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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 362 in total
Conference Session
Educating Graduates in Engineering For A Flat World
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sofia Vidalis, Pennsylvania State University; Iordanis Petsas, University of Scranton; Fazil Najafi, University of Florida
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and on campus students takingcourses. The comparison will reflect faculty and student perspectives, references, advantages,and disadvantages. A learning management system must address the needs of the ultimate userand learner. Each LMS has key features that allow students to be actively involved in theircourses and allows faculty to better organize course material and information. The differentlearning management systems extend teaching and learning and engage learners in a deeperlearning experience.In choosing and using any type of courseware, an instructor needs to have components that willallow them to create active leaning courses. Learning is not a passive activity. Students activelyparticipate in traditional classes by listening and
Conference Session
Engineering Without Borders: Programs Involving Students
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Myszka, University of Dayton; Scott Schneider, University of Dayton; Scott Segalewitz, University of Dayton
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with the professors much more outside of the classroom than the Americanstudents in seeking assistance and clarification.The most significant observation from this exercise was the impact of peer-to-peer learning onboth Chinese and American student performance. It was somewhat expected that the Chinesestudents might rely on their American lab partners to aid in understanding the lab exercises. Thesurvey verified this interaction, and the grades reflect the benefit. It was not, however,anticipated that this environment would also promote a better understanding of the material forthe associated American students. Again, the survey acknowledged that the American students
Conference Session
Convergence of Quality Assurance Systems Around the Globe
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Murphy; Michael Dyrenfurth, Purdue University
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is not intended as a mechanism tostandardise European higher education. [2] In theory, principles of autonomy anddiversity are respected for each country. There is a recognition that, in spite ofdifferences, European higher education systems are facing common internal andexternal challenges and thus the Bologna Declaration (now often referred tocolloquially as “Bologna”) reflects a search for a common European answer to Page 11.1364.2common European problems.It must be emphasised that the Bologna Declaration is not simply a political statement(which it is), but also a commitment to an action plan. The overall common goal is tocreate, by 2010, a
Conference Session
International Exchange/Joint Programs in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melany Ciampi; Claudio Brito, Council of Researches in Education and Sciences
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300 250 190 200 165 150 126 100 77 50 0 ICECE-1999 ICECE-2000 INTERTECH- ICECE-2003 WCETE-2004 GCETE-2005 2002 Fig. 2. Participation of Brazil (bottom) and some foreign countries (top) in six conferencesFig.1 that shows the overall global involvement into Brazilian conferences (nearly 1700participants) that is illustrated on the total number of foreign papers presented at six conferences.The Figure reflects the countries that presented not less
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Experience, Exchange Programs and Student Retention
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Manfred J Hampe, Technische Universität Darmstadt; Jan Helge Bøhn, Virginia Tech; David J. Dixon, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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theentire class. Only one of the American students was allowed tobe on the presentation team. A panel of judges, consisting ofengineering professors and industrial engineers, was also in theaudience. After one week of hard work, the student teams wereable to present an array of surprising solutions, and a winningteam was identified. The winning team was presented an award of a chance to race on theHemsbach Superkart track, where Sebastian Vettel, the current world Formula 1 champion,learned racing. The week concluded with catered sandwiches and a time for teams, tutors,industrial engineers, and faculty to mingle and reflect on the past week.The American engineering education experiences at both Virgina Tech and SDSMT areevaluated by ABET. The
Conference Session
Global Competency and What Makes a Successful Engineer
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber Genau, University of Alabama at Birmingham
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, recycling) and guided by the faculty leader, discussed differencesand similarities between Germany and the US, and possible historical reasons for the differences.As much as possible, opportunities were provided for students to interact with German people,particularly German engineers and engineering students. Students visited two technicaluniversities, and had multiple opportunities to interact with students in both professional andsocial environments. The American students were particularly interested to learn that Germanuniversity students pay virtually no tuition. In addition to the final research paper, students wererequired to submit a 2-3 page reflection paper comparing and contrasting the German vs.American educational system.In further
