playing field can help combatthose disparities. For instance, inclusion of service learning has also been shown to increaseretention of women and underrepresented minorities in engineering 10,11. Other approaches suchas pairing female students with mentors and creating discussion groups that explore diversity andinclusion have also been shown to help, as was done in this study.Methodology:Participants shared experiences during weekly discussion and through journaling about howgender norms in engineering and the sciences tend to reflect masculine values, experiences andlife situations. Through these discussions, participants learned to address underlyingassumptions, norms, and practices to change the culture for all members, men and women
Demanding Organized Engaging Approachable Patient Exciting Interested Motivating Prepared Respectful Energetic Understanding Fun PersonableImpact of Gender in ClassroomGenerally, gender is perceived as a negative for women in the classroom as it pertains tostudents’ perceptions of instructor effectiveness, as reflected in student evaluations. Forinstance, MacNell et al. (2014) found that students rated an instructor with a male identity higherthan female instructor possessing a female identity for online courses regardless of theinstructor’s actual gender. When female
participatingstudents graduated with a STEM degree. Interviews collected in this project are previouslypublished on the IEEE Engineering Technology and History Wiki (ETHW). Following the oralhistory interviews, the students write reflections to answer the following three research questions(RQ). RQ#1 is “What are the key factors that led to the success of the distinguished leaders?.”RQ#2 is “What are the crucial skills that enabled their success?.” RQ#3 is “What is the impacton my career path?”One objective of this paper is for the participating female students, who are majoring in STEMfields, to present their reflections on the three research questions. A second objective is for thestudents to describe the impact, if any, that carrying out interviews of
idea about history and grandeur of thecampus and also to let them visualize college life in general. On Friday, June 24, UniversityAdmissions Office representatives came over to meet with the students and parents to explainthem the admission procedure and the financial aid opportunities for eligible students. Program Evaluation, Effectiveness, and Survey Results Daily and program surveys were conducted to assess the effectiveness of miniGEMS 2016. An overall understanding of the skills needed to be an engineer were reflected in the answers on the daily surveys, the lab notebooks, the final essay and presentation, miniGEMS summative survey, and results from the post-survey data. The daily surveys provided quality control daily
(summarized, by priority, in Table 1, below) include innovation;engineering education best practices; preparing students using a hands-on, project-based approach; integrating the traditional lecture format and laboratoryexperiences into a seamless “class-lab” format; strong professional developmentand service learning components; and an emphasis on a broad base of core skills,complemented with depth in focused concentrations: mechanical engineering(manufacturing focus) and chemical engineering (pharmaceutical focus). The initialconcentrations reflect regional and state engineering employment opportunities,the university’s historic strength in the health sciences, a forward-looking view ofengineering in the 21st century, and a desire to attract a
a multi-institution study that queried students about the primary factor that influenced theirdecision to leave engineering, 8% of student respondents indicated that they found the curriculumtoo narrow; one female student reflected, “The curriculum was extremely narrow…there was littleto no room for any humanities…or any other type of class. I feel that this is a major failing of theengineering program.”9The same question about the potential impact of curricular choice applies to computing, which—like engineering—suffers from gender diversity that is not representative of the population at large,nor the over 50% of bachelor’s degrees earned by women in the U.S. each year.10 In 2014, just 14%of computer science and 12% of computer
clarity.Summaries of the survey responses and narrative themes were shared with all of the researchersand reviewed collaboratively to verify our understandings and to increase the trustworthiness ofour conclusions.20In this paper, we have excerpted descriptive data that inform our evaluation by includingresponses suggesting actions that Boise State University, or others, can take to improve thelikelihood that future girls will select and remain on a STEM pathway. The participantdemographic data in Table 2 provides a background to the narrative passages, which are sharedanonymously to protect the confidentiality of our participants. Focus group participants indicatedthey responded to our survey and are assumed to be reflected in the demographics shared
SET, particularly within engineering?1. Miller EJ, Seldin P. Changing Practices in Faculty Evaluation. Academe. 2014;100(3):35.2. Yoder BL. Engineering by the Numbers. ASEE. 2015.3. Beleche T, Fairris D, Marks M. Do course evaluations truly reflect student learning? Evidence from an objectively graded post-test. Econ Educ Rev. Elsevier Ltd; 2012;31(5):709–19.4. Elmore PB, LaPointe KA. Effects of teacher sex and student sex on the evaluation of college instructors. J Educ Psychol. 1974;66(3):386–9.5. Bennett SK. Student perceptions of and expectations for male and female instructors: Evidence relating to the question of gender bias in teaching evaluation. J Educ Psychol
undergraduate declared female majors in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (2, 2A, and 2OE) by class year and class standing. All data taken from the annual October census (“Number of Women Students”).2It is very important to note that this jump at MIT does not reflect a national trend. In the Spring2017 Term at the Georgia Institute of Technology, women compose only 27.4% of the totalundergraduate mechanical engineering majors (“Enrollment by Major”), while women composed35.4% of undergraduates in the fall term of 2015 (Georgia Institute of Technology). For the2016-2017 academic year at the California Institute of Technology, women compose 40.9% ofthe total undergraduate population (Caltech), but only 34.8% of the total
leader.” – Asian American EngineerA few participants indicated that they had worked as interns or during college for certaincompanies. They reflected on the importance of the support that they had received from theircoworkers, as well as the value of having that work experience when it came time to look for a jobafter graduation. “As I was going to school, I was also working full-time at the CAD designers. I worked in the industry another four years prior to working as an engineer. My coworkers were willing to help me with homework. My employer was very acceptable and very supportive of me going to school, so they allowed me to work out hours to make up those hours.” – Asian American Engineer “I started off
