ofthe students were hired in casting related fields in industry.6. References1. Ikonomov, G. P., Ramrattan, N. S., & Choudhury, A. (2006). Casting large scale functional prototypes from various alloys [Electronic version]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 10(1).2. Selective Laser Sintering (2006). Retrieved November 2, 2006 from http://lasersintering.com3. Richard Beaudoin, et al, Creating functional cast prototypes from CAD data, this new application of rapid prototyping could open more doors for casting applications. http://www.moderncasting.com/archive/feature_nov_01.html4. New rapid metal-casting process "Clinkenbeard Process", http://www.clinkenbeard.com/5. Waukesha Kramer Inc
Conference. Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change (Vol. 2), pp. 604 -609.2. Cambron, M.E. and Lenoir, H.J., “Introduction to Industrial Automation, a multi-disciplinary course at Western Kentucky University,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2004, pp. 8363-8370.3. Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2005, Portland, OR.4. http://www.delmia.com.5. Cheng, F.S. “A Methodology For Developing Robotic Workcell Simulation Models,” Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, J. A. Joines, R. R. Barton, K. Kang, and P. A. Fishwick, eds.6. http://www.adept.com.7. COSIMIR (2005). COSIMIR
authors would like to acknowledge infrastructure support for the development of nano andmicro manufacturing modules to the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures(CAMSS) at NC A&T State University.10. References1. The Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE), http://www.iienet.org2. Michalicek, M. A., “A Brief History and Overview of MEMS Technology and Applications” University of Colorado at Boulder, 2000.3. Ref: Nanonex® NX-2000 Specifications Brochure, 2006.4. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik and Umwelt, Projekt Mikrosystemtechnik (PMT)5. Desai S., Lovell M., “Multiphysics Modeling of a Piezoelectric Bimorph Disc in a Direct Write Fabrication Process”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress
). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography[1] Hsieh, S. “Design of Remotely Accessible Automated Systems to Enhance Industrial Automation Education,” ASEE 2017 Annual Conference, June 25 - 28, Columbus, Ohio.[2] Grodotzki, J., Ortelt, T.R. and Tekkaya, A.E., 2018. Remote and Virtual Labs for Engineering Education 4.0: Achievements of the ELLI project at the TU Dortmund University. Procedia Manufacturing, 26, pp.1349-1360, 2018.[3] Bikas, H., Stavropoulos, P. and Chryssolouris, C., “Additive manufacturing methods and modeling approaches: A critical review,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf
recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. 3D for Everyone. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.sketchup.com/2. Dezhen Song. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://faculty.cs.tamu.edu/dzsong/3. Dougherty, D. (2012). The maker movement. Innovations, 7(3), 11-14.4. Hartley, R., & Zisserman, A. (2003). Multiple view geometry in computer vision. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.5. Learn how to use 123d Catch. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.123dapp.com/howto/catch6. Peppler, K., Maltese, A., Keune, A., Chang, S., Regalla, L., & Initiative, M. E. (2015). Survey of Makerspaces, Part II. Open Portfolios Maker Education
tested them. An evaluation of the module indicated that a high level of learning wasachieved. In addition, the students all enjoyed the hands on experience.AcknowledgementsWe like to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Craig Maddux in making this module possible.This material is based upon work supported by the Research Experiences for Teachers Programunder National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1300779. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Piezoelectricity. (2014, June 19). Wikipedia. Retrieved July 2, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity2. Research: New
during the Summer 2020 semester. These sessions will consist of at least3 spaced training sessions before the scheduled session class (traditional). The periodic trainingwill be one training session per week for the “experimental” section, and it will be comparedwith the “control” section. The student's feedback pointed out that more training sessions couldhelp to improve the approach to achieve the targeted tolerance dimensions. Therefore, a feedbacksurvey will be implemented for the Summer 2020 cohort.Bibliography[1] Y. Weinstein, C. R. Madan, and M. A. Sumeracki, “Teaching the science of learning.,” Cogn. Res. Princ. Implic., vol. 3, no. 1, p. 2, 2018.[2] S. H. K. Kang, “Spaced Repetition Promotes Efficient and Effective Learning
