Paper ID #15775Judging for Themselves: How Students Practice Engineering JudgmentDr. Jonathan S Weedon, Case Western Reserve University I am a graduate of English at Case Western Reserve University. I specialize in technical communication and engineering education and formation. My research is on how students learn to attend to engineering problems like professional engineers. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Judging for Themselves: How Students Practice Engineering Judgment The following case study describes and analyzes engineering judgment. The ethnographyobserves
AC 2011-140: ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY FOR NON-ENGINERINGAND NON-SCIENCE MAJORSRobert M. Brooks, Temple University Dr. Robert M. Brooks is an associate professor in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Temple University. He is a registered professional engineer in PA and a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. His research interests are Civil Engineering Materials, Transportation Engineering, and Engineering Education.Jyothsna K S, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore Secured a gold Medal for the highest aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature Course at St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous). Working for the Department of English, St.Joseph’s College for
Paper ID #21873Evaluation of Research Experience or Teachers (RET) Program Effectivenessas STEM Professional DevelopmentMrs. Katie Estridge Schneider, Colorado School of Mines Katie Schneider is graduate student studying hydrology at Colorado School of Mines (CSM). Prior to grad school, Katie taught high school science and math in the North Carolina public school system. As she works towards a master’s degree in hydrology, she also serves as the Education Outreach Assistant for the Center for a Sustainable WE2ST, at CSM.Amy Charlotte Martin P.E., Colorado School of MinesDr. Terri S. Hogue, Colorado School of Mines
psychology at Wichita State University and a member of the Software Usability Research Lab. She received her B.A. in psychology in 2005 from the University of Louisiana, Monroe, and her M.A. in experimental psychology (human factors) in 2010 from Wichita State University. Her research interests include research methodology, software/website usability evaluation methods, interface design, and usability metrics.Karen V. Reynolds, Wichita State University College of EngineeringBarbara S. Chaparro Ph.D. Department of Psychology Page 25.216.1 c American Society for Engineering Education
Paper ID #12881A Transdisciplinary Approach for Developing Effective Communication Skillsin a First Year STEM SeminarDr. Jeffrey J Evans, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeffrey J. Evans received his BS from Purdue University and his MS and PhD in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology. His research interests are in artificial intelligence for music composition and performance and adaptive computing systems, focusing on the effects of subsystem interactions on application performance. He is a member of the ASEE, ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE.Prof. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design courses, and studies the use of context in both K-12 and undergraduate engineering design education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2010) and M.S./B.S. in Electrical and Com- puter Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Jordan is PI on several NSF-funded projects related to design, including an NSF Early CAREER Award entitled ”CAREER: Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society” and
detection of elementary particles. Takai is an Adjunct Professor at Stony Brook University.Dr. Sunil Dehipawala, Queensborough Community College, CUNY Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of CUNY.Prof. Dimitrios S. Kokkinos Ph.D., Queensborough Community College, CUNY Dimitrios Kokkinos, Department of Physics, Queensborough Community College of CUNY, Bayside, NY 11364. Phone: 718-281-5708; Fax: 718-631-6608; Email: Professional Preparation: Graduate Center of the City University of New York, electrical engineering, Ph.D., 1984
performance trade-offsin maintaining, replacing, or migrating a technology, component, or system.In this paper, the process of using QTF techniques to characterize the growth and diffusion ofcomputationally and numerically intensive analytical technologies [Finite Element Analysis(FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Finite Difference Methods (FDM)] is detailed.This paper presents the results of testing the hypothesis that these computational tools wouldgrow along commonly found diffusion patterns. If the hypothesis were supported, such patternswould give insight to the future development of the growing use of modeling and simulation(M&S) tools and the industry rapidly developing founded on their use. If reliable trajectoriescould be
, Harris, Harold, Facial Recognition System Screening Evaluation Methodology for Complexion Biases: Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education ASEE, Conference. Vancouver Canada, June 26-Jun30 2011 oChinchilla, Rigoberto, S. Guccione, J. Tillman, Wind Power Technologies in the United States: A Tech- nical Comparison between Vertical and Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines: Journal Of Industrial Technology Volume 27, Number 1 - January 2011 through March 2011 Dr. Chinchilla can be reached at Page 25.582.1 c American Society for Engineering Education
