analytical training at the expense of fostering important skills in creativethinking (e.g., questioning, observation, reflection) that are fundamental to developinginnovative solutions to these engineering challenges. To help address this gap, there is anincreasing number of studies exploring the pathways by which engineering students developinterest and skills in innovation (e.g. Yasuhara, Lande, Chen, Sheppard, & Atman, 2012; Davis& Amelink, 2016; Gilmartin et al., 2017). These studies aim to understand where students aregaining innovation interests and skills and are finding that extracurricular activities play anotable role. Within engineering classrooms, there is a push to increase student exposure todesign and to teach creative
Paper ID #19626Integration of Critical Reflection Methodologies into Engineering Service-Learning ProjectsDr. Scott A. Newbolds P.E., Benedictine College Dr. Newbolds is an assistant professor in the engineering department at Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas. After graduating from Purdue University in 1995, Dr. Newbolds started his career in construction as a Project Engineer for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). He returned to Purdue for graduate school in 1998 and subsequently took a position in the INDOT Research and Development office. While completing his graduate degrees, Dr. Newbolds conducted and
2knowledge is associated with the adoption of an empathic design process inwhich innovators leverage their social and material embeddedness in localcommunities to observe and reflect on users’ technology-related behavior innaturalistic settings. Grassroots innovators engage with human needs inspecific geographical, economic, social, and cultural contexts and embody thepotential for knowledge-rich, resource-poor communities to developsuccessful indigenous solutions to local problems. Grassroots innovationsrepresent a community-based and user-driven model of technology designbased on empathy, sustainability and social responsibility that problematizerational, economic models of competitive innovation for profit that areprevalent in the literature and
through multidisciplinary projectsand ethics from three students’ perspectives. From these case studies we examine the way we, asstudent engineers, reconcile technocentrism with ways of thinking utilized in liberal education.Analysis of the case studies imply a role for reflection and care in addressing technocentrism andour paper ends with a call for further studies analyzing these relationships.Introduction:“My app will change the world, my product is a disruptive innovation”―these are the mantras ofstartup founders, engineers, and computer scientists throughout the Silicon Valley. Writer JoelStein presents this profile of tech entrepreneurs in his Bloomsberg Businessweek article,Arrogance is Good: In Defense of Silicon Valley.3 This stereotype
Paper ID #12583Humanizing Signals and Systems: A Reflective AccountProf. James L. Huff, Harding University James Huff is an assistant professor of engineering at Harding University, where he primarily teaches multidisciplinary engineering design and electrical engineering. His research interests are aligned with how engineering students develop in their career identity while also developing as whole persons. James received his Ph.D. in engineering education and his his M.S. in electrical and computer engineering, both from Purdue University. He received his bachelor’s in computer engineering at Harding University
Paper ID #26319Exploring Ways to Develop Reflective Engineers: Toward Phronesis-CenteredEngineering EducationDr. Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University Jeong-Hee Kim is Professor of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education in the Department of Curricu- lum and Instruction at Texas Tech University. Kim is a curriculum theorist, teacher educator, and narra- tive inquiry methodologist. Her research centers on various epistemological underpinnings of curriculum studies, particularly engaging in hermeneutical excavation of the stories of students and teachers around the notion of Bildung, a human way of developing or cultivating
Paper ID #34670Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) for Promoting Reflection in EngineeringEducation: Graduate Student PerceptionsDr. Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University Having completed his Ph.D. through the University of Washington’s interdisciplinary Individual Ph.D. Program (see, Dr. Campbell is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Texas Tech Uni- versity. He currently facilitates an interdisciplinary project entitled ”Developing Reflective Engineers through Artful Methods.” His scholarly interests include both teaching and research in engineering educa- tion, art in engineering, social justice
embed social, political and economic context intoengineering education, particularly in engineering for sustainable community development, sothat engineers better understand the wider impacts that can result from their interventions. Onesuch method is the integration of reflective exercises within engineering course work.This paper traces the adoption of critical reflection as a core pedagogical strategy in anengineering management program focused on sustainable international development within oneUK university. Critical reflection, which stems from a critical scholarly tradition, asks us toquestion our assumptions, recognize the role that power plays in shaping our social reality, anduse reason to advance our emancipatory thinking and
