was achieved in 1970’s has been reversed because of the decades of wars and instabilities. Limited progress has been achieved since the establishment of new government over seven years ago. For instance the number of students has increased, some new institutions have been Page 15.1251.2established and effort has been made to upgrade the experience and qualifications of existingacademics in such institutions. However, the overall quality of higher education has not been improved significantly, the exception being that the computer science and information technology (IT) sector has
presented in Table 2. It can be observed that thecurrent data shows similar learning preferences with the previous data, validating the integrityand reliability of the data. Table 2: Comparison of Current Data with Previous ResultsPopulation AC SE VI SE Tota Reference T N S Q l PercentagesIowa State, Materials Eng. 63 67 85 58 129 Constant [8]Michigan Tech, Environmental Eng. 56 63 74 53 83 Paterson [9]Ryerson University, Electrical Eng.Students 2000 53 66 86 72 87 Zywno & Waalen
; less familiar metaphors. Language & Communication, 9, 49-68.Dehkhoda, A. A.. 1982, The selected proverbs. Tehran: Tirazhe Publication. (in Persian)Eghbal, Farshid, 2006. English-Persian famous proverbs. Tehran: Sabok Baran Publication. (in Persian)Fraser, B.. 1981. Insulting problems in a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 15, 435-441.Hsieh, S. C.. 2006. A corpus–based study on animal expressions in Mondarin Chinese and German. Journal of Pragmatics, 38, 2206-2222.Nadim, M.. 2000. The role of animals in shirazi proverbs with sociolinguistic approach. Tehran: First volume, Daneshgah publication. (in Persian)Newmark, P.. 1988. Approaches to translation. London: Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead.Qhanbari, A.. 1999. English-Persian
of energy from the Sun, fundamentals of PV cell performance, design and operation of practical PV systems, active and passive solar heating systems. ≠ Wind Energy Systems: Alternate wind turbines, using wind data to evaluate a potential location, estimating, output from a specific turbine, and economics of wind power. ≠ Geothermal Energy systems: Introduction, resources, energy systems, ground-source heat pumps. ≠ Biomass Energy Systems: Introduction of biomass fuels, such as wood, corps, manure and some garbage, bio-refineries, application of biomass in the U. S. and the developing world. ≠ Transportation Energy Technologies: Biofuels and hydrogen fuel cell systems. ≠ Comparative Studies
inside Afghanistan and asrefugees outside the country, in conditions of poverty and despair, showed a keen interest in theeducation of their children".References1 UNDP (2000). Human Development Report 2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press.2 UNICEF (2001). State of the World´s Children 2001. New York: Unicef.3 CIA (2000). World Fact book 2000. New York: Central Intelligence Agency.4 Karlsson P., Mansory A. (2004). “Islamic and Modern Education in Afghanistan-Conflictual or Complementary?” Institute of International Education Stockholm University, 20045 Mansory A. (2000). Mathematics achievements among Afghan primary school children Stockholm Institute of International Education, Stockholm University6 Country Studies, http
petroleum engineering and industrial engineer may take these courses abroad. However, thecourses will not be approved for mechanical engineering students to take abroad. Facultymembers have been very supportive of accepting the international courses as electives and onedepartment is looking to revise the curriculum to create an ideal semester for the students to goabroad, should they choose to use the semester long exchange as their method of accomplishingthe international requirement. The WCOE will be working with the other engineeringdepartments and degree programs to rework their 4-year curriculum plan to identify the idealsemester(s) students should participate in a semester-long study abroad experience.6. Finding ways to make programs as cost
of Engineering Education, 2005. Vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 41-55.2. M. E. Gorman, Turning Students into Professionals: Types of Knowledge and ABET Engineering Criteria. Journal of Engineering Education, 2002. Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 327-332.3. ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs 2006-2007. 2005. http://www.abet.org/, accessed.4. Engineers Australia, Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineers. 2005, Canberra: Engineers Australia. http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/about-us/course- accreditation/publications/publications-and-supporting-documentation.cfm, accessed July-15 2006.5. S. Florman, Non-technical studies for engineers: The challenge of relevance. European Journal of Engineering
about pursuing studies and careers in these fields. Forthese students, “engineering” is much more than a field of study. Most (69%) view it as a sciencededicated to solving problems, creating, and building things to satisfy needs. Only 19%considered engineering specifically as a career or field of study. While we cannot infer that theirviews are driving their interest, it is interesting to notice that 81% of these students indicated thatthey like engineering and will consider studying it. Overwhelmingly, these students associatedthings or jobs done by engineers with creativity, design, planning, and problem solving toimprove human life—An engineer designs, created, plans, and improves; s/he solved problemswith computers, robots, machines; an
cultural knowledge. • A necessary key to success is selecting a proper class variety to maximize students’ eligibility to apply. Classes offered abroad should be as many as possible to maximize the supply, but of course, each class has a cost and is bound by the availability of the instructor(s). An ideal compromise is 4-5 classes, to allow willing and fully eligible students to complete a full Spring semester of face-to-face learning abroad. At the same time, some of the interested students might not be attracted to all classes, so it is imperative to broaden the supply with available online courses. This would greatly increase the eligibility, interest, and applications to the program from multiple
time to explore on their own can be a key aspect of developing thesecompetencies. Beyond the travel component, we consider the academic aspect of these types ofprograms (i.e., courses associated with it) and also intentionally design learning activities thatallow students to obtain complementary learning gains to what they are experiencing by the factof being abroad. Including self-reflection as part of the assignments have proven to help withawareness.References[1] B. K. Jesiek, Q. Zhu, S. E. Woo, J. Thompson, and A. Mazzurco, “Global Engineering Competency in Context: Situations and Behaviors,” p. 16, 2014.[2] L. A. Braskamp, D. C. Braskamp, K. C. Merrill, and M. Engberg, The Global Perspective Inventory (GPI): Its Purpose
provided bytwo scientists 6 [Hughes-Jones and Wickramasinghe] from England. The problems of dealingwith hemorrhagic fevers [arbovirus infections] and HIV/AIDS are no more challenging than inAfrica. The fatality rate is extremely high among those contracting hemorrhagic fevers.Diseases are decimating the gorilla populations in Africa. HIV/AIDS has almost halved the lifeexpectancy in many African countries.Classical biology, prior to the 1950’s required only a scant knowledge of chemistry, mathematicsand physics. With the discovery of the structure of DNA which some claim is the mostimportant molecule of life, research in biology started to undergo a transformation in Australia,Canada, Europe, India, Japan, the USA and in other countries.With the
international recognition for theiraccrediting agencies. The agencies in Table 2, accredit institutions in general, although mayaccredit engineering programs also, such as Argentina´s CONEAU. Table 2. Latin American and Caribbean Accrediting Agencies Members of INQAAHE4 COUNTRY ACCREDITING AGENCY Argentina CONEAU - Comision Nacional de Evaluacion y Acreditacion Universitaria) – Argentinian Commission for Evaluation and Accreditation Bahamas Quality Assurance Unit. The Bahamas Ministry of Education Chile CNAP - Comision Nacional De Acreditacion De Pregrado - National Commision of Accreditation Consejo Superior de Education – High Council of Education
“standardisation” or “uniformisation” of European higher education.Therefore, the fundamental principles of autonomy and diversity are respected. TheDeclaration recognizes the value of coordinated reforms, compatible systems andcommon action.Erasmus6 ("European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of UniversityStudents") is another program which seems to be one of the world's largest universityexchange program which is in its 20’s next year. Over a million students have taken partin this rewarding and challenging experience since it began in 1987. It involved over2 000 institutions in more than 30 countries. Erasmus scheme now covers over 90% ofEuropean higher education establishments. Since its modest start it has become hugelysuccessful, broadening
course, which has to focus on developing numeric and symbolicreasoning skills, and students select from a list of approved General Studies courses.Development of the Mathematics Assessment Plan consisted of three major parts: determiningUDLAP’s expectations; determining timing, identifying cohort(s), and assigning responsibilities;and interpreting and sharing results to enhance general education effectiveness.Particular competencies (and expected outcomes) for the Mathematics courses were definedfollowing SUNY at Geneseo as follows: Symbolization (ability to convert a problem into asetting using symbolic terminology), Relationships (ability to connect quantities and findrelationships among symbolic quantities), Formulation (ability to construct
preparation, 15 minutes for the dialogues, 10 minutes for the reflection phase)Material MTA New York City Subway map(s)10 General Routines overhead transparency (with instructions for students) Useful Words and Phrases overhead transparencyType of Activity prepared partner dialogueLanguage Focus present simple for general routines words and phrases for commuting describing daily activitiesGroup Size pairsLevel lower intermediateSkills reading, speaking, listeningPreparation The teacher distributes MTA York City Subway maps or photocopies a section for each student and produces the General
Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-2314, 2008.[10] M. Clauss, B. Allison, M. Reuber, S. Birmingham, V. DiStasi, “A Successful Model for Engineers Stuying Abroad: A Foreign Study Center with Concurrent Instruction,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-1743, 2008.[11] M. Mariasingam, T. Smith, S. Courter, “Internationalization of Engineering Education,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-1144, 2008.[12] International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), Retrieved on August 2008 from http://www.ifees.net/[13] G. L. Downey, et al., “The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently
75% Non-Hispanic Blacks participate in some college at a rate of 60% Hispanics participate in some college at a rate of 60%When overlapping birthrates with the level of education of a child’s parents, the data suggestschildren whose parents have a degree at the bachelor’s level or more are more likely to attend somecollege than those children whose parents have not completed their H.S. education. Childs participation in some college, when parent(s) have a bachelor’s degree or more is 87%. Childs participation in some college, when parent(s) did not complete High School is 47%.Changes in Higher EducationIn reviewing the literature, it can readily be seen the demographics of the United States arechanging [8, 9, 10
, and the World Bank.These forces have led to dramatic increases in global trade and the rise in scale and influence ofmulti-national companies. According to the World Trade Organization, the growth of world tradewas more than double the growth of world GDP from 1995 until the recession in 2008.6 Sincethat time the ratio has been less than 2.0 but greater than 1.5. In 2015, 35 of the world’s largestone hundred economies were not countries but companies.7 A recent article in the popular pressindicates that for the S&P 500 companies, 48% of their 2014 revenues came from abroad.8Technology-based companies were even higher. Examples of prominent engineering-basedcompanies which receive a majority of their revenues from abroad include Intel (82
Automated Collision Awareness for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Systems," in Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, 2015.[18] C. W. Lum, J. Vagners, J.-S. Jang and J. Vian, "Partioned Searching and Deconfliction: Analysis and Flight Tests," in Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference, Seattle, 2010.[19] C. W. Lum, J. Vagners, M. Vavrina and J. Vian, "Formation Flight of Swarms of Autonomous Vehicles In Obstructed Environments Using Vector Field Navigation," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2012.[20] M. Dunbabin and L. Marques, "Robots for Environmental Monitoring: Significant Advancements and Applications," Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 19, no. 1
, so I’m just going to work on [EWB project] instead. [S]ometimes balance is difficult. Staying interested [in EWB] with a heavy course load is hard to do” [Craig]: “You only have so many hours of productive work in a week, and when you try to throw that on top of coursework - there were definitely assignments that I didn’t do while I was finishing paperwork for EWB. So that was uh, I don’t know. I learned a lot from doing [the paperwork].”Students participating in EWB-U do not receive any academic credit or acknowledgement fortheir participation, or for their success in implementing a functioning solar-powered electricalsystem for the community in need. While the students involved in this study appeared
the world, and the use ofonline educational resources, amongst several others. Their corresponding benefits in terms ofsolving the large scale real world problems are also highlighted.References 1. Marjoram T., Engineering shortage a threat to development, underlines UNESCO’s first global report on engineering. Basic and Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, UNESCO Press, France, October 2010. 2. Morell L., Borri C., Rajala S. A. et al, IFEES: Enhancing Engineering Education at a Global Scale. Revista de Ensino de Engenharia (ABENGE), Vol. 27 N. 3, ISSN 0101-5001, 2008. 3. Kulacki F. A., and Krueger E .R., Trends in Engineering Education-An International Perspective. http://www.ineer.org/Events/ICEE1998/Icee/papers
efficiency. The software was implemented by a team ofvisiting Korean graduate students from the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, Korea University, who were visiting the Electrical Engineering Program,Penn State Harrisburg, and were supervised by instructors of both Universities. Thisshows the importance of international collaboration to tackle complex research tasks.References[1] S-H. Park, H-K Kim, A. Morales and S.-J. Ko “Air-void Analysis System of Polished Concrete Using Image Processing,” Accepted in Journal of Applied Computer Science, January 2008.[2] A. Said and W. A. Perlman, “A new, fast, and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in
accreditationinitiatives, ideas being proposed by existing projects that seek to form regional engineeringaccreditation, such as MEXA – the Mercosur Experimental Accreditation Project, the EuropeanCommission`s EURACE Project and RIACES. RIACES is developing a proposal ofaccreditation for Engineering degrees. The work developed implied the participation of theLatin-American countries members of RIACES for the harmonization of accreditation criteria.At present it is at a proposal of model of evaluation that will apply at beginning of 2007 forcareers of Engineering in the frame of a pilot plan.To follow-up on the ideas in the EE-CMM, The Turabo Declaration and The TampicoDeclaration, LACCEI recognized that a deeper collaboration with other organizations wasneeded
. What would you suggest changing in the application process? 12. What could have I done to help you more? 13. Do you have any suggestions as to how we could make this course better?DiscussionsThe International Division of National Science Foundation (OISE website of NSF) makes thefollowing point: “The U.S. science and engineering (S&E) workforce is competing in a contextthat demands new and different skills and competencies, particularly those that providemaximum flexibility in meeting the current and future needs of employers that have a globalreach. In this changed world, we need to educate our engineers and scientists beyond theirtechnical expertise and prepare them for what is to come. The best technical training must becombined
be offered. Further investigation on the social Page 23.806.21background especially of engineering students shall be undertaken in order to analyze thespecial needs of this group of students.The survey has also shown that students seem to be mainly motivated to go abroad byimproving their social competences and language skills. Thus, information and counselingshould focus on those issues but should also point out the positive effects on an internationalexchange on the development of discipline-specific skills and the professional career.7 Bibliography1. Jeschke, S., Petermann, M. & Tekkaya, A. E. in TeachING-LearnING.EU Fachtagung
has greatly benefited from hiring employees that participated in an international experience. 6. International experiences enhance a prospective employee’s abilities in… Leadership. Teamwork. Innovation. Global Awareness. Character Development. Technical Competence. Motivation/Career Goals. Other:My company hires in the following area(s):___ Chemical Engineering ___ Industrial Design___ Civil and Environmental Engineering ___ Information Technology___ Construction Management ___ Manufacturing___ Electrical and Computer Engineering ___ Mechanical Engineering