Altuger-Genc, State University of New York, Farmingdale State College; Yue Han, Stevens Institute of Technology; Yegin Genc
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
]: ( s   f ) D 2  18v s  Specific Weight of the Sphere D  Diameter of Sphere f  Specific Weight of the Fluid v  Velocity of the SphereAt this stage, the instructor has the freedom to custom design the animation for a variety ofdifferent question presentations. Table 2 shows possible computational questions for a singlefluid. Once students compute any of the following scenarios, additional questions can beprovided on asking them to rank the fluids by their viscosities, specific weights or speeds, whichprovide a chance for students to review the animation and compare different fluids. Table 2. Layout of possible
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technology Curriculum Innovations
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Sweeney, Pennsylvania State University-Erie; Richard Englund, Pennsylvania State University-Erie; Robert Edwards, Pennsylvania State University-Erie
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
were 46 juniors surveyed the first year. Page 12.549.3There were 38 seniors and 48 juniors surveyed the second year.Assessment ResultsThe following table shows a summary of the assessment results. There are many ways that thedata and numbers could be analyzed and presented. The authors have chosen a weightedresponse based on assigned weights for each response. For reference, the table shows thepercentage response for each administration of the quiz. Percentage Response Weighted Response Question Response Response Jr.'s Jr.'s Sr.'s Jr.'s Jr.'s Sr.'s No. Choice Weight FA06 FA05 FA06 FA06
Conference Session
Recruitment & Retention in ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raju Dandu, Kansas State University at Salina; John DeLeon, Kansas State University at Salina
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2008-1419: KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY’S ELITE SCHOLARSHIPPROGRAM:ENHANCING LIVES THROUGH TECHNOLOGY ANDENGINEERINGRaju Dandu, Kansas State University at Salina Raju S. Dandu is the program coordinator and professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Kansas State University at Salina. He teaches courses in CNC Machine Processes, Material Strength and Testing, Advanced CAD/CAM, Industrial Instrumentation and Controls, and Automated Manufacturing Systems II. He is active in offering workforce training in reliability centered maintenance, CE certification, process instrumentation and PLCs. His areas of interest are: Product risk analysis, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Energy Efficient Lighting
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Progress Reports: Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Stier, Illinois State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
outcomes were developed initially in draft form. Performance criteria were thenidentified for each of the outcomes. Rogers defines performance criteria as the “specific,measurable statements identifying the performance(s) required to meet the outcome and areconfirmable through evidence”24. Developing the performance criteria helped the faculty tofurther refine the outcomes. The number of performance criteria per outcome was limited to fouras an accepted rule-of-thumb as they were being developed. The template in figure one was usedas the learning outcomes and performance criteria were identified.The advisory board for the program was convened and asked to provide input on all theoutcomes and performance criteria that were identified by the
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement & Assessment of ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; Guy Hembroff, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
) A respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global Outcome 10 issues (ABET 2.j ) Outcome 11 A commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement (ABET 2.k) The application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated software, Outcome 12 analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers to the building, testing, operation and maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems. (ABET 8.a) The application of physics or chemistry to electrical/electronic(s) circuits in a rigorous Outcome 13 mathematical environment at or above the level of algebra and trigonometry. (ABET 8.b
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention in Engineering Technology Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Harding, Purdue University; Benjamin Scott, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
learning about stereo amplifier operation in order to test, troubleshoot,repair, and in some cases upgrade the equipment. Moreover, we are a satellite campus2 andkeeping our equipment and facilities up to date is always a difficult challenge. As such, evenused equipment is often attractive.Periodically, customers who sent equipment to this company for repair decided it was better toreplace their old amplifier(s) with new ones rather than pay the sometimes fairly expensive repairbill. Thus, this local employer proposed donating some of these old amplifiers, along with theparts needed for repair, and letting us repair and use them. In addition to returning them toservice as amplifiers, it is also straightforward to convert them into fairly high
