Paper ID #18779Elementary Student Reflections on Failure Within and Outside of the Engi-neering Design Process (Fundamental)Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, worked briefly as a process engineer, and taught high school physics and pre-engineering. She has taught engineering and science to children in multiple informal settings. As a pre-service teacher educator, she includes engineering in her
the uncertainty of divergent problems byconstructing multiple problem spaces and then engaging in reflective practice or reflectiveconversation as they interpret and evaluate alternatives. These metacognitive strategies enableengineers to deal with uncertainty by continuously engaging in acts of self-evaluation, self-monitoring and reflection as they work through the engineering design process.10, 13 The use of acollaborative environment has been found to help engineers reduce and manage uncertainty.10, 14Shin and his colleagues14 explain that working in teams allows engineers to reduce ambiguity bydistributing the knowledge and skills and collectively making decisions. The ability to logicallyand persuasively argue for or against a decision
), influenced our efforts to develop the teaching standards used for this project. In addition, a framework that articulates what informed design thinking entails – students using design strategies effectively; making knowledge-‐driven decisions; conducting sustained technological investigations; working creatively; and reflecting upon their actions and thinking – was another foundation upon which this work was built (Crismond & Adams, 2012). The final set of the design teaching standards (see Table 1 for details) created for this project is organized around three dimensions: Dimension I – STEM Concepts – Teachers’ understanding of science, technology
this program is a work in progress, only preliminary data from the first two cohorts areavailable for program evaluation. Current evaluation efforts were based on participantreflections, pre- and post-program Local Systemic Change (LSC)11 surveys, participation inacademic year follow-up activities, as well as data collection and reflection during the follow-upacademic year. These sources were aggregated to describe the impact of the participants’summer experiences for primary investigators leading the program, materials and manufacturingresearchers, in addition to the NSF funding agency. The evidence collected regarding the nineobjectives based on the three research topics are listed in Table 1 including progress andrecommendations for the
learners receive and process information. The FSLM incorporates someelements of the Myers-Briggs model and the Kolb’s model. The main reasoning for its selection inthe DLMS evaluation is that it focuses on aspects of learning that are significant in engineeringeducation.The FSLM consists of four dimensions, each with two contrasting learning styles: Processing(Active/Reflective); Perception (Sensing/Intuitive); Input (Visual/Verbal); and Understanding(Sequential/Global). The details of the dimensions can be found in Ref.6. In order to determine anindividual’s specific learning style, Felder and Soloman13developed the Index of Learning Style(ILS) survey. Each of the 44 questions within the survey is designed to place the learner’spreference within
insectoid robots, etc.). This relaxed introduction to robotics reduces anyreservations that the students might have about the field of robotics. After a welcome phase, ashort lecture is given introducing some of the main themes of robotics and the core researchareas studied by the scientists and robotic engineers at DLR and RWTH Aachen University.A small group size of four to six persons allows for active participation in the six practicalexperiments, of which each group carries out four, and the necessary concentration forhandling the high-tech equipment. Each experiment is followed by a short break, allowing thestudents reflection time to discuss the experiments with their peers. Each experiment startswith a clarification of the educational
learners construct newunderstanding by building on what they already know [8]. We see approaches that connect toculture as a critical extension of such teaching; culturally relevant pedagogy connects tostudents’ cultural experiences and understanding [9-13]. In such approaches, students’ “funds ofknowledge” are leveraged, using the resources students bring from their experiences in home andother culturally-specific out-of-school settings [14]. Such approaches reflect a range of student-centered teaching, including using students’ strengths to introduce new instruction, supportingcollaborative learning spaces, adapting curriculum, engaging in social justice and communityengaged learning, etc. [15]. These approaches align to engineering education
triggered a decrease in confidence inSTEM learning among entering college students. This can be illustrated by the fact thatenrollment in U.S. institutions of higher education has grown steadily at all levels rising from14.5 million students in 1994 to 20.7 million in 2009, but such a growth is not fully reflected inscience and engineering. Institutions of higher education in the United States granted engineeringdegrees in the mid-2000s at a lower rate than in the mid-1980s. The number of Americanstudents earning bachelor’s degrees increased by 16% over the past 10 years, however, thenumber of bachelor’s degrees earned in engineering decreased by 15%. Nationally, less than50% of the students who enrolled in engineering curriculum complete the