individual’s decision-making in the face of discrete moral or ethical quandaries. Yet,prior scholarship by Joseph Herkert [2] suggests there is a multi-layered set of ethical obligationsthat range for microethics––or individual decisions––to macroethics, which reflect theprofessional society’s values and ethical obligations. Macroethical dilemmas result in the“problem of many hands”, as described by van der Poel and Royakkers [3]. This brings to lightthe notion that individuals or even large organizations are not solely responsible for engineeringprocesses and uncertain outcomes. For it is clear that no individual or discrete organization hascomplete control and authority for the complex socio-technical innovation process from designto implementation
in this article.Dr. Marie Stettler Kleine’s research on humanitarian and integrated engineering programsinspired her reflection on how different forms of contextualization and the vocabulary used todescribe them signal different ways to best teach engineers. Her graduate training in science andtechnology studies and human-centered design prepared her to see that these forms ofcontextualization are much more nuanced than using particular language, but this varyinglanguage fundamentally changes the engineering pedagogy in practice. She continues tointerrogate why and how engineering educators learn from other disciplines to explicitlyprioritize contextualization.For Dr. Kari Zacharias, this project has been an opportunity to reflect on the
Paper ID #25409An Educational Framework to Promote Self-Authorship in Engineering Un-dergraduatesDr. Laura Kasson Fiss, Michigan Technological University Laura Kasson Fiss is a Research Assistant Professor in the Pavlis Honors College at Michigan Techno- logical University. She holds a PhD from Indiana University in English (2013). Her work has appeared in Victorian Periodicals Review, The Lion and the Unicorn, and The Cambridge Companion to Gilbert and Sullivan. In addition to her research on Victorian humor, she conducts higher education research and scholarship on issues of inclusion, reflection, and innovation.Dr
during an event designed to disrupt the educational enterprise [11]. TheCOVID-19 pandemic thus provides an opportunity to investigate dimensions of engineeringculture during a crisis, which can open new avenues for conversations about equity andaccessibility in engineering by identifying which aspects of culture are most and least amenableto change. In other words, disasters can help uncover ‘what really matters’ and potentially offer anew avenue for cultural change.This paper and its larger research project aim to capture student experiences and reflections, intheir own words, in order to understand how dimensions of engineering culture interacted withpractices in engineering education during COVID-19. This research project will then allow
understanding of global and societal contexts in orderto solve some of the grand challenges facing humanity. This task is made no less difficult by thenecessity of multidisciplinary teams, diverse stakeholders, and innovative communicationmethods in an increasingly complex world. This vision for a modern engineer is reflected in the2004 and 2005 National Academies publications of “The Engineer of 2020” [1] and “Educatingthe Engineer of 2020” [2]. For historical context, Figure 1 showcases the call for action assummarized in the Grinter Report of 1955 [3] to the call of action as summarized in the Engineerof 2020 reports of 2004 and 2005. Ultimately, all of these reports (starting in 1955) urged for amore well-rounded engineer. The Engineer of 2020
sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creat- ing curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests, motivation, and desire to persist in engineering. Through this work, outreach, and involvement in the com- munity, Dr. Zastavker continues to focus on the issues of women and minorities in science/engineering.Eleanor Berke, Boston Public Schools Berke is interested in the ways that role play may cause the body to shift the mind building, empathy and perspective. She has used acting as a tool to cultivate empathy for the immigrant experience, to improve
life. The goals of product archaeology provide a strong foundation on which to developa classroom and project in which students can think critically both within and about engineering.MethodsWe used qualitative methods to explore how first year students’ perceptions of engineeringchanged during the course of a summer bridge program. When we desire to intimatelyunderstand a complex issue, such as changes in students’ perceptions of engineering, qualitativeapproaches serve as a particularly useful research strategy (Creswell, 2009). In order to betterunderstand the ways in which critical pedagogies can influence students’ perceptions of what itmeans to be an engineer, participants reflected on what it meant to be an engineer and how
