. 2.87 (0.85)- Students are treated equitably and fairly by faculty in my major. 3.20 (0.83)- Course content reflects contributions of all engineers or computer scientists, including women and people of color, etc. 2.98 (0.89) 3.16 (0.81) 2.73 (0.95) 0.43 (0.002)- Students of all backgrounds/identities participate in class (in discussion, in-class assignments, team projects, etc.). 3.08 (0.88) 3.22 (0.86) 2.89 (0.90) 0.33 (0.004)- I received positive feedback from instructors that I can do well in engineering and/or computer science courses. 2.69 (0.99)- My engineering and/or computer science
integrated: Figure 1 - Example Implementation of Integrated Weekly ThemeIn designing this sequence, the instructors collaborated not only in deciding on the overall topic,but also on the specific sequencing, so that in each course there was some new skill, activity, orawareness/knowledge that was directly utilized in the following course. Thus, In CSCI 101,students would learn how to use spreadsheets to organize information in a grid andautomatically add numbers. In PSYC 100, students would use this spreadsheet knowledge tolay out a weekly personal schedule, which could form the basis for a discussion of time-management skills. This discussion would involve some reflection on the various things thattake time during the week, such as
offer the necessary helpand thus increase the possibility of student to successfully obtain his or her academic degree.AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 1833869.Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] R.W. Lent, S.D. Brown, and G. Hackett, “Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance”, Journal of Vocational Behavior vol. 45, pp. 79-122, 1994.[2] M. Gibbons and M. Shoffner, “Prospective First-Generation College Students: Meeting Their Needs Through Social
respect. The significance of faculty being available to meet may reflect the significantdemands that especially minoritized women face in managing multiple priorities on their time.One ethnographic study recounts how Inez, a minoritized multiethnic female student, felt hinderedacademically by her professors’ lack of availability outside of office hours [11]. Anotherminoritized female student, Kitatoi, expressed her frustration with attempting to receive help fromher instructors outside of office hours [39]. As a single mother, Kitatoi had competing prioritiesand a more flexible instructor could have better assisted her learning alongside her continued focuson other important obligations. Cole [41] also found that minoritized students believe
the cultural changes that manystudents, faculty, staff, and university leadership crave. He notes that the success of UMBC’sprograms are founded upon a shared vision that reflect the common values of all involved parties[26]. For any institution, including UMBC, the development of this shared vision requiredsignificant time, financial support, passion, safe space for difficult conversations, strategicplanning and detailed documentation [27]. Deeper investigation into UMBC’s academic historyrevealed that it was not always a highly regarded institution with prestigious accolades. In thebeginning, it was a school that lacked direction, with low expectations for and from its attendees.Given these humble beginnings, one could argue that the
method approach to understand and assess student’s knowledge, level ofunderstanding, and perception of the 4+1 programs through the administration of a survey to 486undergraduate students at the College of Engineering and Computing in a minority-servinginstitution, Florida International University. A binary logistic regression model was thendeveloped to determine the variables influencing the expected student enrollment in thecombined programs. From the obtained results of the undergraduate graduating student survey,25% of the students indicated their intention to apply for graduate studies post theirundergraduate and 58% maintained a GPA above 3.0, which reflects their readiness and possibleeligibility to apply for a 4+1 program prior to their
was quite the opposite. Before 1998, SPIES had to a largedegree conformed to these negative stereotypes, even though no preferential entry programexisted, which ensured that their reputation among the broader campus community involvedconsuming copious quantities of alcohol and academic achievement that reflected barely passinggrades. There was an attitude that anything better than a C grade reflected poor judgment in thattoo much effort had been given to that particular subject, instead of the wider experience that theuniversity offered. After 1998, however, once the 5R Program leader engaged in extensive rolemodeling (including playing sevens rugby, paddling outrigger canoes, leading the war dance,running tutorials, and much more), he
excellence so our members can live authentically, fully engage, and flourish. In order to strengthen the college and progress its mission, the college dedicates itself to intentional and ongoing reflection to meeting the evolving needs of [the College], the surrounding communities, and the State. In the first row of Table 7, we again report institutional breakdown by Basic CarnegieClassifications. Our analysis including postings from six Associate’s and/or BaccalaureateColleges, six Master’s Colleges and Universities, and nine Doctoral Universities. Below the firstrow, the counts of targeted language subcodes among the different institution types aredisplayed. We found that the most intentional type of targeted language
representation of engineering solutions to better reflect thedemographics of the U.S. population42. However, there are few actions targeting explicitly first-generation college students in engineering, this population is not specifically targeted in typicalrecruitment or outreach efforts, although this group has been growing in numbers and offersignificant opportunities to the nation’s engineering workforce23. First-generation collegestudents are more likely to be of Hispanic origin and historically, this group has not had as higheducational attainment as majority groups. In the years to come, this group is projected to growsignificantly and will soon outweigh other populations in college enrollment23. This increasewill likely result in not only more
can reflect both professionally and personally; and thus can often offer experiential wisdom regarding the navigation of these two areas of life. This provision is optional and subject to the mutual interests of both faculty. 3. Miscellaneous other “lessons learned”: Additional insights may also be conveyed that would help the URM scholars achieve a fulfilling career in the engineering professoriate given more recent nuances (e.g., recently increased attention upon innovation and technology transfer in engineering academia, one of the enlisted emeriti faculty has notable expertise in “forecasting innovation pathways” for emerging technologies).In addition to periodic telecommunications, there is again a provision for the
voices in computing ensures oursociety grows and develops accordingly.My participation in BPC efforts has benefited me in many ways. It has strengthened myemotional intelligence; developed my capacity for mentoring; and increased my knowledge ofresources available to students, curriculum development, and new technologies for CS education.It encouraged me to reflect on how my career might best align with my passions. I reasoned thatI could have a bigger impact training the voices of the future than being a singular voice that wasnot reflective of a larger community. My participation in BPC efforts expanded my professionalnetwork; it gave me access to many mentors who helped facilitate my transition from industryand into academia as a tenure-track
undergraduate research. The survey questionswere generated based on recurrent conversations the faculty advisor had with his undergraduatestudents during research meetings, office hours, or arbitrary settings. Moreover, the survey1 Cohort 2 information is in parenthesesincluded an open-ended question that provided students an opportunity to reflect and share abouttheir experiences in engaging in a research group setting. Descriptive statistics were employed foranalysis and presentation of data results. The authors note the following limitations of the study:(a) small sample size; (b) self-developed survey instrument; (c) convenient sampling procedure.The administered survey consisted of nine questions for Cohort 1 and Cohort 2: Question 1: Faculty
mentor can be accessible at any time and any place frompotentially any smart device. AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1831964. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. References[1] E. National Academies of Science, and Medicine, NASEM. (2019). The Science of Effective Mentoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine, and Mathematics (STEMM) Available: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/bhew/mentoring/index.htm[2] F
of race/ethnicityand gender. A survey instrument measured the students’ attitudes toward professionalconnectedness (PC), a sense that engineers should apply their skills to help others, using 19 itemswith a 7-point Likert-type response scale. A key methodological inconsistency in the dataset washow students were allowed to report their race/ethnicity in the demographic question at the endof the survey: 1088 students selected a single race/ethnicity category, while 2305 students couldidentify multiple racial/ethnic categories. The results show that constraining students to select asingle race/ethnicity likely fails to accurately reflect the multiracial identities of many students.For example, the percentage of students who responded to the
students relate to each course's learning outcomes. Theinstructors must dedicate time to planning the logistics, aligning the syllabi, and homeworkprojects. Any overlap between courses reflects real life, so faculty must embrace how thoseoverlaps can be utilized to correlate Social Media homework for the benefit of the students. Amajor concern was that one student was registered for two of the courses at the same time, yetthe faculty decided to ask the student to conduct each course's deliverable separately.Integrating such innovative technological tools that are engaging to learners not only creates asense of appreciation and belonging but also provide real connections to the world. Minoritystudents who are less aware of issues in the U.S
of experiences and theopportunities for reflection on those experiences. Previous studies on Black women inengineering industry, although few, have often focused on women with more extensiveexperiences (ten years or more).We also note that the smallness of the sample is an indicator of earlier barriers to entry intoengineering and graduation rates that must be addressed if more Black women are to enter theworkforce. Out of over 3,500 survey participants, only ten were Black women (less than 0.3% ofthe sample). These numbers indicate the challenges of studying this group as well as future workthat must be done to open pathways. All of the participants were from the same institution, alarge predominantly white institution (PWI). These Black
instrument started with explainingconsent to participate in the study and the participation requirements. The survey instrumentincluded multiple published and previously validated measurement scales. The measurementscales included the following: 1) identification with engineering 18 to measure engineeringidentity; ethnic identity scale 19 to measure the level of identification with racial or ethnicidentity; 3) Womanist Identity Attitude scale (WIAS) 20 to measure attitudes reflective of thefour stages of womanist identity development (i.e., Pre-encounter, Encounter, Immersion–Emersion, Internalization); and 4) the Patients Health questionnaire 21 is a self-report measure ofsymptoms of anxiety and depression. Each scale include Likert type questions
and organize focus group interviews withunderrepresented students conducting undergraduate research in general. The objective is to assessthe process of attaining their research position. In this regard, focus group interviews will beutilized to facilitate collective reflection and dialogue by providing students opportunities toopenly discuss their learning experiences with fellow peers.Resultantly, Phase 3 of this long-term project involves developing communication channels withfaculty in the school of engineering who have underrepresented minorities conducting researchunder their supervision in order to assist each other in identifying and recruiting more students.REFERENCES[1] Russell, S. H. (2006). Evaluation of NSF support for
resonated well with my personal experience in the past withfemale mentorship. Reflecting on how I got to where I am today, I owe much of my success tothe female mentors that have influenced me so positively throughout my high school and collegeyears.Recommendations for Future Camps:For many of the activities there was a scripted part and an additional challenge planned, but timeprohibited most of the girls from thoroughly exploring the additional challenges. In the futuremore time will be allocated to each activity. According to these results, 75-90 minutes peractivity would be sufficient. This will of course limit the number of activities, but the additionaltime spent to master the nuances of each activity is worth the limited exposure.Extending
because of thescholarships, there is opportunity for greater promotion of student performance and recognitionas S-STEM scholars.References[1] Gates, A. Q., Thiry, H., & Hug, S. (2016). Reflections: The Computing Alliance of Hispanic- Serving Institutions. ACM Inroads, 7(4), 69-73.[2] Dennis, J. M., Phinney, J. S., & Chuateco, L. I. (2005). The role of motivation, parental support, and peer support in the academic success of ethnic minority first-generation college students. Journal of college student development, 46(3), 223-236.[3] Eagan Jr, M. K., Hurtado, S., Chang, M. J., Garcia, G. A., Herrera, F. A., & Garibay, J. C. (2013). Making a difference in science education: the impact of undergraduate research
Hispanic – 43%. Over 55% of LaGuardia’s students receivedfinancial aid in 2015 and over 55% of its students who were living with their parentsbelonged to homes with a family income of less than $25,000 while over 75 % of itsstudents who were living away from their parents belong to homes with a family incomeof less than $25,000. The lofty goal of joint/dual degrees is to bridge the gap that dividesthe number of students from underrepresented and underserved populations who canaccess and earn an engineering degree so that more engineering degrees can be earned tobetter reflect the nation's diversity.In the AS/BE program, the student spends two years at the community college, and uponreceiving an AS degree, enters our engineering program as a 3rd
and presentation skills of all students was observedfrom abstract to final report phase, partly reflected in quantitative scores provided by anindependent panel of faculty judges for the midterm and final presentations.The RISE students became progressively integrated into their research groups, gaining autonomyin their labs over the 10 week period. In addition, participants universally expressed increasedinterest in STEM education and subsequent careers, and reported a sense of “belonging” to theirchosen labs, which can be interpreted as academic integration. A deliberate effort was further madeto include the RISE students in concurrent departmental seminars, senior design presentations,Masters and PhD defenses in addition to selected visits
45.2% 24.3% 17.8%Professional/PostdoctoralOther job function 54.8% 75.7% 86.6%N 31 37 415Notes: Χ2 = 13.87; df = 2; p = .001The second research question addressed whether there were differences in terms of preparationin a variety of knowledge, skills, and abilities. The survey asked alumni to reflect on theirgraduate education as well as to describe their current career situation. Retrospectively, alumniwere asked the extent to which they agreed that {institution withheld} adequately prepared themin a variety of skills, abilities, and attributes. A priori, 15
PhD DegreesDiscussionThe results shown here demonstrate separation of demographic data for engineeringdegrees by both gender and race and by discipline and degree level is essential tounderstand changes that may be occurring within the disciplines of engineering.12Overall, the disturbing decreases in engineering BS degrees and much slower rate ofincrease in MS degrees for African American women both need attention to understandwhy this change might be occurring.13 We also might reflect on how well we areassessing demographic outcomes such that these changes have gone relatively unnoticed Page 26.618.15until now.3,14,15The relative positive increases
. Johnson, and D. Lee, “How to Engage More African Americans in STEM,”Sigma XI Today, 2016.[38] N. O’Neill, “Internships as a high-impact practice: Some reflections on quality,” 12(4), 4-8,2010.[39] P. Orchowski, “Minorities Flatlined in STEM Fields,” 18(23), 21, NACME 2008.
EGEE-420 EGEE-445Figure 2. The achievement gap between URM and non-URM students in all ECS disciplines. The performancedemonstrates a perpetuation of the achievement gap in lower-division math and science courses that continued intheir senior years. The net result of this achievement gap is a delayed graduation rate. Figure 3 shows the 4-,5- and 6-year graduation rates for URM and non-URM ECS students at CSUF. It appears thatthere is an upward trend over the years in the graduation rate of both URM and non-URMstudents. However, the graduation rate of URM students still lags the graduation rates of generalstudent peers.Figure 3. The perpetuation of achievement gap reflected in the overall graduation rate of
-Technologist [30], [31] and sequencing exercises such as explaining how to put on a coat verbally to another girl. 7. Expand data collection to include reflection, usually in the form of exit slips at the end of class. 8. Design tools specifically targeted at the CT skills and practices relevant in the lesson of the day. 9. Add real-time in-class data collection hardware, such as Swivl video systems to capture conversations at multiple locations in the classroom.Data Analysis. Quantitative data, such as the engagement surveys, will continue to be analyzedby descriptive analysis. The small participant size excludes the application of popular methodsfor affective construct analysis. All qualitative data will continue
. Modern media and academic sources have repeatedlyreported the stress and impacts of an education crisis. Students of all ages have beenasked to isolate and learn without the social support of their classmates and teachers.The grief over the loss of community has been noted and described with reports ofemotional, mental, and physical distress [1]. The grief being described in the ongoingreports equates to a trauma, and while trauma can imply a psychological injury it can initself become a mental health problem [7]. As the pandemic overtakes its one-yearanniversary, educators must reflect on the potential impacts from the prolongedisolation and loss on both individuals and communities and those impacts on the futureof higher education. An entire
the living and learningenvironment can easily derail a RedShirt student’s academic progress. Most programs include asecond year in the dorm. While RedShirt students expressed some ambivalence about thisrequirement in the second year, most third year students were grateful for dormitory supportwhen reflecting on their second year. A number of third year students struggled with the impactof moving back home after moving out of the dorm and others struggled with logistics aroundliving in an apartment. These third year struggles were worsened by the pandemic. This seemslike another area where continued engagement with RedShirt staff in the area of intrusiveadvising would be helpful to assist juniors with making their living arrangements when
DEI efforts and larger DEI efforts. As part of the plan we haveengaged with constituents and discussed ways to implement the following levels for the Call toAction by addressing the following questions and then reflecting on the levels in Figure 4. ● How do we make the initiatives actionable? ● How do we make the actions sustainable? ● How do we measure success of the actions? ● How do we manage accountability for the initiatives? ● What did we miss? What have we not considered? ● What are the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities? Figure 4. Call To Action Levels of ActionNext StepsThe BIE Call to Action offered a solid foundation for the launching of other BIE strategicinitiatives. Among