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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 61 in total
Conference Session
Diversity and Two-year Colleges part 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Raymond Edward Floyd, Northwest College; Astrid K. Northrup P.E., Northwest College, Powell WY
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Two-Year College
developed by Evelyn Berezin in the late 1960’s – awoman! She began her education as a major in economics although her favorite subject wasphysics. Since physics was not considered a proper topic for women, she did not show her trueability for some time. At the end of the Second World War, there were many new opportunitiesfor women. She was able to fulfill her true desire to study physics and received her BS inphysics. Her primary interests were in the field of computer use in industry. Her earlycontributions include banking systems and airline reservation systems. She founded a company,Redactron, and developed a system referred to as the “Data Secretary”, the first computerizedword processor to aid the work of typists worldwide. At the time of her
Conference Session
Research, Innovation and Careers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Zilouchian, Florida Atlantic University; Nancy Romance, Florida Atlantic University; Annie Laurie Myers, Broward College; Dana Hamadeh, Palm Beach State College; Michael Vitale, East Carolina University
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Two-Year College
Conference Session
Research, Innovation and Careers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge E Loyo Rosales, Rice University; Armineh Noravian, Arizona State University; Alison Cook-Davis, Arizona State University; Carrie A. Obenland, Rice University; Carolyn Nichol, Rice University
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Two-Year College
Conference Session
The Challenges that Two-year College Students Face when Transferring to a Four-year College for Engineering and Engineering Technology Program
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Montana Epps, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ; Jamie Bettencourt, Cuesta Community College; Daniel Almeida, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; John Y. Oliver, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Lizabeth L Thompson , California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Chance Hoellwarth, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo; Jane L. Lehr, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Two-Year College
the Professoriate (AGEP) Alliance for Diversity and Strengths of STEM Faculty: A Culturally-Informed Strengths-Based Approach to Advance Early-Career Faculty Success. Dr. Almeida is also Co-Principal Investigator for the NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (S-STEM) grant, Engineering Neighbors: Gaining Access Growing Engineers (ENGAGE). Dr. Almeida’s graduate training is in Urban Education Policy – Higher Education from the University of Southern California.Dr. John Y. Oliver, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Dr. Oliver is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. His field of expertise is in computer
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lynn Van den Broeck, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Leuven Engineering Science and Education Centre (LESEC), KU Leuven; Tinne De Laet, KU Leuven; Carolien Van Soom, KU Leuven, Faculty of Science, LESEC; Marlies Lacante, KU Leuven & University Free State (South Africa); Greet Langie Langie, KU Leuven
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
-engineering Success?” Journal of Engineering Education,vol.97, no.4, pp. 467–479, 2008.[10] B.F. French, J.C. Immekus, and W.C. Oakes, “An Examination of Indicators ofEngineering Students’ Success and Persistence.”, Journal of Engineering Education, vol.94,no.4, pp. 419–425, 2005.[11] M. Pinxten, C. Van Soom, C. Peeters, T. De Laet, and G. Langie, “At-Risk at the Gate : Prediction of Study Success of First-Year Science and Engineering Students in an Open- Admission University in Flanders- any incremental validity of study strategies?” European Journal of Psychology of Education, vol.145, no.3, pp. 229–45, 2017.[12] L. Moses, C. Hall, K. Wuensch, K. De Urquidi, P. Kauffmann, W. Swart, S. Duncan, and G. Dixon, “Are Math Readiness and
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lea K. Marlor, University of California, Berkeley; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech
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Two-Year College
4.33 based applications that emphasize societal benefits. I currently use context-based approaches in my teaching that utilize technology 3.80 based applications that emphasize societal benefits. I think using context-based approaches in my teaching that utilize technology based applications that emphasize societal benefits will help my students learn content 4.56 covered in my course(s). I am currently engaged in research on current engineering topics. 3.62 I am aware of how to apply my research topics/projects to teaching that I am doing. 4.38 I connect the lessons and content that I teach to STEM careers