an issue not only with competency,but also with a lack of self-efficacy in math, science, and engineering which creates anxiety. According to Beck-Winchatz and Riccobono (2007), the majority of students with VI arefollowing general education curricula. However, less than 30 individuals with VI earned ascience and engineering research doctorate on average each year from 2001 to 2009 compared to25,600 people without a disability on average per year during the same time period (NSF, 2012).Lack of higher level degrees in the science and engineering fields do not reflect the fact thatstudents with VI have the same spectrum of cognitive abilities as sighted peers (Kumar,Ramasamy, & Stefanich, 2001) and with appropriate accommodations can
focuses on evaluating methods of effective practice of an engineering design summerprogram for middle school students. The paper reflects on findings and observations regardinggender groupings in STEM, and how they affect student learning and confidence. In 2009,President Obama's Administration implemented the "Educate to Innovate" program to emphasizeSTEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education. Women and men hold nearlyequal professional positions in the biological sciences, and close to that in math, yet womencomprise less than 30% of the science and engineering workforce as a whole.1 Students as youngas kindergarten express the belief that fields of study such as science and math are “boysubjects.”2 The societal norm that males
and how project-based learning (PBL)takes the center stage in this strategy. We assert that building a camp or even a lesson plan fromlearning blocks creates a totally immersive and engaging environment for the learner and makes itmuch more plug-and-play for the designer/instructor.Our paper will also focus on implementing these learning blocks in a K-12 mixed environment (allgrade levels, male and female participants) versus a much more homogenous cohort (all highschool, all female) type of camp. A showcase of student products (from reflective pieces to actualcreations) will be discussed along with how “check-ins” are built into the learning blockchallenges; the latter as a means to embed assessment into the project workflows dynamically
. Utilizing a three-year Magnet School grant,DLJ established a Center for Mathematics and Engineering to developed and thenimplement its integrated, whole school curriculum with engineering as the core and theconnector. The results of this careful planning and meticulous attention to detailsproduced an elementary school environment that fosters student creative thinking withthe expectation of quantitative metrics to gauge that creativity. The merit of this totalemersion of engineering into an elementary curriculum is reflected in student scores onstandardized test as well as a plethora of awards and acknowledgements for the schoolincluding being named the top elementary STEM program in the nation by the 2015Future of Education Technology Conference
process and artifacts. Students view and critique these to becomefamiliar with the kinds of representations that the notebook affords and the extent to which thenotebook can tell the story of another engineer’s ideas and outcomes. After this mentor textdiscussion, the students embark on a design task and create their notebooks as they work. Mid-design share-outs or gallery walks of the notebooks are important in this phase. Finally, the thirdphase involves students reviewing their notebooks with their design team, ideally as they preparea report or other more formal written artifact about their design, and the teacher and whole classof students reviewing multiple notebooks to reflect on design processes and phenomena. Other supporting
effective classroom activity with a visual representation of the solution process.As a final assessment of teachers’ TPACK, on the final day of PD, they answered a set ofquestions designed to identify the role of the robot in each of the 10 lessons. The teachersidentified the pedagogical constraints and the benefits of incorporating the robot as a teachingtool for each lesson. This paper provides a description of three of these lessons, and anassessment of teacher reflections toward these lessons.2. Professional Development StructureThe goal of the professional development was to collaboratively and iteratively construct tenlessons that infused the LEGO EV3 robotics kit into existing middle school math and sciencecurricula; allowing
service Volunteer- ism FOCUS service Figure 1. Continuum of service and learning. Adapted from Swanson et al. (2014). Although there does exist a broad range to the definitions and types of community-oriented curricula, consistent themes do emerge in the service learning literature. These themessuggest that a true service-learning experience is at its essence a rich, authentic academicexperience entwined with a reflective experience of serving community needs. Indeed, ongoingreflection on the service experience and its pertinence to the academic objectives of thecurriculum is
