Paper ID #42914Technical Training for Industry 4.0 Technologies: Low-Cost Gantry CandySorting System for Education and OutreachProf. Javaid S Siddiqi, PROFESSOR AT LONE STAR COLLEGE. TEACHING AND Research AT ENERGY AND MANUFACTURING INSTITUTE OF LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEMS. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY.DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTED COURSES FOR THE STUDENTS..Alan S GandyDr. Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University Dr. Sheng-Jen (”Tony”) Hsieh is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution and a member of the Graduate Faculty at Texas A&M University
Paper ID #36981Curriculum Alignment for Workforce Development in Advanced Manufac-turingDr. Akbar M. Eslami, Elizabeth City State University Dr. Akbar Eslami is a professor and Engineering Technology coordinator in the Department of Math, Computer Science, and Engineering Technology at Elizabeth City State University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University. His research interests are in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Design Optimization, Finite Element Analysis, Reverse Engineering, and Automation.Dr. Kuldeep S. Rawat, Elizabeth City State University KULDEEP S. RAWAT is
Paper ID #42846Providing Research Experience to Undergraduate Students in NASA SummerBridge and Internship ProgramsDr. Akbar M. Eslami, Elizabeth City State University Dr. Akbar Eslami is a professor and Engineering Technology coordinator in the Department of Math, Computer Science, and Engineering Technology at Elizabeth City State University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University. His research interests are in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Simulation, Reverse Engineering, and Finite Element Analysis.Dr. Kuldeep S Rawat, Elizabeth City State University KULDEEP S. RAWAT is
printing, and incorporating literacy into STEM classrooms. She is a member of the American Educational Research Association, National Science Teaching Association, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, and the National Association of Multicultural Education.Dr. Suhas S Alkunte, Old Dominion University Dr. Suhas Alkunte is a lecturer in the Engineering and Technology Department at Old Dominion University Danville, specializing in advanced manufacturing processes and advanced materials. He is a member and participant in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.Dr. Orkhan Huseynov, The University of Alabama in Huntsville Dr. Huseynov is an Assistant Professor (Clinical) in Engineering Technology at the University of
LabVIEW. Thisapproach ensures that the pedagogical content is not only current but also relevant to thedynamic nature of industrial technology. Fourteen summer 2022 and eleven summer 2023 ENGT4210 students presented PowerPoint presentations on area industry subjects for APSU. Thetopics covered included IIOT, ISA 95, Digital Twin, Soft PLC, IIOT API, DigitalTransformation, Smart Instruments, Cyber-Physical Protection Systems, Open PLCs, AutomationDevelopment, Digital Sustainability, Augmented Reality, and Automating Automation. In theSpring 2022 Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) meeting, the Engineering Technology IABdiscussed Industry 4.0’s importance in the Clarksville, Montgomery, and Hopkinsville industrialregions. The department continues
learning, due to the rapid convergence of extant computing, chemical, wireless, andimaging industries towards PIC-enabled new functionalities. This convergence mandates a rapidlearning of PIC functions and automation design, by engineers who historically have trained inadjacent disciplines. The constellation of VR and GBL designed sims are intended, via a MOOCinterface, to rapidly acclimate these more veteran learners from the incumbent workforce, andprepare them for taking advanced PIC circuit design courses[27], overseen by some of thecollaborators on an advanced manufacturing workforce training MOOC platform[11].References[1] R. Kirchain, E.A. Moore, F.R. Field, S. Saini and G. Westerman, Preparing the AdvancedManufacturing Workforce: A Study