that, as in allother knowledge areas curriculum change is the result of a continuous flow of small changes [1].The process is very similar to that which (happens in the year to year changes made to aparticular automobile). Every now and again some innovation necessitates radical change and re-thinking of how thingsneed to be done in the future. In the writers lifetime the big change for him was the advent of thesemi-conductor especially the transistor in electronics. Thermionic vacuum tubes becameredundant overnight, and in the author‟s own field of study the problem of noise in amplifierswas radically changed for the better. Teachers had to re-learn quickly to adapt to the newtechniques. From the broader perspective it created a whole new
University of Pennsylvania and his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Purdue University. Page 23.1317.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Using Heavy Metal Music to Promote Technological and Socio-cultural UnderstandingAbstractHeavy metal is one of the most misinterpreted musical genres in existence, while also arguablyone of the most intelligent, insightful and technologically-rich genres. Heavy metal‟s history hasfacilitated multiple engineering developments in its quest for extremity as well as containing awealth of commentary about
somegaps in the current research that can lead to the development of novel research questions. Thesequestions will inform future research that will contribute to the body of knowledge available onthe role of makerspaces in engineering education.References[1] D. Dougherty, Free to Make: How the Maker Movement Is Changing Our Schools, Our Jobs, and Our Minds. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2016.[2] L. Martin, “The Promise of the Maker Movement for Education,” J. Pre-College Eng. Educ. Res., vol. 5, no. 1, 2015.[3] E. R. Halverson and K. Sheridan, “The Maker Movement in Education,” Harv. Educ. Rev., vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 495–504, 2014.[4] K. A. Smith, S. D. Sheppard, D. W. Johnson, and R. T. Johnson, “Pedagogies of
,andconclusionsorrecommendationsexpressedin thismaterialarethoseoftheauthor(s)anddonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsoftheNSF. References [1]Jolly,J.L.(2009).HistoricalPerspectives:TheNationalDefenseEducationAct,Current STEMInitiative,andtheGifted.GiftedChildToday,32(2),50–53. [2]Zeidler,D.L.(2016).STEMeducation:Adeficitframeworkforthetwentyfirstcentury?A socioculturalsocioscientificresponse.C ulturalStudiesofScienceEducation,11(1),11-26. [4] Riley,D.(2008).Engineeringandsocialjustice.SynthesisLecturesonEngineers, Technology,andSociety,3(1
. A Report to the Nuffield Foundation. London1966 LeBold, W. K., Perrucci, R. and Howland, Reported that in the 1930’s in the US three W. E., 'The Engineer in Industry and fifths of engineers under 40 were occupied Government," Journal of Engineering with administrative rather than technical Education, vol. 56, no. 7, March 1966, pp. work
literacy / philosophy of engineering can lead to a society fallingprey to unfounded fears and over-reaction resulting in an inability to truly understand and assessthe important technological issues and attendant decision processes to the detriment of thatsociety’s well-being [6], [7].As educators, what should our next action(s) be regarding technological literacy / philosophy ofengineering [8]? From a bibliography [9] of technological literacy / philosophy of engineeringresources, we have a pedagogy (158 papers and references), a history and definitions (8 papersand references), and theory, studies, and data (37 papers and references). But, we have only 7papers and resources on the “Why?” (Figure 1), the piece essential to move the discussion
. Kouprie and F. S. Visser, “A framework for empathy in design: stepping into and out of the user’s life,” Journal of Engineering Design, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 437–448, 2009.[4] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, N. W. Sochacka, and M. A. Brewer, “Fostering Empathy in an Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Course,” 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016, June. ASEE Conferences, 2016.[5] L. Mitchell, and L. Light, “Increasing Student Empathy Through Immersive User Empathy Experiences in First-Year Design Education,” 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018, June. ASEE Conferences, 2018.[6] E. Schmitt, E. Kames, B. Morkos, and T. A. Conway, “The Importance of Incorporating
,weareexploringideastoofferanoptionalpeerreviewactivityforthefinalproject.This wouldprovidestudentsinterestedinpeerfeedbackwiththatoption,whileaccommodatingprivacyconcernsofthose wishingtokeeptheirideaslimitedtothemselvesandthefaculty.Table2aI-SeriesAssessmentRubric EachGeneralEducationcategoryisgroundedinasetoflearningoutcomes.ForthefullsetoflearningoutcomesforI-seriescoursessee:www.gened.umd.eduThisrubricisdesignedasatooltoassessactivitiesaimedatstudentgainsinthefollowlearningoutcome(s)fortheI-SeriesGeneralEducationCategory: Atthecompletionofthiscourse,studentswillbeableto
concept has grown since the late 1950’s. Krupczak andBlake (Blake & Krupczak Jr., 2014) have charted development of the concept, lookingparticularly at the intersection of technological literacy with engineering literacy. It shouldbe noted that the term “technological literacy” is more commonly used in the United Statesthan other nations. A sense of how technological literacy has become more prevalent inconversations on education can be seen by looking at the word frequency of the term usingthe Ngram viewing tool (Google, 2010). While this tool has significant biases and limitations(Pechenick, Danforth, & Dodds, 2015) the relatively high representation of scientific andtechnical literature in the corpus and the fact that “technological
Paper ID #13634ENCOURAGING STUDENTS TO SEE THE ROLE OF SERVICE COURSESIN THEIR MAJORDr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and propulsion