clarity and reflect the scientific nature ofthe content10. As part of the in-class discipline specific activity, the students were divided intogroups by the instructors and were asked to collaborate with group members in dealing with theengineering challenge at hand. This grouping was done to emphasize the importance andnecessity of teamwork in engineering where cooperation impacts the productivity andperformance of the team and also to implement the concept of cooperative learning2,14. Based on feedback collected from program participants, instructors, and counselors duringthe 2015 program, some changes were made to the 2016 program. The theme for 2016 was CO2capture, which apart from being a global problem was chosen in part because the
the student received prizes. The UIW SMSE paid for the LunchBanquet.Program Evaluation, Effectiveness, and ResultsA pre-survey was administered while the students were applying for the camp, shown in Table 3below. Daily and final program surveys were conducted to assess the effectiveness ofminiGEMS 2015. The daily surveys indicated the program execution efficiency and allowedimmediate corrective actions, if necessary. The participant interest in engineering as a potentialcareer increased considerably, partially due to popular, hands-on, robot projects and the dailyguest speakers as were reflected in the post-survey results shown in Table 4. The finalsummative survey quantified program effectiveness and is shown in Table 5. The
Technology Education and the recipient of the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Educational Excellence Award and the ASEE Chester Carlson Award. He is a fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education and the National Society of Professional Engineers.Dr. Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette Monica E. Cardella is the Director of the INSPIRE Institute for Pre-College Engineering Education and is an Associate Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 High School Students’ Reflections about Participation in Engineering Service Learning Projects (Work-in-Progress)IntroductionThere
the feedback forms and pre-and post-tests of the children and respond to prompts on a reflection sheet.In an effort to make the activity modules freely available to other engineering students, K-12teachers and parents, a website was developed. The activity kit instructions, resources, materiallists and other related resources are posted on this website so that they can be widely accessed bypeople nationwide who would like to engage in meaningful and effective outreach to middleschool students. Additional resources including fun engineering websites for kids, informationabout engineering for parents and teachers and links to websites with additional engineeringactivities are also included on the website. The website is housed on the University
, the question remains, howshould those programs be tailored to best match the needs of teachers in rural areas? Toanswer this, we identify notable areas of low confidence and high benefit from responsesof rural teachers to the survey.From section one, the area of least confidence among rural teachers was their ability toimplement the NGSS in their classrooms, as measured by agreement to the followingstatement: “I feel confident enough in my foundational engineering knowledge levels tobe able to develop and deliver engineering content focused on applications that satisfyengineering standards in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).” (M = 3.8 on a7 point scale, centered at 4) This weakness was reflected across all demographiccategories
% thought parents would be “interested” and28% thought parents would be “in the middle.” These differences across staff and parentsresponses may reflect staff members’ own hesitation about the topic as appropriate for earlychildhood education, as well as feelings that there are already many other content areas that theprogram must cover.Families and staff primarily associate engineering with building and constructionDespite their excitement and interest, both parents and staff members indicated a somewhatnarrow perception of engineering, although a large minority of respondents mentioned planningand problem solving. Table 1 highlights the most common coded response categories for eachgroup and the frequency of responses within each category
English Language Arts (ELA)classrooms. Other researchers, however, have studied discourse in science classrooms todetermine what teacher discourse moves promoted dialogic spells in whole-class discussions.Zhai and Dillon, for instance, found that when teachers used storytelling and analogies to teachaspects of botany, their students were more likely to construct elaborate verbal explanations intheir subsequent discussions.11 McNeill and Pimentel’s research in urban high school classroomsin many ways reflected the findings of Nystrand and colleagues.6 They found that dialogicdiscourse was more likely to occur when science teachers made explicit connections to previousstudents’ comments and when they asked “open-ended questions,” or questions that