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiumin Diao, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
controller, the stabilizing controller, and themode controller will be discussed in the next three sections.A. Design of the position controller The pendulum in the system has a length of 2 L  0.335 (m) and its center of mass is located atits geometric center. Thus the natural frequency for small oscillation of the pendulum is given by mgL 3g p    6.628 (rad/s)  IA 4Lwhere I A is the mass moment of inertia of the pendulum about point A . To have the rotating armto react to the pendulum’s movements quickly, the closed-loop response of the rotating armshould be considerably
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum and Practices in Engineering Technology
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Walk, Old Dominion University; Roland Lawrence, Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. Students in this knowledge-deficitsituation generally benefit from direct interaction with an instructor, such as in the traditionalvisit to an instructor‟s office for private one-on-one tutoring. In this personal interaction, theinstructor will assess „in real time‟ the student‟s understanding of any number of prerequisiteskills and knowledge and will adjust the direction and pace of the meeting, and ideally respondwith sensitivity, insight, and accuracy at teach point of assessment during the tutorial session.The long-term goal of this effort is to create, using interactive software, an effective substitutefor the one-on-one, across-the-desk tutorial experience for the advanced placement engineeringor engineering technology student needing
Conference Session
Academe/Industry Collaboration
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aleksandr Sergeyev, Michigan Technological University; Mark Bradley Kinney, West Shore Community College; Scott A. Kuhl, Michigan Technological University; Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; Mark Highum, Bay de Noc Community College; Prince Mehandiratta, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
and places it for assembly 3) Robot 3 assembles the cap on the markerworking of multiple robots controlled safely with the PLC. Three teams work on three differentrobots to program individual tasks.The color of the markers, blue, red and pink are chosen in the increasing order of contrast. Thebelt being black in color makes it difficult for the robot to detect the dark colors such as blue.The students have to adjust the environment lighting and create enough brightness for the camerato detect the blue contrast. The caps are placed in the search region of robot 3 and the openmarkers are placed in the region of robot 2. The robot 2’s vision system detects the markersposition and orientation in ascending order of contrast (blue, red and pink
Conference Session
Project-based Learning in ET Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyril B Okhio, Kennesaw State University; Florian Misoc, Kennesaw State University; Austin B. Asgill, Southern Polytechnic College of Engr and Engr Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
scientists and engineersfor the coming generations. Page 26.945.3IntroductionBentley and Kyvik, 2012 found in their studies that faculty members spend more than 50hours of their time every week on the job, out of which only 20 hours are spent doing theactual teaching. Depending on the faculty status, either Tenure-Track or Tenured, or even asa function of the nature of the institution in which one find himself/herself, research orientedor purely teaching institutions as the case may be, these hours can be much higher (Bentley,P.J., and S. Kyvik, S.).It would be needed to inculcate time-efficient teaching practices into these new courses fromhere-on in order to give the students the best and facilitate their learning in
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James E. Globig, University of Dayton; Michael J. Kozak, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
student.First Class Meeting - Anxiety ReductionAt the very first class meeting, the instructor tries to remove the anxieties of first year Circuits(affectionately called “Snircuits” by the instructor) students. Many of these students, especiallythe non-majors, are quite intimidated by Electrical Circuits even at the most fundamental levelbecause they can‟t “see” what‟s happening before them. A significant portion of the non-majorsare taking the course for the second time and / or have avoided taking it until they are upperclassmen increasing their anxiety ever further. In the first session, the instructor does not review the syllabus, etc. To some of the students thesyllabus is the only subject at the university that is more boring than the subject of
Conference Session
Industrial Collaboration and Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Durkin, IUPUI
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
