of Sputnik I in the 1950’s,forced engineering colleges to hurriedly restructure their curricula.Development. In our initial research to determine current and future trends in engineering programs, wefound many and different views of the future demands and practice of engineering. It wasdecided to research and survey several significant areas for this proposal: (1) Academicinstitutions that are currently reviewing trends towards new educational approaches; (2)Corresponding technical articles describing the trends; (3) Current efforts in academe;and (4) Industrial sources (both manufacturing and engineering-based) that have adirect/current need for engineering. We also used the Listserv to ask engineeringeducators to describe and recommend
stored by the software. Programs are listed in alphabetical order; two programs with thesame name will be displayed in an arbitrary order. Figure 3 (left) shows an example of a programnavigation view.By pressing Enter while a given program is selected, the user will be taken to the instruction navi-gation menu, where the selected program’s instruction list will be displayed. The user can then editexisting instruction parameters by moving their cursor over an instruction subfield and pressing theappropriate FUNCTION button(s). Users can also quickly create basic movement instructions bytoggling the pendant’s Shift button to on and pressing F1, which will add a new motion instructionFigure 2: The simulated teach pendant showing tabs at the top, a
physics course including pass rate and averagegrade. Also, a more formal survey will be administered to students and faculty to determine thesatisfaction level with the new course and areas for improvement. A subsequent paper will besubmitted to a future conference to discuss these results as they are generated.References[1] Laugerman, M., Shelley, M., Rover, D., & Mickelson, S., “Estimating survival ratesin engineering for community college transfer students using grades in calculus and physics,”International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 3(4), 313-321,2015.[2] Bichof, G., Rubesa, D., “Correlation between engineering students’ performance inmathematics and academic success,“ 2015 American Society for
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any outbound communication. This means the essential requirement of dynamicfirewall software. Zone alarm firewall is a good choice for VNC as it validates bothinbound and outbound communication, does not slow down the connection, does notrequire much of the computer’s resources, and is also available freely.ConclusionThe paper presents a set of laboratory exercises for learning two software tools, VNC andVisual Route, and the logic behind combining both tools for increased security. Theseexercises are designed by the author(s) using the open source network testing tools to Page 12.1593.16complement the existing laboratory exercises in
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order to eliminate the drag in the video andsound recording.From the 4 Panopto videos I have view so far I like this method of delivery.Panopto is very good. I wonder why we have to go through surveys before we could use it. I alsowonder why we waited this long before viewing the videos.I have a satellite internet connection. it is high speed DSL but will not run the Panopto. I haveto go to a place of business that has a high speed DSL with wireless to do any viewing. It is hardto concentrate and hear with earphones in a public place. Also it is very inconvenient with myschedule.My internet speed at home does not support the 300Mb/s that Panopto requires. I have to go towork at 5am to view the classes. It is still very much worth the trouble
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0633754. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 15.37.11Bibliography:1. G. Recktenwald, R.C. Edwards, “Using Simple Experiments to Teach Core Concepts in the Thermal and Fluid Sciences,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2007.2. G. Recktenwald, R.C. Edwards, R.C. Howe, J. Faulkner, “A Simple Experiment to Expose Misconceptions About the Bernoulli Equation,” Proceedings, IMECE 2009, 2009 ASME
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ImplementationsFree Space Loss Sat Links VOIP Noise Impact Receiver SpecsDelays Cellular Networks Routers Spread Spectrum Transmitter SpecsSatellite Links TDMA/FDMA/CDMA Virtual Circuits DLC Fiber Optics 1G/4G Channel Cap Frag/Reassembly Bandwidth Utiliz S/I Transmission Compression VLSM Encryption SpanningOther Topics that are needed from other courses: Fourier Transform, Frequency Domain vs Time Domain, SpectralRepresentation