Paper ID #18246Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Design: Insights from The-matic Analysis of First-year Engineering Students’ ReflectionsMr. Mark Vincent Huerta, Arizona State University Mark Huerta is a PhD student in the Engineering Education Systems and Design program at Arizona State University. He earned a B.S. and M.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Arizona State University. Mark possesses a diverse background that includes experiences in engineering design, social entrepreneurship, consulting, and project management.Dr. Jeremi S. London, Arizona State University Dr. Jeremi London is an Assistant
Paper ID #19937A Comparison of Maker and Entrepreneurial CharacteristicsMiles J, Mabey, Arizona State University Miles Mabey (Yes that’s his real last name) is a third year student at Arizona State University studying Robotic Engineering. He joined the Maker Research team two years ago and has been to the Bay Area and New York Maker Faires.Dr. Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design
manufacturing and pipe fabrication industry for five years. She holds B.S. in Computer Engineering, M.S. in Industrial Engineering. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Binghamton University (SUNY). Her background and research interests are in quality and productivity improvement using statistical tools, lean methods and use of information technology in operations management. Her work is primarily in manufacturing and healthcare delivery operations.Dr. Ronald S. Harichandran, University of New Haven Ron Harichandran is Dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven and is the PI of the grant entitled Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking in Engineering Students by
holds a PhD in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering from UC Davis and is a UC Davis Graduate School of Management Business Development Fellow as well as an NSF IGERT fellow. His dissertation focused on the effect of hydrogen enrichment on landfill gas-fired IC engines. In 2016 Kornbluth received the University of California President’s Office Faculty Climate Champion award for his novel project–based courses and applied research focusing on Zero-Net-Energy and Cli- mate Neutrality. Kornbluth specializes in novel environmentally sustainable technology in the energy and agriculture sectors applicable in the developed and developing world.Dr. Michael S. Isaacson, University of California, Santa Cruz Michael Isaacson
reliability; and further work that needs to be undertaken to create aninstrument able to guide and inform the teaching of effectuation in the classroom.Theoretical frameworkThe theory of effectuation was first proposed by Sarasvathy in the early 2000’s as an explanationfor how expert entrepreneurs act when faced with decisions at the early stage of venture creation1,15 . The work takes a grounded theory approach to unpacking the entrepreneurial behaviortermed ‘intuitive’ by Knight13 in 1921. The intuition that Knight names, and which Sarasvathyexplains, describes the behavior of individuals when faced with highly uncertain situations whereit is impossible to make meaningful calculations of risk 13. Sarasvathy proposed that expertentrepreneurs
, theprograms available to students clearly developed the skills and knowledge necessary for venturecreation. There seemed to be a gap between the cultivation of skills and knowledge for newventure creation and the engagement of students in actual new venture creation.Looking more broadly, this phenomenon does not seem to be limited to the University ofVirginia. According to data, the number of entrepreneurship programs offered at institutions ofhigher education has been skyrocketing since the 1970’s [1–3]. However, there has beeninsufficient evidence to support that an increase in traditional curricular entrepreneurshipeducation leads to an increase in venture creation [4,5]. As of 2012, approximately 2,100colleges and universities in the United
, undergraduate design canvas can improve both student learningand successful product design.Another objective of the work is to develop a “meta-canvas” approach that is comprehensive andrigorous, yet customizable, such that faculty can develop a canvas to suit their specific course(s).Customizability for different faculty approaches is vital, but an underlying metamodel used alsohelps make it clear where the boundaries to customizability lie. Existing canvases, with theirinherent complexity, may be better suited to more advanced courses, and a customizable canvasapproach may broaden the impact of the canvas concept from first-year design through capstonedesign and beyond. Faculty may utilize different approaches or have different learning
