. Page 24.395.4Index of Learning Styles (ILS)The Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS) is one of the most popular learning styleinstruments4-5– especially in engineering education. It is based on Felder and Silverman‘smodel and assesses preferences on four bipolar dimensions: Active-Reflective, Sensing-Intuitive, Visual-Verbal, and Sequential-Global. Active learners prefer doing things,particularly in groups. Reflective learners work better alone, with time to think about the taskbefore doing it. Sensing learners like facts, data, and experimentation and work well withdetail. Intuitive learners prefer ideas and theories, particularly when they get to grasp andgenerate new ideas. Verbal learners like to hear information and engage in
flow ofinnovation which is reflected in their definition: innovation is the multi-stage process wherebyorganizations transform ideas into new/improved products, services, or processes, in order toadvance, compete and differentiate themselves successfully in their marketplace (p. 1334).Given the recent emphasis on the word innovation, some warn that it risks losing its meaning bybecoming a buzz word. The author of The Myths of Innovation, Scott Berkun, suggested that theword has been overused and warned people to stop.9 His rationale was that Einstein, Ford, da Page 25.1259.3Vinci, Picasso, and Edison rarely said it and people use it as a cop
following: • Brief and to the point: simple graphics, several pages, or 10-minute modules • Unified format and context • Materials support key skills in the roadmap, not each item • Focus on a practical, how-to approach • Context and examples in the materials is a competition team or closely related • Materials introduce concepts and templates that can be immediately applied • Presentation reflects a unified, consistent, and professional approach across all materialsTable 2 below suggests several initial training modules/videos that would be useful for facultyadvisors and student leaders. Training Module Title Topic Competition Team EML Overview of diagram and
has previously used this instrument to assess andcompare motivation and curiosity among students in a set of elective courses [6].The study was deemed “exempt” by the IRB, and student participation was voluntary. Thefaculty member directing the study invited students to participate; names of participatingstudents were not disclosed to instructors. Aggregate student response to surveys was notdisclosed until after the end of the course and grades had been finalized. Three times throughoutthe semester – within approximately two weeks of the start, end, and middle – students were sentan email with a link to the SIMS/Curiosity survey and asked to complete it while reflecting onthe most recent instance of their course. At the end of the semester
situations in their own communities; and • That enhances what is taught in school by extending the students’ learning beyond the curriculum and into the community and helps to foster the development of sense of caring for others.”Eyler and Giles2 find that there is an empirical fit between our goals for students and theoutcomes for service learning. They state that “if we want students who are lifelonglearners, can use what they know and have the capacity for critical analysis, thenprograms like service-learning, which help them construct knowledge from experienceand reflection, should form the core of their educational experience. Service-learning,and especially programs with good community placements, application of service
and encourages flexible views of problem scoping and conceptual design, with changesin each causing reflection and potential changes in the other. Alex also showed no link betweenProduction and Opportunity, potentially indicating a view of innovation with finite beginningand end states.Ben’s Markov chain diagram demonstrated a more sequential view of the early process stageswith strong return loops for both Opportunity and Prototyping. His diagram also containedfrequent transition for Testing and Production back to Design, indicating frequent iterationduring later stages of the process. The closed loop from Production back to Opportunity mayindicate a more cyclic view of the innovation process
of existing data6. increased ability to engage in life-long learning (and recognition of the need to do so)7. increased ability to make an effective presentation both in written and oral formatThe course has been required for all engineering students at the University of Detroit Mercy, andis usually taken in their sophomore year. The name of the one-credit-hour semester course hasbeen Professional World of Work (PWOW). It has been meeting once a week for 50 minutes.The course is different from typical instructions in the sense that engineering students had to do alot of non-technical reading, reflect on their own learning and on the world conditions aroundthem, participate in group discussions, integrate their new knowledge and non-technical