time. The technologies included in the broader definition also follow the commonpatterns of adoption and diffusion. Page 25.746.2A technology forecast includes the study of historic data to identify one of several commontechnology diffusion or substitution trends. Patterns to be identified include constant percentagerates of change (so-called “Moore‟s Laws”), logistic growth, logistic substitution, performanceenvelopes, lead/lag (precursor) relationships, anthropological invariants and other phenomena.QTF projections have proven accurate in predicting technological and social change in thousandsof applications as diverse as consumer electronics
stereotypes among liberal arts students reported by Beardslee, D. Cand D. D. O’Dowd (1964). The career has its shadow. On Sanford, N (ed). College and Character. A brieferversion of The American College. Wiley, New York. The complete version of the paper is in Sanford, N(editor) (1962). The American College. Wiley, New York.By the 1970’s, aided by changes in the structure of technical education the professionalinstitutions were working toward an all-graduate profession. In so doing the amount ofscience and mathematics required was increased. This meant that they began to close theirdoors to those who pursued Chartered Engineer (C. Eng) status from the technical colleges.The technical colleges were to produce technicians at two levels. Possession of a
, “Disciplinarities: intra, cross, multi, inter, trans”, 2012, [Online] Available: (Accessed Feb. 2, 2020)[13] Mishra, P., Terry, C. A., & Henriksen, D. (2013). Square peg, round hole, goodengineering. TechTrends, 57(2), 22.[14] Nobel Media AB 2020, “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962”, Sun. 2 Feb2020. [Online] Available: 19[15] S. Silverthorne, “Remembering Alfred Chandler,” 15 JUN 2007, [Online] Available: Feb. 2, 2020)[16] Chien, S. (Ed.). (2010). Tributes to Yuan-Cheng Fung
word count for compassion than kindness) and 21 papersalso discussed empathy (6 with higher word count for empathy than kindness). Related termsthat commonly appeared in these 29 papers also included: caring (20 papers), respect(ful) (17papers), ethic(s/al) (15 papers), and altrui(sm/stic) (14 papers). A detailed exploration of notionsof care in engineering was conducted by Strobel et al. [41]. Kindness may be more active andpersonal than care, as in showing kindness to others (or even oneself), and avoids potentialconfusion around notions of care and diligence in conducting accurate calculations. This quickanalysis shows the inter-relatedness of the ideas of kindness, compassion, empathy, and caring,illustrated somewhat more clearly in the
. Loekemoer and J.A. Nel, “Exploring the impact of information andcommunication technology on employees’ work and personal lives,” SA Journal of IndustrialPsychology, vol. 42, ed. 1, Jun. 2016.[2] P. Hanafizadeh, S. Ghandchi and M Asgarimehr, “Impact of Information Technology onlifestyle: A literature review and classification,” International Journal of Virtual Communitiesand Social Networking, vol. 9, is. 2, Apr.-Jun. 2017.[3] S. Deb, “Information technology, its impact on society and its future,” Advances inComputing, vol. 4, is. 1, pp. 25-9, 2014.[4] D. J. Fuchs, “The dangers of human-like bias in machine-learning algorithms,” MissouriS&T’s Peer to Peer, vol. 2, is. 1, May 2018.[5] B. J. Erickson, P. Korfiatis, Z. Akkus, and T. L. Kline
(Systems, Design, and Connections). Asshown in the figure, it is hypothesized that Survey Courses will span the majority of the matrixwith K, C, and D values. Due to time constraints and limited course duration, it is notanticipated that any Survey course will fill the entire matrix, but it would be expected that no rowwill be entirely blank. Meanwhile, a column could be blank if a technology topic area is notcovered due to time limits, but a Survey will likely cover most of these technology areas.Technological Literacy Focus Courses will go into great depth within one or more technologytopic areas with a higher percentage of C and D values in that column(s) when compared to aSurvey Course
(2005).7. National Academy of Engineering. The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. (National Academies Press, 2004).8. Page, S. E. The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies. (Princeton UP, 2007).9. Seymour, E. & Hewitt, N. M. Talking about Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Contemporary Sociology 26, (Westview Press, 1997).10. Moller-Wong, C. & Eide, A. An engineering student retention study. J. Eng. Educ. 86, 7– 15 (1997).11. Imbrie, P. K., Lin, J. J.-J. & Reid, K. Comparison of four methodologies for modeling student retention in engineering. in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference
, Atlanta, GA, 2013.[5]. “Technologically Literate Citizens - Why The Study of Technology Should Be Mandatory”, [6]. "Front Matter." National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. 2002. Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More About Technology. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.[7]. M. W. Bauer, N. Allum, and S. Miller, “What can we learn from 25 years of PUS survey research?”, Public Understanding of Science, 16, 79-95, SAGE Publication, 2007.[8]. International Technology Education Association. Standards for Technological Literacy, International Technology Education Association, Reston, VA (2000).[9]. < >[10]. <
AC 2012-2992: CREATIVITY FOR ENHANCING THE TECHNOLOGI-CAL LITERACY FOR NON-SCIENCE MAJORSDr. Robert M. Brooks, Temple University Robert Brooks is an Associate Professor of civil engineering at Temple University. He is a fellow of ASCE. His research interests are engineering education, civil engineering materials, and transportation engineering.Jyothsna K. S., Jyothsna K. S., Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore, eecured a gold medal for the high- est aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature course at St.Joseph’s College (autonomous). K. S. has been working for the Department of English, St.Joseph’s College for almost two years now, teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate