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Displaying results 631 - 660 of 919 in total
Conference Session
Student Recruitment and Retention in ET Programs and Labs in ET Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alka R Harriger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bradley C. Harriger, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
March 2016].[5] Phoenix Contact, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 31 January 2016].[6] Phoenix Contact, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 31 January 2016].[7] J. Payne, "Future of the PLC," CFE Media, 26 August 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 7 March 2016].[8] A. R. Harriger, B. C. Harriger, M. G. Flynn and S. M. Flynn, "Attracting Minorities to ET through TECHFIT," in 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015.[9] TECHFIT, "TECHFIT Testimonials," January 2016. [Online]. Available:
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy III
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sonia Travaglini, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
on pedagogicalmethods, or seeing methods used by other instructors. SEEFs shared common motivations ofjoining a career involving instruction motivated by experiences during student teaching roles,and a desire to improve teaching practices. In addition, the SEEF community referred to Barkleyet al.’s handbook [29] on collaborative learning techniques provided a wealth of teachingmethods, along with Godsell’s sourcebook [30] which provided perspective on differentmethods, their implementation and evaluation, among many other sources. However common toall the SEEFs was interpreting the application of these methods to fit their discipline. Forexample, in Computer Science the jigsaw method was used to explore the ethics of human-computer
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy I
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hazem Tawfik, State University of New York; Yeong Ryu, State University of New York
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Engineering Technology
Technology at Farmingdale YEONG S. RYU graduated from Columbia University with a Ph.D. and Master of Philosophy in Mechan- ical Engineering in 1994. He has served as an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Farmingdale State College (SUNY) since 2006. In addition, he has conducted various research projects at Xerox Corporation (1994-1995), Hyundai Motor Corporation (1995-1997), and New Jersey Institute of Technology (2001-2003). He has been teaching and conducting research in a broad range of areas of system identification and control of nonlinear mechatronic systems and vibrations in structures requir- ing precision pointing to eliminate the detrimental effects of such diverse disturbance sources
Conference Session
Capstone/ET Projects II - General
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Adel Salama P.E., Austin Peay State University; Chin-Zue Chen, Austin Peay State University
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Engineering Technology
Project Proposal FormFigure 2: Capstone Project TimelineProject Deliverables Deliverables for the capstone project are comprised of the following: a. Project Proposal: specifies user/problem requirements and specifications, proposed solution(s), and relevant industry standards, such as IEEE standards. b. Project Management Plan: a Gantt chart that lists all tasks, deliverables, and milestones, as well as the breakdown of duties and responsibilities by team member. c. Hardware and Software Acquisition: corresponding to the adopted design. d. Weekly Presentations and Progress Reports. e. Interim and Final Reports. f. Documentation: developing documentation in the form of [separate] user and developer manuals: the user
Conference Session
Graduate Education and Undergraduate Research in ET
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jinwen Zhu, Missouri Western State University; Virendra Varma, Missouri Western State University
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Engineering Technology
International was used in our project, which starts withunderstanding the physics of the basic semiconductor, dielectric, and conducting Page 12.234.3materials. The software provides a Virtual Wafer Fab technology simulation environmentenabling the ATHENA process technology simulators and the ATLAS device technologysimulators to prepare, run, optimize, and analyze semiconductor experiments to achieveoptimal process recipes and device targets3. In our project, the ATLAS device simulatorwas used to simulate the electrical behavior of our devices. The software includes severalmodules: S-Pisces/Device3D, 2D/3D device simulators; Blaze, 2D & 3D devicesimulator
Conference Session
Shifting Trends of Course and Curricula in IET and IT
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Kelley, Central Michigan University; Adam Schmidke, Central Michigan University; Lauren Griffin, Central Michigan University
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Engineering Technology
. With this being said, all students and instructors seemed to beprogressing in their knowledge of Smarteam at the end of the course.Bibliography1. Cimdata (2007). “What is PLM?”. Downloaded January 12, 2008 from CIMdata (2005, April). PLM for Mid-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises. Downloaded October 12, 2006 from Dohrman, Greg. (2007) “Seven steps to complete PLM”. Machine Design, 79 (4). p. 74.4. Dassault Systemes (2004) Product lifecycle management solution for small and medium manufacturing business. Downloaded April 1, 2004 from Gould, L. S. (2005). Software Developments that May Simplify Your Challenges, Automotive Design & Production. p.66.6
Conference Session
Simulation and Virtual Instrumentation in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mukasa Ssemakula, Wayne State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education." J. College Science Teaching, vol. 23, no.5, 1993); pp. 286-290 .3. Felder, Richard M.: “Matters of Style”. ASEE Prism, vol. 6, no. 4, (1996); pp. 18 –23.4. Zywno, Margozata S. and Weelan, Judith K.: “The Effect of Hypermedia Instruction on Achievement and Attitude of Students With Different Learning Styles.” Proceedings, 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, June 24-27, 2001; Albuquerque, NM.5. Ssemakula, Mukasa E.: “Transforming a Traditional Course into a Long Distance Course”, Proceedings, 1999 Page 11.1378.8 Frontiers in Education
Conference Session
Web-based learning
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alamgir Choudhury, Western Michigan University; Jorge Rodriguez, Western Michigan University; Sam Ramrattan, Western Michigan University; Mitchel Keil, Western Michigan University; Pavel Ikonomov, Western Michigan University; Abhishek Goyal, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
-by-step learningprocess taught in the class. Combined use of the computer-aided solution and thelaboratory experimentation will maximize the students’ learning of the subject taught in alecture class. The web based tool may also be used for distance education and laboratorypractices in fluid power and instrumentation classes.References1. Gere, James, M., Mechanics of Materials, Thompson Learning, USA, 2001.2. Spiegel, L. and Limbrunner, G., Applied Statics and Strength of Materials, Pearson Education Inc., NJ, 2004.3. Esche, S., Prasad, M. and Chassapis, C., “Remotely Accessible Laboratory Approach for Undergraduate Education”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, , St. Louise, MO, 2000.4. Francisco, et. al., “A virtual
Conference Session
Electrical ET Curriculum
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Ossman, University of Cincinnati
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Engineering Technology
a real appreciation for what DSP is all about: processing signals quickly andefficiently to achieve some practical objective(s).The traditional textbook approach to teaching FFTs is to present students with a complicated setof equations showing how data is separated into pairs, processed using a 2-pt FFT, thenrecombined with another 2-pt FFT. The pairs of 2-pt FFTs are then processed to create a set of4-pt FFTs and the process is repeated until one single N-pt FFT has been computed. Theequations are typically followed with a Butterfly diagram used to illustrate the flow of data.While the idea is easy to convey to engineering technology students, the equations tend to beoverwhelming for most of my students. The handout described in this
Conference Session
Innovative Curriculum & non-Technical Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Austin Asgill, Southern Polytechnic State University
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Engineering Technology
Imaging ‚ BiometricsStudents must select at least one course from this list of electives. The capstone course isenvisioned as either a capstone project in an area of Biomedical Engineering Technology or as asupervised industrial Internship during which the student will gain a broad experience of somearea(s) of Biomedical Engineering Technology. Students will be required to write a report oftheir Internship experiences, and will also be provided with a grade by their industrialsupervisor.The ECET faculty is already working in consultation with the Biology department to develop acourse in Anatomy and Physiology which will be used to replace the Biological Principles Icourse. This course will provide an overview of all the major body systems and
Conference Session
Non-Technical Skills in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Brown, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Richard Pfile, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
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Engineering Technology
sexualharassment in any situation.The second goal will be to describe how ABET program outcomes (i) and (j) are addressedthrough this ethics course content.COURSE CONTENTThe course content for a one credit ethics course sheds light on the areas that require the greatestconcentration of discussion and effort. A sample course schedule can be seen in the syllabuslocated in the Appendix. The course begins with the discussion of what ethics is in the narrowscope of the American “baseball, apple pie and mom” mentality and deals with issues that arerelatively straightforward. This approach addresses ethics from a fundamental moral standpointand uses case studies surrounding issues such as Ford Pinto’s exploding gas tank of the late1970’s and the space shuttle
Conference Session
Robotics and Automation
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas B. Stout, Tidewater Community College; Steve C. Hsiung, Old Dominion University
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Engineering Technology
