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Displaying results 121 - 150 of 440 in total
Conference Session
Successful Outcomes of Student Entrepreneurship
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart Kellogg, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Westview, 1997.[2] Felder, R. M., and R. Brent, “Understanding Student Differences,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, 57-72, January 2005.[3] Herrmann, N., The Creative Brain, The Ned Herrmann Group: Brain Books, 1995.[4] Tobias, S., They’re Not dumb, They’re Different, Research Corporation, 1990.[5] Lumsdaine, E. and M. Lumsdaine, Creative Problem Solving: Thinking Skills for a Changing World, 2nd ed., 1993.[6] Perry, W. G., Jr., Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1970.[7] King, P. M. and K. S. Kitchener, Developing Reflective Judgment, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994.[8
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen C. Davis, University of Cincinnati; Fred Richard Beyette Jr., University of Cincinnati
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, and Ella Ingram, Associate Professor of Biologyand Director of the Center for the Practice and Scholarship of Education, Rose-Hulman Instituteof Technology.Support for training, deployment, and assessment of the module was provided as a KEEN mini-grant to the University of Cincinnati faculty.9. References[1] Byers, T., Seelig, T., Sheppard, S. and P. Weilerstein, P., “Entrepreneurship: Its Role in Engineering Education,” The Bridge, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2013, pp.35-40.[2] University of New Haven, “KEEN: Fostering an entrepreneurial mindset through integrated e-learning modules,” engineering-network/elearning-modules/, accessed 2/9/2017.[3] Prestero, T., “Design for People
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Jane Grigg, Clemson University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
behavioral skills include: questioning,observing, networking, and experimenting s [2]. Critical thinking is then used to formassociations between content, effectively linking ideas/processes/solutions together which helpsinnovators generate new uses for existing technologies modification to existing technologies thatcan improve the effectiveness [3].One of the recent strategic initiatives of [our] University is promoting innovation andentrepreneurship, specifically within the engineering majors. Evaluating Innovation: Fixtures,Fads, and Flops was developed to create a cornerstone experience that infuse innovation andentrepreneurship into the first-year in an intentional way, integrated as a new course offering tofulfill an existing general education
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: First-year Experiences
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Courtney A. Lemasney, Rowan University; Hayley M. Shuster, Rowan University; Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation, First-Year Programs
KEEN “3Cs” - Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value.ReflectionIt is a practice of human nature to reflect on experiences of the past and present. However, in thecase of reflection, most people fail to recognize the use of these experiences to aid in the future.True reflection “on experience can be framed as an intentional and dialectical thinking processwhere an individual revisits features of an experience with which he/she is aware and uses one ormore lenses in order to assign meaning(s) to the experience that can guide future action (and thusfuture experience)” [1]. It takes various elements and perspectives to achieve reflective thinking.Schon simplified reflection down to two categories known as “reflection-on-action” and“reflection
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship Education - A 10,000' View
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Clifton Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College; John Farris, Grand Valley State University; Jana Goodrich, Pennsylvania State University-Erie; Susannah Howe, Smith College; Robert Weissbach, Pennsylvania State University-Erie
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, Pennsylvania State University-Erie Robert S. Weissbach received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Arizona State University. He is an associate professor of engineering at Penn State Erie, the Behrend College, where he is currently the program chair in Electrical Engineering Technology. His research focuses on power electronics, power systems and multidisciplinary education. Page 11.629.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Facilitating Entrepreneurship Education at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs): Proposed Functional and
Conference Session
Classes in Entrepreneurship
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel M. Ferguson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; James Edwin Cawthorne Jr., Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ruth Streveler, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Principles areestablished based upon prior entrepreneurship research that identified critical entrepreneurialskills and are the following: 15 • Opportunity Recognition18 ( Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley) • Presentation Skills 9 (Hood and Young) • Entrepreneurial Competencies 18 (Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley) Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley cite the ability to recognize and evaluate a new ventureopportunity as a dominant entrepreneurial thinking skill 18-20. Acquiring the resources to takeadvantage of the recognized opportunity is equally important to entrepreneurial successes 1,18 andthis skill rests fundamentally on your persuasive presentation skills, both oral and written, and isconfirmed again by Mitchelmore, S. & Rowley’s
