AC 2011-2237: INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUMENTATION AND CON-TROL SYSTEMS USING A PENDULUM MOUNTED AIR ROCKETMichael Keller, University of Tulsa Michael Keller is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the university of tulsa. His research and teaching interests are in solid mechanics, both experimental and theoretical, and materials science.Jeremy S. Daily, University of Tulsa Page 22.967.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Introduction to Instrumentation and Control Systems Using a Pendulum Mounted Air RocketAbstractCourses on engineering
his role as one of the developers of the bachelor’s of wireless engineering program at Auburn University, which is the first of its kind in the U.S.Mr. Clint S. Cole, Digilent, Inc.Mr. Alex Wong Page 25.788.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Instrumentation for an Embedded Control Systems Design Course Incorporating the Digilent Electronics Explorer Board ABSTRACTAuburn University’s Electrical and Computer Engineering curricula include a junior-year,laboratory-intensive course on embedded control systems design.[1
Engineering from McGill University, Canada. His research interest lies in the areas of engineering education, fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibrations, syngas and blended fuel combustion, nanofluids, and flow and structural simulations.Mr. Christopher S. Stronen, Savannah Technical College I am a student attending Savannah Technical College pursuing the Electrical and Computer Engineering Associates Degree. I have completed two internships of the NOYCE Summer Program. In the Fall 2017 I will transfer to Savannah State to finish the Electrical Engineering Technology Bache- lor’s Program and successfully pass my FE exam to become a certified Engineer for the state of Georgia. c American
) A1Then the time domain equation for level in tank 1, in deviation form, is: l&1 (t ) = −a.l1 (t ) + b.l2 (t ) + c.v p (t ) Page 25.387.10 (18) where: ab 2g a= . A1 2( L1ss − L2 ss )0.5 ab 2g b= . Note: a = b A1 2( L1ss − L2 ss )0.5 Kp c= A1By taking the Laplace transform, equation (18) yields: s.l1 ( s
+x X (s) 1 2 (1b) 0 F (s) Ms Ds K -x Rest Position Before Application Damping of Force, f Coefficient, D Rigid SupportFigure 1: Virtual Mass-Spring-Damper SetupAfter taking Laplace transformation of equation (1a) that result (1b), the mechanical systemcould be expressed in the form of a function
mechanicalengineering programs1,2. It is common for the content of such a course to begin with particledynamics. For such analyses the student need only know the mass of the particle(s) involved;usually given in the problem. The course content progresses to rigid body dynamics. With theintroduction of rigid bodies, an understanding of the distribution of the mass within the body isrequired. Typically, however, that said distribution is again given or is readily determined. As aresult, students tend to view the inertial properties of a body as a trivial input to a mathematicalproblem; similar to the length of a connector or the mass of a component. In reality, determiningthe inertia properties of a real structure can be quite challenging.The project presented
Antenna placement (AP) Side Top Speed of conveyor (S) 6ft/min 12ft/min Tag position (TP) Front Back Table 3: The summary of tag readability data and average of all the 32 combinationsM D AP S TP Expt No 1 2 3 4 Average- - - - - 1 36 37 37 35 36.25+ - - - - 2 58 55 54 54 55.25- + - - - 3 35 31 33 39 34.5+ + - - - 4 29 36 33 33
analytical modeling of semiconductor devices and sensors, and electronic instrumentation and measurement.Joshua Ward, Fairchild Semiconductor Josh Ward was a senior level Electrical Engineering student at the University of Southern Maine and was working as a Thin Films Process Technician at Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation, S. Portland while working on this project. He will complete his coursework and graduate from U.S.M. with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in May 2008. Upon graduation he expects to be promoted to Process Engineer at Fairchild Semiconductor. Josh’s interests are semiconductor device fabrication, CMOS integrated circuit design and automated testing.Robert N