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Efra Altamirano; lourdes gazca, American University in Puebla, Mexico; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas Puebla
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beassessing desired outcomes, identifying appropriate times to assess students’ level ofachievement of selected competencies. Assessing student learning over time known as formativeassessment provides valuable information about how well students are progressing towards Page 23.437.3expectations. In addition, interpretations of student achievement could then be linked to the kinds  of learning experiences that do or do not promote desired outcomes. Interpreting students’performance or achievement over time and sharing assessment results with students enablesstudents to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to reflect on how they need to
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education Cross-Cultural Awareness and Social Impacts
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madelyn Espinosa, The Pavlis Institute - Michigan Technological Univerisity; Helena Keller, Michigan Technological University; Nicole Westphal, Michigan Technological University
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information that they have and take action. That is the definition of leadership.” [3]Good leaders are able to work in a variety of environments and make the best decisions based on theinformation available. Sometimes working in a foreign environment means making decisions in situationsfilled with uncertainty. The Pavlis Institute’s international experience is a great way for students topractice their leadership and decision-making skills. One of the members of the Ghana team reflected onthe skills she learned on her trip this way: “The Pavlis program did a good job of preparing for the ambiguity present in any international experience. It definitely helped me to develop strong decision making skills as well as a
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nick M. Safai, Salt Lake Community College; Christopher F. Thompson S.M.ASCE, Salt Lake Community College
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students the chance toteach and reflect upon the materials and information they have gained while attending classroom Page 25.952.6lectures at SLCC. From personal experience, the international students in my group had veryspecific questions about the dam. Such questions as, "How much power does this dam  produce?," "What types of materials are being utilized in the underground tunnels in order toprevent the tunnels from collapsing?," and "How does the hydroelectric portion of the damactually work?" These questions were all validated as we visited the actual power plant, as wewalked the underground tunnels, and as we rode the
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 7
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregg Morris Warnick, Brigham Young University; Matt Parkinson, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Yoke-San Wong, National University of Singapore; Brian D. Jensen, Brigham Young University; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University; Gregory M. Roach, Brigham Young University, Idaho
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closely collaborate with industry. Industry has participatedin this collaboration in two key ways: hosting tours during the summer program and sponsoringprojects. The site visits to companies in Singapore are a highlight of the program. Students areable to observe best practices in design, testing, and manufacturing that provides context for theirdesign efforts and exposes them to additional company/industry design perspectives.Industry partners also gain exposure to students and faculty through the sponsored projects andtours that enable them to reflect on and articulate their own practice. Although the quality ofproject outcomes has varied (as it always does with student projects) the industrial sponsors arepleased with the results. In addition
Conference Session
Collaborative Learning, Project-Based, Service Learning, and Impacts on Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, Media
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globalbusiness.Ethics is defined as the set of standards, rules and guidelines for moral or socially approvedconduct and is based on the idea of what is right and wrong. Individuals’ ethical behavior is Page 22.846.4influenced by: (a) personal ethics, the set of one’s commitments learned at home and religiontraining and modified later by reflection; (b) common morality, the set of moral ideas shared bymost members of a culture or society; and (c) professional ethics, the set of standards adopted byprofessional organizations.The four basic frameworks for ethics are: (1) consequence-based thinking, based on the notion ofdoing what is best for all affected; (2
Conference Session
Qualitative Research Programs & International Research Experience from Around the World
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xia Wang, Oakland University; Laila Guessous, Oakland University; Gary Barber, Oakland University; Qian Zou, Oakland University; Michael A. Latcha, Oakland University; Li Jia, Beijing Jiaotong University; Zhuqian Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University
