creating betterinter-corporation collaborations.The common assignment was graded by both professors who taught the two foundationalcourses. The reason for doing it was to understand and eliminate potential bias that an instructorcould have towards his/her students. Results of our first round of this intradisciplinaryassessment are presented in the next section.ResultsStudents work of the common assignment was graded by both professors for all five of thecriteria (i.e., Curiosity, Initiative, Independence, Transfer and Reflection). Each student wasgraded on a scale of 1-4 on each of the five criteria.Figure 2 shows the average grades of all 24 students enrolled in the Database Fundamentalscourse. We see that professor who taught the course (i.e
networkPedagogical ApproachCollaborative learning through hands-on, inquiry-based activities is very important for K-12students. In the delivery of the camp program, we used collaborative learning and inquiry-basedstrategies. These strategies made not only hands-on activities more engaging but also initiatedpeer-to-peer learning by encouraging skilled students to help their teammates who were not asskilled as themselves. Hands-on activities were designed based on an inquiry-based frameworkdefined in our earlier work8-10. This framework is inspired by Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model.In addition to step-by-step instructions, each of the camp hands-on activities has three componentsto enhance student learning- Reflective Observation, Abstract
drawing using NI Multisim programPhotocell Sensors and Resistance SensitivityThe designed motorized device is a photon triggered self-correcting vehicle that uses two photocellsensors to determine the input using light sources (LED strip lights). These photocell sensors areresistors and their resistance is dependent upon the light detection. With the light detection, itsresistance becomes low and without the light detection (dark), the resistance increases. In order tofind the appropriate amount of the voltage level over the resistance to run the motor, resistancetesting was necessary (Figure 3). Since the light reflects and scatters, there are a few variables thataffect to the resistance sensitivity including distance between light source and
the axisof rotation. This approach does not, however, give any guidance on how to eliminate any couplesthat are produced when the shaft is rotated. That is, two identical masses reflected through thecenter of mass do not alter this center but do produce a moment when the rotor rotates if they areat different axial positions. To eliminate these couples the rotor must be balanceddynamically.In a dynamic balancing system, measurements are taken during rotation to determine whatcorrections must be made to eliminate both the imbalance force and moment. Generally,corrections must be made at two separate planes along the axis of the rotor. Masses added off axisat either plane could correct the force, but adding appropriate masses in two separate
made to minimize the number of LED lights to minimize thepower consumption since all energy ultimately needed to be generated on-site by the Customer.Multiple reflector designs were attempted to angle the LEDs, use reflective materials, and direct Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, Oct 6-7 – Penn State Berkslight to the Reader. The combination of 3D-Design software (Inventor) and a 3D-Printer(Makerbot) made rapid prototyping and testing possible. The final configuration was 6 clear(no-color) LED (“High) and 3 LED (“Low) lights, tilted at 20 degrees outwards, around thecircumference of a circle of 5.0cm in diameter, and used “ultra-white” reflective paint.Figure 1(left): The Tent-Light product showing the 3D-Printed knurled
level of awarenessand reflection on ethics. The final eight questions are designed to measure the level of interest ofengineering students on ethics.The concept questions were derived from the textbook by Barry and Seebauer13, and the shortcases used in the questionnaire were adapted from a list of cases published by the NationalAcademy of Engineers (NAE) (2014), National Society of Professional Engineers (2014), and theVanderbilt University Center for Ethics (2014). The questions were reviewed and endorsed by anexternal subject experts representing industry and academia who served as project consultants.Participants and Demographics Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State BerksA total of 1,161 students
measurement, inappropriate height, uncertainty (5) Reflecting: remedy suggestion Air track adjustment, air hole testing, string not caught on pulley axle, hanging mass misreading, block Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State Berks mass measurement error, standard value comparison (6) Recognition of applied calculus PE, KE, velocity error contributes concept twice in
. The scintillator plate absorbsthis energy and emits light of a known frequency. The plate is wrapped in reflective material, sothe light bounces around until it finds the photomultiplier tube, which absorbs it and emits a signal, Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State Berksprocessed by a nearby computer. Data from each computer in the array will be automaticallyanalyzed at QCC. The arrays pursue serious scientific research, and high school studentsparticipate actively in this research. Student research begins with learning practical hands-onlaboratory skills in assembling the detector components. Fermilab has donated the scintillatorplates, pieces of old scintillator panels no longer in use. Fermilab
relationship to the hypothesis. Such a linkingperspective is consistent with the prevailing norm in publication practice that a community collegecan still web-access a published abstract with the cited reference information when the contentaccess is denied due to subscription fee issue. A student writing would link the cited facts in theintroduction section and information in the reference section when discussing the results of theanalysis. A successful linking would reflect the student’s judgment in data interpretation. Thisexperience is no other than the development of critical thinking when Wikipedia explains criticalthinking as the linking of facts and information with judgment. The Money Magazine survey alsoput critical thinking as a high valued
supported by the Engineering Information Foundation under Award No.EiF15.09. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paperare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Engineering InformationFoundation.Authors:Dr. Marietta Scanlon holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Tufts University, an SM inMetallurgy from MIT, and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from The Johns HopkinsUniversity. She is a Lecturer of Engineering in the Division of Engineering, Business andComputing at Penn State University, Berks Campus and serves as co-director of the FiERCEprogram. Her interests include 3D printing technologies as well as STEM education andoutreach and innovative teaching delivery
Conf. Ser. 1183, 201–211 (2009) Stanford Solar Center. Magnetism on the Sun: Magnetic Reconnection- Reconnecting Rubber Bands Ottaway K, Murrant C, Ritchie K. Cheating after the test: who does it and how often? Adv Physiol Educ. 2017 Sep 1;41(3):368-374. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Philosophy for Children. “What is meant by ‘critical thinking’? Characterizations range in complexity from Robert Ennis's admirably brief, “reasonable reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do” (Ennis 1987) to a complex statement by
ofimplementing it in an engineering lab environment. Nonetheless, this Co-robot system has thepotential to help students better understand and experience firsthand how HF&E principles andmethods can be applied, as well as how they could reduce the risk of WMSDs and improve theergonomics of a task. This has the potential to improve and expand engineering studentknowledge of HF&E, which is essential for their future career. Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State BerksAcknowledgement This research is funded by the National Science Foundation NSF NRI #1527148. Anyopinions, findings, or conclusions found in this paper are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the
Education and Training Foundation (NEETF)/Roper Survey [11]. To ensure therewas no bias reflected from the instructors or the course material with regard to the students’environmental knowledge and attitudes, we administered the initial paper-copy survey during thefirst two lessons of the academic term. The post-course survey focused on the results from the endof the semester during the last week of the course, whereas the pre-course survey incorporatedresults obtained during the first week of the course.The twelve-question environmental knowledge survey linked to the first five themes covered inthe first course of the environmental engineering sequence, consisting of Earth as a System (ES),Strained Resources (SR), Energy (EN), Human Health (HH