. Through the interaction with remotely accessible realequipment via the GUI, the users should be able to visualize the experimental process, gain afeeling of immersion into a real laboratory environment, and also be able to adjust the input andimmediately observe the experimental output. Usually, the GUI is composed of an instrumentcontrol section, an experimental input section and an experimental results section. In theinstrument control section, the options may include lighting, audio and video and dataacquisition functions. In most real-time setups, a global video view providing an overview and alocal video view zooming in on the analyzed object(s) are streamed in real time. In addition, theusers are often given the option to save the video
Techniques,” AK Peters, Ltd.[8] Nistér, D., Naroditsky, O. & Bergen, J., 2006, “Visual Odometry for Ground Vehicle Applications,” Journal of Field Robotics, 23(1) 3-20.[9] DeSouza, G. N. & Kak, A. C., 2002, “Vision for mobile robot navigation: A survey,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(2) 237-267.[10] Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Esche, S. K. & Chassapis, C., 2013, “Universal Range Data Acquisition for Educational Laboratories Using Microsoft Kinect,” Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 23-26.[11] Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Aziz, E.-S., Esche, S. K. & Chassapis, C., 2013, “Kinect-Based Universal Range Sensor for Laboratory
applied on a mass, M it accelerates and a displacement, x takes place tothe mass. Based on the Alembert’s principle a differential equation can be written for spring, massand damper as: Rigid surface +X X ( s) 1 -X (1) F(t) F ( s) Ms Ds K 2 Rigid surface Figure 2. Mass-Damping-Spring setup
Simulink model and Figure 5 shows a typical comparison of modeland experimental results. Page 12.478.6 Kp psi lbs in/s^2 1 1 in in^3/s 1 in/s 1 Kamp Kq 4*Beta/Vt A 1/M in V 1
tunnel and the air speed was varied from zero toabout 40 m/s by adjusting the frequency of the fan motor drive. Figure 5 shows photographs ofthe probes mounted in the wind tunnel. Team 2 Team 4 Team 1 Team 3 Figure 5. Pitot-static probes mounted in wind tunnelThe calibrated airspeed for each motor frequency was obtained from a calibrated Pitot tubeinstalled in the wind tunnel. The pressure sensor output voltage and supply voltage weremeasured at each air speed using a National Instruments USB-6009 data acquisition unit. The+5V supply voltage for the pressure sensor was also provided by the USB-6009. The pressuresensor output is ratiometric
containers.11. References1. Wilson, J. S. (editor), Sensor Technology Handbook, pp 1, Elsevier (UK)., 2005.2. Dhananjay, G. V., Programming and Customizing AVR Microcontroller, pp 22, McGraw-Hill (USA)., 2001.3. Kwong, J., Ramadass,Y. K., Verma, N., Chandrakasan, A. P., “A 65 nm Sub-Vt Microcontroller With Integrated SRAM and Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter”, IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits, 2009, 44, 115-126.4. Brennan, T.M., Ernst, J. M., Day, C. M., Bullock, D. M., Krogmeier, J.V., Martchouk, M., “Influence of Vertical Sensor Placement on Data Collection Efficiency from Bluetooth MAC Address Collection”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2009, 136, 1104-1109.5. Jasemian, Y., Nielsen, L. A
function model was developed. 0.71 ⋅ e −0.58⋅s G p ( s) = 4 ⋅ s +1 Page 25.388.5It is a typical first order plus dead-time process model.Proportional-Integral (PI) Controller TuningOnce the process model was developed, tuning parameters were calculated using a number ofmethods1 and the system performance was evaluated as shown in Fig. 6. This figure shows theresponse of the control system when a temperature setpoint change of 10F was
material properties and verify the results with known values ofpressure from the internet and/or canning facilities. Multiple brands of soda are analyzed and asingle factor ANOVA is performed to determine if soda brand has any effect on internalpressure. A demonstration of mounting strain gages is given by the instructor.Reports are due the week following the lab sessions. The instructor is usually able to providefeedback within a week after submission, and makes every effort to do so.Table 2 shows how the labs are related to the earlier-listed course topics. Table 2. Relation of Laboratory Experiences to Course Topics p => primary topic of lab s =>