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. This is reflected in the end of program survey. For example, one student said “I think that the stipends could be less, and the program could last 10 weeks. I would definitely accept more time in China for less money.”Therefore, a significant amount of efforts was required before the departure to overcomestudent’s fear, doubt or concern of studying in China. These efforts include: 1) Booking Airticket: To secure a seat and a better price, the air ticket was reserved two months before departure. The program director coordinated with each NSF IRES participant to confirm their departure dates, departure airports, returning dates and returning airports. Since these participants finished their school on different dates, they
Conference Session
Impacts on Engineering Education Through Collaborative Learning, Project-based, and Service-learning
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fanyu F. Zeng, Indiana Wesleyan University
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learning results into the assessments to further help students understand differentaccountabilities between personal and professional learning environments.3. New Lab Activity and Assessment Standard Design for Student Knowledge SustainabilityDevelopment of innovative knowledge for sustainability reflects on individual and organizationalstrategies that could facilitate a more adaptive learning process for sustainability.3,9 Thetraditional linear model of science and society that informs our academic enterprise is notconducive to dealing with the dynamic global economy changes that sustainability entails, andthe way that these in turn influence what knowledge is necessary. The linear model assumes thatacademics need only to pursue their research
Conference Session
International Research Experience, Quality Improvement, and Programs/Curriculum Around the Globe
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Wolfsteiner, Munich University of Applied Sciences; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University
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Hochschulsystem, German Council of Science and Humanities, Köln, 2010[2][3][4] Self, BP and Wolfsteiner, P. (2012) Reflections on an international exchange of students and professors in mechanical engineering. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Conference, San Antonio, TX. Page 25.40.8
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose del Carmen Chin Vera; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
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computer gaming for math: Engaged learning from gameplay? Computers & Education. 51(4): 1609–1620.10. Gegner, J. A., Mackay, D. H. J., Mayer, R. E. 2009. Computer-supported aids to making sense of scientific articles: cognitive, motivational, and attitudinal effects. Educational Technology Research and Development. 57(1): 79-97.11. Nelson, B. C., Erlandson, B. E. 2008. Managing cognitive load in educational multi-user virtual environments: reflection on design practice. Educational Technology Research and Development. 56(5-6): 619-641.12. Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. 2008. The acquisition of skill and expertise in massively multiplayer online games. Educational Technology Research and Development. 56(5-6): 557
Conference Session
International Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, Implementations, and Pedagogical Challenges in Engineering Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute, Austria; Arthur Walter Edwards, University of Colima
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communication skills and social competences • Reflective and developmental competencesOther categorizations might operate with the terms “technical expertise”, “pedagogicalcompetences”, and “human competences”. Some authors substitute the term “competences” by“virtues” (Helus, Z.8).Technical competencesIt is assumed that the candidate has acquired a high level of technical knowledge whilestudying engineering and has met the requirements as defined by the “Fédération Européenned'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs – FEANI” for registration as a European Engineer –EUR ING. An engineering diploma and at least one year of professional experience inengineering are also required.Pedagogical, Psychological and Ethical CompetencesIt is assumed that
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Cross-cultural Awareness and Social Impacts
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Melany M. Ciampi, Safety, Health, and Environment Research Organization; Claudio da Rocha Brito, Science and Education Research Council
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what is called CIB – CulturalImmersion in Brazil: It is a project that brings to Brazil students from abroad in a program of 15days (can be more or less) when they have academic, technical, social and cultural activities. It isvery intensive period when the students visit 5 of the 9 cities of Atlantic Forest Region at the seashore of Sao Paulo state, as well as visit to different industries and universities.The program is designed in order to provide engineering students the opportunity to reflect aboutengineering social responsibility and ethical dilemmas when developing projects. This awarenessis becoming more and more necessary due to the environmental/ethical/economical crises thathumanity is facing and that impacts not only the society
Conference Session
International Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fakhteh Nakhavali, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
