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Displaying results 391 - 420 of 525 in total
Conference Session
Scholar Program Proposal/Develop Courses and Materials/Collaborations and Accredatation Systems for Global Engineering Education / Preparing Engineers for the Global Workplace and Successful Graduates for a Flat World: What Does It Take?
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lueny Morell, Hewlett-Packard; Jennifer DeBoer, SPEED
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10 to 15 years there have also been significant amounts of resources spent in theUS in innovating engineering curricula (the most prominent initiatives being the mid 90’s NSF-funded Engineering Coalitions; for example:; ; . These have focused primarily on innovating the engineering curricula,integrating assessment, using complementary technology and implementing new learningstrategies. One of the authors of this paper - together with colleagues from Penn State University,the University of Washington and Sandia National Labs - also participated in a somewhatsmaller but successful partnership called the Learning Factory, which received the US NAEGordon Prize in 2006 for innovation
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sigrid Berka, University of Rhode Island; Bing Mu, University of Rhode Island; Lars Olav Erickson, University of Rhode Island; Iñaki Perez-Ibanez, University of Rhode Island
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better understanding of the professional culture not only in a Spanish company, but also in a pharmaceutical company. I believe that being able to speak with my co-workers about my job made me feel very professional and they were surprised to find out that my Spanish was better than what they expected. Being able to communicate in the language makes one feel more comfortable. (SPA6_A7) Beyond leveraging their advanced and specialized technical foreign language skills tointegrate into the workplace, IEP students additionally pick up and adapt to the non-verbalcommunications skills they observe in the local culture as GER 22_A2’s observation shows: herespectfully adapted his own way of doing things to fit in with
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 5
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sylvia Jons, Institute of International Education; Edward Randolph Collins Jr. P.E., Clemson University
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2017-2018. Similar to this, during the 2009 - 2010 Swine Flu Pandemic,U,S, study abroad to Mexico and Central America went from over 20,000 students abroad (priorto 2009), to roughly 17,000 in 2009-2012, to close to 25,000 in 2015/16. And while, COVID-19is unprecedented, there are some past trends that can contribute to our thinking about recoveryand provide hope for the future of student mobility.International comparative student mobility paints a similar picture. According to the IIE ProjectAtlas report, Top Host Countries throughout the world show that globally, student study abroadcontinues to rise after each major health crisis [6]. Inbound international students to top hostcountries such as China, have overall, continued to rise from
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tongjie Ju, Shanghai Jiao Tong University ; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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]. Available: /t20110308_117376.html. [Accessed March 5, 2021].[4] W. Bastalich, “Knowledge Economy and Research Innovation,” Studies in Higher Education, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 845-857, Sep. 2010.[5] D. Hawkes, (2016). “Why do a professional doctorate? Evidence from prospective EdD students,” International Journal of Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 34-46, 2016.[6] O. Tavares, C. Sin, and D. Soares, “Building bridges between industry and academia: What is the profile of an industrial doctorate student,” in Structural and Institutional Transformations in Doctoral Education, S. Cardoso, O. Tavares, and C. Sin Ed. Cham: Palgrave McMillan, 2020, pp
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marina Panteleeva, Kazan National Research Technological University; Phillip Albert Sanger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Artem Bezrukov, Kazan National Research Technological University
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/global-awareness/3. I.P Podlasy. Pedagogics: 100 questions-100 answers. M.: VLADOS-PRESS (2006)4. “UNESCO Guidelines on Intercultural Education”, ICL blog, S. Davydov, L. Suprunova The concept of intercultural education in high school in Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk, PGLU (2003).6. V. Seeberg, T. Minich, “Enhancing Cross-cultural Competence in Multicultural Teacher Education:Transformation in Global Learning”, International Journal of Multicultural Education, Kent State University,Vol.14, No.3 (2012).