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Programs and Courses Session 5
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yan Xu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Hua Li, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Kai Jin, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
. IntroductionResearch in engineering education over the past 15 years has shown that US undergraduateengineering student enrollment in decline while the demand for qualified engineering graduatesis expected to increase1. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts a 22% growth injobs for fields related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) between2004 and 2014 (U. S. Department of Labor, 2005)2. It revealed that fewer than 40 % of studentswho enter college intending to major in a STEM field complete college with a STEM degreetoday3. The engineering graduation rate is even lower for Texas Higher Education institutions4.Research by ACT indicates that fewer than one in five 12th graders have both high interest inSTEM and high
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nassif E. Rayess, University of Detroit Mercy; Brian A. Garner, Baylor University; Darrell K. Kleinke, University of Detroit Mercy; Rebecca P. Blust, University of Dayton; William M. Jordan, Baylor University; Edmond John Dougherty Jr., Villanova University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
course structure from the perspective of the meeting requirements. Faculty pre-course meeting (face-to-face) Customer discovery Purpose: Decide on strategy, teams and projects Importance: Very high S e m e s t e r Student kickoff meeting (face-to-face) Purpose: Team building and meet the client
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea T. Kwaczala, Western New England University; Robert Gettens, Western New England University; Denine A Northrup, Western New England University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
), 1st-generation status (a student whose parent(s) did notcomplete a four-year college or university degree) and finally by responses based on scoring on theengineering self-efficacy scale (threshold value of 4.0 out of 5 set as high-ESE).Thirty-two females completed the survey and twenty-four males, one student identified as genderqueer ornon-binary. This data point was not considered when comparing differences in gender due to the smallsample size but was considered for analysis of 1st-generation and low- vs. high-engineering self-efficacy.Eighteen students reported being 1st-generation, thirty-nine were not. Twenty-one scored 4.0 or greater onmeasures of engineering self-efficacy, thirty-six scored below 4.0.To examine the reliability of the
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tim Dallas P.E., Texas Tech University; Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer, Texas Tech University; Kelli M. Frias, American University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, marketing strategy, marketing, and public pol- icy. She has published research in Organization Science, International Journal of Engineering Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, and Journal of Business & Management. She employs project-based learning and multi-method research in many of her courses. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Developing Intrapreneurship in the Next Generation of Engineering Innovators and LeadersabstractThis National Science Foundation Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) project responds to agrowing disparity among technology firms and the number of under-represented people inmanagerial and
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado - Denver; Heather Underwood, Inworks; John K. Bennett, Inworks; University of Colorado - Denver
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
/9780813125763.003.00086. Cornford, F. M. Microcosmographia Academica. Politics (Cambridge University, 1908). at 7. Menand, L. The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University (Issues of Our Time). (WW Norton and Company, 2010).8. Borrego, M., Froyd, J. E. & Hall, T. S. Diffusion of engineering education innovations: a survey of awareness and adoption rates in U.S. engineering departments. J. Eng. Educ. 99, 185–207 (2010).9. Henderson, C., Beach, A. & Finkelstein, N. Facilitating change in undergraduate STEM instructional practices: An analytic review of the literature. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 48, 952–984 (2011).10. Foote, K. T., Neumeyer, X., Henderson, C., Dancy, M. H. & Beichner, R. J
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Beyond the University
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jidong Huang, California State University, Fullerton; John B Jackson, California State University, Fullerton; Pradeep Nair, California State University, Fullerton; Amy Cox-Petersen, California State University, Fullerton
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