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Workforce Pathways and ATE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Megan Morin, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Alireza Dayerizadeh, North Carolina State University
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Two-Year College
-added products and services, as well as toimprove productivity through the use of technology-based tools [14]. The REU program andapproach detailed in this study may serve as a framework for addressing this need for two-yearand four-year institutes.References[1] D. Baker, L. Wood, J. Corkins and S. Krause, "Tinkering and Technical Self-Efficacy of Engineering Students at the Community College", Community College Journal of Research and Practice, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 555-567, 2015. Available: 10.1080/10668926.2014.902780.[2] Dayerizadeh, A., & Carpenter, P. P. (2017, June), Board # 54 : Wide Band Gap Academy— Education and Workforce Development for the 21st Century Power Electronics and Power Systems Industries Paper
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, University of California, Davis; Beth Frances Broome Broome; Cynthia Murphy-Ortega, Chevron Corporation
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Two-Year College
ChulalongkornUniversity/Thailand. Cynthia holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the Uni-versity of California, Davis. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Avenue-E: An Innovative Student Transfer Pathway Program Jennifer S. Curtis1, Beth Broome2, and Cynthia Murphy-Ortega3 1 College of Engineering, UC Davis, Davis, CA; 2Office of the Provost, UC Davis, Davis, CA; 3Chevron Corporation, Richmond, CAAbstractOver 68% of students in the California Community College system come from minoritybackgrounds, representing an opportunity to accelerate the diversification of STEM industries.However, according to a September 2017 report by the
Conference Session
Diversity and Two-year Colleges Part 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Miguel Velez-Reyes P.E., University of Texas at El Paso; Ivonne Santiago P.E., University of Texas at El Paso; Victor Manuel Garcia Jr., The University of Texas at El Paso; Irma Y. Torres-Catanach, The University of Texas at El Paso; Dawn M. Horton, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Yajaira Mejia, The City College of New York; Dugwon Seo, Queensborough Community College; Jorge E. Gonzalez, City University of New York, City College; Joseph Barba, City University of New York, City College; Fenot Aklog, Teachers College Columbia University; Fred Moshary, City University of New York, City College; Jeff Sivils, El Paso Community College; Yasser Hassebo, The City University of New York, LaGuardia CC
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Two-Year College
future.8 AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No.1723209 and 1723245. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.9 References[1] R. W. Fairlie, F. Hoffmann and P. Oreopoulos, "A Community College Instructor Like Me: Race and Ethnicity Interactions in the Classroom," The American Economic Review, vol. 104, no. 8, pp. 2567-2591, August 2014.[2] A. Perrakis and L. S. Hagedorn, "Latino/a Student Success in Community Colleges and Hispanic-Serving Institution Status," Community College Journal of Research and Practice, vol
Conference Session
Technology and Manufacturing
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Kay Pickering, Arizona State University/ Science Foundation Arizona Center for STEM; Elaine L. Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College; Caroline Vaningen-Dunn, Science Foundation Arizona Center for STEM at Arizona State University
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Two-Year College
applicants to M-C,twenty-two were accepted to the M-C 2019 Cohort. During a blind review of applicants, one ofthe KS HSIs placed at the top of the M-C applicant ranking and the other placed mid-range.Moving forward, KS plans to set the expectation for transitioning to M-C for ATE proposaldevelopment at the beginning of new Cohorts. KS will also more proactively recommend thateligible candidates attend the M-C orientation webinar and have M-C leaders speak at KS CohortMeeting(s) to describe the opportunity.In 2018, a pilot was conducted with one KS college participating in the M-C 2018 Cohort. Thepilot helped to improve the coordination of timelines between the two programs in thecollaborative and as a result the applications for the M-C 2019 Cohort
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Transferring and Smoothing Transitions