of knowledge, skills, and expertise between students - participants of the CoP-.Interviews conducted based on the principles of (Kvale, S, 2009). Interviews were thentranscribed and analyzed using definitions from Wenger’s CoP model to clarify and verify howthe Makerspace impacted the cultivation of a makers CoP on campus. We looked for evidence ofidea units that emphasized domain, community and practice.ResultsParticipants shared a common interest in “making”, tinkering, and realizing their designs. Therewere five categories of reasons for participation in the Makerspace: accessibility to resources,professional development, self-efficacy, Networking, social interaction and engagement, andlearning opportunities.Making use of Wegner’s
. noted in their work, these process based, cognitive theory approaches were derived either adhoc or through controlled experiments that use simple tasks. The suitability of these models fordesign problems that are much more complex has never been investigated. This lack ofinvestigation and difficulties met in process based measurements of ideation effectiveness ledShah et al. to consider outcome based metrics for their study of engineering design [7]. As such,Shah et al. developed a framework to measure ideation effectiveness in simple and complexdesign situations.Shah et al.’s framework includes metrics that measure the effectiveness of formal ideageneration methods. The framework addresses that engineering design must be novel – unusualand
pollution as a member of the engineering faculty at another institution.Kristina R. and Nick S.: Dog Safety HarnessThis team developed a harness that allows dogs to be clipped into seat belt restraintswhile they are riding in automobiles. Traditional designs of “seat belts” for dogs aim toprotect the lives of drivers and passengers by restraining the dog. In a serious accident,those restraints can do serious harm to the dog. The design created by Kristina and Nickprotects the dog’s vulnerable shoulder bones. Kristina had the idea when a friend’s dogdied in an accident and she could not find a good seat belt for her own dog. The teamreceived positive feedback that demonstrated that there may be a market, but the team didnot pursue these leads very
, and Ella Ingram, Associate Professor of Biologyand Director of the Center for the Practice and Scholarship of Education, Rose-Hulman Instituteof Technology.Support for training, deployment, and assessment of the module was provided as a KEEN mini-grant to the University of Cincinnati faculty.9. References[1] Byers, T., Seelig, T., Sheppard, S. and P. Weilerstein, P., “Entrepreneurship: Its Role in Engineering Education,” The Bridge, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2013, pp.35-40.[2] University of New Haven, “KEEN: Fostering an entrepreneurial mindset through integrated e-learning modules,” engineering-network/elearning-modules/, accessed 2/9/2017.[3] Prestero, T., “Design for People
(2011, January). Afterschool innovations in brief: Focusing on middle school age youth. Report, Afterschool Alliance. 2. American Association of University Women (AAUW) (1992). How Schools Shortchange Girls. Emeryville, CA: Marlowe and Co. 3. Blank, S. (2013). Why the lean start-up changes everything. Harvard Business Review, May 2013, 3-9.4. Britner, S. L., & Pajares, F. (2006). Sources of science self‐efficacy beliefs of middle school students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43(5), 485-499.5. Kerr, B. S. (1997). Smart Girls: A New Psychology of Girls, Women and Giftedness. Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology.6. Langdon, D.; McKittrick, G.; Beede, D.; Khan, B.; & Doms, M. (July 2011). STEM: Good jobs
experiential learning format.Although Besterfield-Sacre et al. (2012)’s work presents a tool for assessing entrepreneurialknowledge, the inventory is a measure of students’ self-assessed knowledge rather than a “directmeasure of measurement of the actual skills and knowledge” (p. 8). We argue that this approachdoes not completely capture students’ understanding of entrepreneurial concepts due to emphasison only students’ familiarity with concepts and terms, rather than their ability to internalize andapply entrepreneurial knowledge. In other words, overall there is almost no research that uses adirect measure of entrepreneurial knowledge to assess the impact of entrepreneurship programson student learning. Guided by this gap, in our study, we examined