(2011, January). Afterschool innovations in brief: Focusing on middle school age youth. Report, Afterschool Alliance. 2. American Association of University Women (AAUW) (1992). How Schools Shortchange Girls. Emeryville, CA: Marlowe and Co. 3. Blank, S. (2013). Why the lean start-up changes everything. Harvard Business Review, May 2013, 3-9.4. Britner, S. L., & Pajares, F. (2006). Sources of science self‐efficacy beliefs of middle school students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43(5), 485-499.5. Kerr, B. S. (1997). Smart Girls: A New Psychology of Girls, Women and Giftedness. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.6. Langdon, D.; McKittrick, G.; Beede, D.; Khan, B.; & Doms, M. (July 2011). STEM: Good jobs
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David G. Novick, University of Texas, El Paso; Meagan R. Kendall, University of Texas, El Paso
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
engineering design and engineering entrepreneurship. a. Did the things you learned in the course about engineering design and engineering entrepreneurship help you with the designing your life course activities? Please explain. b. Did the designing your life course activities help you in the course about engineering design and engineering entrepreneurship? Please explain.The DYL activities used in the course were taken from the text and minimally modifiedto suit a classroom setting. The activities used in the course included: • Creation of a life-design team • Identification of key mentor(s) • Creation of health/work/play/love dashboard • Descritption of workview • Lifeview reflections • Good
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 8
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jing Guo, Colorado Technical University; John M. Santiago Jr., Freedom Institute of Technology; Pamela Allison Phillips, Colorado Technical University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
skills.References[1] J. M. Santiago and J. Guo, "Online Delivery of Electrical Engineering Courses Using the Online Flipped Classroom Approach," in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OHIO, 2017.[2] K. M. S.-L. J. R. Y. Andrea L. Welker, "Weaving Entrepreneurially Minded Learning Throughout a Civil Engineering Curriculum," in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, 2017.[3] S. E. Zappe, R. M. Leicht, J. Messner, T. Litzinger and H. W. Lee, "flipping" the classroom to explore active learning in a large undergraduate course, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2009.[4] B. Kerr, "The flipped classroom in engineering eductation: A survey of research," in Internation Conerence on
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 5
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Raviv, Florida Atlantic University; Alyssa J. Harris, Florida Atlantic University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
the beans are semi cylindrical, they won’t be tightly packed in the bottle, approximately80% of the volume of the bottle will be occupied. We can divide the occupied volume of thebottle by the volume of a single bean, to find out how many jelly beans are in the bottle. ! !Volume of one jelly bean =1.5𝑐𝑚  ×  3  ×  𝑐𝑚  ×  𝑐𝑚 = 1.125𝑐𝑚L " "Occupied volume of bottle 0.90  ×  1000𝑐𝑚L = 900  𝑐 𝑚LNOOPQRST  UVWPXS  VY  ZV[[WS 2bb  OXc = = 800 beans\VWPXS  VY  S]O^  _SWW`  ZS]a !.!"d  OXcSo we can estimate that there are 800
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Louis A. DiBerardino III, Ohio Northern University; Lawrence Funke, Ohio Northern University; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
withsignificantly more participants would allow the validation of the assessment tools used. Thiswould better help fill the gap in the literature of quantitative data supporting the use of EML, asdiscussed in Section 1.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the Kern Entrepreneurial EngineeringNetwork (KEEN) for funding which partially supported this work.References[1] Svihla, V., and Reeve, R., 2016. “Facilitating Problem Framing in Project-Based Learning”.Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, ​10(2).[2] Mikesell, D. R., and Yoder, J.-D. S., 2011. “Teaching dynamics with a design project.” ​ASEEAnnual Conference and Exposition​.[3] Bigelow, K., 2016. “Creating Assignments that Excite and Empower Students: The
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 7
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dustyn Roberts P.E., University of Delaware; Trevor Scott Stephens, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
document any conflict of interest.Forming a CompanyThere are several types of companies (LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp, etc.) and your SBDC probably hasresources to help explain the differences. An LLC is quick and easy to form either through yourSBDC, online via sites like, or through a startup-friendly lawyer, and can beconverted to a C-Corp later. However, if you plan to take on venture capital early, you may wantto start with a C-Corp. Some incubator and accelerator programs facilitate this process, and otheruseful startup sites have templates to help with the paperwork [12].If you are a solo founder at this point, the paperwork is straightforward. However, if you haveco-founders, you will likely want to set up an operating agreement early
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Bosman, Purdue University; Sandhya Arumugam, Purdue University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
narrow theirscope as they traverse the design challenge. Future research should investigate this approachacross different design challenges, using a larger subset of students, and incorporatequantitative and explanatory data analysis.6. References[1] L. Bosman and S. Fernhaber, Teaching the entrepreneurial mindset to engineers. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018.[2] J. Seddon and S. Caulkin, "Systems thinking, lean production and action learning," Action Learning: Research and Practice, vol. 4, pp. 9-24, 2007.[3] T. Brown, Change by design: how design thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation New York, NY: Harper Collins, 2009.[4] A. Osterwalder, Y. Pigneur, G
