21 9.50 15.12 23.06 0.50 4.179 2 Su 21 12.00 21.03 22.75 0.50 4.467 3 F 21 12.00 20.00 23.00 0.50 4.194 4 S 22 12.00 21.70 22.60 0.50 4.579 5 S 22 13.00 21.80 23.00 0.50 4.322 6 S 22 13.40 20.70 23.00 0.50 3.981 7 S 22 12.00 20.20 22.90 0.50 4.319 8 S 22 11.50 20.50 23.00 0.50 4.594 9 S 22 12.50 19.60 23.00 0.51 3.883 10 S 22 9.00 14.90 22.50 0.51 3.979 11 S 22 10.00 15.80 22.80 0.50 4.037 12 S 22 9.00 15.80 22.90 0.50 4.469 13 S 22 13.00
pedagogical content knowledge for undergraduate engineering and technology programs: Accelerating graduates’ preparedness for the 4IR geospatial industryAbstract:Surveying engineering technology (SET) and Geomatics (S/G) programs have significantly beenimpacted by advances of three-dimensional (3D) geospatial data acquisition technologiescoupled with innovation in computational infrastructure over the past decade. Today, large-volume 3D data in the form of point clouds, meshes, or other representations, are frequentlycollected by sensors such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and depth cameras for bothindustrial purposes and scientific investigations. Traditional surveying techniques are more oftenintegrated with the
time;connection, enabling them to conduct experiments even ifthey don’t have access to a physical laboratory. • web server, responsible for making system information available (signals from sensors, equipment images, WebLab's have been implemented in several institutions etc.) at interface accessible by the user remotely;since the 90's, presenting solutions for remote operationgenerally using commercially available software or dedicatednetworks [1]-[6]. At the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, several • user interface
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Paul, Oregon State University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Lab Safety Awareness in Incident and Near-miss Reporting by Students Participating in Engineering Societies: A Case StudyAcademic laboratory safety has gained considerable attention from researchers and researchinstitution administrators since several high-profile incidents in the late 2000’s. Another part ofstudent learning in engineering, though informal, occurs in co-curricular activity such asengineering societies and team competitions where students conduct hands-on activities toachieve certain objectives, usually with minimal (if any) authoritative figures in presence. Thesafety aspect of these co-curricular
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publication.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to appreciate the financial support from the National Science Foundationvia award #2107140, # 2110760 and the Department of Energy via award DENA0003987, alsothe RISE grant from the Research & Innovation at Prairie View A&M University.References[1] J. Lee, B. Bagheri, and H.-A. Kao, "A cyber-physical systems architecture for industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems," Manufacturing letters, vol. 3, pp. 18-23, 2015.[2] Y. Huang, M. C. Leu, J. Mazumder, and A. Donmez, "Additive manufacturing: current state, future potential, gaps and needs, and recommendations," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 137, no. 1, 2015.[3] B. Motyl, G. Baronio, S. Uberti, D. Speranza, and S
ab ab t-L -L e s Pr PoFigure 2: Self-reported level of agreement with the statement “I am familiar with real-time RT-PCR” before and after the TDA experience.Despite being
these constructs; Intrinsic goalorientation, Task value, Expectancy component and Metacognition increased after theyparticipated in the experiment whereas Test Anxiety reduced after the students were taught usingECP (mean = -0.21, test anxiety is expected to continuously decrease due to the intervention). Thisshows that the students are now confident in the biology concept they have learned.As previously mentioned, Table 2's results provide the summary statistics (mean, standarddeviation, and mean difference) as well as the p-values of paired t-tests of students' pre- and post-test scores for each MLSQ domain.Other notable improvements in the domain were in students’ Task value (subdomains: I am veryinterested in the content area of this course
many other engi-neering mechanics lab courses, is the universal testing machine. As noted in Table 1, 12 of the 14labs involved physical experimentation, and of these, 6 involved the use of a universal testing ma-chine. The custom universal testing machine is shown in Figure 1, and was designed much likeconventional universal testing machines. It has dual lead screws with a crosshead that moves with Figure 1: Custom Universal Testing Machinethe rotation of the two screws. The crosshead supports a 500 kg (1100 lb) s-type load cell, andTable 1: Weekly Laboratory Activities, Feedback Writing Assignments, and Equipment forStrength of Materials Lab Week Lab Activity Writing Writing Feedback