Paper ID #30323Teaching Ethical Photography to deepen Global Engineering CompetencyDr. Robert S Emmett, Virginia Tech Dr. Emmett serves as Assistant Director for Global Engagement in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. He is the author of Cultivating Environmental Justice: A Literary History of US Garden Writing (University of Massachusetts Press, 2016) and with David E. Nye, Environmental Humanities: A Critical Introduction (MIT Press, 2017). With Gregg Mitman and Marco Armiero, he edited the collection of critical reflections and works of art, Future Remains: A Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene (Uni
interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, interdisciplinary pedagogy for pervasive computing design; writing across the curriculum in Statics courses; as well as a CAREER award to explore the use of e-portfolios to promote professional identity and reflective practice. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Student Persistence Through Uncertainty Toward Successful Creative PracticeAbstract: To increase creative practice among students in engineering and other
reflect upon and assess diversity and inclusion efforts within ECE [2].To interrogate students’ perceptions of diversity and inclusion, we interviewed 13 current or pastundergraduate ECE students. With nearly 40 percent of the undergraduate ECE studentsidentifying as international students, such a significant international population posestremendous learning opportunities as well as challenges related to diversity and inclusion. Thus,formal efforts within ECE have been made to bridge cultural differences, develop interculturalcompetencies, and promote inclusion of internationally and domestically diverse ECE members.However, these efforts have met with mixed results. Our analysis of the interview data suggeststhat these efforts often were not
justice in the United States (750-1250 words). ENGR 195A Reflection Paper 2: In his essay, Dyson gives some historical examples of technological innovations that he claims have increased social justice. Considering the technological innovations in your discipline, please describe another example and indicate how it has increased social justice in the U.S. (250- 500 words) Aerospace Engr 171A – Reflection Paper 3 (250-500 words): Consider the technological innovations in aerospace engineering in general and aircraft design in particular, describe a historical example and indicate how it has increased social justice in the U.S. and the world. Aerospace Engr 172A – Reflection Paper 3 (250-500 words
, critical thinking and reflection, identity development,and embracing many ways of knowing and being. Learning experiences provided scaffolding forstudents to identify and prioritize the impacts they hope to make in the world; explore paths formaking these impacts possible; and begin to share these experiences, values, and ambitions withvarious audiences. The course asked students to engage with questions such as: As individualsand engineers, how should we pose ethical questions and prepare to advocate for the values thatwe hold dear? How might we start to understand and react to larger global problems, causes,challenges, and opportunities that surround us? Who am I and what is my place in the world?The course was a new, experimental
historical context using a variety of instructional modes and pedagogicalinnovations.This paper presents the experience of developing and teaching MMW for the first time in 2020 inthe midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. MMW was designed and co-taught by an interdisciplinaryfaculty teaching team from the departments of history, theology, and environmental science. As adesignated “Complex Problems” course, a type of first-year interdisciplinary Core course, MMWoffered 70 students the opportunity to satisfy BC’s Core requirements in Natural Science andHistory through three linked pedagogical components: lectures, labs, and reflection sessions. Ourgoal was to integrate engineering, the history of science and technology studies, and ethical andmoral modes of
Paper ID #16055Fostering Empathy in an Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering CourseDr. Joachim Walther, University of Georgia Dr. Joachim Walther is an associate professor of engineering education research at the University of Georgia (UGA). He is a director of the Collaborative Lounge for Understanding Society and Technol- ogy through Educational Research (CLUSTER), an interdisciplinary research group with members from engineering, art, educational psychology and social work. His research interests range from the role of em- pathy in engineering students’ professional formation, the role of reflection in engineering
, 2016). We use themetaphor of the soul to narrate our experiences in the field, a majority of which includeexperiences we shared being in the same engineering education PhD program. The metaphor ofthe soul serves as a vehicle to communicate our experiences, conceptions, hopes, fears, andaspirations. The soul is as much an idea felt, as it is a scholarship known through inquiry. Weexperienced this essence as it moved across individuals in our department, and believe it is feltfurther in the engineering education community. The soul fuels continuous evolution by creatingtension and using it as energy to find purpose in our work.IntentionOur intention is to share our experiences and prompt reflection from the engineering educationcommunity so that