thinking competencies in the context of problem solving in children. The computational thinking competencies which most frequently appeared in educational apps appropriate for K-2 aged children.Each of the two researchers engaged in this process first coded one app individually. Next, weshared our experiences and findings to come into agreement about what certain activities in theapps required users to do. We then were able to generate examples and non-examples ofcomputational thinking. As we developed a collaborative understanding, we modified thecodebook with examples and non-examples reflected in Appendix 2.Next we used the codebook from Appendix 2 to code all 41 apps. Researchers spent exactly 30minutes
outcomes in teaching and learningAs shown in this assessment the workshop successfully introduced learning styles to engineering studentsand improved their readiness for effective presentations.Each workshop was evaluated individually and required changes were applied. For example, after“learning style” workshop, we identified that these types of workshops can be more effective if offered asa two part training session and students work on a related assignment between two sessions and reflect ontheir learnings in group meetings. 2. Assess content validity of workshop plansOnce ambassadors select a topic and study the related background, they design a related hands-onactivity. Then they meet with a faculty mentor to evaluate the designed
: Viewers like you. New England Board of Higher Education, 22(1), 26-28.8 Blickenstaff, J. C. (2005). Women and science careers: Leaky pipeline or gender filter? Gender and Education, 17(4), 369-386.9 Kohlstedt, S. G. (2004). Sustaining gains: Reflections on women in science and technology in 20th century United States. NWSA Journal, 16(1), 1-26.10 Blickenstaff, J. C. (2005). Women and science careers: Leaky pipeline or gender filter? Gender and Education, 17(4), 369-386.11 th Kohlstedt, S. G. (2004). Sustaining gains: Reflections on women in science and technology in 20 -century United States. NWSA Journal, 16(1), 1
groups are not synced, so times do not line up with each otherperfectly (up to 5-minute offsets are likely). The bottom group, Julian and Alex, only have sixcoded turns; this group was difficult to hear on the camera because they spoke very softly,answered many facilitator questions with “I don’t know,” and spent much of the task time offtask building “launchers.” Even so, they had the most successful designs of any group (threeunique designs, one was tested twice).Note that ideas, factors, and designs are related but distinct. While ideas are often reflected indesigns, designs include a multitude of ideas of varying scale, many of which are not explicitlyexpressed. Ideas may or may not be expressed as factors about a design or the test related
included a claim inan engineering context, which was a suggestion or decision related to the engineering design,plus at least one other element of an argument (data, warrants, backing, modal qualifiers, orrebuttals) was coded as EBR for this paper.Coding for EBR occurred within two types of data: student conversations and worksheets.Conversational instances of EBR were identified in terms of episodes since they reflect the back-and-forth dynamics of conversation. As such, some episodes contain multiple interweavinginstances of reasoning from evidence, but because of this interrelated nature, each episode wascoded as one instance of EBR. When coding worksheets for EBR, each individual instance ofEBR was coded separately since worksheets are a form
Undergraduate Community Lifelong Colleges Learning Figure 1 - Promoting lifelong learningPre College Programs The FREEDM Center’s precollege program was revised in 2016 to reflect the vision andmission of the Center via modernizing the electric grid and to engage participants in engineeringeducation-problem solving, engineering
with theircurriculum10.Pedagogical GoalsThe touch synthesizer workshop began as a means to fill a gap in the existing UniversityElectrical and Computer Education and to enrich student experiences beyond the classroom byteaching surface mount soldering techniques. By introducing electronic assembly, analysis, andrework, in the context of making sound and music, we aimed to inspire students to connect theirinterests, hobbies, and passions with their chosen field of study, even if they are traditionallyisolated practices11. We hoped to draw a diverse audience that reflected the varying perspectiveson these practices, and encouraged high school outreach and pre-college involvement. Wewanted participants to gain exposure to manufacturing processes
- Pre-/post- with students’ science learning? based Classroom Knowledge Tests Observational RubricTeacher participant dataInterviews. Semi-structured interviews (n=20 total) were conducted at the beginning and end ofthe school year to identify and characterize teachers’ perceptions of engineering design,expectations and reflections of task implementation, and challenges they experienced throughoutthe year. Analysis and interpretation of teacher interviews involved the use of grounded theory.18During this process, members of the research team focused on identifying indicators of conceptsand categories that fit the data. Repeatedly