development functions for automotive parts manufacturers in North Carolina and Germany.Raju S Dandu, Kansas State University, Salina Dr. Raju Dandu, professor in mechanical engineering technology at Kansas State University Salina, specializing in sustainable product design, development, manufacturing, energy efficiency, and effective equipment maintenance programs. He provided reliability centered maintenance instruction and hands on training to local food manufacturer. He has four years of plant maintenance experience as a mechanical engineer in thermal and nuclear power industry. He has been in education for last 13 years teaching design, manufacturing, and industrial automation related courses
: A Dynamic Framework for DevelopmentAbstract Following up on its 2009 research, the National Center for Manufacturing Education(NCME) continues to explore trends in manufacturing education programs. This paper presents acompilation of results from the “Question(s) of the Week” framework designed to preface the2011 study and move the trends report towards an ongoing, dynamic source of relevantinformation for engineering technology educators engaged in the design and delivery ofmanufacturing education.Introduction The National Center for Manufacturing Education (NCME) housed at SinclairCommunity College, Dayton, Ohio published Trends in Manufacturing Programs1 in 2009. TheNCME acknowledges support from the National Science
22.522.4people.To reinforce the importance of manufacturing in the United States, the Presidents of Harvard andMIT have recently come out in support of strengthening manufacturing in the United States4.Said MIT president Susan Hockfield, “if manufacturing is old-fashioned, then we‟re not doing itright.” It‟s time to change that negative image, and it‟s time to change manufacturing.Manufacturing engineers need to raise the perception of their profession as being a majorcontributor to our standard of living. Without cost reductions created by manufacturingengineers, we wouldn‟t be able to produce and buy all the great things that improve people‟slives. The abundance of affordable products, once considered the luxuries of the elite if theywere available at
Microscopy and Physical Properties MeasurementSystems.Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars have always been trained and mentored. Carefulplanning and grant-writing has enabled leveraging of this research work for deployment intocurricular education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Beyond extending classroomlectures to hands-on participation opportunities and demonstrations in the authors‟ labs, thestudents have been afforded the opportunity to experiences a day of touring at a world-renownednational research lab as well as to explore career opportunities. Further, multi-level outreachactivities that have been successfully organized utilizing the lab‟s resources have benefited alarge number of the community and other
cutting forces and temperatures in machining4. Understand different tool material properties and tool-wear mechanisms and apply Taylor‟s tool-life equation to predict tool life5. Analyze factors affecting the machined surface quality6. Develop and improve professional skills (such as communication, teamwork, business knowledge, and entrepreneurship) to help enable machining innovationNote that learning objective No. 6 included entrepreneurship education. The students in the classwere divided into six project teams with three or four students on each team. Each team wasrequired to complete three tasks by the end of the semester. These three tasks included 1)developing a computer software program for machining simulations, 2
, emerging from the newinfusions of culture, business settings and institutional influences. For the 20th century‟s historyof entrepreneurship education, the world turned to America for inspiration. For the 21st centuryversion, the world could turn anywhere”15. The VIP model replicates global product developmentholds the potential to help faculty fully unleashing our students' innate imagination andresourcefulness. The VIP provides a virtual incubator, giving students access to the knowledgebase and resources needed to establish companies that have the potential to compete locally,regionally and globally.Bibliography1 D. E. Epping and A. R Chitkara, “The New Practice of Global Product Development,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2006.2
AC 2011-110: UNDERGRADUATE DESIGN: DESIGN OF A REUSABLESTIR FRICTION WELDING TOOLFredrick A. Nitterright, Pennsylvania State Erie, The Behrend College Mr. Fred Nitterright is a lecturer in engineering at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. He received the A. A. S. in Mechanical Drafting and Design in 1989 from Westmoreland County Community College, the B. S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology in 1991 from Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, and the M. S. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1998. Mr. Nitterright is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Fred Nitterright began his career as a machinist at Elliott Support Services in Donora
learning.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by National Science Foundation grant no. 0935211. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 22.1220.11Bibliography1. Felder, R.M. and Silverman, L.K. “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 78(7), 674–681 (1988)2. Litzinger, T.A., Lee, S.-H. Wise, J.C. and Felder, R.M. “A Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Felder- Soloman Index of Learning Styles,” Proceeding of American Society Engineering Education
studentsincluding the ones detailed below. Others are not within the reach of smaller schools such asDefense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)’s Grand and Urban Challenge3. Someothers like SAE’s Formula Series4 may require greater resources compared to the ones below. The Institute of Navigation (ION)’s Robotic Lawn Mower Competition will be held June 2-4, 2011 in Beavercreek, Ohio5. The objective of the competition is to design and operate a robotic unmanned lawnmower using navigation to rapidly and accurately mow a field of grass. NASA’s 18th Annual Great Moonbuggy Race will be held April 1 - 2, 2011 in Huntsville, Alabama, at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. Each Moonbuggy will be powered by two
have been separated intothree groups aligned with the previous tables. As expected the industrial comments emphasizethe need for competency in a manufacturing environment and help facing the current businesschallenges. Academics, and to the most part other respondents mentioned the many problemsfacing the academic institutions. This is understandable given that manufacturing education isvery much a publicly funded process that serves private industries. Recommendation: The comments should be read to gain further insight to the quantitative survey responses and better understanding of other perspectives.References1. Jack, H., “The State of Manufacturing Engineering Education”, An SME Technical Paper, November 20052. Danielson, S
Integrated Web-enabled Computer Vision and Robotics,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 43, Numbers 7-8, pp. 720-730, August, 2009.5. Felix T. S. Chan . Rahul Swarnkar. Manoj K. Tiwari, “Infrastructure for co-ordination of multi-agents in a network–based manufacturing system,” Int J Adv Manuf Technol, Vol. 31, pp. 1028–1033, 2007.6. Fei Qiao . Heiko Schlange . Horst Meier . Wolfgang Massberg, “Internet-based Remote Access for a Manufacturing-oriented Teleservice,” Int J Adv Manuf Technol, Vol. 31, pp. 825–832, 2007.7. Ismail Fidan, Edward Roush, Serdar Tumkor, and Russell P. Kraft, “Internet-based electronics manufacturing troubleshooting tool for surface mount PCB assembly,” Int J Adv
& Sons, Inc., New Jersey.[2] Pham, D. T. and Gault R. S. (1998), A Comparison of Rapid Prototyping Technologies. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturer. Vol. 38, pp. 1257-1287.[3] Kochan, D. C., Kai, C. C., and Zhaohui, D. (1999), Rapid Prototyping Issues in the 21st Century. Computers in Industry, Vol. 39, pp. 3-10.[4] Stratasys, Inc. uPrint Personal 3D Printer. (2010) Retrieved from d=CODW0cvzlqMCFQ4TswodbzgntA[5] Palmisano, John. (2010). 3D Printers Go Mainstream. Retrieved from
quiz administered after activity four were inconsistent and itis difficult to generalize beyond what has already been discussed.ConclusionsThe assessment instrument was found to be very poor at discriminating between the relativemerits of the different activities. The author strongly feels that there was significant growth ofthe students’ R&R knowledge and capabilities from activity to activity, but it is not apparentfrom the assessment tools that were used. Further development and refinement of the author’simplemented assessment tools are required.Bibliography1. NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, January 5, 2011.2. Bloom, Benjamin S., Engelhart, Max D., Furst, Edward J., Hill
support education institutions that embrace manufacturing as anecessary and critical career pathway and in the process create the workforce necessary for theeconomic growth and stability of the United States.Bibliography1 National Science Foundation, Available from: Georges, Annie.“Keeping What We’ve Got: The Impact of Financial Aid on MinorityRetention in Engineering” NACME Research Letter Volume 9, No 2. NACME, New York, NY1995.3 Sullivan, J., Davis, S., deGrazia, J., and Carolson, D., “Beyond the Pipeline: Building a K-12 EngineeringOutreach Program”, Proceedings of the 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 11b5-21-26, San Juan,Puerto Rico, Nov. 1999.4 Poole, S., deGrazia, J
automotivelaboratory and research activities. 6. References1. Bosch Automotive Proving Grounds, retrieved on 01/15/2011.2. Laurent, J., Talbot, M., Doucet, M., Road surface inspection using laser scanners adapted for the high precision 3D measurements of large flat surfaces, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling; 12-15 May 1997 pp. 303 – 310.3. Si-Jie Yu, Sreenivas R Sukumar, Andreas F Koschan, David L. Page, and Mogi A Abidi; 3D reconstruction of road surfaces using integrated multi-sensory approach; Optics and lasers in Engineering; Volume 45, Issue 7; July 2007; pp. 808-818.4. Tarel, J. P. , Ieng, S.-S., and Charbonnier, P
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Interdisciplinary Environment Along with Media Art and Marketing, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, 2007 3. Todd, R. H., Magleby S. P., Sorenson C. D., Swan B. R., and Anthony D. K.: A Survey of Capstone Engineering Courses in North America, Journal of Engineering Education, 84(2), 165 – 174, 1995 4. Amon C., Wesner J., and Hoff R.: Identifying and Implementing Projects for a Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Projects Course at Carnegie Mellon, Proceedings of the Page 22.1181.7 ASEE Annual Conference, 2006 5. Frei F. X.: The Four Things a Service Business Must Get
Education and Practice, Vol 134. April 2008.6. Rajan, S., It’s About Time: The Competitive Advantage of Quick Response Manufacturing, New York, CRC Press, 2010.7. Personal Interviews with George Brown, Dan Turner, and Anita Konopa, Emergency Services Coordinators, [Local] Office of Emergency Services, Feb. 2008 and Nov. 2009.8. "Disaster Preparedness Program." City of [Local] Fire Department, available at http://www.[Local] Cooper, Robin, and Regine Slagmulder. Supply Chain Development for the Lean Enterprise : Interorganizational Cost Management, Productivity Press, 1999.10. Personal interview with Elizabeth Merson, [Local] American Red Cross. Oct. 2009.11. Personal interview
develop alternative designs for their project. They need to visualize their design ideas using sketches. A problem statement explaining their design idea must also accompany each alternative design. They choose from at least two alternatives based on certain constraints including costing, marketability, and manufacturability. For extra credit, they can carry their best design into the CAD environment using SolidWorks. Armature and Mechanical Design: The students are given VEX structural components. They combine VEX parts with the custom parts they choose to design and fabricate. Once they determine the material type(s) to be utilized, fabrication can be done manually using machine tools in the
methodology.2. Overview of QFDQFD method was documented in Japan in the mid 1970’s and was first introduced to theUnited States in 1983 by Professor Yoji Akao. Since then, remarkable development andimplementation of QFD for curriculum design and improvement have been observedworld-wide 5. QFD method is a technique linking customer demands and productdevelopment. Ranking system in QFD method helps to identify and prioritize customer’svoice clearly.One of the main principles used in QFD is to determine directly from customers whatthey expect in a particular product or service viz., quality of curriculum in the instantcase. This is called Voice of Customer in parlance of QFD. There are different