Pandemic. Leveraging All Available Resources for a Limited Resource in a Crisis,” Annals ATS, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 408–416, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202004-317CME.[2] M. L. Ranney, V. Griffeth, and A. K. Jha, “Critical Supply Shortages — The Need for Ventilators and Personal Protective Equipment during the Covid-19 Pandemic,” N Engl J Med, vol. 382, no. 18, p. e41, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.1056/NEJMp2006141.[3] A. Santini, A. Messina, E. Costantini, A. Protti, and M. Cecconi, “COVID-19: dealing with ventilator shortage,” Current Opinion in Critical Care, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 652–659, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1097/MCC.0000000000001000.[4] S. Abidi and R. Ramos, “WIP: Utilizing Guided Worksheets to Improve Student Performance
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alsoincludes adding more EM related activities to existing laboratory and design courses and usingan updated assessment tool to compare the mindset of students in laboratory and design coursesacross the college. We plan to increase the survey response rate with multiple reminders andadditional incentives for Spring 2023.References[1] KEEN, “The Framework,” Engineering Unleashed, 2022. https://engineeringunleashed.com/framework (accessed Apr. 28, 2022).[2] C. Winberg and S. L. Winberg, “The role of undergraduate laboratories in the formation of engineering identities: A critical review of the literature,” The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, vol. 17, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.4102/td.v17i1.962.[3] L. D
cowling. These results from Ansys Polyflow are very similar in appearance to thesequence of pictures of the thermoforming process as shown experimentally in Figure 6b). Weobserve that the draping process is almost completed after 0.13 s and that the change in thicknessup to 0.6 s is minor and mostly occurs around the base of the cowl. In Figure 7c) is the drapingprocess for the creation of the instrument panel shown. The thickness of the plastic sheet on topof the instrument panel does not change from the thickness of the original undeformed sheet. Thecircles on the instrument panel are clearly developing over time and at 1 s the circles are fullydeveloped.Figure 7b) Thickness contour plots during draping process for the cowl.Figure 7c) Thickness
a system. Once a sub-standardresponse is identified, possible causes of the failure are sought through forming hypotheses. Eachhypothesis needs to be tested and verified to see whether it is a cause for the failure. If possiblecauses are rejected, new possibilities are generated and tested. Final cause(s) are formed out of aspace of possibilities. To complete troubleshooting, corrective action is taken to eliminate thecause(s) by either repairing or replacing relevant physical components. These tasks are shownusing a flowchart in Figure 1. Similar recursive models with functionally identical tasks wereintroduced in other studies and manuals [6].While troubleshooting is a sought-after skill in industry, traditional mechanical
. Lastly, conductingmore interviews with students and instructors will aid in constructing a Lite version that meetshigh educational standards and student requirements.AcknowledgementRELIA project is funded by the National Science Foundation’s division of undergraduateeducation under award number 2141798.References [1] F. Atienza and R. Hussein. Student perspectives on remote hardware labs and equitable access in a post-pandemic era. In 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pages 1–8. IEEE, 2022. [2] V. S. Katz, A. B. Jordan, and K. Ognyanova. Digital inequality, faculty communication, and remote learning experiences during the covid-19 pandemic: A survey of us undergraduates. Plos one, 16(2):e0246641, 2021. [3] Pew
actions of the virtualexperiment.References:[1] K. Achuthan, D. Raghavan, B. Shankar, S. P. Francis, S. P., and V. K. Kolil, “Impact ofremote experimentation, interactivity and platform effectiveness on laboratory learningoutcomes,” International journal of educational technology in higher education, 18(1), 38, 2021.[2] D. A. H. Samuelsen and O. H. Graven, “Remote laboratories in engineering education - anoverview of implementation and feasibility,” Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability:Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering andTechnology, San Jose, Costa Rica, July 20-22, 2016.[3] L. F. Rivera and M. M. Larrondo-Petrie, “Models of remote laboratories and collaborativeroles for learning
that this phenomenon reflected that students involved in project-based learning activities were more inclined to regard themselves as a part of the engineeringcommunity.The students in Motamedi’s study [19] tended to prefer the flipped classroom because of itsflexibility with their schedules, their ability to watch lectures when they felt motivated tolearn and when they knew that they would be able to stay focused, and their increasedengagement with short video content. A significant disadvantage was their inability to askquestions while learning the material; thus, students would go to class feeling confused andill-prepared. Vidic et al.’s [18] study of flipped classrooms addressed this issue by allowingstudents to post their questions about