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like) (ET: to work like a dog), yet to praise people inthe form of proverbs. Hsieh (2006, p. 2216) believed that names of domestic animals and pets are used for women,and names of wild animals for men. Traditional notions show themselves in the form of proverbs. In other words, proverbs like other linguisticvehicles are the reflection of speakers’ views, cultures, believes, social behaviors and roles, So animal expressionscan reveal the individual or social thoughts.References:Abrishami, A.. 1996. Multilingual dictionary of proverbs. Tehran: Negarestan publication. (in Persian)Collis, H.. 1994. 101 American English proverbs. Illinois: Passport Books, a division Of NTC Publishing Group.Davies, E. E. & Bentahila, A.. 1989. Familiar &
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Intercultural Awareness and International Experience
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chrysanthe Demetry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Richard Vaz, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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culturalgeneralizations can be made without stereotyping people from another culture. After thisfeedback session, students were asked to revise their essays for submission. They were given agrading rubric explaining the four criteria: critical thinking about culture; organization andcoherence; writing mechanics; and effort to revise. The latter three criteria reflected the dualpurpose of this assignment; we were also introducing students to written communication as acore learning outcome of the project experience. Each student’s grade on this essay counted as10% of his or her grade for the preparation experience.Once in Thailand two additional activities were added beyond the usual orientation meetings. Atthe first meeting of the 21 WPI students combined with
Conference Session
International Initiatives, Partnerships,Teaching Strategies, and Collaborative Networks
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Helen McNally, Purdue University
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academic output like student success). This speed is a function of local andexecutive leadership and priorities... For example, in Agriculture, you cannot receive tenureunless you’ve undertaken the very activities you describe in your abstract6. ” Obviously, therecommendation to pursue international activities depends on one’s own involvement. ThisDean’s opinion reflects the moving target of P&T and one can expect international activities tobecome an integral part of the P&T criteria at sometime in the future. Page 15.794.5Summary: This paper provides one assistant professor’s perspective of international activitiesinfluence on P&
Conference Session
Engineering Education in Africa and the Middle East
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mazen Hasna, Qatar University; Abdelmagid Hamouda, Qatar University; Boualem Boashash, Qatar University
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outcomes are realized.1. Introduction, Perspective and Guiding Principles1.1 Population SizeAccording to the latest census, the total population of Qatar is 1.58 millions of which Qatarinationals represent only 20%. Considering the male/female ratio of the population we notice thatfemale constitute only 22% of the population which reflects the fact that a large ratio of thepopulation is of labor nature. The two major industries in Qatar that attract this kind of labor arethe oil and gas, and the construction industries. But, in an apparent paradox,the ratios within theuniversities in Qatar, we notice that female students are dominant: about 70% of QU students arefemales. Even in the College of Engineering, females constitute 60% of the student
Conference Session
Global Engineering Models: Developments and Implementations
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Tront, Virginia Tech; Jeanna Stewart, Virginia Tech; Glenda Scales, Virginia Tech
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creation of marketing materials. Often times officefaculty or staff do not have the raw materials necessary to create vivid or appealing propaganda.Gathering photos and trip highlights from returning students will allow for more engagingpromotional materials. Student reflections tell a story of which others will be more receptive.Students can also assist by distributing posters, pamphlets and other marketing materials aboutthe college’s international programs.While one of the main goals within the college is to increase the number of students participatingin international programs, there is also a focus on recruiting more females to the engineeringfield and we have found that international programs prove to be a great mechanism for recruitingwomen
Conference Session
International Initiatives, Partnerships,Teaching Strategies, and Collaborative Networks
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Saleh Keshawarz, University of Hartford; MirGhulam BarizHosaini, Herat University in Western Afghanistan; Alnajjar Hisham, University of Hartford
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implementation of block grants relied onpartnerships. The fist partnership was built on an unusual and existing relationship through theRotary Club between Nangarar University and San Diego State University. After the firstpartnership was signed, the new spread through word of mouth and Afghan Academics inuniversities in the US and UK began to contact the Ministry of Higher Education directly.A new leadership in the Ministry of Higher Education and the creation of a strongerimplementation team in the summer of 2006 were the turning point toward building effectivepartnerships between Afghan and foreign institutions of higher learning. Table 1 reflects theUniversity Partnership Program.The partnership between the University of Hartford (UH) in West
Conference Session
Exporting of Higher Education to Developing Countries