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee M. Desing, Ohio State University; Krista M. Kecskemety, Ohio State University; Rachel Louis Kajfez, Ohio State University; Deborah M. Grzybowski, Ohio State University; Monica Farmer Cox, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
enhancements to come in our engineeringcurriculum.References[1] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen, “A review of literature on teaching engineering design through project-oriented capstone courses,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 17–28, 1997.[2] C. L. Dym, A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey, and L. J. Leifer, “Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning,” J. Eng. Educ., no. January, pp. 103–120, 2005.[3] C. Charyton and J. A. Merrill, “Assessing general creativity and creative engineering design in first year engineering students,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 98, no. 2, pp. 145–156, 2009.[4] S. P. Nichols and N. E. Armstrong, “Engineering entrepreneurship: Does entrepreneurship have a role
Conference Session
The Nature of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Barnes, James Madison University; Susan Kubic Barnes, James Madison University; Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
how understanding systems and their interaction influence solving complex global problems.Dr. Susan Kubic Barnes, James Madison University Dr. Susan Barnes has over twenty years of experience in education, assessment, and evaluation. She is an assistant professor in the College of Education at James Madison University, where she serves as an educational program coordinator, University Honors Program Liaison, and Faculty Liaison for Au- gusta County Public Schools. She taught preschool and elementary education in both public and private schools. Dr. Barnes has served as a third-party evaluator for numerous projects funded by the U. S. De- partment of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education
Conference Session
From Entrepreneurship Education to Market
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James V. Green, University of Maryland, College Park
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
contact throughout the project on data requirements,scheduling meetings, and project coordination. Clients are asked to be demanding of the studentteams in the mold of hired consultants, but still collaborate with them as they would with a newemployee.For the formation of student teams, candidate projects are defined in a one- to two-page scope ofwork by the client. All candidate projects are collected in a single email and distributed toHinman CEOs students near the start of the semester. Within approximately one week, studentsmay apply for multiple projects, but will be selected for no more than one.To apply, students send an email to the Hinman CEOs staff stating what project(s), in order ofpreference, that they are interested in joining
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zbigniew J. Pasek, University of Windsor; Francine K. Schlosser, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
modified to include recently developed and publicized concepts ofLean Startup13,14 and Business Model Canvas15 (BMC). As a result instead of a full-blownBusiness Plan students were asked to develop an abridged business model using BMC approachand then verify its assumptions by performing multiple interviews with potential customers. Anexample business model in BMC format is shown in Fig. 4. • Internet provider(s) o Affordability o Design o Design o Manufacturing o Students living • Component o Manufacturing o Durability manufacturers o Space
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leon Szeli, Stanford University; Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephanie M. Gillespie, University of New Haven
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Expositions, June, 2014, Indianapolis, IN.[7] M. V. Huerta, J. S. London, A. Trowbridge, M. A. Avalos, W. Huang, and A. F. McKenna, “Cultivating the entrepreneurial mindset through design: Insights of thematic analysis of first-year engineering students’ reflections,” in Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference and Expositions, June, 2017, Columbus, OH.[8] M. J. Jensen and J. L. Schlegel, “Implementing an entrepreneurial mindset design project in an introductory engineering course,” in Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference and Expositions, June, 2017, Columbus, OH.[9] A. Ferrar and D. Roberts, “Sustainable senior design: MVP engine,” in Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference and Expositions, June, 2019, Tampa, FL.[10] A. Ali, D. M
Conference Session
ENT Division Technical Session: EM Across the Curriculum II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea T. Kwaczala, Western New England University