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Klaus B. Bartels, San Antonio College; Charles Chris Navarro, The DoSeum
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Two-Year College
Course", ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, 2011.[4]. Bringle, R. G. and Hatcher, J. A., “A service-learning curriculum for faculty,” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, (pp. 112-122), 1995.[5]. Peterson, S. J. and Schaffer, M. J., “Service learning: A strategy to develop group collaboration and research skills,” Journal of Nursing Education, vol. 38, no. 5, (pp. 208-214), 1999.[6]. Celio, C. I., Durlak, J., and Dymnicki, A., “A meta-analysis of the impact of service-learning on students,” Journal of Experiential Education, vol. 34, no. 2, (pp. 164-181), 2011.[7]. Gray, M. J., Ondaatje, E. H., Fricker Jr., R. D. and Geschwind, S. A., “Assessing service learning: Results from as
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Workforce Pathways and ATE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alicia Boudreaux Kiremire PE, PMP, FlowStream Management LLC; Michael K. Swanbom PE, Louisiana Tech University; Gerry Caskey, Louisiana Delta Community College; Barton Crum, Applied Research for Organizational Solutions (AROS); Juliette Pate, Louisiana Delta Community College
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Two-Year College
’ awareness of and preparation forcareers in instrumentation and manufacturing.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation's AdvancedTechnological Education Program under Grant #1801177. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Rationale for ProjectThe United States workforce faces a shortage in skilled workers, especially in jobs requiringindustry relevant skills but not necessarily four-year degrees. According to a report by theNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 3.4 million skilled technical jobsare expected to be unfilled by 2022 [1]. Additional
Conference Session
The Curriculum at Two-year College's Engineering Technology and Engineering Transfer Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Marilyn Barger P.E., FLATE, Florida Advanced Technological Education Center; Lakshmi Jayaram, Inquiry Research Group LLC
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Two-Year College
-timeMajor/Program: Engineering Technology / Advanced Manufacturing / Other_________Anticipated credential from this program: Certificate / Degree / Other_______________Do you have internet connectivity at home? Yes / No If Yes, is your internet connectivity at home reliable? Never / Sometimes /Often / AlwaysWhat kind of devices do you have at home to use for your studies (check all thatapply): none / laptop / desktop computer / tablet / smartphone / other ___________Can you access your courses remotely on the device(s) you have at home? Never /Sometimes / Often / AlwaysDoes your program use a Learning Management System like Blackboard, Canvas,Scholar, etc? Yes / NoIF YES: Engagement with Learning Management System (e.g. Blackboard,Canvas
Conference Session
The Curriculum at Two-year College's Engineering Technology and Engineering Transfer Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Gary J. Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
enterprise) networkingapplications and don’t address the very topic that IoT applications are being used for – that ofoperational technology or OT. For those readers who are unfamiliar with this term the followingdefinition is fairly representative: operational technology or OT is a category of computing andcommunication systems to manage, monitor and control industrial operations with a focus on thephysical devices and processes that they use [9]. OT is another catch-all term for indicating theuse case(s) that the IoT application is addressing or acquiring data about.The Cisco networking curriculum does address Wi-Fi but it is dated and not very technical (recallthe skill set of the cable technician installing a cable modem mentioned previously
Conference Session
The Curriculum at Two-year College's Engineering Technology and Engineering Transfer Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristin Kelly Frady, Clemson University; Christy Brown, Clemson University; Karen A. High, Clemson University; Claretha Hughes Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Robert M O'Hara, Clemson University; Shuyu Huang
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
] National Academy of Engineering, “Engineering technology education in the United States,” Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2016.[2] The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, (IPEDS), “Data on engineering technology degrees,” Washington, DC, 2014.[3] About Us. National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies, Sept 2017. [Online]. Available:[4] Strada Education Network (US) Lumina Foundation for Education, “Certified value: when do adults without degrees benefit from earning certificates and certifications?” 2019.[5] O’NET online quick search for engineering technology. O’NET, Feb 2021. [Online]. Available:
Conference Session
Research, Innovation and Careers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Klaus Bartels, San Antonio College; Dee Dixon
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Two-Year College
:// pdf)[4]. M. Crowe and D. Brakke, "Assessing the Impact of Undergraduate-Research Experiences on Students: An Overview of Current Literature,” CUR Quarterly, 2008, 28(4) 43-50.[5]. S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock, J. McCulloug, "THE PIPELINE: Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences,” Science, 2007, 316 (5824), 548-549.[6]. G. Youssef, E. A. Ainsworth, C. A. Shapiro, H. W. Sayson, M. Levis-Fitzgerald, “Comprehensive Research Experience for Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2016.[7]. K. Patsavas and B. S. Caldwell, “Exploring the
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Transferring and Smoothing Transitions
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David Reeping, Virginia Tech; Dustin Grote; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech; Thomas Martin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Two-Year College
transfer from community colleges to four-year colleges. Teachers College Record, 108(3), 452-487. [5] Packard, B. W. L., Gagnon, J. L., & Senas, A. J. (2012). Navigating community college transfer in science, technical, engineering, and mathematics fields. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 36(9), 670-683. [6] Simone, S. A. (2014). Transferability of Postsecondary Credit Following Student Transfer or Coenrollment. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2014-163. Washington D.C.: National Center for Education Statistics. [7] Kadlec, A., & Gupta, J. (2014). Indiana Regional Transfer Study: The Student Experience of Transfer Pathways between Ivy Tech Community College and Indiana
Conference Session
Engineering/Engineering Technolgy Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan P. Gentry, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis; Jennifer H Choi, University of California, Davis; Jason White, University of California, Davis
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Two-Year College
.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education’s 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition.[9] S. Brown, (2005), “Student Social Capital And Retention In The College Of Engineering.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education’s 112th Annual Conference and Exposition.[10] A. Prewitt, W. Eugene, and S. Daily, (2007) “Minority Retention And Success In Engineering: Diversifying The Pipeline Through The Development Of Social Capital.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education’s 114th Annual Conference and Exposition.[11] J.M. Trenor, (2011) “CAREER: Influence of Social Capital on Under-Represented Engineering Students’ Academic and Career Decisions.” Proceedings
Conference Session
Two-year College STEM Programs Meeting the Needs of Industry
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caroline Vaningen-Dunn, Science Foundation Arizona; Phil Blake McBride, Eastern Arizona College; Cynthia Kay Pickering, Science Foundation Arizona; Verlyn Fick, Cochise College; Judith M. Slisz, Judith Slisz Consulting; John Morgan, Yavapai College
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
. The non-profit team providedgrant management and oversight for the colleges’ funded STEM programs, requiring quarterlyreporting of their financial expenditures and budget balances, progress against their proposedtimelines, and narratives describing program status, outcomes, and challenges. The SFAz PIresponded to these reports with emails, phone calls and site visits when appropriate, providingongoing support and guidance to the college PIs to ensure their program’s success.STEM Metrics Development ApproachFrom its onset, the SFAz+8 program was designed to generate evidence to validate achievementof the program goals. Objectivity was ensured through the use of an external evaluator. Eachprogram goal had associated measurable outcome(s) and
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Collaboration Between Institutions
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jared Ashcroft, Pasadena City College; Jillian L Blatti, Pasadena City College; Marcial Gonzalez, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University; Melanie T. Hacopian, California State University, Long Beach; Danyal Nicole Pereyda Cave; Isabel Bojanini; Esteban Bautista, California State University, Northridge; Veronica I. Jaramillo, Pasadena City College
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Two-Year College