presented in the lectureclasses. Some students preferred advanced machining (Use of CNC machines) but thought theshop experience was worthwhile. The student evaluations were generally positive and thestudents enjoyed the lab sessions where they learned a variety of manufacturing and assemblyprocesses, and developed an appreciation for the working of machine tools and other equipment.The supplemental activities following each manufacturing process helped to tie in the lecture andlaboratory classes.BIBLIOGRAPHY[1] Manufacturing Engineering and Technology,, Kalpakjian, S., and Schmidt, S., 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010..[2] Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Ashby, M. F., Fourth Edition, Butterworth-Heinneman, 2006
5TH ANNUAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DAY INNOVATIVE GREEN SYSTEMS OF SYSTEMS UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO GREEN ENERGY MANUFACTURING WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education) THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013 Time Location Description Presenter(s) 1:00 – 2:30pm EPNGCC Dr. Louis Everett Essential Ethics for Leadership Program Director, NSF
workpiece) is put on wheel and travelthrough the factory. AGV‟s assembly is a good example of this category. The unguided caserepresents the case where the machine level case grows.Factory LevelFactory level is where the entire company or part of the company is put on wheels. Factory-in-Box program is a good example of this type of mobility. Various cases and scenarios have beendemonstrated through this project as an example: a cleaning and scrap grinding foundry mobileunit was designed and purchased to be used among several small businesses to offset the highinvestment of the unit.Internal Mobility versus External MobilityMobility can also be defined as internal and external. Internal mobility is where the machine toolis capable of using multiple
needs, but is dynamic enough tokeep changing and evolving with the times. This principle has been amply demonstrated in thispaper.References1. Akao, Y(ed), Quality Function Deployment, Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press, 1990 Page 15.333.82. Shingo, S, Zero Quality Control: Source Control and the Pokayoke system, Cambridge, MA, Productivity Press,19863. Mizuno, S, Company wide Quality Control, Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 19884. Harry, M.J., and Schroeder, R, Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World’sTop Corporations, Doubleday Business, 2006.5. Pyzdek, T, Six Sigma handbook: A
studentsincluding the ones detailed below. Others are not within the reach of smaller schools such asDefense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)’s Grand and Urban Challenge3. Someothers like SAE’s Formula Series4 may require greater resources compared to the ones below. The Institute of Navigation (ION)’s Robotic Lawn Mower Competition will be held June 2-4, 2011 in Beavercreek, Ohio5. The objective of the competition is to design and operate a robotic unmanned lawnmower using navigation to rapidly and accurately mow a field of grass. NASA’s 18th Annual Great Moonbuggy Race will be held April 1 - 2, 2011 in Huntsville, Alabama, at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. Each Moonbuggy will be powered by two
different states and other schools.References: 1. R.E. Stamper, D.L. Dekker, Utilizing rapid prototyping to enhance undergraduate engineering education, in: 30th Annu. Front. Educ. Conf., IEEE, Kansas City, USA, 2000: pp. 1–4. doi:10.1109/FIE.2000.896570.2. S.S. Horowitz, P.H. Schultz, Printing Space: Using 3D Printing of Digital Terrain Models in Geosciences Education and Research, J. Geosci. Educ. 62 (2014) 138–145. doi:10.5408/13‐031.1.3. L. Chong, S. Ramakrishna, S. Singh, A review of digital manufacturing‐based hybrid additive manufacturing processes, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 95 (2018) 2281–2300.4. O. Ivanova, C. Williams, T. Campbell, Additive manufacturing (AM) and nanotechnology: promises and challenges, Rapid
-123JSpring-2006/CourseHome/index.htm 5. http://www.sfi.mtu.edu/About_SFI.htm 6. http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/lcaccess/ 7. Pre Product Industrial Consultants "Eco-indicator 99 Manual for Designers: A damage Oriented Method for Life Cycle Impact Assessment" 2000, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment. 8. Diamond J. “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed” 2005, Penguin Group USA. 9. Lovins A., Lovins, H., Hawken P. “Natural Capitalism Creating the Next Industrial Revolution” 2000, Little Brown & Company. 10. Coulter, S., Bras, B., Foley C., “A Lexicon of Green Engineering Terms” Praha, August 22-24 1995, International Conference on Engineering Design
satisfied with thelaboratory experience. Furthermore, as indicated by students’ survey results in two consecutiveyears, significant improvements in this laboratory were accomplished by introducing traditionalmanufacturing processes through the book-making processes. Finally, the laboratory equipmentpurchased to run the book-making experiment was inexpensive thus making it affordable forimplementation in many other institutions.Bibliography1. Peters, F., Jackman, J, Ryan, S, and Olafsson, S., “An Active Learning Environment in an Integrated Industrial Engineering Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, 2003. http://www.asee.org/activities/organizations/sections/proceedings/NorthMidwest/2003/contents
. S., 1955) parameters as showed in equation (2). Ai is thelink transform for the i th joint; i 1,2,..., n and n is the number of links. cosi cos i sin i sin i sin i ai cosi sin cos i cosi sin i cosi ai sin i i 1 Ai i (22) 0 sin i cos i di 0 0 0 1 Baxter
fluid volume flowrate qvhot m3/s 2.0 2.0 Specific heat of hot fluid Cp,hot kJ/kg-K 4.180 4.187 Density of hot fluid ρhot kg/m3 988.76 980.3Table 2 Calculated values used to design and size a heat exchanger [4] Symbol Units Formulas Measured or calculated value for: 50°C 70°C Mass flowrate (Hot fluid) qmh kg/s (ρhot) (qvhot) 0.033 0.032 Heat power emitted from hot fluid Qe W (3) 519.0
design considerations were US D798,634 Sand US 9,775,443 B2. US D798,634 S is a design patent for an interconnected air pocket seatcushion. The only claim made by this patent is “the ornamental design for an air cushion, asshown and described”. This claim does not conflict with the project because it only affects seatcushions that match the design shown: Figure 1. Seat cushion design patentUS 9,775,443 B2 is a patent for a “discontinuous air delivery system for inflatable static medicaldevice” that maintains a preset pressure throughout the entirety of an air mattress using acomputer controlled air pump. This patent has 18 claims that are very specific and detailed, butthe easiest one that proves that the design
, explaining why the design is notergonomic, and offering possible solution(s) to make the design/part ergonomic. Besidesengaging the students, the assignments allowed the instructor to directly assess students’learning of the concepts from the theory lectures. The students found the assignmentsinteresting and were more engaged to the topic as those ergonomic examples relate totheir daily life. The enthusiasm and interests of the students in those exercises werereflected in the course evaluation as well. It can be concluded that the exercises engagedstudents more intensively in the course and helped them to understand the applications ofergonomics. Finally, the assignments and final term paper/case study helped to achieveseveral learning outcomes
, organization is key for this experience! 3. For each dye: • Wet the fabrics thoroughly with warm water • Dip the fabrics in the dye for about five minutes • Remove the fabrics from the dye, squeeze out until damp, and arrange to dry • As you arrange them to dry, keep track of mordant/dye combination!Assignment: Due 3/5/14Arrange your dry fabric swatches in a pattern so you can draw conclusions about theeffect of mordant and fabric type. You may cut the fabric if you wish. Hand in thearrangement(s) along with the worksheet (below).Name: ___________________________________Dyeing Conclusions (available on Moodle)Effect of:Fabric Type
manufacturing or other related fields withincolleges of Engineering in a reasonably representative manner.Popescu (2012) outlines the following five attributes for engineering students to be successful ina global environment: a) ability to appreciate other cultures; b) ability to work in diverse teamenvironments; c) ability to communicate in cross culture environments; d) experience orexposure to engineering in a global context; and e) ability to deal with ethical issues emanatingfrom cultural and national differences. Specking et al. (2013) performed a comparative study oftwo universities (University of Arkansas, a public university, and Stevens Institute ofTechnology, a private university) to investigate as to what factor(s) is (are) keeping
, business opportunities and future directions; integrated 3Dscanning and 3D printing lab experiments.Textbook:Ian Gibson, David, W. Rosen, and Brent Stucker: Additive ManufacturingTechnologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping and Direct Digital Manufacturing, SecondEdition, Springer, 20151.Reference Book:C. K. Chua, K, F. Leong, and C. S. Lim, “Rapid Prototyping: Principles andApplications”, Third Edition, World Scientific, 20102.The contents of this course include recent advances in the Additive Manufacturing (AM)technologies that specializes in rapid prototyping of three-dimensional objects:Photopolymerization processes (Stereolithography (SL) Technology); Powder bed fusionprocesses (Selective Laser Sintering – SLS, Electron Beam Melting