failure using the tensile testing machine. Figure 4. Some examples of the redesigned shapes created by students in week 3 and 3D printed before week 4's sessionDeliverables:Students complete and submit two short deliverables in the first four weeks, a full technical reportin week 10 and an oral presentation in week 13 of the semester. The short deliverables are designedto be included in the full technical report. The first short deliverable is a schematic to show themeasurements made for assessing dimensional accuracy as well as a photograph of the failed shapefor describing what failure looked like and how the location of failure was measured. The secondshort deliverable is a graphdemonstrating the
Sasha Rubenfeld, Connor Ellertson, Joe Zhaobang Ning, and NihalThirunakarasu assisted in experimenting with AI goggles and the design of the curriculum.ReferencesM. Abdinejad, C. Ferrag, H. Qorbani, S. Dalili, “Developing a Simple and Cost-EffectiveMarkerless Augmented Reality Tool for Chemistry Education,” J. Chem. Educ., 2021.D. Carney, ‘Make Your Own Cardboard VR Goggles,” 2020. Retrieved January 2022:https://www.designnews.com/makergadget-freak/make-your-own-cardboard-vr-gogglesR. B. Guay, “Purdue spatial visualization test: Rotations,” West Lafayette, IN, Purdue ResearchFoundation, 1977.J. Schmid, M. J. Ernst, G. Thiel, “Structural Chemistry 2.0: Combining Augmented Reality and3D Online Models,” Jonas R., J. Chem. Educ. 97, pp. 4515−4519
learning is well established [1], educational needs havechanged in many ways over the past few years. This is partly due to Covid isolation and itsripple effects, and partly due to a rapidly evolving broader context for how people socialize andaccess, distribute and retain information. A forty-year study from 1976-2017 showed increasedlevels of loneliness and isolation in the 2010’s was strongly correlated with fewer in-personinteractions [2]. Prior to the pandemic a significant portion of college students reported feelinglonely [3]. Students have a deep need for connection [3], which is more pressing in light of theMental Health crisis in the United States which was exacerbated by Covid isolation [4]. Collegestudents have also reported feeling
0.565 0.56 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 Time (s) Frequency (Hz)Figure 11. LiDAR Measurement at 1st floor level with 1st mode excited. Time series (left) andassociated frequency spectrum (right). 0.59 0.3 0.585 0.25Displacement (m) 0.2 4.11 Magnitude 0.58
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vibrations, robotics, controls, and experimental methods,including various hands-on labs. He is involved in outreach and extra-curricular activities,including engineering summer camps for high schoolers and elementary robotics competitions. 16References:[1] John Wiley. (2016). Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, 8th Edition.[2]Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, Fourth Edition; Figliola, R. S. andBeasley, D. E., 2006[3] Nick Connor (May 22, 2019). What is Heat Transfer – Definition. Thermal Engineering.https://www.thermal-engineering.org/what-is-heat-transfer-definition/[4] National Instruments. Operating Instructions and Specifications: NI
the student evaluation is 83% and 27%,respectively. There are nine labs in ENGR 240; therefore, each lab takes 3% of the total grade.Out of the seven courses, CE376 and EGR 270 take more than 50% of the total grade from thelabs, and the others have around 30%. Individual labs weigh from 3% to 15% of students’ labcourse grades. Note that EE221 did not have any information about lab evaluation in the coursematerials.Table 4. Percentage of the course grade(s) consisting of laboratory experiments Weight of labs in the Number of Individual lab weight to Course course grading (%) labs total course grading (%) ENGR 240 (2021) 27
hardware labs and equitable access in a post-pandemic era. In IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.6. Hussein, R., Chap, B., Inonan, M., Guo, M., Monroy, F., Maloney, R., Alves, S., & Kalisi, S. (2023). Remote hub lab -rhl: Broadly accessible technologies for education and telehealth. 20th Annual International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation REV 2023.7. Li, R., & Bringardner, J. (2021, July). Understanding remote student motivation in hybrid and remote engineering lab modes. Paper presented at the 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. https://peer.asee.org/379638. Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong
Paper ID #36849Cultivating technical writing skills through a scaffold peerreview-approach of lab reports in a junior-level laboratory courseDr. Yan Wu, University of Wisconsin - Platteville Yan Wu graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1996 with a bachelorˆa C™s degree in Precision Instruments and a minor in Electronics and Computer Technology. She received her M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alaba ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Cultivating technical writing skills through a scaffold peer review of lab reports in a junior
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