(eCURe) funded by the National Science Foundation Advanced TechnologicalEducation award number 1601813. M.H., E.B. and I.B. were supported by BUILD PODER,funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Healthunder the award number RL5GM118975. M.G. gratefully acknowledges the support receivedfrom the National Science Foundation through grant number CMMI-1538861 and United StatesFood and Drug Administration through grant U01FD005535.References[1] M. Estrada, M. Burnett, A.G. Campbell, P.B. Campbell, W.F. Denetclaw, C.G. Gutiérrez, S. Hurtado, G.H. John, J. Matsui, R. McGee: Improving underrepresented minority student persistence in STEM. CBE—Life Sciences Education, vol 3, pp 15, 2016.[2] E. E
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Workforce Pathways and ATE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elaine L. Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College; David M. Hata, Portland Community College; Emery DeWitt, Mentor-Connect/FDTC; Liesel Ritchie, Oklahoma State University; Nnenia Campbell, Collaborative for the Social Dimensions of Disasters ; Jamie Vickery, Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events, Oklahoma State University
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Two-Year College
includes a prediction of an even greater shortage: To grow our nation’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) capacity and ensure that Americans nationwide can participate in a science and engineering (S& E) intensive economy, the United States must foster its Skilled Technical Workforce (STW) – individuals who use S & E skills in their jobs but do not have a bachelor’s degree. Rapid changes in the nature of work, education, technology, workforce demographics, and international competition have led to the National Science Board (NSB, Board) to conclude that our competiveness, security, and research enterprise require this critical, but often overlooked segment of our STEM-capable workforce. Adding to
Conference Session
Workforce Preparation at the Two-year College
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elodie Billionniere, Miami Dade College; Lawrence Eric Meyer Jr, Miami Dade Community College
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Two-Year College
/.[3] S. Fayer, A. Lacey and W. Watson, A. “BLS spotlight on statistics: STEM occupations- past, present, and future,” U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistic, 2017. [Online]. Available: and-mathematics-stem-occupations-past-present-and-future/pdf/science-technology- engineering-and-mathematics-stem-occupations-past-present-and-future.pdf.[4] International Data Corporation. IDC FutureScape: Worldwide CIO Agenda 2019 Predictions, 2018, [Online]. Available:[5] K. Kaymaz and K. Y. Eryiğit. “Determining factors hindering university-industry
Conference Session
Transfer and Transitions
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Schott, Florida SouthWestern State College; Cynthia Orndoff, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
Conference Session
Workforce Preparation at the Two-year College
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alicia Boudreaux Kiremire, FlowStream Management LLC; Gerry Caskey, Louisiana Delta Community College; Marvin Nelson Jr., Bossier Parish School for Technology & Innovative Learning; Sidney Taylor Thomas, Applied Research for Organizational Settings (AROS); Michael K. Swanbom PE, Louisiana Tech University
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Two-Year College
a collaboration betweenLouisiana Delta Community College (LDCC) and Louisiana Tech University (LA Tech), withpilot partner Bossier Parish School for Technology & Innovative Learning (BPSTIL), to expandinstrumentation workforce pathways for high school students in Louisiana. This material is basedupon work supported by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological EducationProgram under Grant No. 1801177. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.This paper presents a detailed account of the course mapping process; a final table of learningobjectives that meet LDCC dual enrollment and
Conference Session
Workforce Preparation at the Two-year College
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ketan Thakare, Texas A&M University; Osazuwa John Okundaye Jr, Texas A&M University; Qing Li, The Embodied Learning & Experience LAB; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Sharon Lynn Chu, University of Florida; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Francis Quek, Texas A&M University
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Two-Year College
. Dennen, V.P., Cognitive apprenticeship in educational practice: Research on scaffolding, modeling, mentoring, and coaching as instructional strategies. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 2004. 2(2004): p. 813-828.5. Marsh, H.W., The structure of academic self-concept: The Marsh/Shavelson model. Journal of Educational psychology, 1990. 82(4): p. 623.6. Beier, M.E., L.M. Miller, and S. Wang, Science games and the development of scientific possible selves. Cultural studies of science education, 2012. 7(4): p. 963- 978.