Conference Session
International Case Studies:Collaborations, Exchanges & Interactions
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joerg Mossbrucker, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Stephen Williams, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Edward Chandler, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Holger Dahms, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences; Owe Petersen, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Jens Thiedke, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
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Conference, 1997. Proceedings. Volume 3, 5-8 Nov. 1997 Page(s):1317[5] “Industry/Academic Partnership Brings Engineers to Milwaukee Study Program”, Business and Industry, April,1997.[6] “Internationalizing the Campus Report 2005,” NAFSA: Association of International Educators, 2005[7] Richard Hayes, Robert Herrick, “Development of An International Collaboration In Electrical (And Related)Engineering Disciplines Between the College Of Technology, Purdue University and the Faculty of Engineering,Dublin Institute of Technology,” Proceedings of the 2006 American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition.[8] Sin, K.W.M, Cultural Studies in the Engineering Curriculum, The International Journal of EngineeringEducation, 19(6), pp
Conference Session
Engineering Education in the Mid-East / Asia
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Gash, United States Military Academy; C. Conley; Scott Hamilton, United States Military Academy; Paul Krajeski, U.S. Naval War College; Stephen Ressler, United States Military Academy
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Afghanistan played a significant role in their selection. Their work at the Academydemonstrated a deep commitment to the future of Afghanistan. They will return well poised toimprove the quality of engineering education at both the Academy and Kabul University. As thefirst cadre of adjuncts departed for Ohio, Kabul University’s Dean of Engineering readily filledthe vacancies with a new set of adjuncts. For the near future, adjunct requirements will continueincreasing to meet the demands of NMAA’s expanding enrollment. Kabul University haseagerly committed to fill these needs.Room for Growth As successful as it has been, there is yet room for the partnership to grow. In the 1960’s,the Soviet Union sponsored establishment of Kabul Polytechnic
Conference Session
Preparing Engineers for the Global Workplace
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Annette Casey, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Department of Automotive Engineering,; Emilia Bratschitsch, Joanneum Univeristy of Applied Sciences; Adrian Millward-Sadler, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences
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/GraduateEmployabilitySkillsFINALREPORT.pdf 12. From: Globalization and higher education: eight common perceptions (2007), Van R. Wood, 11 Oct. 2007, 13. E. W. Johson, S. Glenn DeMaris, Online Journal For Global Engineering Education (2007), Vol. 2, Issue 1, Developing an International Engineering Experience for Undergraduate Students at a Small Institution”, The Berkley Electronic press. 9 Oct. 2007, 14. I. Hack, C. Boje (2006), How do we provide an International Experience for Undergraduate Technology Students at Regional Campuses?, Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education, Annual Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Engineering Accreditation Around the World
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Wolfe, Engineers Canada; Phil Alexander, University of Windsor
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Page 13.1265.3examines the academic and professional quality of faculty and support staff, adequacy oflaboratories, libraries, equipment and computer facilities, and the quality of the students’ work.A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the curriculum content is performed to ensure that itmeets the minimum criteria. Finally, the team reports its findings to the CEAB which then makesan accreditation decision. It may grant (or extend) accreditation of a program for a period of upto six years or it may deny accreditation altogether.Preparation for an accreditation visit centres on the completion of the questionnaire. Thequestionnaire serves as a means for collecting data on the institution and its engineeringprogram(s) and gives the
Conference Session
Case Studies and Engineering Education Around the Globe / International Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anatoliy Protasov, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”
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social al al Knowledge and skills to know to act to useacquired language concern to necessary independen social during refer to s and separatearea for tly, cooperatioeducatio specific informati of professi
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Exchanges: Internationalizing, Collaborations and Interactions
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Martin Grimheden, Royal Institute of Technology
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Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, USA, June 2007.6. Grimheden, M., Norell Bergendahl, M. and Wikander, J. Product Innovation Engineering Program: A Systematic Change Towards Innovation in Engineering Education. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO Conference, MIT, Cambridge, USA. June 2007.7. Accessed 2009-01-30.8. weblänk till Sr Kenny9. VINNOVA. The Swedish National Innovation System 1970-2003 – a quantitative international benchmarking analysis, VINNOVA analysis VA 2004:01.10. Clark, B. Creating entrepreneurial Universities: Organizational Pathways of Transformation, 1998 (Oxford: Pergamon-Elsevier Science).11. Bharadwaj, S. and Menon, A. Makin innovation happen in organizations
Conference Session
Technical-Capacity Building & Exporting of Higher Education to Developing Countries
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hisham Alnajjar, University of Hartford; Mohammad Saleh Keshawarz; Akram abu-aisheh, University of Hartford; Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford; Nasir Ali Ahmady, Herat University, Afghanistan; Devdas Shetty, Lawrence Technological University
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, Canada, 2002.6. Hargrove, J. B., “Development and Implementation of Mechatronics Education at Kettering University”, Proceedings of the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference in St. Louis, Missouri 2000.7. Anwar, S., Favier, P., Jouglet, D., “ A PROJECT-BASED international COLLABORATION IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION”, Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, 2008. Page 14.50.11
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Exchanges: Internationalizing, Collaborations and Interactions
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Saleh Keshawarz; Hisham Alnajjar, University of Hartford; Beth Richards, University of Hartford; Abdul Hai Sofizada, SHEP
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to develop a variety of pedagogical models and options; a UH professor will supervise the activities of the visiting HU professor. 3. Assist develop course(s) for HU, particularly in an electronic/computer-based classroom or for the distance-learning environment. One point of emphasis is the development of future shared projects between UH and HU students. 4. Observation, study, and practice of administrative and management skills, including ongoing faculty and curriculum development and revision. 5. Skill acquisition and practice for managing and completing the assessment process. 6. Academic advising.In addition to classroom observation, the senior faculty member assists and/or co-teach a classwith a UH
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Exchanges: Internationalizing, Collaborations and Interactions
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Voice, Michigan State University; Volodymyr Tarabara, Michigan State University; Mark Wiesner, Duke University; Merlin Bruening, Michigan State University
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Page 14.793.2emerging environmental challenges. With this in mind, the National Science Foundation (NSF)created the “Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) program …to catalyzea cultural change in U.S. institutions by establishing innovative models for internationalcollaborative research and education. [These] program[s]… enable U.S. institutions to establishcollaborative relationships with international groups or institutions in order to engender newknowledge and discoveries at the frontier and to promote the development of a globally-engaged,U.S. scientific and engineering workforce.”3The stated objectives of the NSF program are • Support research and education excellence. • Deepen collaborative research and
Conference Session
Engineering Education in India, Central and Eastern Asia
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fazil Najafi, University of Florida; Romitkumar Gajjar, University of Florida; Kirandeep Kaur, University of Florida; Sarah Jayasekaran, University of Florida; Nick Safai, Salt Lake City College
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0 pointThe GPA is calculated as follows 8 ≠ The number of credit hours is to be multiplied by grade value for total grade points. ≠ Divide the total number of grade points by the number of hours carried. (Exclude S-U Option hours.) ≠ A minimum of 2.0 on GPA is required for every student.ConclusionHere in the paper, by comparing the curriculum of civil engineering program at UF and at MSU,it is seen that though the means and methods of imparting the education is a bit different in boththe university, the final goal to produce a talented, skilful civil engineer still remains the same.There are some difference in the course curriculum and examination and grading system. Sinceall the Indian educational institutions follow the
Conference Session
Technical-Capacity Building & Exporting of Higher Education to Developing Countries
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Russel Jones, World Expertise LLC
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, “Failure of George Mason U.’s Persian Gulf Campus Sparks Concern About Overseas Ventures”, Chronicle of Higher Education, 6 March 2009. Page 14.318.9
Conference Session
Engineering Education in India, Central and Eastern Asia
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Creese, West Virginia University; M. Adithan, Vellore Institue of Technology
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, “Engineering Education Excellence: Start-up to Number One,” Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2008, American Society for Engineering Education. 2. B. Eswaramoorthy, “The Life History of G. Viswanathan”, Arivu Pathippagam, Chennai, India, 2008. 3. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, “My Grandpa”, MWN Press, Chennai, India, 2003 4. G. Viswanathan, “Higher Education Development: Strategies and Related Thinking”, Beijing, China, 2008. 5. G. Viswanathan, “Co-creation Roadmap for Building Competency, Capacity and Capability: VIT University – A Case Study”, Chennai, India, 2008
Conference Session
Convergence of Quality Assurance Systems Around the Globe
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcia Friesen, University of Manitoba; Myron (Ron) Britton, University of Manitoba
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ability to succeed in the engineering workplace in Canada is generally not related totheir technical knowledge and abilities. Rather, inadequate English language skills, lack ofcultural knowledge, and lack of community support are significant barriers to full labor forceparticipation including job entry and job maintenance. The IEEQ Pilot Program, a relativelynew, small, and evolving initiative, is one step toward addressing these challenges, with tangiblelocal results.References1 Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, From Consideration to Integration, Final Report from Phase I, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, 2003.2 Sum, A., Fogg, N., Khatiwada, I., and Palma, S., Foreign Immigration and the
Conference Session
International Engineering Education II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mulchand Rathod, Wayne State University; Mary James Legatski, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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2006-89: A PERSPECTIVE ON INITIATIVES IN DIVERSITY AND OUTREACHACTIVITIES OF ASME, AN INTERNATIONAL SOCIETYMulchand Rathod, Wayne State University Mulchand S Rathod, PhD, PE, professor of Division of Engineering Technology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan is recognized for a career of dedicated, unselfish service to engineering and technology education, as a leader in education, faculty member, and as a contributor to professional societies. Dr Rathod lead the Division of Engineering Technology as director and chair during 1987-2003. Prior to joining WSU, he worked at State University of New York at Binghamton as coordinator of mechanical engineering technology program and assistant
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ismet Anitsal, Tennessee Tech University; Ismail Fidan, Tennessee Tech University
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fire a team member who is not making a substantive contribution to the success of the team. Page 11.209.6 • Understand the course introduction and lecture summaries in power point slides for both the course and the game (some with voice recordings). Study the simulation resource documents (e.g., student instructions, student manual, game scenario, decisions by quarter, balanced scorecard) • Practice exercise(s) such as QFD exercise in understanding how to create customer value. Use library resources to learn more on important topics such as customer value and ‘quality function deployment’ (QFD
Conference Session
Convergence of Quality Assurance Systems Around the Globe
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University; Linda Phillips, Michigan Technological University; David Watkins, Michigan Technological University; James Mihelcic, Michigan Technological University
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Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century.National Academies Press. 2004.2. ABET. Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. ABET, Inc. 2005.3. Friedman, T.L. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. Farrar, Straus and Girouxpublishers, 2005.4. Mihelcic, JR, Educating the Future’s Water Professional, Water Environment Technology, 16(9): 86-92,2004.5. Orr, BD, JR Mihelcic, TJ Van Dam, Engineering Help while Getting a Degree, IEEE Potentials, 22(2):32-34, 2003.6. Harb, J.N., S. Olani Durrant, and R.E. Terry. Use of Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Page 11.822.9Engineering Education
Conference Session
Faculty Involvement in International Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Henderson, Arizona State University
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University for providingresources to support the workshop.References 1. Wulf, William, President’s Speech to National Academy of Engineering, 2003, (accessed in January 2006). 2. J. Baxter, M. Henderson, C. Barnes, T. Bourdo, A. de Pennington, V. Wells, Global Engineering Design Page 11.1027.13 Team (GEDT) - A Business View on Structuring Undergraduate Projects, 2001 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, International Issues in Engineering Design, September 9-12, 2001, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania3. Bilen, S. et al
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kseniya Zaitseva, Tomsk Polytechnic University/ Association for Engineering Education of Russia; José Carlos Quadrado P.E., Porto Polytechnic Institute
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/Using_learning_outcomes.pdf] 3. European Commission (2015). ECTS Users’ Guide. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2015 — [last access 20 Jan. 2019:] 4. Adam S (2004): Using learning outcomes – a consideration of the nature, role, application and implications for European education of employing earning out- comes at the local, national and international levels, Scottish Executive. 5. Beneitone, Pablo, César Esquetini, Julia González, Maida María Marty Maleta, Gabriela Siu , and Robert Wagenaar, eds. Re exiones y Perspectivas de la Educación Superior en América Latina
Conference Session
Cultural Issues in Engineering: International Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jayanta K. Banerjee, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
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transfer and the transplant need to be dealt with careful caution toavoid repeating our past mistakes in the realm of cultural relativism.References 1. Kuhn, T. S.; The structure of scientific revolutions (Encyclopedia of unified sciences); 1962; University of Chicago press, USA. 2. Reif, R.; Tech Day Presidential Welcome Speech; by the President of MIT; 2014. 3. Banerjee, J. K.; The human aspects of work environment during great technological transitions: a historical perspective; in The Workers in Transition: Technological Change (edited by T.J. Kozik and D.G. Jansson); 1989; ASME bound volume: Technology & Society (TS) Vol. 2, pp.157-161. 4. Shinohara, I., NPS: New Production System; 1988; Productivity Press
Conference Session
Cooperative and Project-based Global Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Takao Ichiko, ASEE
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real-time real-time statistics statistics statistics Teaching Staff(T) Staff Assistants(Ast) Student Learners(S)information exchange upload by Ast intentional communications(ishisoushin.htm) anonymity document Q/As,confirmation up/download S’s available image by T (Ast) own message, Q/As, comment Figure 3 An extended schemes application for intentional communications with additional educator functionality.
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Gray P.E., Lincoln University
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engineering, engineering technology and computing students. Washington, DC 2012.2. NSF. Science and engineering degress by race/ethnicity of recipients: 1997-2006. Mark K. Fienegen, Project Officer. Available at: Accessed October 15, 2014.3. Gray M, Lundy C. Implementing and Integrating International Research into the Engineering Curriculum at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania and the University of the West Indies, Trinidad. In: Forum AI, ed. 2016 ASEE International Forum. New Orleans: ASEE PEER; 2016.4. Acquaye LA, Edmonds Crewe S. International Programs: Advancing Human Rights and Social Justice for African American Students. Journal of Social Work Education. 2012/12/01 2012;48(4):763-784.5
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Shenoda, Farmingdale State College
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international educational experience, a greater richness ofexperiences in domestic offerings can bring some of the benefits of study abroad programs tothose domestic offerings.References[1] United Nations. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: OurCommon Future.[2] Allen, D., B. Allenby, M. Bridges, J. Crittenden, C. Davidson, C. Hendrickson, S. Matthews,C. Murphy, D. Pijawka. Benchmarking Sustainable Engineering Education. Center forSustainable Engineering.[3] Cisneros-Donahue, T., K.A. Krentler, B. Reinig, K. Sabol. Assessing the Academic Benefitof Study Abroad. Journal of Education and
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julio Urbina, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jose F. Oliden, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria; Patrick Tunno, Pennsylvania State University; Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Pennsylvania State University; Juan Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria ; Miguel Luis Estrada P.E., Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria ; Esther Obonyo, Pennsylvania State University; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Christine B. Masters, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Fernando Fonseca Pacheco, Lycoming College
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University (United States), Universidad Nacional deIngenieria (Peru), 100,000 Strong in the Americas, Partners of the Americas, and Foundation,Department of State (United States), and Association of International Educators (NAFSA).References[1] [Online][2] J. Adams, "The Fourth Age of Research," Nature, Vol. 497, May, 30, 2013.[3] A. L. Freeman, J. V. Urbina, and S. Zappe, “Engineering Pathways fellows: Four years of successful retention initiatives and international collaboration”, Conference proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH, June, 2017.[4] C. Drew, “Why science majors change their minds (It’s just so
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahawodin Baha, University of Brighton; Judith Watson
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partnerships with universities in the developing countries will have a major impact on the quality of education.vii. There are many youngsters who are looking for jobs; it will be productive to investigate ways to create jobs and seek solutions for this problem.viii. Educational services are expensive; therefore, it is essential to debit the financial aspect of education system in the country. 6. References1. Baha, B., Baha, Z., “Technical Vocational and Engineering Education in Afghanistan,” Proceedings of the 2008 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2008.2. Samady, R. S., ”Education and Afghan Society in the Twentieth Century,“ United Nations Educational
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 8
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P. Sanderlin, Virginia Tech; Kim Lester, Virginia Tech; Liang Li Wu, University of California, Irvine; Thomas Carl Long, Virginia Tech
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, including a strong corporate sponsor, international host university and one or more partnering US institutions. It also outlines benefits to each partner in engaging in this type of partnership, and recommendations to other institutions wanting to design a similar program. Findings from the study can be used to inform curriculum and design of future international experiences for engineering students. Partnerships between universities and industry have long been important for schools ofengineering. In the U.S., growth in university-industry partnerships began in earnest in the1980’s due in part to changes in national technology policies which sought to promotecooperative research and increase diffusion of technologies