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Gilmore and Baylee Houldson with the College of Engineering at XXX.Thank you to our clinical sponsors, Matt Solomito and Drew Cohen at Connecticut Children’sMedical Center for their technical support and lab demonstrations for the students.References[1] J. Perry and J. M. Burnfield, " Atlas of limb prosthetics: surgical, prosthetic and rehabilitation principles," in Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function, 1992, p. Ch 13.[2] T. Marasovic, M. Cecic and Z. Vlasta, "Analysis and interpretation of ground reaction forces in normal gait," WSEAS Tansactions on systems,, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1105-1114, 2009.[3] S. Gandhi, M. Jimmy and S. Taghazadeh, "A comprehensive review of entrepreneurship course offering in engineering programs," in
Conference Session
Assessing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Prateek Shekhar, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan; Julie Libarkin, Michigan State University; Ricardo Cummings, University of Michigan; Valentina Tafurt, University of Michigan
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
experiential learning format.Although Besterfield-Sacre et al. (2012)’s work presents a tool for assessing entrepreneurialknowledge, the inventory is a measure of students’ self-assessed knowledge rather than a “directmeasure of measurement of the actual skills and knowledge” (p. 8). We argue that this approachdoes not completely capture students’ understanding of entrepreneurial concepts due to emphasison only students’ familiarity with concepts and terms, rather than their ability to internalize andapply entrepreneurial knowledge. In other words, overall there is almost no research that uses adirect measure of entrepreneurial knowledge to assess the impact of entrepreneurship programson student learning. Guided by this gap, in our study, we examined
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas D. Fila, Iowa State University; Justin L. Hess, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
on three criteria, per established guidelines of critical incident technique [27]: 1. Detailed description of an experience or series of experiences that are directly attributable to the aspect(s) of their way of understanding or approaching innovation. 2. Description or demonstration of one or more aspects of understanding or approaching innovation. (Note: Direct connections to innovation were preferred, but this connection could be inferred from a participant’s way of experiencing innovation (as seen in the previous study [9]) or contextual cues in the excerpt or elsewhere in the interview.) 3. A clear change, refinement, or crystallization in one’s view of innovation, especially as it addressed aspects of
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 8
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergio Celis, Universidad de Chile; Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia Universidad Catholica de Chile
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
traditional, with lowcommitment to research and development. Internally, there have been difficulties incommunicating the project goals and orientations. The project seems huge and with a not clearset of priorities. Finally, hallways and informal talks mention that faculty leaders are seen asbelonging to a clique close to the top administration, which risks the wide adoption of theprogram.The Clover 2030 Engineering Strategy: A joint venture between UC and UTFSMNew Engineering for 2030 has been the opportunity that UC-Engineering was expecting tovalidate its efforts to create world-class education in Chile. Along CORFO' s intention totransform Chilean engineering schools towards national competitiveness and productivity, UC-Engineering had already
Conference Session
Institutionalizing Entrepreneurship and Innovation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Nilsen, Purdue University; Edward F. Morrison, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Raquel Asencio, Purdue University; Scott Hutcheson, Purdue University, School of Engineering Technology
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
(Lichtenstein & Plowman, 2009;Sullivan & Pines, 2016). It is a shared discipline of collective action. As participants follow thesesimple rules, new interactions take place and new outcomes emerge. Using simple, but not easyquestions, participants develop both a shared outcome and a project to move toward theiroutcome. The project represents a short-term experiment. Participants learn whether they canmove toward their shared outcome through the collective action they design. The process isiterative: as they learn, they move forward to complete some projects, adjust others and keepgoing, and take on new projects to reach their identified strategic outcome(s). Given thealignment between this approach and the complex nature of the university
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara A. Karanian, Stanford University; Ville Mikael Taajamaa, University of Turku; Christopher Andrew Parlier, Stanford University; Mona Eskandari, University of California, Riverside
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
theworkforce [6]. There are many explanations of individual excellence and entrepreneurialmindset [7,8, 9] and multiple studies about engineering students [10,11,12] with an emphasison a high need for achievement and potential for break-through innovation [13]. Since the late1990’s engineers and designers have been exploring moods and feelings and their connectionto better solutions [14]. And while research links entrepreneurial status to personality theory[15] and personality to leadership [16], few studies focus on the impact of emotion oninnovative success. This paper aims to begin filling that gap with a preliminary experiment toshow how students experience a story of innovation. The experiment is inspired by Radcliffe President Mattina