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Constrained project to integrate learning outcomesCurriculum changes are a work in progress that will continue to evolve over many years.However, they are built on close interaction with local companies and recognition that thecharacter and purpose of measurement within the product applications space willcontinue to change rapidly. The importance of the topic is reflected in the skills andtechniques that students acquire to be productive contributors to the next generation ofadvanced products and systems.AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank their colleagues from Boeing, General Dynamics, Honeywell,General Motors and Motorola on the JACMET Instrumentation group for many helpfuldiscussions and their insightful analysis of current industry
support open inquiry.(Barrows, 2000). It is important that the aims and objectives of problem-based learningare reflected in every aspect of the learning environment created. Problem-basedcurriculum should document accomplishments at the upper levels of Bloom's TaxonomyTriangle. (Boud & Feletti, 1991). Scholars in the area of cognitive science andeducational psychology have identified four features that clearly separate a problem-based curriculum from a traditional, topic-based curriculum. (Nickerson, et. al. 1985). Inthis presentation, the author describes how he has utilized the four features in the coursehe teaches. He also presents analyses of the feedback data he has obtained and suggestsguidelines for further improvement (Narayanan
BME curriculumaccount for the high interest among biomedical engineering students. Figure 1B show that theinterest in the seminar was well distributed from freshman to graduate level, showing awidespread appeal to students at all levels of their academic careers. Participation by gender isshown in Figure 1C and as expected reflects the greater percentage of males enrolled in theCollege of Engineering. Page 14.734.6 Figure 2 The number of students with prior LabVIEW experience As displayed in the graph above, 19 of the 21 students had no prior experience usingLabVIEW graphical programming software. The lack of experience or
2008, Henderson et al [4] developed the four categories of change strategiesmodel to classify strategies that have been used to conceptualize or to create change inundergraduate STEM education. The similarity of these categories to those developed through anindependent review of an overlapping literature base [5] suggests that the four categories arerobust and meaningful. Following are the four categories: ● Disseminating Curriculum and Pedagogy: This category is based on the phenomena of tell/teach individuals about new teaching conceptions and/or practices and encourage their use. ● Developing Reflective Teachers: Encourage/Support individuals to develop new teaching conceptions and/or practices ● Enacting Policy: Enact new
temperatures. In addition, the antenna setup should be carefullyselected for temperature. For example, at room temperature, if the RFID antenna is required 2ftof antenna to antenna distance, the best distance between tag and the antenna is 3ft for the bestdetection rate. At the higher temperature, T = 130°F, if the tag is located 4ft away from thereading antenna, 4ft of antenna distance or DCA = 2ft is the best for the maximum reading rate.There are couple of limitations. First, the environmental temperature is simulated using smallbox and only the tag is inside of the box while the antennas are outside. This implies that onlythe tag is affected by the temperature, while the reflected signal from the passive tag is partiallyaffected. In other word
in this field will reflect in the results much better than to present days. Page 14 of 14References[1] Bolton, W., & NetLibrary, Inc. (2006). Programmable logic controllers. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Newnes.[2] Kamel, K., & Kamel, E. (2013). Programmable logic controllers: Industrial control.[3] Rohner, P. (1996). PLC: automation with programmable logic controllers: A textbook for engineers and technicians. Sydney: UNSW Press.[4] Shahin, T. M. M., EDC 2002, & Engineering Design Conference. (2002). Computer-based design: Engineering Design Conference 2002 [held at King's College London, UK on the 9-11 July 2002]. Bury St
data for storage and transmission. Solar radiation: Hukseflux RA01 and NR01 use pyranometers to sense short wave radiation (300nm to 2800nm) and long wave radiation (4500nm to 50000nm). Neither model requires an external power suppy. ADS1115 differential voltage amplifier provides an analog 0-3V output. EME Systems OWL3Pro board translates the data to a digital stream onto an RS-232 bus. Snow depth: Judd Communication Depth Sensor measures snow depth by timing a 50kHz ultrasonic pulse reflected from beneath the snow surface. It has an RTD sensor to calibrate for temperature variations in the speed of sound. Weather Station: Vaisala WXT 520 Weather Transmitter measures
and all even harmonics. Further, thesame circuit is used with the Computer Aided Spectrum Analyzer.For the second instrument in Part 2, the principles of operation of a Time DomainReflectometer (TDR) are discussed. A block diagram shown in figure 4 was first illustrated,then the theory of determining the nature of fault and its location were discussed usingfollowing equation: Fig. 4- A Simple Block Diagram Showing the Principle of TDR z1 − z c Γ= (4) z1 + z cΓ is the reflection coefficient and z is the impedance of load and the characteristic impedance ofthe
vector analysis (calculatingmean axes).The java algorithms used place emphasis upon the differential diagnosis based on the criteria 12of rhythm, P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, ST, T and U wave changes. We thereforeintroduced the students to the basics of the ECG interpretation and successfully attempted toincorporate some of these algorithms using the java data structures and advanced GUI features.Development of User InterfaceObjective-C 3 is an elegant reflective language (superset of the ANSI version of C) with addedSmalltalk style object oriented concepts which optimizes Model-view-Controller (MVC)software architecture. Just like the C code, we define header files and source files so as toseparate public declarations from the code