began as a week-long residentialexperience, with counselors and mentors leading more of the workshops than faculty. Theworkshops are less technical than those offered at the high school level, but reflect the broadintroduction to multiple engineering disciplines and computer science. The program also advisesparticipants how to prepare for future studies in STEM. Middle school is a critical age for youngwomen where self-confidence and perceptions of others have a big impact on actions anddecisions. A well-known study has shown that young girls have gendered perceptions of STEMeven as middle school students [8]. By reaching the girls at a younger age, the program aims toincrease the STEM pipeline and encourage more young women to explore and
. Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State University where he teaches courses in materials design, sustainable materials, and polymeric materials. Dr. Harding is PI on several engineering education research projects including understanding the psychology of engi- neering ethical decision making and promoting the use of reflection in engineering education. He serves as Associate Editor of the journals Advances in Engineering Education and International Journal of Ser- vice Learning in Engineering. Dr. Harding has served in numerous leadership roles in ASEE including division chair of the
:00 Active Learning Modules Clear Security Active Learning Modules19:00 Dinner Dinner Flight College of Engineering20:00 Dinner Show Reflections Active Learning Modules Fireworks21:00 Speeches
gender as a predictor of the level-1 intercepts andslopes.MeasuresStudents participated in five online surveys throughout the fall semester. The first survey usedcomplete scales for all measures. The second, third, and fourth surveys contained short versionsof each scale. The fifth survey was comprised of short scales for the mindset measures and acomplete scale for engineering identity. Only the means of the short scales were used in theseanalyses.To measure engineering identity, items from Chemers’ science identity survey were adapted toengineers (Chemers et. al., 2010; Estrada et. al., 2011). The engineering identity measurecontained items such as, “Being an engineer is an important reflection of who I am.” Responsesranged from a scale of 1
collected from the participants’ teacher for a response rate of over 50%.Upon confirmation that both the participant and the participants’ parents had signed the letter ofconsent, the letter was removed from the responses to anonymize the data.Data AnalysisDespite underrepresentation of females in the survey population, over 50% of the participantsidentified as female. This was ideal for studying gendered perceptions, but may reflect somegendered perceptions of the importance of this area of research.In this work two questions of the survey will be analysed, those where students were asked torate the skill set of a typical engineer, and then rate themselves in those same skills. The 13 skillsevaluated are found in Table 2. Of the 27 respondents two
university with a private charter located on the eastcoast. Data were collected via a faculty climate survey in spring 2014. The survey was developedusing faculty climate surveys tested and implemented at the University of Wisconsin-Madisonand at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Some questions were taken directly from Bilimoria,et al.’s survey to reproduce their work with a high degree of fidelity. Finally, questions wereadded and refined to reflect the specific climate and history at our institution.The original sample consisted of 644 full-time faculty members on and off the tenure track.Because the professional experiences of faculty off the tenure track vary considerably withcollege and workload assignment, we limited our final sample to
engineering bachelor’s degrees. However, while women receive over halfof bachelor’s degrees awarded in the biological sciences, they receive far fewer in the computersciences (17.9%) and engineering (19.3%). This trend reflects upon the workplace in these fieldswith women making up only 29% of the science and engineering workforce, with relatively lowshares in engineering, around 15%. The need for more educational opportunities for femalestudents in fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is present andthere is a need for programs to help correct this trend8.There are currently some STEM outreach programs in place within the United States. The UnitedStates Naval Academy (USNA) is the host of a STEM Summer Camp program. The
funding and retention data areperhaps more reflective of the unique differences between each participant rather than a true measureof the program’s impact.During the inaugural 2014/2015 academic year the EMS NFLC met 23 times and averaged sevenparticipants per meeting (from a pool of 27 new faculty and academic staff). There were 17 uniqueparticipants, and 15 faculty and staff participated in two or more meetings. During the 2015/2016academic year, the EMS NFLC met 22 times and averaged four participants per meeting (from a pool of13 new faculty and academic staff). There were 8 unique participants, and 7 faculty and staffparticipated in two or more meetings.Feedback from participating faculty during the first two years was overwhelmingly
through a practice of initiating, partnering, and policy making.Advance team members and key campus partners commence change initiatives by identifyingbarriers. Once a new program is developed, input and feedback gathered through campuspartnerships. Finally, successful ideas inform policies and procedures to formalize new practices.AcknowledgementsSupport for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation ADVANCEInstitutional Transformation program under Award No. 1209115. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] RIT Human Resources and Institutional Research (2015). NSF
their overall course performance. [3]For STEM students, particularly female students, self-efficacy – defined as a student’s belief inhis or her own ability to achieve academic success – is one of the greatest predictors of successin academic coursework. Female students, in general, rate themselves with lower self-efficacy inengineering coursework, even when they are, in actuality, achieving the same or better gradesthan their male counterparts. [7] According to previous research, there are a variety of factorsthat influence student self-efficacy and academic self-confidence, including perceived lecturerdistance and intimidation. [8] Greater perceived faculty distance reflects a colder, detached, andmore impersonal teaching style, which affects
. Grant funded career navigation efforts continue to be institutionalized within the university structure. Career navigation focused initiatives are also undergoing an evaluation to better understand how these efforts support the project’s overall objectives and project goal. Acknowledgements Support for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation program under Award No. 1209115. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References1. “RIT_EFFORT_Career_Life_Survey.pdf” NSF ADVANCE RIT (2009, October). Web
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