what anyone of the institutions could accomplish individually. The sharing of resources and opening thegateway that it creates makes this a project perfect for collaboration. More time and efforts arestill needed to justify the effectiveness of this project beyond joint collaboration to improvedstudent learning.References1. Marken, S., Gray, L., and Lewis, L. (2013). Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students at Postsecondary Institutions: 2010–11 (NCES 2013-002). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved 15 February 2014 from
Conference Session
Engaging Students in Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Rockland, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Howard Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology; John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, and computer science.Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Program Evaluator in the Center for Pre-College programs. She has a doctoral degree in educational psychology with a specialty in psychometrics and a Masters degree in statistics. She has been involved in all aspects of educational and psychological research for 15 years. Dr. Hirsch has extensive experience conducting longitudinal research studies and is proficient in database management, experimental design, instrument development, psychometrics and statistical programming.John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology JOHN D. CARPINELLI is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conference Session
Distance Learning in Engineering Technology
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Yuzhong Shen, Old Dominion University; Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University
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Engineering Technology
”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2011 ASEE Session AC 2011-522 7. Kuyath, S., Owen, T., Sharer, D., Murphy, D., Kimble, J., and Englebert, M., “Development of an Electrical Engineering Technology Education”, ”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2003 ASEE 8. Crossman, G., “A CD-ROM Based Laboratory in Fluid Mechanics”, ”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2001 ASEE Session 2247 9. Connor, K., Berry, F., Chouikha, M., Newman, D., Deyoe, M., and Brubaker, W., “Using the Mobile Studio to Facilitate Nontraditional Approaches to Education and Outreach”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2011
Conference Session
Green Renewable Energy and Engineering Technology
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wesley L. Stone, Western Carolina University; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University
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Engineering Technology
Creates New Products and Patents for Students. Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas, June 14-17, 2009.4. Cliver, R., Leonard, W., Dell, E., & Merrill, R. (2011), ABET Report Generation. Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.5. Microsoft Access: HA101829991.aspx#_Toc2547800706. CATME website: Schneider, S. (2011), Developing an Application to Manage and View ABET Course Material. Proceedings of
Conference Session
Simulation and Virtual Instrumentation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chao Li, Florida A&M University; Antonio J. Soares, Florida A&M University
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Engineering Technology
are ITU-T G.823, ITU-T G.824,which regulates the corresponding parameters and values in jitter measuring device in 2048kbit/sand 144kbit/s PDH systems respectively.There are many different ways to measure jitter. An eye diagram provides the most fundamental,intuitive view of jitter. It is a composite view of all the bit periods of a captured waveformsuperimposed upon each other. In other words, the waveform trajectory from the start of period 2to the start of period 3 is overlaid on the trajectory from the start of period 1 to the start of period2, and so on, for all bit periods [3]. Shown in Figure 2 is an idealized eye diagram, with verysmooth and symmetrical transitions at the left and right crossing points. The eye shape willinclude the
Conference Session
ETD Design V: Classroom Delivery, Course Content, and Assessments
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Dunning, University of Maine; Rosemary A. LaMountain, University of Maine; Linda Liscomb, University of Maine
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. 3. Rice, L., (1988), “Student Evaluation of Teaching: Problems and Prospects”, Teaching Philosophy, 11, 329-44. 4. D’Apollonia, S., Abrami, P.C.,(1997), “Navigating Student Ratings of Instruction”, American Psychologist, 52, 1198-1208. 5. Gilbaugh, J.W., (Feb. 1982), “Renner Substantiated”, Phi Delta Kappan, 63, 428. 6. Ryan, J.J., Anderson, J.J., Birchler, A.B., (December, 1980), “Student Evaluations: The Faculty Responds”, Research in Higher Education, 12, 317-33. 7. Williams, W.M., Ceci, S.J., (Sept./Oct. 1997), “How’m I Doing? Problems with Student Ratings of Instructors and Courses”, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 29, 12-23
Conference Session
Multimedia and Distance Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fatih Oncul, Southern Polytechnic State University
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Engineering Technology
perform the same recordingjob as the new Windows based tablet-PCs could do, this will continue to be more appealing tothose who have already been frustrated with poor performance of Windows based software ontablet-PCs. Page 22.1660.11References [1] Biswas, S., 2007, “Teaching Courses with Tablet PC: Experience and Student Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. [2] Brooks, J., 2007, Linux for Beginners, Eweek Labs, March 19, 2007, pp. 37-41 [3] Camtasia Studio website, [4] Cellwriter website,