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Asad Esmaeily, Kansas State University; Anil Pahwa, Kansas State University; J Thompson, Kansas State University; Donald Watts, Kansas State University
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considered in any plan, keeping in mind that the educationalimprovement should be structured to eliminate these conflicts in long term. As an example, an Page 15.271.4instructor, teaching in Dari, may raise the sensitivity of Pashtun students in the same class or viceversa. Switching the instructional language to a neutral language such as English may addressthe issue. However, the other side of the problem considering the conservative religious nature ofthe society should carefully be studied for a proper decision.Some observations were reflective of the religious, yet mostly traditional teachings. As example,despite the low quality of instruction
Conference Session
Engineering Education in Africa, Asia and the Mid-East Region
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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learning simply feels right intuitively. Itseems to reflect the way the mind actually works, not a set of parlor-game procedures formanipulating students into learning. (26)Unfortunately, while there is agreement on the generaldefinition of PBL, implementation has varied widely. (9)The large variation in PBL practicesmakes the analysis of its effectiveness a bit complex. Many studies comparing PBL to traditionalprograms are simply not talking about the same thing. As reported by Prince(9), “ For meta-studies of PBL, to show any significant effect compared to traditional programs, the signal fromthe common elements of PBL would have to be greater than the noise produced by differences inthe implementation of both PBL and traditional curricula
Conference Session
Continuing Education for Faculty
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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educative assessment (8, 27) .This would include decisions on how to provideinformation on students’ strengths and their mastery of course material, as well asguidance on how to proceed with learning activities to insure compliance withdefined goals and how to improve students’ performance and their grasp of newmaterial. Students will eventually need reliable feedback on their performance thatallows them to move forward as learners and deepens their understanding of thesubject matter. This feedback could come from the instructor, their classmates, theirown self-reflection, or a combination of the three. (27, 28)Another important factor in the optimization process is to integrate the differentcourse components (learning goals, teaching/learning
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; D. Jake Follmer, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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past several decades, there has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of engineerspossessing important professional skills, including global readiness or awareness. In 2004, theNational Academy of Engineering (NAE) described the Engineer of 2020 as being proficient in“interdisciplinary teams [with] globally diverse team members” (p. 55).1 As the NAE stated,“While certain basics of engineering will not change, the global economy and the way engineerswill work will reflect an ongoing evolution that began to gain momentum a decade ago.” (p. 4).Engineering graduates will be called to solve increasingly global problems and to work in teamsthat contain members who are either from international locations or are globally distributed.Across the
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Meehan, University of Glasgow
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assignments, quizzes, and/or classexams – and a majority of the courses do not include such assessments – towards the final gradein courses is minor. The final exam generally contributes 70-90% to the final grade in each coursewith the assessment of the students’ practical skills assessed during laboratory exercises and/orprojects contributing the bulk of the remaining portion of the final course grade.Grading of the laboratory exercises is, in large part, carried out by reviewing students’ laboratorynotebooks. Thus, the grades reflect not only the inclusion of correct results from analyses,simulations, and measurements, but also appropriate and timely record of observations andconclusions.Questions on the final exams are expected to have
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steve Muench P.E., University of Washington; Ashley Ann Thompson, University of Washington/PCS Structural Solutions; Sheryl Brandalik
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exploring topics using the four elements inKolb’s5 theory (concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, andactive experimentation). For each topic all the elements exist, but entry into Kolb’s learningcircle can begin at any one of the four elements16 with some elements overlapping one another.A typical sequence would be: (1) study engineering concepts in a classroom setting, (2) travel tolocation see the application of these engineering principles, (3) complete a computationalassignment that incorporates classroom learning and field observations, and (4) complete a Page 26.640.5reflective assignment and/or develop
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria Claudia Alves , Texas A&M University; Meghan M. Alexander, Texas A&M University; Victor Manuel Camara-Poot, Yucatán Ministry of Education; Martha Elena Ortega, CANIETI
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