by performance goals focus more on the optics of lookingnot-smart or performing poorer than their peers. Research has shown that students’ goal orientationhas implications towards their academic performance [3]. Besides goal orientation, some researchershave proposed that the how students approach study reflects on their cognitive engagement withacademic material, and may affect their performance in school [3].The Students Approach to Learning (SAL) theory proposes two major levels of cognitive processesthat characterizes students approach to studying: surface-level strategy approach and deep-levelstrategies approach [4]. Surface approach to studying is associated with rote memorization and thereproduction of facts, without making any deep
during problem solution in order to analyze, solve, and reflect ona problem. Engineering undergraduates enrolled in physics and thermodynamics reported thefrequency of use of problem-solving strategies, confidence in their ability to solve problems, andanswered demographic questions. Measures of performance included course grades. Factor-analytic methods that were applied to students’ reports of strategy use identified three types ofstrategies, which were labeled Execution, Planning and Looking Back, and Low Confidence inAbility. The three factors were significant predictors of course performance, based on correlationand regression methods that were applied to the data. The study provides evidence that usingproblem-solving strategies improves
America’s Promise (LEAP) was able to identify many suchHIPs that are gaining attention [1]. In a subsequent report, Kuh found that students whoparticipated in these HIPs show that they were positively affected by these activities, asmeasured by the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). It was found that these“deep approaches to learning are important because students who use these approaches tend toearn higher grades and retain, integrate, and transfer information at higher rates [2].” Thus,what we set out to do is to apply HIPs to a 300- level engineering course at a state collegelevel and gather data regarding its effectiveness, student reflections, and possible futureimprovements for better learning outcomes.HIPs in a Mechanical
are trained technically, with less focus on critical examinationsof assumptions within engineering practice, and less emphasis on the larger contexts in whichengineering is embedded. With funding from an NSF IUSE/PFE Revolutionizing EngineeringDepartments (RED) grant, our School of Engineering is "revolutionizing" engineering education,with the aim of preparing students to innovate engineering solutions developed within acontextual framework that embeds humanitarian, sustainable and social justice approaches withtechnical engineering skills [1]. This requires an enhanced curriculum with a focus on studentteamwork, a greater consideration of social and economic factors, improved communication withdiverse constituents, and reflection on an
useful, relevant and responsive to their learning needs. Recruitment of focus groupparticipants consisted of a class wide email by the instructor inviting the students to participate inthe study. In all, a total of six half-hour long focus group interviews were utilized to facilitatecollective reflection and dialogue by providing students opportunities to openly discuss theirlearning experiences with fellow peers. The number of students participating in a given focusgroup ranged between 6-8 and all focus groups sessions were audio recorded for transcription andanalysis purposes. The dynamic nature of the focus group method stimulated conversation amongthe students and sparked conversations centered on their unique experiences related to the
connections among them. This simple act helps learners tobetter appreciate the broad set of skills and knowledge needed to be a good engineer, which inturn seems to motivate and guide more purposeful study. Further, this reflective activityincreases both understanding and retention.The Seven C’s were introduced to students in several Mechanics of Materials classes during arecent multi-year study on assessment methods [1]. Though they were not a formal part of thestudy itself, it was observed that the C’s played a key role in student success. (The only C notemphasized in these classes was Collaboration, though it could have been.) By introducing theselearning categories early and referring to them often, they gradually became part of thevocabulary
is shown in Appendix B. The students are required to design their assembly inSolidWorks, including into the dimensions the tolerance they need to make their type of fit. Thestudents then 3D print their parts using the Maker’s Lab at Cline Library NAU. With thephysical components, the students reconstruct their assembly and reflect upon the final products’form, fit, and function. For example, if the assembly is the sliding shelf, the students’ shouldhave designed for a clearance fit and the shelves should successfully slide within the cabinet.Students are also expected to comment on the effectiveness of their tolerances given. With thesliding shelf, if the shelves are too wobbly within the cabinet, the students are expected tocomment on their
program. Hence, the present study is motivated by these factors, and the overall interest inmaximizing the students’ writing capabilities as stimulated by a program in mechanicalengineering. An effort is made as part of this study to capture some of the long-term impacts of theefforts in the thermo-fluids lab course, through a survey of student perceptions of their abilitiesand experiences. The data included in this study was administered to seniors in a post-requisitethermo-fluids course asking them to reflect back on their technical writing skills and the coursesthat impacted such skills. This cohort of students had directly been impacted by the technicalwriting efforts described in this study, and hence could provide such insight
through the use of commercial finite element method(FEM) software and 3D printers have become common tools to reverse engineer and developlighter products in the industry. Reverse engineering is a process in which the starting point ofa new design starts with an existing design [1]. These tools were incorporated into a designcourse in a Mechanical Engineering program to design and validate a lighter version of abracket.3D Laser scanners are used to obtain the geometry of existing parts determining the position ofa scanned area by sensing the reflection of a laser on a surface taking into account the period ofreturn of the light ray and the angle of impact [2]. The points obtained during the scanningprocess are used to form surfaces that can be