Conference Session
ETD Design II: Mechanical Engineering Technology
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Akbar M. Eslami, Elizabeth City State University
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Engineering Technology
couple of months to registermillions of points. The same computer model can be generated by utilizing the non- contactoptical scanner and software in a couple of days. There are numerous important legitimate applications for reverse engineering inindustries, such as improving performance of a part by creating a computer model for whichthere is either no CAD data available or data has become obsolete. This application was used in aturbine manufacturer company to improve the performance of the turbine1. The companydecided to get more power out of hundreds of turbines that were originally built and installed inthe 1950’s. The basic idea was to use the original outer casing but upgrade the internalcomponents such as the blades and diaphragm
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Progress Reports: Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; Aleksandr Sergeyev, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
strongcommunication skills to effectively communicate technical issues to productdesigners. The desired outcomes of the test engineering graduate certificate wereadopted from ABET’s (a) through (k) outcomes6 shown in Table 1. Table 1 Test Engineering Graduate Certificate Learning Outcomes6 Outcome 1 The application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated software, analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers to the building, testing, operation and maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems using laboratory equipments an Automatic Test Equipment (ATE). (ABET 8.a) Outcome 2 An appropriate mastery of the knowledge, techniques, skills and
Conference Session
Newly Developed Engineering Courses
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Alvarado, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
. Alvarado, “Power engineering technology: a new program targeted at the nuclear power industry,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2008.2. L. Parker, M. Holt, “Nuclear Power: Outlook for New U.S. Reactors,” CRS Report for Congress, March 2007.3. R. Mott, Applied Fluid Mechanics, 6th edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2006.4. Y. Cengel, M. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2008.5. D. Kaminski, M. K. Jensen, Introduction to Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2005.6. F. P. Incropera, D. P. DeWitt, T. L. Bergman, A. S. Lavine, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th edition, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2007.7
Conference Session
Curriculum & Student Enrollment II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Miguel Bazdresch, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Engineering Technology
, Vol. 26, No. 4, Nov. 1983, pp. 170—172. 5. Sandige R. S., “Top-Down Design Process for gate-Level Combinational Logic Design”, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 35, No. 3, Aug. 1992, pp. 247—252. Page 24.1299.6 6. Hadjilogiou, J., “An Innovative Top-Down Approach to Teaching Engineering Courses”, in Proc. of the 2001 Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 19—24.
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Pedagogy 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Clayton J. Hahola, Montana State University; Kevin R. Cook, Montana State University; William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
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Engineering Technology
in Higher Education, no. March, 2016. [Online]. Available: flexibility-vol-7-no-1-march-2016.pdf.[4] A. T. Kirkpatrick, S. Danielson, and T. Perry, "ASME Vision 2030’s Recommendations for Mechanical Engineering Education," San Antonio, Texas, 2012/06/10, 2012. [Online]. Available:[5] R. Mott, G. Neff, M. Stratton, and D. Summers, "Future directions for mechanical, manufacturing, and industrial engineering technology programs," Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 8-15, 2002.[6] ABET, "Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) 2019 - 2020." [Online]. Available
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Pedagogy 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Avimanyu Sahoo, Oklahoma State University; Chulho Yang, Oklahoma State University; Young Bae Chang P.E., Oklahoma State University
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Engineering Technology
/ability to problem solve / critical thinking skills/Research capabilities/other) 4. Which advantage for your business would be the reason(s) you would hire MS in Engineering Technology graduates? (Immediate application of knowledge/Marketability of employees’ education level/Increased written/verbal communication skills/Other)Students  Would you be interested in enrolling in the MS in Engineering Technology degree program at OSU? (Great interest/high interest/ maybe/ low interest/ no interest)  If you are interested in enrolling in the MS degree program, when would you most likely start? (Immediately (less than a year) after graduation/ after one year/ after two years/ after three years/after four years
Conference Session
New Directions for Engineering Technology
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jay R. Porter, Texas A&M University; Michael D. Johnson, Texas A&M University; Andrea M. Ogilvie P.E., Texas A&M University; Christopher Cantrell, Texas A&M University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
a calculus prerequisite as a bottleneck in Clemson's General Engineering Curriculum," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 253-257, Jul 2004, doi: 10.1002/j.2168- 9830.2004.tb00812.x.[11] P. McLaughlin and N. Simpson, "The common first year programme: some lessons from a construction science course," Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 13-23, Feb 2007, doi: 10.1080/13562510601102057.[12] C. E. Brawner, M. M. Camacho, R. A. Long, S. M. Lord, M. W. Ohland, and M. H. Wasburn, "Work in progress - the effect of engineering matriculation status on major selection," in 2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 18-21 Oct. 2009 2009, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/FIE
Conference Session
Remote Instruction/COVID-19 Strategies
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sheikh Fahad Ferdous, Indiana State University; M. Affan Badar, Indiana State University; Maria Javaid, Indiana State University
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Engineering Technology
learning. It is also worth mentioninghere that the university administration has realized the impact of sudden pandemic on studentslearning. The University administration had provided students with the choice of choosingSatisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade instead of regular letter grade for post-unplannedpandemic semester (Spring 2020). The choice of students was not shared with instructors.Instructors had performed remote instructions and assigned letter grades to students. Therefore,the grades reported in this paper are also letter grades.This study will be useful in planning for pandemics in the future as it finds that the post-plannedpandemic student outcome is same as the pre-pandemic. Therefore, in case of the possibility ofany pandemics
Conference Session
ETD Accreditation and Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
be taught? Can they be assessed? Journal of Engineering Education, 94 (1), 41-55.[12] Johnson, M.D. & Wang, J., (2015). A method for assessing required course-related skills and prerequisite structure. European Journal of Engineering Education, 40 (3), 297-308.[13] Likert, R., Roslow, S. & Murphy, G., (1934). A simple and reliable method of scoring the thurstone attitude scales. Journal of Social Psychology, 5, 228-238-238.[14] Benzley, S., Terry, R. & Hotchkiss, R., (2010). Achieving civil engineering bok2 outcomes of globalization, leadership, professional and ethical responsibility and team work in a general education class. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
Conference Session
Issues in Engineering Technology Education I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leroy L. Long III, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach
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Engineering Technology
Report by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Retrieved from[3] U.S. News (2012, April 27). U.S. news announces first-ever national STEM convention. U.S. News. Retrieved from national-stem-convention[4] Dahlstrom, E., Brooks, D. C., Grajek, S. & Reeves, J. (2015, December). ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2015 (Research Report). Louisville, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research. Retrieved from
Conference Session
Mechanical Design and Projects
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Rajadas, Arizona State University Polytechnic; Alvin Post, Arizona State University; Bradley Rogers, Arizona State University
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Engineering Technology
background comes from the AircraftStructures course that the students have already completed in the program. Additional testshave been carried out on the engine. The current design places the main part of the enginealong with its fuel tank(s) inside the fuselage in the vicinity of the vehicle center of gravityalong with a power shaft to deliver the power to the externally configured propeller. Enginemounts and power shaft (engine to propeller) are under development at present. A landinggear team is working on a viable design for the gear based on the recommendations from theprevious teams and the expected performance of the UAV in its present configuration. Atricycle configuration is being developed in this regard. Load and failure analysis based
Conference Session
Innovation & Assessment in the delivery of IT/IET
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam Stienecker, Ohio Northern University
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Engineering Technology
the 1960’s, [1] the industry has grown in leapsand bounds, similar to many other technology fields. According to statistics released by theRobotic Industry Associates (RIA), the robotics industries’ only trade group[2], the industry hasdoubled since 1996 [2]. When one reviews [3, 4, 5] the instructional materials currently available tothe robotics student she or he will find an assortment of old applied industrial robotics materialpublished in the mid to late 1990s with a plethora of robot design and kinematics texts that werepublished after 1999. This represents the traditional and current approach to the roboticseducation at many institutions. In the last four decades the student that took a robotics class wastypically a mechanical or