. IntroductionIn the five years leading up to the beginning of our current strategic planning cycle, the Collegeof Engineering at Purdue had undergone a period of significant growth both in faculty andfacilities. The key questions facing the college centered around how to identify and realize theopportunities that this growth was creating. With this in mind, when the work on the nextgeneration strategic plan began in late 2006, inclusiveness and widespread engagement ofstakeholders were defining goals for the planning process. Reflecting this goal of including alllevels of faculty and staff as well as students, outside academic and industrial experts andalumni,approximately hundreds of people across 25 continentshave been engaged in the preparation ofthe
platform for growth ofthe BME Community through small group discussions. The online small group discussions (6students per virtual table) help students develop their communication skills through postingelectronically on discussion boards. EVS is built to be a lightweight intervention atop thedemanding traditional course load. We have found a balance between substance and Page 24.512.3accessibility through introducing 6 modules each semester, which permits 2 weeks considerationand discussion for each module topic. The last two weeks are left for self-reflection as studentswrite a personal reflection essay and compile portfolios, both of which
innovation. Faculty could have students practice Socraticquestioning during team projects and presentations. Teachers could also take two minutes in thebeginning of each class and have the students observe a picture and list all ideas, opportunities,and observations they make. Educators could have their students practice reflecting on theirquestions from the discussions in class and post follow up questions on a blog page.Acknowledgments Page 24.354.8 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Engineering Education Program under Grant No. 1150874. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or
InnovationIn addition to our discussion of these four factors’ impact on corporate innovation, the secondmajor element of each corporate visit was each industrial partner’s recommendations ofcompetencies, mindsets and knowledge for future engineering innovators, especially those notprovided by today’s engineering education. Both corporate innovation leaders and recentengineering graduates provided over 160 recommendations. The second part of the paperpresents a summary of their answers and reflections of the authors in the section title “The Voiceof Corporate Innovation Leaders.” Page 23.17.4 The Culture of
Reflected on the source of Applied divergent- Applied an ideation Thinking component of work creativity (nurture vs. convergent thinking technique to generate creatively nature) process to converge on a solutions (Ask-Ask-Ask (TC) solution method, Fishbone Diagram or Mind Mapping method) Made an argument for Provided a non-technical Clearly stated a value Provided a clear path to
either workingwithin the immediate community or as part of a mission trip to a foreign country, but thisapproach blurs the distinctions between community-based learning and service learning. In anattempt to provide clarity, Weigert offered the following six elements to describe servicelearning:3 the student provides meaningful service, the service that students provide meets a need or goal of some kind, members of a community define the need, the service provided by the students flows from course objectives, service is integrated into the course by means of one or more assignments that requires some form of reflection on the service in light of course objectives, and assignments rooted in the service must be
ePortfolios and reflective practice in higher education; and 3) reimagining the traditional academic transcript.Dr. Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Mary Besterfield-Sacre is an Associate Professor and Fulton C. Noss Faculty Fellow in Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. She is the Director for the Engineering Education Research Center (EERC) in the Swanson School of Engineering, and serves as a Center Associate for the Learning Research and Development Center. Her principal research is in engineering education assessment, which has been funded by the NSF, Department of Ed, Sloan, EIF, and NCIIA. Dr. Sacre’s current research focuses on three distinct but highly correlated areas
effective innovation areoften anxiety producing. To make matter worse, an engineer’s performance in these same areasis directly diminished by the resulting fear and insecurity. These areas include creativity,ethnographic research (which involves observing and talking with strangers), presenting one’sideas to peers and superiors, accepting and objectively reflecting on constructive (and non-constructive) criticism, and working on teams with people whom you did not select (and may notlike). The more confident and competent one is in performing these tasks, the more effective aninnovators he/she is. However, if the inherent anxiety of these tasks diminishes one’s confidence,the reduction of competence will follow, leading to yet lower confidence.An