(Lichtenstein & Plowman, 2009;Sullivan & Pines, 2016). It is a shared discipline of collective action. As participants follow thesesimple rules, new interactions take place and new outcomes emerge. Using simple, but not easyquestions, participants develop both a shared outcome and a project to move toward theiroutcome. The project represents a short-term experiment. Participants learn whether they canmove toward their shared outcome through the collective action they design. The process isiterative: as they learn, they move forward to complete some projects, adjust others and keepgoing, and take on new projects to reach their identified strategic outcome(s). Given thealignment between this approach and the complex nature of the university
–154 (2012).4. Besterfield-Sacre, M. E. et al. Essential factors related to entrepreneurial knowledge in the engineering curriculum. In 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition (2012).5. Purzer, Ş., Fila, N. D., & Nataraja, K. M. Evaluation of current assessment methods in engineering entrepreneurship education. Advances in Engineering Education, 5, 1-27 (2016).6. Charyton, C., Jagacinski, R. J., Merrill, J. A., Clifton, W. & DeDios, S. Assessing creativity specific to engineering with the revised creative engineering design assessment. J. Eng. Educ. 100, 778–799 (2011).7. Genco, N., Hölttä-Otto, K. & Seepersad, C. C. An experimental investigation
universal assessment tool, becausethese engineering skills are essential for any engineering career, whether it was inentrepreneurship, intrapreneurship or in engineering firms and factories.ReferencesBjorklund, S. A., & Colbeck, C. L. (2001). The View from the Top: Leaders’ Perspectives on a Decade of Change in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education, 90(1), 13– 19.Blais, R. A. (Ed.). (1997). Technological entrepreneurship and engineering in Canada. Chicago: Canadian Academy of Engineering.Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. (2017). Retrieved from, S., & Baker, N. (2003). Faculty Use and Impressions of Courseware
international policies on entrepreneurship and engineering education.References 1. Lucena, J., Downey, G., Jesiek, B., and Elber, S. (2008) Competencies Beyond Countries: The Re- Organization of Engineering Education in the United States, Europe, and Latin America. Journal of Engineering Education, 97 (4) 433-447.2. Lattuca, L. R., Terenzini, P.T., & Volkein, J. F. (2006) Engineering Change: A Study of the Impact of EC2000. ABET: Baltimore3. ABET (n/d). Criteria from Accrediting Engineering Programs-Proposed Changes. Retrieved from: ABET. 2016-2017 Rationale for Revising Criteria 3 and 5. Retrieved from: http
avery brief measure, a 5-item innovation self-efficacy (ISE.5) scale was developed using the 19-item Dyer et al. Innovative Behavior Scale (IBS) as a starting point, adapted for undergraduateengineering students, and then condensed using confirmatory factor analysis.The ISE.5 measures innovation self-efficacy as a unitary construct drawn from Dyer et al.’s fiveinnovative behavior components (Questioning, Observing, Experimenting, Networking Ideas andAssociational Thinking) and has good internal and external validity as well as good test-retestreliability. The ISE.5 (as a measure of innovation self-efficacy) is shown to be an importantmediator between innovation interests and a desire to pursue innovative work as a career post-graduation. This
Press.2. Pryor, J. H. and Reedy, E. J., 2009, “Trends in Business Interest Among U.S. College Students: An Early Exploration of Data Available from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.3. Yang, A., 2014, Smart People Should Build Things. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.4. Boyd, N. G. and Vozikis, G. S., 1994, “The Influence of Self-Efficacy on the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions and Actions,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, pp. 63-77.5. McGrath, R. G., 2000, The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of Uncertainty. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.6. Condoor, S. and McQuilling, M., 2009, “Incorporating an
of all of the projects, students were remindedagain and again to think back to these goals, and encouraged to revise the goals as they learned more. Instep 3 (Decide what should be modeled and why), students imagined the model(s) they would create tomatch their physical system. This process didn’t simply ask students to rely upon knowledge they alreadytheoretically had. Rather, it forced them to research in order to learn how they might model the systemthey were analyzing. This research might take them back to foundational knowledge they had alreadybeen exposed to or to new knowledge; although at the beginning the modeling efforts tended to mainlyemphasize the former. The point is that there had to be early imagining of the ultimate model(s