the angularorientation of residual machining marks, and much more [12]. In the past decade, significantefforts have been directed towards developing standard worldwide 3D parameters, the result ofwhich is a set of standard “S Parameters” in four general categories: amplitude, spatial, hybridand functional. Similar to 2D Parameters discussed earlier in this paper, the 3D parameterscommonly used now are,Amplitude ParametersBased on overall heights, (1) Root Mean Square Deviation, Sq- RMS of height distribution (2) Skewness, Ssk- the degree of asymmetry of a surface height distribution (3) Kurtosis, Sku – the degree of peakedness of a surface height distribution (4) Average Height, Sz – average of ten highest and lowest points.Spatial
STEM Education: A STEM Teacher Preparation Program,” Journal of the National Association for Alternative Certification, Volume 10, Number 2, 2015, pp 3-16. [6] Bracey G, Brooks M, Marlette S, and Locke S, “Teachers 'n Training: Building Formal STEM Teaching Efficacy through Informal Science Teaching Experience,” 3-2, ASQ Advancing the STEM Agenda Conference, 2013. [7] Nathan MJ, Tran NA, Atwood AK, Prevost A, and Phelps LA, “Beliefs and Expectations about Engineering Preparation Exhibited by High School STEM Teachers,” Journal of Engineering Education, 2010, pp 409-426. [8] Yang J, Lee Y, Park S, Wong-Ratcliff M, Ahangar R, Mundy MA, “Discovering the Needs Assessment of Qualified STEM Teachers
. Page 23.100.3 2. Since the tool used is not designed for wet application(s) and is not protected against intrusion of the fine glass dust generated as a byproduct of polishing, each tool only lasts approximately one month before the tool is degraded to the point to which it is no longer economically repairable. At about $275 per tool and the need for replacement at an average rate of three tools per month, the added cost of tool replacements adds significantly to the cost of hand polishing. Figure 1: Traditional polishing processDesign ProcessThe goals of the senior design project were to reduce process cost
robustcommunications among all stakeholders, from K-12 education through post-secondary educationto industry, and among the professional and government organizations whose responsibility it isto strengthen the manufacturing sector and manufacturing education that supports it. An obviousnecessary requirement to achieve alignment and communication is to build alliances among allof these entities. As a standalone discipline, manufacturing engineering is relatively young with only one Page 25.1299.9program being accredited in the 1970’s, 5 programs being accredited in the 1980’s, and 8programs each being accredited in the 1990’s and following the year 2000. A
,reviewstatusandprintertechnology.TheresourcesavailableonthisNIHsitehelpsusanswersomecriticalquestionsregarding: 1. Appropriateguidanceforproduction/useofPPE:Inadditiontogeneralinformation, production/assembly instructions, designer(s) name or affiliation, and appropriate documentation; the NIH exchange also provides reviewer notes to guide appropriate fabrication.Forexample,theStopgapSurgicalFaceMask(SFM)RevisionBincludesthe followingnotes: “TheFDAhasauthorizedproductionofprotectivefacemasksoutsideofthenormal clearancepathwayduringtheCOVID-19pandemic,basedonPart5,sectionEofthe “EnforcementPolicyforFaceMasksandRespiratorsDuringtheCoronavirus Disease(COVID-19)PublicHealthEmergencyGuidanceforIndustryandFoodand DrugAdministrationStaff."Thissurgicalfacemaskhasbeentestedclinicallyand
Conceptual Framework for Measurement Planning Integration, 14th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT). 3. Yuchu Qin, Qunfen Qi, Wenlong Lu, Xiaojun Liu, Paul J. Scott, Xiangqian Jiang, 2018, A review of representation models of tolerance information, the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 95, Issue 5–8. 4. F. Litwa, M. Gottwalda, S. Spudeikob, K. Paetzold, M.Vielhaber, 2016, Optimization coupling approach for/with non-static point-based CAT models, 14th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT). 5. Sayed Mohammad Hejazi, Deepanjan Biswas, Adarsh Venkiteswaran, Jami J. Shah and Joseph K., 2016, Automated 1st order Tolerancing: Schema Generation, Proceedings
: Survey results for ENGR 101 Subscale Range Mean SD Simple Knowledge 3.25-4.08 3.78 0.26 Certain Knowledge 2.75-4.17 3.40 0.54 Omniscient authority 2.25-4.25 3.65 0.74 How quickly knowledge is obtained 2.33-3.75 2.85 0.58 Innate ability to gain knowledge 2.08-3.83 3.03 0.57The sub scale s simplee knowledge focuses on whether w knoowledge consists of discrrete
Aims: Assessement of a University Capstone Course.," The Journal of General Education, vol. 53, no. 3/4, pp. 275-287, 2004.[5] T. Bailey, J. C. Calcagno, D. Jenkins, T. Leinbach and G. Kienzl, "Is Student-Right-to-Know All You Should Know? An Analysis of Community College Graduation Rates," Research in Higher Education, pp. 491-519, 2006.[6] R. W. Marx, P. C. Blumenfeld, J. S. Krajcik and E. Soloway, "Enacting Project-Based Science," The Elementary School Journal, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 341-358, 1997.[7] M. Sadat-Hossieny and M. Torres, "NKU-Mazak Corp. Joint Senior Project Program," in 21st ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, 2014