Engineering from McGill University, Canada. His research interest lies in the areas of engineering education, fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibrations, syngas and blended fuel combustion, nanofluids, and flow and structural simulations.Mr. Christopher S. Stronen, Savannah Technical College I am a student attending Savannah Technical College pursuing the Electrical and Computer Engineering Associates Degree. I have completed two internships of the NOYCE Summer Program. In the Fall 2017 I will transfer to Savannah State to finish the Electrical Engineering Technology Bache- lor’s Program and successfully pass my FE exam to become a certified Engineer for the state of Georgia. c American
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applied on a mass, M it accelerates and a displacement, x takes place tothe mass. Based on the Alembert’s principle a differential equation can be written for spring, massand damper as: Rigid surface +X X ( s) 1 -X (1) F(t) F ( s) Ms Ds K 2 Rigid surface Figure 2. Mass-Damping-Spring setup
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multi-function digital device. TheNational Instruments (Austin, TX) myDAQ is very compact and portable so students can extendhands-on learning outside of the lab environment using industry-standard tools and methods(Figure 2). The NI myDAQ includes two analog inputs and two analog outputs at 200 kS/s and 16bits, allowing for applications such as sampling an audio signal; eight digital inputs and outputlines, providing power for simple circuits with +5, +15, and -15 volt power supplies; and a 60 VDMM to measure voltage, current, and resistance. Figure 2. National Instruments MyDAQ Multifunction device (Courtesy: Time Constants for Various Temperature SensorsSystem response is often a very important process in
technology, vol. 135, pp. 142-149, 2013.[2] N. Wei, J. Quarterman, and Y.-S. Jin, "Marine macroalgae: an untapped resource for producing fuels and chemicals," Trends in biotechnology, vol. 31, pp. 70-77, 2013.[3] K. A. Jung, S.-R. Lim, Y. Kim, and J. M. Park, "Potentials of macroalgae as feedstocks for biorefinery," Bioresource technology, vol. 135, pp. 182-190, 2013.[4] A. Singh, P. S. Nigam, and J. D. Murphy, "Mechanism and challenges in commercialisation of algal biofuels," Bioresource technology, vol. 102, pp. 26-34, 2011.[5] M. Aresta, A. Dibenedetto, and G. Barberio, "Utilization of macro-algae for enhanced CO2 fixation and energy production," Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem, vol. 49, p. 348, 2004.[6] S. A. Razzak, M
blocks. One terminal blockcontains the connections (E, B, C) for a BJT. A second terminal block has connections (S, G, D)for a MOSFET. The third terminal block makes available ±15VDC that may be used assubstrate bias voltages when tracing the IV characteristics of MOSFETs that are part of transistorarrays (e.g., CD4007).Two switches determine the functional mode of the curve tracer (MOSFET vs BJT, andNPN/NMOS vs PNP/PMOS).Fig. 1. Curve tracer front-panel connections. The unit is presently configured to measure the I-Vcharacteristics of a PMOS device.Figure 2 is a block diagram of the curve tracer. We have a complete schematic diagram of thedevice, but it is not included here. The schematic was drawn in landscape mode on an 11”×17”sheet, and
characteristics of diodes, Zenerdiodes, MOSFETs, and BJT using no ancillary equipment apart from the myDAQ (and hostcomputer) and the device(s) under test. It is constructed with an inexpensive single-sidedprinted-circuit board and uses readily-available components. LabVIEW programs that automatethe display of families of IV curves for MOSFETs and BJTs are under development. Completeschematic diagrams and PCB artwork are available for easy replication. This paper will describethe curve tracer, supporting programs, and examples of its application in the laboratoryenvironment.IntroductionThe study of electronics is a core component of the electrical engineering curriculum. To thefoundation of circuit analysis, the study of electronics introduces students
2090-XXLF-X330B IAM 2094-AC16-M03-S AM1 2094-AM03-S AM2 2094-AM03-S AM3 2094-AM03-S Motor Cable Motor Feedback Cable Feedback connector Servo Motor MPL series servo Motor MPL-430P-MJ24AA Eye Vision Checking System Cognex Vision checking System 5100C HMI Panel view 1000 plus Table 2 List of Components for Trainer Panel2. Electrical LayoutAfter the Mechanical design it is needed to identify the I/O of the components which are mountedon the panel. The next
variation within the same item such as the moisture level, density of materialinside the package such as soil material and temperature.References[1] G. Aryal, K. Chanda, & L. Mapa. Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Temperature on RFIDTag Readability. Mechatronics 2010 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich,Switzerland, 2010[2] L. Mapa, & S. J. Khan. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag Detection in 3-D.Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &Exposition, June 26-29, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana[3] T. Kim, L. Mapa, D. Ramamurthy and F. Goni (2017) Investigating the effect of temperaturein RFID Technology, ASEE, 2017, Paper ID # 18531.[4] L. Mapa, & R. Gummereddy. Effect
awarded Claude S. Breeden Scholarship in 2013 for excellence and creativity in approaching solution to problems in the packaging industry from Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI). He had previously worked with SCARA robot that involved enhanced algorithm to maximize throughput for assemble and produce medical devices. He has received his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh. His interests are in the area of Robot programming, Cad modeling, industrial process control, modeling and simulation of Mechatronics devices and systems, programmable logic controllers related projects. Email: LinkedIn
(36 students). Nearly all students (41/42) recognizedthat flow cytometry is able to distinguish between different cell types (Table 2). Additionally, amajority of students (34/42) recognized that flow cytometry is able to distinguish between cellsof the same type (Table 2). Students were asked how flow cytometry might distinguish betweencells of the same type; there was no single correct answer, and many students provided one ormore reasonable response(s) (Table 2). Students were then asked to describe the type of data thatis generated by flow cytometry, choosing from a list of four options rather than generatingindividual responses (Table 2). The final two questions were used to gather student opinion dataregarding the lecture/laboratory
Undergraduate Engineering Students Enhance Novel Instrumentation to Detect the Mach Effect Peter Mark Jansson PE PhD and Peter S. Kaladius Bucknell UniversityAbstract – Undergraduate electrical engineers performing summer research have enhanced thereal-time data collection system of one of their professor’s novel detectors to uncover someremarkable results. Over the past two summers at Bucknell University students in engineeringhave been working on an innovative detector that has repeatedly produced results indicative of areal Machian like reaction force to inertia. Each summer (2018 and 2019) multiple studentscontinued to make electrical enhancements and
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and the Minority Teacher Shortage. CPRE Research Report # RR-69. Consortium for Policy Research in Education.2. Heaton, R/ M., & Smith, W. M. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teachers through National Science Foundation Funded Math and Science Partnership Program Grants. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 10(3), pp. 509-518.3. Gningue, S. M., Peach, R., & Schroder, B. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teaching: Assessing Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Student-Centered Teaching, and Student Engagement. The Mathematic Enthusiast, 10(3), pp. 621-646.4. Heaton, R/ M., & Smith, W. M. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teachers through National Science Foundation Funded Math and Science Partnership
Laboratory(s) 1 Single Acting Cylinder 1 1 2 Double Acting Cylinder 1 1,2 3 Rotating Three Position Cylinder 1 4 4 Non-Rotating Three Position Cylinder 1 4 5 Double Rod Double Acting Cylinder 1 3 6 Bidirectional Motor 2 3 7 Push button valve 3 1,2,3,4 8 5/2 way externally piloted directional valve 1 1,2 9 5/2 way externally piloted
would be hands-on, but also have some Labswhere a simulation is used, to expand activities beyond equipment in our Electronics Lab.References[1] Tobe, Frank, “30+2 research reports forecast significant growth for robot industry”, Nov21,2017, The Robot Report retrieved from[2] Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park, "Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control",Cambridge University Press, 2017, ISBN 9781107156302.[3] Richard M. Murray. California Institute of Technology. Zexiang Li. Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology. S. Shankar Sastry. University of California, Berkeley, “AMathematical Introduction to. Robotic Manipulation”, cс1994, CRC
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showing a frontview of the electromechanical trainer and one showing a rear view. A reservation interface isbeing developed that will allow a student to log into a central system, reserve time on a particulartrainer, and indicate which experiment they wish to perform. An instructor will have indicated inadvance which mode the system needs to be in when the student connects for that particularexperiment. Before giving the student access to the trainer, the System Controller will send theappropriate commands to that trainers supervisory controller, which will set the appropriateparameters and return an acknowledgement. The student will then be able to connect directly tothe PLC or microcontroller to complete their experiment(s). They will be able
between an open andclosed position in response to changing water temperature caused by heat loss, water demand, orany other reason. This constant, automatic response to water temperature enables each hot waterbranch to quickly and consistently deliver the right temperature of hot water to each connectedfixture. The valve is constructed entirely of stainless steel and is certified to NSF/ANSI 61 and Page 26.972.3California AB1953 [12]. For recirculation pump sizing, Circuit Solver allows the pump(s) to besized exactly without any need to oversize to account for typical manual balancing problems.Therm-Omega-Tech recommends using established
possiblethat the unconventional operating system could expose a SCADA system to undocumentedvulnerabilities and exploits. The PanelView HMI is configured with the FactoryTalk View Studiosoftware and has SCADA features configured for data acquisition and control of an Allen BradleyMicrologix 1000 PLC through an RS-232 serial connection. The communications configurationfor this HMI application is unique because it allows for assessments of a SCADA system wherethe PLC is wired through a serial connection opposed to Ethernet.Summary of Student InvolvementThis project started with the announcement of Enhancing Undergraduate Research Experiences &Creative Activities (EURECA)’s Faculty and Student Team (FAST) project/grant announcementswhere
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exercise challenges student to consider what error(s)and considerations must be made to appropriately calibrate and characterize and instrumentwithout a step-by-step lab handout.4 - Strain Measurement, Signal Conversion, & Quantization ErrorsA strain gage is carefully mounted by students to an aluminum beam using a manufacturer’sinstallation and data sheet. With the gage affixed, the beam is mounted in a cantilever fashionafter which a series of weights are suspended to it in a sequential test. The resistance of the straingage is measured for each series of weights. Next, a Wheatstone bridge is constructed in a ¼bridge configuration. A series of weights are suspended again in a sequential test after which thebridge output voltage is measured