needs are important, how they‟re symbiotic, theirevolution, what was learned, and where it should be repeated.IntroductionThe products offered for sale by American retailers sometimes indicate that everything we buy isprobably made overseas. These products imply that domestic manufacturing has become a fadedconcept. The truth is not found on consumer sales receipts. In fact, the United States is still theworld‟s largest manufacturing economy, producing 21percent of all manufactured goods6, andvalued at $1.64 trillion6 in 2008. The size of this amount is difficult to digest, but by itself, $1.64trillion would represent the world‟s 8th largest economy6. This group of domestic manufacturersemployed 9% of the total workforce, or nearly 12 million
Conference Session
Educating for Results: Tools used in Engineering Technology
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Recayi 'Reg' Pecen; Ayhan Zora; Faruk Yildiz, University of Northern Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
StudyFigure 1 depicts a schematic of the simulated system. An object with mass, m, is locatedon a flat surface. One edge of the surface is lifted up to form an angle, α, with the ground.The static friction coefficient, µ s, is given. The purpose of this test is to determine theangle of inclination when the object starts the motion by using a digital simulation tool. m = 100 kg µ s = 0.6 Fw = mg α Figure 1. Object on inclined surfaceLMS.Imagine.Lab 7b is used to simulate the system6. In the mechanical library thereexists a component called “linear mass with 2 ports and friction”. The user
Conference Session
TAC/ABET-related Outcome-based Assessment Methods and Models
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathryne Newton, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
stages.Fortunately, both ABET and ATMAE accreditation procedures are amenable tonew/innovative programs, although the former’s requirement for the existence ofprogram graduates defers its accreditation decision until this requirement can bedemonstrated. Given that the ATMAE’s process does not have this requirement, theadvantage to the department is that there will not be a period during which any newprogram(s) might not be accredited.Based on the experience of the past years, it seems appropriate to recommend thatcolleagues considering multiple accreditations do pursue that path despite the resourcedemands in terms of faculty time, technology and money for professional development.However, the advantages of increased purposeful and collective reflection
Conference Session
Novel Teaching Methods In Engineering Technology
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward E. Osakue, Texas Southern University; Jonathan J. Lewis, Texas Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
standards are popular in the engineering andtechnological communities. Because English units system is used in training the vast majority ofour engineers, technologists, and technicians, they are probably ill equipped for the global stagewhere the SI units system is the measurement language of trade and science. For instance, whencompanies from different countries work on the same technical project(s), the use of a commonunit of measure is necessary. Since the SI units system is international, this is often the preferredchoice. According to Euler [5], all new USA standards (ASTM, ANSI, SAE, IEEE, ASME, etc.)are now written in metric. This is because, the lead engineers in these organizations recognizethe importance of trying to get the USA on track
Conference Session
Assessment of Engineering Technology Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Virendra Varma, Missouri Western State University; Tina Varma, University of Central Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
ePortfolio Preparation Review Period Quality Characteristic Level Period S M U Initial Sophomore Year Winter/Spring Semester S M U Intermediate, or Junior Year Winter/Spring Semester S M U Mid-Level Final Senior Year Winter/Spring Semester S M U S – Satisfactory M – Marginal U - UnacceptableNote: In the rubric for evaluation criteria of the ePortfolio, S can be set at 80 to 100, M at 70 to80, and U below 70.Rubric for Assessment of ePortfolio ContentRubrics that are simple to
Conference Session
Capstone/ET Projects III - Mechanical and Manufacturing Focus
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Byul Hur, Texas A&M University; Yonghui Wang, Prairie View A&M University; Suxia Cui, Prairie View A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
workincludes organization of Mini-Maker Faire with multiple courses and collaboration with anotheruniversity.References 1. Anderson, C., (2012). Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, Random House Business: New York, NY. 2. American Society for Engineering Education. (2016). Envisioning the Future of the Maker Movement: Summit Report. Washington, DC.3. Barton, A. C., Tan, C., & Greenberg, D. (2017). The makerspace movement: Sites of possibilities for equitable opportunities to engage underrepresented youth in STEM. Teachers College Record, V 119 (7).4. Bloom, B. S.; Engelhart, M. D.; Furst, E. J.; Hill, W. H.; Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I
Conference Session
Continuous Improvement & Assessment of ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cottrell, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2008-1598: TC2K AND CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT: THE CASE FORCOMPREHENSIVE COURSE ASSESSMENT IN SUSTAINING CONTINUOUSPROGRAM IMPROVEMENTDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina at Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic