Page 11.359.10students that benefits them in subsequent design projects.Bibliographical Information1 Dally, J. W. and Zhang, G.M., “A Freshman Engineering Design Course,” Journal of Engineering Education, 83, 2(1994).2 Quinn, R. E., “Drexel’s E4 Program: A Different Professional Experience for Engineering Students and Faculty,”Journal of Engineering Education, 82, 4 (1993).3 Froyd, J. E. and Ohland, M. W., “Integrated Engineering Curricula,” Journal of Engineering Education, 94, 1(2005).4 D. K. Ludlow and K. H. Schulz, "Writing across the chemical engineering curriculum at the University of NorthDakota," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 83, pp. 161, 1994.5 J. A. Newell, D. K. Ludlow, and S. P. K. Sternberg, "Progressive development
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benefit of the new program, majorintrinsic benefits were gained in the areas of community-building and creating transparent andinclusive processes, which will hopefully translate to trust and open communication regardingfuture resources, staffing, and course sharing. Although the launch of the program feels like amajor accomplishment after a long arduous journey, of course the work is really just beginning.The program chair and advisory committee are currently developing an assessment plan andmarketing materials and working with existing departments and programs to staff upcomingcourses.References[1] Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives[2] K. L. Sanford Bernhardt and J. S. Rossman, “An Integrative Education in Engineering
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in their own section(s) anddivide the classes up into student groups of 4-5 students. Our instructional team consistscompletely of teaching professionals (non-tenure track faculty) with a variety of backgroundsand industry experience. In order to make mentoring 10 to 20 teams tractable, all students teamscomplete the same design challenge. Creating a “good” design challenge is crucial, as the coursedoes more than simply teach the design process (see Figure 1). Teaming and leadership skills,project management, ethics, and technical communication are important outcomes for the course.All of these “Soft-skill” areas are made more palatable to our students if our design challenge isengaging and fun.With eleven different engineering disciplines
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industry-sponsor liaisons to revise and update the summary sheet to ensure thatthe academic requirements and the important academic experiences of a senior-level capstoneproject is established and maintained. Faculty Advisor RoleDuring the first term of the course sequence the academic faculty advisors are provided with thefaculty/student guide and introduced to the selected project(s). The faculty advisor familiarizesthemselves with multidisciplinary course sequences and the common primary tasks. The tasksinclude: • Guide the team to follow the design process with a strong focus on “defining the problem” and meeting established benchmarks for process and time, • Foster the implications of engineering decisions based on business and
project portalDuring Spring 2013, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the College of Engineering(CoE) at Georgia Tech invited faculty and administrators from various schools within theCollege to collaboratively discuss possible pathways for developing a CoE or Institute-wideCapstone Design program. The faculty discussed several challenges, ranging from differences incurriculum requirements for individual schools, incompatibility between Schools having multi-semester Capstone Design sequence v/s a single semester, adequate scoping of projects, facultyload-sharing, etc. (some of which were similar to the ones already presented by Bannerot et al.6).Given the extremely large enrollments (around 800 students take Capstone Design everysemester
like to acknowledge support from National Science Foundation–Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) grant 1042110.References:1. M. Agarwal, M. E. Rizkalla, H. El-Mounayri, S. Shrestha, J. A. Simpson, and K. Varahramyan, “A Novel Model for Integrating Nanotechnology Track in Undergraduate Engineering Degree Programs,” J. Nano Educ., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 135–141, Dec. 2013.2. “Moore’s Law and Intel Innovation,” Intel. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Dec-2013].3. “Nanomedicine.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Dec- 2013].4. H. F. Tibbals, “Emerging National and Global Nanomedicine
LAES students were able to serve as informed and responsible citizens in aglobal culture and seemed to remain involved with learning and helping society improve.Many of the respondents commented on the students’ ability to work efficiently, noting that thestudents seemed to be well prepared for work. One employer stated that s/he found the LAESstudents to be “very bright individuals and excellent at creating new ways to make our office andproduction and distribution more cost effective. Great insight and skills come from their coursesfrom which they have taken at Cal Poly. I think all of the students that I have hired from CalPoly in other majors have all contributed their own style and knowledge to the company.”Another employer noted that the
(STEM)education, there have been nearly continuous calls for curriculum innovation and improvement.In the past 20 years, however, many of these calls have intensified and focused on theincorporation of interdisciplinary, problem-based, “real-world” learning in one form or another.These range from more general reports like those coming from the Boyer Commission1 in thelate 1990’s, to specific work that led to the restructuring of the ABET accreditation processthrough EC20002. More recently, publications by the National Academy of Engineering such as“The Engineer of 2020”3 and “Educating the Engineer of 2020”4 have reenergized the call forinnovation in STEM curricula. Philadelphia University is a small, private university with a long tradition
process of developing new cross-disciplinary mastersprograms, and while several grant proposals have been submitted by Institute faculty, this will bea priority moving into the future. In the short amount of time that the undergraduate programshave been in place, a total of about 60 new students have entered the program or will be enteringthe program at the start of the fall 2012 semester. The work on the Institute of Environment,Sustainability, and Energy continues, and new objectives continue to be developed andimplemented.References 1. Vincent, S., Interdisciplinary Environmental Education on the Nation's Campuses,, 10/10/2011. 2. 2003 Conference Report
-world projects at their new positions. Page 22.613.11AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the Little Rock National Airport Executive CommissionersDeborah Swartz and Ronald Mathieu for their support during the project. The authors would alsolike to acknowledge two other students that worked on the project, Rodney L. Arnold and TaraN. Lancaster.References 1. Caldwell, B. S., Perspectives on Systems Engineering and Impacts on SE Education, Proceedings of the Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL, May 2009. 2. Sage, A. P., Systems Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Program: 11%20EAC%20Criteria%201-27-10.pdf 2. Koh, M.-S., Rodriguez-Marek, E., & Talarico, C. (2009). Development of Course-Assessment Metrics to Measure Program Outcomes Against ABET Criteria in a Digital Circuits Class. Proceedings of 2009 ASEE Conference, (p. 236). 3. Mason, G., & Dragovich, J. (2010). Program Assessmetn and Evaluation Using Student Grades Obtained on Outcome-Related Course Learning Objectives. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice , Submitted. 4. Das, N. (2008). Assessment and Evaluation of Engineering Technology Program
15.453.11CREATIVITY AND ORIGINALITY 2Positive PointsIt is nice that the authors introduce theproblems and issues that the reformedcourses are designed to address (Attrition andskill and knowledge deficit). Also, it is nicethat the authors identify the three componentsthat constituted the pedagogical scaffoldingand summarize them in a graph.Thing(s) Can Be ImprovedThe paper needs to show how the re- There have not been any data concerning thedeveloped courses help to solve the problems effect of introduction of PBL on the attritionand issues mentioned in the introduction. I rate. The reason for the relatively highwould like to see some qualitative or attrition rates at VU could be due toquantitative assessment that shows
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