to be increasingly skilled at adaptation, analyzingcomplex systems, collaboration, and management. Duderstadt’s “Engineering for a ChangingWorld” argues that American engineers need to be able to add more value than their internationalcompetition who earn lower wages; to remain competitive, American engineers should be morebroadly-educated, innovative, entrepreneurial, and prepared for global challenges [7].Recognizing the difficulties in attracting young people—especially women and members ofunderrepresented minority groups—the NAE Committee on Public Understanding of EngineeringMessages developed a positioning statement for the profession focusing on creativity and helpingpeople; naturally, ME curriculum will need to change to reflect
in the topic/subject/ideas studied but also beyond it. They should be able to apply the learnedideas, generalize the ideas, transfer the principles to similar topics, etc.EvaluateIn this stage, the instructor should evaluate the outcomes of the teaching. This is exactly a scale ofhow much progress the students have made based on the lesson they learned from the instructor.The instructor can use some rubrics to assess this directly. Some formal tests can be administered.Self-reflection and self-evaluation by students can be a significant part of evaluation. Revised andresubmitted statements of learnings of students can also provide some clues towards evaluationsof their learning outcomes.2.2 The DBR MethodAs mentioned earlier, the word DBR
with others--they get distracted easily or workthe problem on their own rather than collaboratively. At the end of the semester, the class votedon the best problem-solving partner, and that person received a small prize. This helped tohighlight what makes a good partner but was too late to affect student behavior. Another way toraise awareness of desirable partnering behavior may be to ask students in an out-of-class or in-class assignment to reflect on what makes a good partner and which behaviors they themselvesexhibit.Laboratory Activities The course made use of a large material testing load frame. It alsoadopted table top experiments with strain gaged test beams. With up to 24 students in a section,there was not enough equipment for all
attend college. The University’scommitment to providing both access and excellence is reflected in the unique demography of itsstudent body – a 21st Century demography that reflects its service area in terms of ethnicity andgender. Engineering has been at the heart of UTEP since its origin. The College ethnicity reflectsthe service area (majority Hispanic - 81%); increasing the participation of females in engineeringis a work in progress. It is notable that the College has been successful in attracting minoritywomen into engineering with the current female population (~20%) being primarily Hispanics.The intervention described in this paper uses an on-line communication software that can bethought of as a form of “social media”. According to
reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach-ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineeringeducation. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Implicit Engineering Identity in the Mechanical Engineering MajorAbstractThe Mechanical Engineering Department at Seattle University was awarded a National ScienceFoundation RED (Revolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Departments) grant in2017 to study how student identities are affected when a department makes “revolutionizing”changes. These can result in graduates who not only are prepared technically and professionallywith a practical, realistic understanding of what
with various activities in Strength of Material. We find that lab and quiz assignments, as wellas watching lab or lecture videos are items student spend most of their time engaging with (mean valuesare highest as reported in Table 1). For activities of reading the textbook, practicing on your own, andexploring the internet on the course topics are also activities reported by around 30% as being engaged with“very often”. On the other hand, optional problem sets and answering reflective questions, and the use ofonline forum, neither of which is graded or assessed in this course, are activities that majority of studentsreport “never” engaging with. Question: Out of all the time you spent on this course only during the
institution, include Calculus II and Calculus-basedphysics II. Select topics, as described in the mechanical engineering departments’ coursedescription include: Theoretical and applied classical engineering thermodynamics of non-reacting substances; The first and second laws The properties of ideal and real substances Gas mixtures The behavior of closed and open systems for reversible and irreversible processes Thermodynamic cyclesLearning outcomes can be generated which reflect, and build on these topics. Sample learningoutcomes include but are not limited to: Know the units, symbols and vocabulary of thermodynamics Use traditional thermodynamic tables and diagrams as well as software-based tables to
variety ofaesthetic issues in the form of practical and creative assignments. The course consists oflectures on photography skills, fluid physics, visualization techniques, critique sessions, and aguest lecture. Assignments consist of images paired with written technical reports, and self-reflection sessions to learn "effective communication" skills. Other course objectives evaluatedthrough students’ assignments and projects are "creative thinking" and "integrative thinking".Some samples of student works are presented. This course proved to be very successful inattracting all students (male and female) in both engineering and non-engineering majors.IntroductionThere has been a great interest in bridging the science and art in recent. Three
numerical answers, and g)reflect on the answer. Parts a, b, and c together were worth 2/10 points. Part d was worth 4/10 points, parte was worth 3.5/10 points, and part g was worth 0.5/10 points. To create the problems, GTAs browsedseveral dynamics books to understand the typical types of problems used, and then created problemssimilar in scope and content and that addressed the learning objectives within each chapter. Thehomework solution template was designed to force students to utilize the problem-solving approach theinstructor was working to develop. For instance, students had to draw a diagram of the system, whichsometimes seems unnecessary to students early in the course because the problems are straightforward.However, forcing the student
goals. It is important to define achievable and reasonable rubrics thatthe students can follow and achieve successfully. Those rubrics can be structured as theobjectives of the project that should reflect a safe and successful environment where students are encouraged to participate instead of feeling embarrassed. It should promote an interesting andrelevant experience, as well, where the students are allowed to fully engage in a professional roleto fulfill the goal they are working on.In this paper, two project-based activities are discussed along with their impact on sophomoreand junior students’ performance. The new structured course grades were compared totraditionally taught class environment grades. The comparison allowed assessment of
their learning compared to otherforms of course engagement such as working problems, or taking traditional notes. Thefollowing student comment reflects the “I do it because I have to” approach to doodling:The doodles are very good in concept. However, many doodles were created last minute orwithout much thought in order to obtain the points.On the positive side, several students provided comments such as:I like the doodle because it helped visualize the concept.I liked the doodles because I felt they gave me an opportunity to think in more detail of the actualapplications of what I'm learning, other than the applications given to me in class. I think this isan important skill for engineers, when you consider how much of engineering is thinking
reflects both the traditionalmechanism analysis and synthesis methods together with the best industry practices, e.g.,Rockwell Automation, Procter & Gamble. The mechatronic mechanism design process was implemented, and a slider crank wasbuilt to accomplish a prescribed task. This process was used in Mechanical Engineering SeniorCapstone Design during the fall 2018 semester. Seven design teams, with four students in eachteam, created four-bar mechanism applications using this mechatronic process, first creating aMatLab Simulink virtual prototype of the complete system, and then building a workingprototype with LabVIEW and the NI myRIO. The 7 four-bar mechanisms were: robot gripper,quick return, pick and place, windshield wiper, landing
significant misconceptions as reflected by the observation that only 37% of the studentscorrectly categorized the relevant keywords. Although not as pronounced, students also seem tostruggle with micro-scale structure concepts with only 50% of the students correctly categorizingthe relevant keywords.(a) (b)(c) (d)(e) (f)Figure 5. Analyses of student responses to the solid mechanics related keywords questions.Since the second given question had multiple correct answers, the students’ answers showed theirin-depth understanding and the connection between mechanics, materials, and processing. Allstudents who participated
significantly lowered theDEW rates for students over traditional delivery instruction. This supports the use of flipped andmixed methods to improve student achievement. Despite the improvement in DEW percentages,the rate of students achieving an A in the course was significantly higher in the mixed class thanin either the flipped or traditional sections. Overall, the grades reflected similar outcomes to theexams where students in the mixed section outperformed students in both the flipped andtraditional sections. This indicates that, despite some promise shown in the flipped coursesection, students in that section were still not able to achieve at the same level as their peers inthe mixed-delivery class. The reason for this outcome answer may be due to
/her experience believed that the well-planned lesson under the TPACK framework resulted inbetter motivation, satisfaction and engagement in the learners over the traditional instruction. Allthose might produce better learning outcomes for the TPACK case as reflected in Figure 5.Likewise, better motivation, satisfaction and learning outcomes of the learners might result inbetter satisfaction and confidence in the instructor as well because the instructor found his/hersuccess in teaching and thus achieved desired teaching outcomes for the TPACK case.Furthermore, it is realized that there is a good agreement between the qualitative assessment resultsas above and the quantitative results presented in Figures 4 and 5. Such combination and
and major Design Stem development of required courses as seen in Figure 6.Freshmen starting in Fall 2011 were the first to see the Computer Aided Design, MechanicalDesign I, and Mechanical Design II (ME 170, ME 370 and ME 371, respectively) improvements.The freshmen starting in Fall 2014 were the first class to see an integrated hands-on designsequence in all four years since Design for Manufacturability (ME 270) was first introduced tosophomores in Fall 2015. It should be noted that the four-year retention does not includestudents who transferred to other majors, and students who took longer than four years tograduate. While many factors influence student retention, the increase in retention is nonethelesspositive and reflects one of the
physicallydemanding for both the students and him – he was lecturing for almost five hours twice a weekand the students were expected to pay attention for an inordinate amount of time, but given verylittle time to absorb the material and practice problem solving. While there were clear learningobstacles to overcome in the class, it was even more challenging for part-time students who wereeither working to support themselves financially or doing an internship. Consider the followingtwo anonymous comments from students of the Summer 2015 class, which are reflective of someof the difficulties faced by the students: 1. Less homework. It’s impossible to finish if you work and have other priorities in life. 2. The difficulty of the class. The home works were