formation in a multicultural and interdisciplinarysetting coupled with hands-on doing based on repetitive do-test-learn cycles that areconstantly assessed and communicated by the teaching team.Design, whether as design science or design thinking has been with us for quite some time.Already in the 1950´s B. Fuller, a renowned scientists and inventor described design scienceas: “…the effective application of the principles of science to the conscious design of ourtotal environment in order to help make the Earth’s finite resources meet the needs of allhumanity without disrupting the ecological processes of the planet” Buckminister Fuller [17].There is relevant criticism to be considered as well. The three perspectives, based on Kimbell2011, are that
four students each were instructed to brainstorm several business opportunitiesrelevant to the biomechanics field. The proposed ideas could provide either a product or service.Teams were to identify potential customers for their ideas. Students then assessed the merits andpotential impact (to the customer(s) and society at large) of their initial ideas. Over the course ofseveral weeks, the teams continued to refine their concepts by performing market analysis toconsider resources needed (costs, personnel, facilities, manufacturing, distribution, etc.),intellectual property protections, and an understanding of their competition. This iterativeprocess continued for a couple weeks offline until the teams selected their preferred businessidea.At
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(91)90020-TAjzen, I. (2002), Perceived behavioral control, self-efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 665-83.Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 248-287. doi: 5978(91)90022-LBoyd, N. G., & Vozikis, G. S. (1994). The Influence of Self-Efficacy on the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions and Actions. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 18(4), 63- 77.Call, B. J., Goodridge, W. H., & Scheaffer, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial curriculum in an Engineering Technical Communication course: Looking for impact
practicing engineers – to become the creative, innovative, and entre-/intrapreneurialthinkers and doers of the 21st century (Sheppard et al. 2015).2. ACTIVITIES, INITIATIVES, AND PROGRAMSEngineering education at the University of Ottawa goes back to the 1870’s (Hallett 2011). It tookmore than a century before the introduction of a formal option in engineering management intothe undergraduate programs of studies in engineering. This was followed in 1980 by theestablishment of a certificate in engineering management offered as a 5th year of business andmanagement courses following the undergraduate degree in engineering. A graduate diplomaprogram in engineering management was created in 1981 and this program later (1989) evolvedinto the current
also slow the process ofdiscovering groundbreaking research due to prioritizing and giving a huge amount of time intraining and tutoring, instead of students already have developed and gained experience on thosepractical skills. The vision is to incorporate a set of guidelines that can be taken into considerationin order to ease the transition from an inexperienced student into a high-end proficient student thatwould not need huge time investment on teaching. In addition, an infrastructure model will beshown with capabilities to scale up/expand and adapt to each college needs without restructuringeverything all over again.INTRODUCTION:The earliest 3D printing technology was developed in the late 1980’s and was referred to as rapidprototyping
technological aspects within macro- idea development; technology iterative cycle experimentation; prototypingThe Process dimension described the phase(s) of an engineering project during which innovativeactivity occurred. Participants within one category may have been aware of phases outside theircategory’s placement, but their descriptions of the innovation experience were predominantlylimited to the phases aligned with their category. For example, Category 1 participantsacknowledged idea generation, but did not substantively incorporate it into their
of innovation on economic development, and sustainability-driven innovation. She is a Faculty Fellow for Innovation and Director of the Missouri NSF/S&T I-Corps Site Program. Bonnie co-leads the Pathways to Innovation initiative with colleague and Entrepreneur in Residence, John Lovitt. She is an adjunct professor in the Executive MBA program at the University of Missouri-Columbia and Visiting Professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology in the International MBA program. Prior to this position she was Sr. Director, Strategic Technology Deployment and Mechanical Technology for Flextronics International and managed design and development teams in Italy, China and the US. She also had profit-loss