: http://www.dtic.mil2. Abyad, A. (2011). Intercultural leadership and communication in global business. Middle East Journal of Business, 6(2), p. 8-12. Ali, S., & Green, P. (2012). Effective information technology (IT) governance mechanisms: An IT outsourcing perspective. Information Systems Frontiers, 14(2), 179-193. Al-Rodhan, N. R. F. (2006). Definitions of globalization: A comprehensive overview and a proposed definition. GCSP. P. 1-21. Retrieved January, 25, 2014 from globalization.pdf5. AME (2012). The Ultimate Middle East business resource. Retrieved from
conditioning circuits, and a micro-controller were usedfor data acquisition, Modbus communication, and controlling of the motor or light bulbs.As an effort to continually improve our education program, the effectiveness of the courseprojects will be quantitatively and qualitatively monitored through student and faculty surveys,feedback from former students, and results of examinations. These results will be shared withother educators in a future publication.References1. Arthur, J. H. and Sexton, M. R., “Labview Application: Energy Laboratory Upgrade,” Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2002.2. Akinwale, O., Kehinde, L., Ayodele,K. P., Jubril, A. M., Jonah,O. P., Ilori, S., and Chen, X., “A Labview-Based On-Line Robotic Arm for Students
comprised of two primary systems, a mobile vehicle and remote controlstation. Each system is further broken down into subordinate systems.1. Mobile Vehicle Page 25.397.4The mobile vehicle is a tracked vehicle running a number of sensors and sensor systems toaccomplish the primary task of locating the desired item(s), moving to the item(s) location,providing verification methods of the item(s), and transmitting the item’(s) location back to thecontrol station. a. Drive SystemThe drive system is broken down into two identical halves, one for the port side and one for thestarboard side. Each side operates completely independently of the other
Annual Conference of IEEE, November 6-10, 2005.[4] Costas-Pérez, L., Lago, D. & Fariña, J., 2008, “Optimization of an industrial sensor and data acquisition laboratory through time sharing and remote access,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(6), 2396-2404.[5] Blais, F., 2004, “Review of 20 years of range sensor development,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 13(1), 231-243.[6] Karayev, S., Jia, Y., Barron, J., Fritz, M., Saenko, K. & Darrell, T., 2011, “A category-level 3-D object dataset: putting the Kinect to work,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, November 6-13, 2011, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1167-1174.[7] Kinect Sensor,, accessed
ECE Core Course Digital I Computer Networks Microprocessor Design I Networking M Machine Design Engineering Drawing A Hands-on Skills Machining Skill Circuit Design P Java & Visual BASIC S Limnology BIO Core Course Environmental
. Responses Questions Team consisting of Team consisting of two students individual student (one h/w focused and one s/w focused)Approximate time • 55 total hours (30 hours for s/win hours you • 24 hours focused student and 25 hours for h/wworked on this focused student)projectLevel of difficulty(1 5, with 1 asextremely easy, 3 as • 4.3 for s/w focused student • 4moderately difficult, • 4 for h/w focused student5 as extremelydifficult
advancedconcepts about robotics also will be used in research for graduate students in many applicationsuch surveillance applications. The software will be composed of ten modules. The developedsoftware system allows a mobile robot attached with the robotics arm to navigate in anenvironment autonomously. The mobile robot accepts the commands from the human being(operator) using three different techniques. The mobile robot starts navigating to detect manyobjects based on color(s) and shapes, and also sends these information back to the operatorthroughout Graphical User Interface (GUI). With a camera attached to the mobile robot, thesoftware will be able to classify the objects based on color (s) and shape(s), and to determineits/their position. The
-controller. The use of the graphical programming language helpedstudents understand the interfacing and control logic and motivated them to learn further on thesubjects. We plan to continuously improve the course to keep it updated with the latesttechnology. A section on programmable logic controllers as an alternative controller will beintroduced in future semesters.References [1] A. Geddam, “Mechatronics for engineering education: undergraduate curriculum,” Mechatronics, vol. 1, p. 13, 2003. [2] M. Grimheden, “Mechatronics engineering education,” Ph.D. dissertation, KTH, 2006. [3] S. K. Gupta, S. Kumar, and L. Tewari, “A design-oriented undergraduate curriculum in mechatronics education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol
this independence is that work progressed slowly and many codingideas were explored, found to be inadequate, and discarded. The end result of this project wasthat a well-planned and detailed LabView driver was successfully created, but integration intothe rest of the system was not achieved because of lack of time. References:[1] S. Avramov-Zamurovic, B. Waltrip, K. Stricklett, and A. Koffman, "A Balancing Algorithm for system with correlated injections" IEEE IMTC Proc., Vail, Colorado, 2003.[2] B. Waltrip, A. Koffman, S. Avramov-Zamurovic: "The Design and Self-Calibration of Inductive Voltage Dividers for an Automated Impedance Scaling Bridge", IEEE IMTC Proc. Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.[3] B. C. Waltrip S
implementation of Project-Based Learning while conductingexperiments in Lab View environment. Utilizing PBL and other resources, students were able toaccess, analyze, and formulate decisions based on the information provided. There were twoessential components of projects:1) A driving question or problem that serves to organize and drive activities, which taken as a whole amount to a meaningful project2) Culminating product(s) or multiple representations as a series of artifacts, personal communication or consequential task that meaningfully addresses the driving question.As technological advancements are continuously made in the 21st Century, new topics ofscience-related research will receive notable attention that would allow more feasible
mounted in its holder as under normalconditions and the holder is rigidly attached onto a heavy steel construction in order toresemble the true case. P o w e r A m p lifie r H P 3 5 6 7 0 A d y n a m ic s ig n a l a n a ly z e r O u tp u t In p u t O u tp u t v e v e + - S o u rc e O u t C h 1 C h 2 C h 3 C h 4 S h a k e r C la m p in g
multi-function digital device. TheNational Instruments (Austin, TX) myDAQ is very compact and portable so students can extendhands-on learning outside of the lab environment using industry-standard tools and methods(Figure 2). The NI myDAQ includes two analog inputs and two analog outputs at 200 kS/s and 16bits, allowing for applications such as sampling an audio signal; eight digital inputs and outputlines, providing power for simple circuits with +5, +15, and -15 volt power supplies; and a 60 VDMM to measure voltage, current, and resistance. Figure 2. National Instruments MyDAQ Multifunction device (Courtesy: Time Constants for Various Temperature SensorsSystem response is often a very important process in
. # = 0 - CR = CR, LF = LF, FF = FFFont Selection by ID # (EC ( # X or EC ) # X): Selects a soft font using its specific ID #. EC (# X - Designates soft font as primary. EC ) # X - Designates soft font as secondary. # = FontIdentification numberSpacing (EC ( s # P – Primary, EC ) s # P – Secondary): Designates either a fixed orproportionally spaced font. # =0 means Fixed spacing, # - 1 means Proportional spacingPitch (EC ( s # H – Primary, EC ) s # H – Secondary): Designates the horizontal spacing of afixed spaced font in terms of the number of characters per inch. # = Pitch in characters/inchStroke Weight (EC ( s # B – Primary, EC) s # B – Secondary): Designates the thickness orweight of the stroke that composes the characters of a font. 6. HC
technology, vol. 135, pp. 142-149, 2013.[2] N. Wei, J. Quarterman, and Y.-S. Jin, "Marine macroalgae: an untapped resource for producing fuels and chemicals," Trends in biotechnology, vol. 31, pp. 70-77, 2013.[3] K. A. Jung, S.-R. Lim, Y. Kim, and J. M. Park, "Potentials of macroalgae as feedstocks for biorefinery," Bioresource technology, vol. 135, pp. 182-190, 2013.[4] A. Singh, P. S. Nigam, and J. D. Murphy, "Mechanism and challenges in commercialisation of algal biofuels," Bioresource technology, vol. 102, pp. 26-34, 2011.[5] M. Aresta, A. Dibenedetto, and G. Barberio, "Utilization of macro-algae for enhanced CO2 fixation and energy production," Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem, vol. 49, p. 348, 2004.[6] S. A. Razzak, M