basic instrumentation systems, including both analog anddigital aspects. The laboratory component focuses on the development of a microcontroller-based instrumentation system that can provide readings to a PC and an onboard LCD fromswitches, accelerometers and load cells.The course is heavily-focused on hands-on work in the laboratory. From student feedback in2009 and 2010 it became apparent that there was a mismatch between the theoretical backgroundprovided in class and the practical work being undertaken in the laboratory. This is reflective of Page 24.739.3the general approach taken in Engineering classes. Engineering instructors are
requires simultaneous localization in both time andfrequency domains. The classical Fourier Transform (FT) analysis is able to achieve infinitefrequency resolution, but it does not provide temporal localization information. In case ofmultichannel EEGs, where the geometrical position of the electrodes reflect the spatialdimension, a space-time-frequency (STF) analysis through multiway processing methods hasalso become popular. The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is defined as the discrete-timeFourier transform evaluated over a sliding window.The wavelet transform (WT) is another alternative for a time-frequency analysis. Unlike theshort-time Fourier transform, the time-frequency kernel for the wavelet transform based methodscan better localize
enhanced learningoutcomes. This model has often been used to redesign courses in science and engineering withmany pedagogical benefits. The Kolb model suggests that balance among the four stages leads tooptimal learning, deeper understanding of concepts and applications, and longer retention ofinformation. It is achieved through reflective observation (RO), and active experimentation (AE).However, a necessary condition for such construction of knowledge is that this knowledgeshould be grasped first. Knowledge depiction occurs through Concrete Experience (CE) orAbstract Conceptualization (AC).A significant component of this project involved undergraduate students in experiential learningand research efforts. The undergraduate engineering summer
bend the beam with the appropriate displacement.Based on the mathematical model developed to simulate the real beam experiment, the outputstrain and voltage values appear on the screen of the strain gage indicator.ConclusionThis paper presents the development of a virtual laboratory which enhances the students'understanding of physical concepts by providing a high degree of immersion within richinteractive learning environments. The experimentation system integrates dynamic andinteractive simulations in stand-alone and Web-based environments. During the experimentationphase, changes in parameters and variables are immediately reflected in the graphical userinterface. Thus, the students can visualize in real time how the model behavior
of vibration analysis. The instruments arealso familiar to the campus students from experiments carried out in the traditionallaboratory comprised in e.g. the undergraduate signal processing courses.The experiments in the remote laboratory is designed to reflect on authentic vibrationproblems in the manufacturing industry, e.g. vibration in metal cutting processes.5, 6, 7The object under investigation is a boring bar used for metal cutting in a lathe. Vibrationproblem associated with this type of process is considered to be an important and criticalfactor concerning the performance of, the tool life, the surface finishing, etc. whichfinally ends up on the production cost negatively. Since it is shown that vibrationproblem originates from the
operation for the machine outputs of theresearch. This mode of operation does not run any cycle but allows the operator to determine thepossible situation by changing manual speed, acceleration time, deceleration time etc. of theservo motor or the indexer. Moreover, this operation helps to set the pneumatic components tofunction with precision and nearly accurate positioning.Fill CycleFill cycle of the machine exactly follows the process flow or process mapping of the fillingMechanism. This is actually the basic reflection of the Auto Mode of filler operation along withindexing of the research.1. First step is to check if the priming sequence is complete.2. Second Step is to make sure the first group of containers completed indexing.3. Third step
manufacture and passed quality control checks, while the wiring diagram on the ProbotixPBX-BB Wiki webpage may have been updated to reflect a new design. With the input DCvoltage matching the polarity of the markings of the board, there was no measured voltage on theoutput pins. The polarity of the input DC voltage was changed to match the wiring diagram andwith 31.97VDC applied to the input terminals, 7.36VDC was measured on the breakout board 5VDC output pins. According to BeagleBone.org, the maximum voltage that may be applied tothe BeagleBone’s power terminals is 5.2VDC [7]. If a voltage greater than 5.2VDC is applied tothe power terminals, the BeagleBone will not power up. These findings further supported thehypothesis that the voltage regulator
tested and appropriate CAN data is collected in aCAN log file. This data is post-test analyzed in MATLAB to develop a theoretical model of thecomponent. The component model can then be developed in Simulink to predict it would behave Page 15.341.17in a real environment test. The specific component is not important, and the test could be asimple temperature rise test of a small motor.What is important is that, to the degree possible, the test instruction topics and applications oftesting actually reflect industrial testing processes while using actual industrial testing analysisand simulation tools. The inclusion of MATLAB/Simulink for modeling and