andthe process of students growing and developing into members of the community, whether definedas the academic or professional community.The context of this paper and its reflection on the use of outcomes to design and operate anengineering program is the proposal for significant changes in the ABET criteria. Discussionsamongst the ASEE community have included webinars, a virtual conference, and a town hallmeeting at the 2016 ASEE conference.4 The goal of this paper is to provide an example of howoutcomes have been used as a driver and motivator for innovative change in engineeringeducation.ValuesThe outcomes currently defined in Criterion 3 are a clear statement of the values the broadengineering community holds, such as use of foundational
paper draws on a qualitative dataset of student responses to biweekly “reflection questions”integrated into routine course activity in a pilot implementation of a Wright State-likeEngineering Mathematics course. Alongside auto-ethnographic data from the course instructorand coordinator, this dataset illustrates the transformations involved in the scale-making process,and enables tracing the consequences of these transformations for the identities of people andsocial collectives involved in the course.IntroductionThis paper reports on the results of a study of an implementation of the Wright State Model forEngineering Mathematics at one university. Consistent with the LEES call for proposals, weadopt a human science theoretical approach to the
applied, transformative, purposive knowledge and growth.51, 52Because professionalization is also an important goal in engineering education, our listculminates with several goals that build from affective, ethical, and cognitive foundations to themore specific abilities we expect of graduating engineering students. Each student and program instructor will be able to 1. recognize in context, discuss, and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and personal reflection about their rights and responsibilities to themselves, others, society, and the natural world 2. recognize in context, discuss, and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and personal reflection about their habits and growth, as well as others’, and the implications of
thinking needs further attention.2The complexity in defining and understanding critical thinking is one of the major challenges forengineering educators and students.25-27 Hicks, Bumbaco, and Douglas argued that exploration ofinterconnection between different philosophical concepts, in particular critical thinking,reflective practice, and adaptive expertise, may help educators to better understand and applyeach concept.28 Yet, some scholars critique the traditional viewpoints on critical thinking. Clarisand Riley identified four major themes that engineers generally have given too little attention, orno attention at all: power/knowledge relationships, transgressive validity, reflection andreflexivity, and praxis and relationality.29In this paper
. ● Principle 3 promotes varying activities that increase interest and self-regulation. For example, integrating weekly reflective writing prompts.Studies suggest that incorporating these principles into course design increases learning andengagement for all students [5, 6]. Despite these wide-ranging benefits, research about implementing UDL in science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields primarily focuses on accessibility,including the use of technology accommodations, due to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)and Web Content Accessibility (WCAG) requirements for online learning environments [7].From the ASEE archive, one paper authored by Monemi, Pan, & Varnado (2009) suggested theuse of UDL for course design
minority students interviewed “believedthat teachers perceive white and Asian students to be smart[er] and hence more likely to excel inCS classes. Such perception of the faculty prevented minority students from asking questions inclass or approaching the faculty for help.” (p. 131)Additionally, Redmond’s [8] case study – in which they re-structured Stanford’s computerscience department to become more inclusive – found that one of the largest impacts on a womanmaintaining interest in computer science is how early she took her introductory computingcoursework. Thus, if women and minorities are mandated to take these introductory coursesearlier in their undergraduate curriculum, retention rates would likely increase. This sentimentwas reflected
Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Successes and challenges in supporting undergraduate peer educators to notice and respond to equity considerations within design teamsAbstractWe describe and analyze our efforts to support Learning Assistants (LAs)—undergraduate peereducators who simultaneously take a 3-credit pedagogy course—in fostering equitable teamdynamics and collaboration within a project-based engineering design course. Tonso andothers have shown that (a) inequities can “live” in mundane interactions such as those amongstudents within design teams and (b) those inequities both reflect and (re)produce broadercultural patterns and narratives (e.g. Wolfe & Powell, 2009; Tonso, 1996, 2006a, 2006b;McLoughlin, 2005). LAs could