Conference Session
Two-year College STEM Programs Meeting the Needs of Industry
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randy Libros, Community College of Philadelphia; Tammy Wooten; Mozhgan Bahadory
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
ScienceFoundation through the Advanced Technological Education Program,Grant No. 1400433Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, repairers.htm#tab-2, accessed 4/6/18[2] Suzanne Schwartz, Aftin Ross, Seth Carmody, Penny Chase, Steve Christey Coley, Julie Connolly, Cathy Petrozzino, and Margie Zuk (2018) The Evolving State of Medical Device Cybersecurity. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology: March/April 2018, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 103-111.[3
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Students and the Pipeline
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Philip J Lunsford II P.E., East Carolina University; John Pickard, East Carolina University; Jennifer James, Innovation Early College High School at Pitt County Schools
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Two-Year College
February 2020].[3] I. Cisco Systems, "Cisco Webex Board," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 3 Feburary 2020].[4] I. Cisco Systems, "Cisco Webex Desk Series," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 3 February 2020].[5] Popoviciu, C., Lunsford, P., Pickard. J., Drummond, D., Sawyer, C., Woodburn, J., Zynda, Z. "Deploying a Network Management Overlay for Education Video Conferencing Services," in Submitted to the ASEE Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2020.[6] Popoviciu, C., Lunsford, P., Pickard. J., Drummond, D., Sawyer, C., Wear, S., Spencer, L., Zynda, Z
Conference Session
Workforce Preparation at the Two-year College
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rajendra K. Raj, Rochester Institute of Technology (GCCIS); Cara Tang, Portland Community College; David Gibson, United States Air Force Academy; Lawrence G. Jones, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology; Casey W. O'Brien, National CyberWatch Center
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
influenced the guidelines include the CAE-CDE 2-Year Knowledge Units [2] and the NICECybersecurity Workforce Framework [6]. The scope of Cyber2yr2020 includes both transfer andcareer-oriented Associate’s degree programs in Cybersecurity.The Cyber2yr2020 curriculum framework contains 58 competencies across eight security domainsplus cross-cutting concepts. The focus on competencies over knowledge is a relatively new devel-opment in ACM curriculum guidelines. A competency integrates knowledge, skills, and disposi-tions in context, where dispositions are ”attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-emotional qualities ofhow disposed people are to apply knowledge and skills to solve problems” [18].The Cyber2yr2020 framework [10] maintains CSEC2017’s division of
Conference Session
2-Year College Division: Workforce Pathways and ATE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David I. Spang, Rowan College at Burlington County; Edem G Tetteh, Rowan College at Burlington County; Ratneshwar Jha, Rowan University
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Two-Year College
Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission, Criteria for AccreditingEngineering Technology Programs, 2018-2019.(9) The Organizational Ecology of College Affordability: Research Activity, State Grant AidPolicies, and Student Debt at U.S. Public Universities, C. Eaton et al., Socius: SociologicalResearch for a Dynamic World, American Sociological Association, Sage Journals,, August 2019.(10) Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956).Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals; Handbook I:Cognitive Domain, New York, Longmans, Green, 1956.(11) “Real-World Applications of Mathematical and Scientific Principles
Conference Session
Two-year College STEM Programs Meeting the Needs of Industry
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Bradley Kinney, Bay de Noc Community College; Mark Highum, Bay de Noc Community College; Aleksandr Sergeyev, Michigan Technological University; Scott A Kuhl, Michigan Technological University
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Two-Year College
. Replicating such amodel of collaboration at other colleges and universities, especially in rural contexts such as thatsurrounding Bay College and Michigan Tech, is highly recommended. Bibliography1 Ratcliffe, M., Burd, C., Holder, K., & Fields, A. (2016, December). Defining rural at the U.S. Census Bureau: American community survey and geography brief. Retrieved from National Center for Education Statistics. (2006). Rural education in America: Definitions. Retrieved from Vilsack, T., Donovan, S., Munoz, C., & Zients, J. (2016, October 5). Rural