problem solving’ with more time setting upschematics, free-body diagrams, and other models. But instead of spending time solvingproblems, students will need to spend their time testing and verifying models.References1. Thorp, H. H. ChatGPT is fun, but not an author. Science vol. 379 313–313 (AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science, 2023).2. Dennean, K., Gantori, S., Lima K., D., Pu, A. & Gilligan, R. Let’s Chat About ChatGPT.(2023).3. Rowe, S. C. & Nuttelman, C. R. A MATLAB Assignment Framework for EngineeringEducation that Automates Grading. (2022).4. Jalil, S., Rafi, S., LaToza, T. D., Moran, K. & Lam, W. ChatGPT and Software TestingEducation: Promises & Perils. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.03287 (2023).5. Bertram
1Exploring Systems Performance using Modeling and Simulation – Project-based Study and TeachingAbstractModeling and Simulation (M&S) provides a risk-free environment allowing the users toexperiment in a computer-generated virtual platform and analyze the what-if scenarios foreffective decision support systems. Due to its pervasive usefulness, the concept of M&S is widelyused across many sectors, including manufacturing, warehouse operations, supply chain, logistics,transportation, mining, and many more. The field of M&S requires computer-intensive andsoftware-based training, which is very different from teaching in a regular classroom setting.Hence, we develop a three-stage (mimic-guide-scaffold
freehand tab was used to jog the robot joints. The import library was used toimport a tool to attach to the robot. A table was imported for the tool to operate on. Targets wereset on the four corners of the table. A path was created between the four corners and. A path can betaught instructions by manually jogging joints. When the path between the four corners wasdefined, the robot was made to move along the path. This was simulated at different speeds of 200,400, 600, 800, and 1000 mm/s and the cycle time to go along the path was recorded. The cycle timedecreased as speed increased. This decrease was the steepest from 200 to 400 mm/s and keptgetting less and less steep.The experiment demonstrated how RobotStudio can be used to mimic the function
subscribed users to the rulewould be notified that the door was closed. Likewise, an upper bound of 50 m/s2 was applied tothe acceleration in the Y-axis to determine when the door was opened. Table 1: XDK Acceleration Data for the Door Open State Coded Variable Min Axis 2 Max Value (m/s ) Value X acc_x 18 38 Y acc_y 15 45 Z acc_z 982 1011 Table 2: XDK Acceleration Data for the Door
manufacturing engineering in HVAC and Steel Mill. Trisha is currently a Lecturer in the Engineering Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Manufacturing and Mechanical System Integration at RIT.Mark Davis, Rochester Institute of TechnologyDr. Yunbo Zhang, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Yunbo Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Dr. Zhangˆa C™s research focuses on investigating computational methods for advancing design and manufacturingDr. Rui Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Rui Liu is currently an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at
at launch and deployment. Once the Cansat is deployed from the rocket, the Cansat shall descend using a parachute at a rate of 15 m/s. At 400 meters, the Cansat shall deploy a giant parachute to reduce the descent rate to 5 m/s. At 300 meters, the Cansat shall release a tethered payload to 10 meters in 20 seconds. During that time, the payload shall maintain the orientation of a video camera pointing in the south direction. The video camera shall be pointed 45 degrees downward to assure the terrain is in the video. (CanSat 2021-22 Competition Guide).Considering the CanSat mission overview, student teams were tasked to identify and categorizethe system stakeholders into groups. This entailed students' teams
, C., Wellener, P., Dollar, B.,Manolian, H.A., Monck, L., and Moutray, C., 2018 Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute Skills Gap and Future of Work Study. Report sponsored by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte Development LLC, 2018. Available online at of-manufacturing-skills-gap-study.html (last accessed in August 2020).[2] Watson, J., Hatfield, S.W., Wright, D., Howard, M., Witherick, D., Coe, L., and Horton, R., Automation with Intelligence. Available online at with-intelligence.pdf (last accessed in August 2020).[3] Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing
methods to address the students’ diverse learningstyles.Our research team is currently working on developing shared MR environments to allow formore comprehensive collaborative experiences among students. So, as future work, our teamaims to refine the MR module and upgrade it from single-user to multi-user operation, allowingfor synchronized shared experiences and conducting another research study.References[1] B. Jaeger and A. Upadhyay, “Understanding barriers to circular economy: cases from the manufacturing industry,” J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 729–745, 2020.[2] S. Helper, T. Krueger, and H. Wial, “Why Does Manufacturing Matter? Which Manufacturing Matters? A Policy Framework,” SSRN Electron. J., Feb. 2012, doi
, have been themajor driving force of this movement. Correspondingly, we developed industry-like activities andproject scenarios for collaborative student teams, using existing and newly acquired Internet-basedComputer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, industrial robots and quality assurance systemsthat include cutting-edge, production equipment such as high speed computer numerical controlmilling machine(s) and ABB IRB120 6-Axes industrial robot.Renishaw QC20-W (Wireless) Ballbar SystemThe Renishaw QC20-W Ballbar and the software package is used to measure geometric errorspresent in a CNC machine tool and detect inaccuracies induced by its controller and servo drivesystems. Errors are measured by instructing the machine tool to “Perform a
, Meta Quest, or Oculus Rift S headset.To assess these interactions, we tasked the participants with assembling toy cars following theprinciples of craft production. Participants followed the following steps to complete the task: 1. Each participant orders the required parts. 2. A conveyor belt delivers the parts to the parts table. 3. Participants must move their ordered parts from the parts table to their craft table. 4. Each participant assembles the toy car, following the instructions above the craft table.The assembly task involves participants combining multiple subassemblies into the final product(Figure 7). Figure 7. The Virtual Factory showing a participant working at an assembly station.4.1 Object Container
driveinnovation and progress in manufacturing practices worldwide.AcknowledgementsThank you to the assistance of all the members of the SME MEAC, the ASEEManufacturing Division, ASEE Annual Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees,ATMAE Conference Four Pillars Workshop attendees, NAMRI SME Board of Directorsand NAMR - SME Conference attendees for their assistance reviewing and providedvaluable inputs.References[1] Jack, H., Mott., R, Raju, V., Conkol, G., Stratton, M., Waldrop, P., Wosczyna-Birch,K., Bates, S. (June 2011) “Curricula 2015; A Four Year Strategic Plan for ManufacturingEducation”, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Accessed from[2] Mott, R. L., & Jack, H. (2011, June), What is Curricula 2015? Paper presented
suitable measuring procedure given available devices and fixtures; they thenproceed with measurement basic GD&T features on provided samples (Figs. 2a-e). Each group isfree to choose combination of contact-type metrology device, tool, and fixture for their group.During this stage, the TA only helps to clarify the part requirement and usage of metrologydevice without showing the solutions. After 30-45 minutes, each team takes turn presenting to their classmates how they set upand measure a feature, showing the measured data, and concluding if the part is accepted orrejected. The TA then comments on the approach, selection of tooling and fixture, and maysuggests alternative ways to constrain datum(s). Common mistakes are observed when
the MET3060 course for Spring 2022 and Fall 2022AcknowledgmentsService Learning practices held at the CNC Machining Practices course were funded by theESCL@Te Program. This support is greatly appreciated.References[1] M. Salam, D. N. Awang Iskandar, D. H. A. Ibrahim, and M. S. Farooq, “Service learning in higher education: a systematic literature review,” Asia Pacific Educ. Rev., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 573–593, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.1007/s12564-019-09580-6.[2] I. Fidan, B. Barger, E. Obuz, S. M. Bagdatli, I. Anitsal, and M. Anitsal, “Integrating manufacturing, management and marketing into international service learning,” 2013 ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo. Conf. Proc., doi: 10.18260/1-2--19791.[3] M. M. Anitsal, I. Anitsal