university mandated evaluation. Students were asked to reflect onthe strong and weak points of the course in open-ended questions. Product Archaeology was notspecifically targeted in any questions. Below are representative comments, grouped by theme.In general, students found the approach to be somewhat disorienting, but found the focus on valueand the use of a real device to be helpful. • “I found 408 to be extremely helpful in determining and thinking about value. Throughout the semester I kept referring back to this in order to gain a clearer understanding of the components of a company”. • “It was helpful to have an actual physical device to work with”. • “We had to do a lot of this ourselves, which led to strong
useful interaction Not enjoyable Not as efficient Need interesting as other discovery and present peers behaviors Need instructors Did not realize to encourage benefits collaborationObserving Not reflective or Lack ability to Unstructured – Not emphasized attentive to associate from benefits not in many classes everyday
information see Reference 11.The second and third days were dedicated to exploring ingenuity and innovative progress whilealso visiting innovative sites as the students toured the Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield Village,and the Ford Rouge Factory where F-150 trucks are assembled. While each of the three sitesrequires a full day or more to explore, the students used self-guided itineraries focused oninnovation and developed by The Henry Ford to allow efficient exploration in a shortenedformat, with questions and reflections. The Henry Ford Museum includes areas focused on“Made in America – Manufacturing and Power” which showcases some of the earliest Wattsteam engines and allows participants to fabricate an actual Model T (Figure 2). Also on displayis
the post-evaluation. Teachers can also share from their own work and personalexperiences, demonstrating the impact of the consideration of virtues on their own work,teaching, and lives – recounting how virtues have been helpful or even necessary to bring aninnovation to a marketable reality. We have the opportunity to push students beyond the typicalquestions, to set higher standards and goals for them, to encourage them to make a positivedifference in society and the global community of which they are all a part.Project reports can require students to also do reflection in writing. Learning is enhanced by Page 22.1390.11using a variety of
, innovation regulation, and other aspects. Skilled or not, individual innovators and teams operate within the System of Innovation. An innovator skilled at the highest levels will understand how to play the game effectively within the System of Innovation. A particular System of Innovation need not be based on the Innovation Competencies, but we argue that the more effective ones (even in the natural world) are. The System of Innovation includes the (optional) ability to represent (model) the Innovated System. So, models of System 1 may, but need not, appear inside the models of System 3, and 2. Likewise, we are interested in educating future innovators about the System of Innovation itself, and encouraging their reflection on
Tech, her MS degree in Biomedical Engineering from the joint program between Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University, and her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Surrey.Dr. Lauren Lowman, Wake Forest University Lauren Lowman is a Founding Faculty member and an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Depart- ment at Wake Forest University and has served in this role since 2018. In this role, she has developed new interdisciplinary curriculum that bridges engineering fields and reflects the Wake Forest University motto of Pro Humanitate (”For Humanity”). Lauren received a Ph.D. and M.S. in Civil and Environ- mental Engineering with a focus in Hydrology and Fluid Dynamics from Duke University, and a B.A
also tellingly—May 16, 2010 saw the space shuttleEndeavor take off on its last mission, which was also the second to last shuttle launch before theend of the space shuttle program. We hypothesize that these phenomena reflect a change in thecreative and aspirational energies of the United States. To some extent, at least in the U.S.context, entrepreneurship seemed to be becoming the frontier that had previously been occupiedby the space program.These hypotheses are supported by further evidence that 2009-2010 saw the emergence of whatmight be called the “cult of the entrepreneur,” a phenomenon in which entrepreneurship andentrepreneurs are viewed not only as the leading figures in business innovation, but also as Deleted
approximately the same, and the perception ofhighly disparate regulatory effects may be caused by more heavily publicized risks.” (Morrall2011: 452) Other studies have suggested that “the regulatory principles may not befundamentally irreconcilable. Instead, the ways they are implemented may be a major cause ofregulatory divergence.” (emphasis added) (Fung 2014: 452) We began with a mental model of the differences between the U.S. and the EU thatassumed divergence based on differences in history and culture, as depicted in figure 1 below.After we conducted detailed analysis of the evolution of attitudes toward technology-based riskand the way those attitudes are reflected in regulatory and educational systems, we modified themodel as depicted in