(Automotive, aerospace, apparel, electronics, etc.), products and businesses. Students will beinvestigating and identifying what new business ideas these challenges will be (or currently) generating.Students were asked to identify sustainable practices and processes during their VSM mapping. At theend of the term, there was a team competition based on the deliverables of the project. In the competition,students presented their cartoon(s) and VSMs that helps to illustrate some of the challenges SC designersand users face. Student teams will also suggest up to three possible captions in to accompany eachcartoon. Sample student submitted VSM charts and Cartoons can be find in Appendix B.Project DescriptionA process map documents how work either is, or
Printing Density Effects on the Mechanical Properties of the Carbon-Fiber and Polylactic Acid Specimens,” Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 37, Part A, No. 04, pp. 128-132, 2019.[2] C. Aumnate, A. Pongwisuthiruchte, P. Pattananuwat, and P. Potiyaraj, “Fabrication of ABS/Graphene Oxide Composite Filament for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D Printing,” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2018, pp. 1–9, Nov. 2018, doi:[3] H. Yang, F. Ji, Z. Li, and S. Tao, “Preparation of Hydrophobic Surface on PLA and ABS by Fused Deposition Modeling,” Polymers, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 1539, Jul. 2020, doi:[4] M. Jasim, T. Abbas, and A. Huayier
needs,” Front. Mech. Eng., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 215–243, Sep. 2013, doi: 10.1007/s11465- 013-0248-8.[2] Zeal3dprinting, “All You Need to Know About The World’s First 3D Printed Brake Calipers,” THURSDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023.[3] S. H. Saheb and J. V. Kumar, “A comprehensive review on additive manufacturing applications,” 2020, p. 020024. doi: 10.1063/5.0026202.[4] S. Mohd Yusuf, S. Cutler, and N. Gao, “Review: The Impact of Metal Additive Manufacturing on the Aerospace Industry,” Metals (Basel)., vol. 9, no. 12, p. 1286, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.3390/met9121286.[5] H. Eisazadeh and M. Torabizadeh
studies to develop; 4) create more case studies; and 5) evaluate transfer oflearning by varying the sequence of operations in the case study.6. AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Improving UndergraduateSTEM Education (IUSE) Program (award no. 2044449). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Hsieh, S. and Pedersen, S. “Design and evaluation of modules to teach PLC Interfacing Concepts,” Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference, June 25-28, 2023, Baltimore, MD.2. Hsi, S. and Agogino, A.M. “The impact and instructional benefit of using
Paper ID #42332Productivity Improvement Through Assembly Line BalancingProf. Somnath Chattopadhyay, Cleveland State University Dr. Somnath Chattopadhyay teaches mechanics, materials, manufacturing and design at Cleveland State University. He has authored a text on Pressure Vessel s and was an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. His research interests are in the areas of fatigue and fracture, pressure vessel desgnnand analysis, and manufacturing. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Case Study of Productivity Improvement Through Assembly Line
senior designproject allowed the students to achieve the course learning objectives, including designing formanufacturing, learning modern manufacturing tools, and conducting ethical design/designingfor the environment.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Hunt and Hunt Ltd. for their generous support of this series ofsenior design projects.References [1] A. Chamas, H. Moon, J. Zheng, Y. Qiu, T. Tabassum, J. H. Jang, M. Abu-Omar, S. L. Scott, and S. Suh, “Degradation Rates of Plastics in the Environment,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Vol 8, Iss. 9, pp. 3494-351, 2020, doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b06635 [2] United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Facts and Figures about Materials, Waste
mention of new advanced manufacturing techniques. Following an evidence-basedapproach, our goal is to development an age-appropriate, project-based AM curriculum thataddresses young students’ disposition, knowledge, and skills related to AM and facilitates theiraction outcomes towards pursuing AM education opportunities and career paths.References[1] M. A. Mardis and F. R. Jones, “Assessing School-to-Career Pathways for Manufacturing in Rural Communities: Further Investigation of Advanced Manufacturing Programs in Northwest Florida,” in 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2020.[2] C. S. Tenney, M. A. Mardis, and F. R. Jones, “Discerning advanced manufacturing education pathways: Insights from rural northwest Florida’s
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