thethought process for coming up with sub-topics and interconnections within the map [3].Moore et al. [5] states, “They (concept maps) are primarily used in one of two fashions: 1) Anexpert-generated concept map is used as an overview or framework before more detailedinformation is presented, or 2) students are asked to generate maps as a reflective activity at theend of a unit.” Therefore, concept mapping can be used to gauge class and individual studentunderstanding of a topic. It can also be used to aid instructors by helping them identify whatparts of their curriculum need more attention [5]. For instance, a study was conducted wherecivil engineering students were asked to prepare a concept map around the phrase “civil andenvironmental
ideas shared, (4) “realized value” are theoutcomes of any applied value and (5)“reframing value” is a reflective process wherebyparticipants reevaluate their strategies and measures of success34.More recently however, network researchers indicate the need for a more sophisticated approachto analysis that takes into account the myriad factors outside of the network that impact results,including the evolving nature of networks. This indicates a need to analyze networks starting attheir emergence and onwards. Effectiveness of any network and the definition of effectivenessare, in addition, context specific, and so too should be the approach for evaluating networkeffectiveness30. This more progressive approach, when combined with social network
through INSPIRE. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Innovation and the Zone of Proximal Development in Engineering EducationAbstractRecent scholarship has emphasized incorporating innovation experiences into engineeringcurricula. These experiences are often positive, especially when students have the opportunity tosolve novel but challenging problems, navigate their own processes, critically reflect on theirexperiences, and receive appropriate levels of support and scaffolding. This study furtherexplores the role of scaffolding on innovation and non-innovative projects through the lens ofVygotsky’s theory of proximal development. Ten engineering seniors participated in
, employing the techniques for idea generation presented in the module, and having themconceptualize the meaning of creativity. One instructor had students report via oral presentations(U2); another assessed engineering portfolios (U5); the 5 sections at U1 used student reflections;while the rest (U3, U4) had students submit written reports. Table 3: Summary of assessment results provided from all Thinking Creatively to Drive Innovation deployments Assessment Outcome Mean StDev AO1 Articulate creative component 3.42 1.3
tandem with the IV-Intervention emergent technologypresentation, and not during control semesters. These circumstances were beyond our control butaffected the pseudo-experimental design and represent a threat to the validity of the study.In addition, this study only reflects the behaviors and attitudes at CSU Chico. Replication acrossmultiple institutions would be necessary to generalize the conclusions. CSU Chico is also arecognized Hispanic Serving Institution (MSI) and enrolls disproportionately high percentage offirst-generation, low-income, and under-represented minorities (URM) in STEM. Our students’motivations and behaviors may or may not reflect those of the general population of softwareengineering students.Nevertheless, it is
/entrepreneur engineer characteristics important to each stage of the innovation process. 2. The characteristics or strengths of an engineer in one stage of the innovation process are not necessarily the same characteristics required in a different stage of the innovation process (Caldicott, 2013; Griffin, Price, & Vojak, 2012). This finding has implications for hiring, job placement/selection, team management, professional development and self-assessment of engineering professionals and their education and life-long learning.ConclusionsInsights into the critical characteristics of an innovative engineer will aid student and practicingengineers as well as engineering faculty in self-reflection, instruction and team
about the pervasiveness of technology in our daily lives, and how unconscious andinsidious (e.g. cell phones and social media) as well as tremendously beneficial (e.g. medicineand transport) that enmeshment can be. Some students responded that they have changed theirphone usage because of what they learned in the class and as a consequence increased theirproductivity and sleep time. Other students reflected on how their projects have made them muchmore mindful of their personal contribution to their project topic, such as waste disposal. Inhis/her internship, one student stated that s/he “now always think[s] about the social andenvironmental consequences of the work I do.” By supporting the students’ qualitativecomments with quantitative