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Adam Weaver, Baylor University; Joseph Anthony Donndelinger, Baylor University
Paper ID #44710The Impacts of Reflective Writing on Peer Evaluations in EngineeringDesign CoursesMr. Adam Weaver, Baylor University Mr. Adam Weaver joined the Baylor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with over 15 years of experience in industry and government service. He served in the Active Duty Air Force as an engineer for over eight years, specializing in test and evaluation of avionics, guidance/navigation, and space systems. After his time in the military, he worked as a Propulsion Test and Integration Engineer with Space Exploration Technologies as well as multiple positions with L3Harris
Conference Session
Track 6: Technical Session 3: Teaching Equity through Assets-Based Journaling: Using Community Cultural Wealth to Guide Student Reflections
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Gabriella Coloyan Fleming, University of Texas at Austin; Jessica Deters, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Maya Denton, University of Oklahoma
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
water resources engineering from the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin), and her PhD in STEM education from UT-Austin. Before graduate school, she worked for an industrial gas company in a variety of engineering roles. Her research in engineering and STEM education focuses on career pathways within engineering and issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Teaching Equity throughAssets-Based Journaling:Using Community Cultural Wealth to Guide Student Reflections Gabriella Coloyan Fleming, Jessica Deters, Maya Denton 1
Conference Session
Track 7: Technical Session 9: Preparing for ABET Changes regarding DEI: Results of the Big Ten++ DEI Summit
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Sarah E Zappe, Pennsylvania State University; Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
institutional policies on diversity, equity, and inclusion and demonstrate awareness appropriate to providing an equitable and inclusive environment for its students that respects the institution’s mission.” -In order to prepare for theupcoming changes to ABET,a Summit was held at PennState in October of 2022.A total of 71 participantsfrom 20 institutionsattended the meeting. • 22.aspx -The Summit was held across 3 days and consistedof speakers, reflection, and team working time.The Summit also
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Mandeep Singh Basson, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis
Motivation Focus group Seminar challenges outlined by the United Nations Sustainable ➢ Fostering cultural humility supports inclusive problem- ➢ Focus group designed for graduate students to engage participants in ➢ One-hour seminar on cultural humility designed for seven solving, enabling civil engineers to address challenges in a self-reflection activities to explore their own cultural backgrounds, incoming graduate students in civil engineering to
ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Royce A Francis, The George Washington University; James P Ferguson, The George Washington University
, evaluation, and inference, as well asexplanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerationsupon which judgment is based.’” In this paper, we describe engagement with a writing assignment forundergraduate systems engineering students intended to foreground engineering judgment in studentwriting processes from the perspective of an instructor and an undergraduate student. We conduct areflective autoethnography to construct key elements of the ways both student and instructorparticipate in the construction of engineering judgments through the course’s writing processes.This reflective essay advances the possibility for engineering judgments constructed in well-designedwriting assignments to improve
ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Caitlin Grady, The George Washington University
developingengineers who are aware of and engaged with the ethical dimensions of their work, educatorscontribute to the creation of a workforce that values and serves societal interests. Our goal ofpresenting our project as a work in progress to this conference is to garner discussion and feedbackon our design prior to project implementation furthering iterative research design andstrengthening our approach to student learning.This project brings coupled ethical-epistemic analysis from the field of philosophy and reflectivepractice from the field of cognitive design theory to the field of engineering education. This early-stage, exploratory project will study the effectiveness of leveraging adapted existing pedagogies(reflective practice) alongside new
John Carrell, Texas Tech University; Tirhas Hailu, Texas Tech University
University Tirhas A. Hailu Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering Texas Tech University AbstractEngineers are increasingly looking for inspiration in the design of structures and processes to solveproblems in engineering practice. Bioinspired design uses nature as the influence and inspiration forcreating and improving designs. Through its application, bioinspired design has a long and expandinginfluence on human technology. As a reflection of this impact, more and more engineering collegesare incorporating bioinspired design into their curricula. Starting in the fall of 2020 the Texas
2024 South East Section Meeting
Elizabeth Zanin Flanagan, Clemson University; Kassidy Y. Maron, Clemson University; Angelina Cotto, Clemson University; Isha Vishal Raj, Clemson University; Ben S. Fields, Clemson University; Elijah Austin Wilbanks, Clemson University; Karen A High, Clemson University
people in this group, this CI is their first real experience with taking partin research, specifically qualitative research. Over the fall 2023 semester, the team has beencoding written student reflections using a priori coding [4] and we meet in a hybrid format. Theteam has processed over 100 pages of student reflection data on a curriculum intervention inengineering and improved their intercoder reliability continually over the past semester. Thegroup began to think about how they have grown as qualitative researchers and reflected on thefollowing questions to answer what has helped them grow as qualitative researchers. 1. What was it like to work on your first educational research project? Reflect on your classroom and out-of-class
2024 South East Section Meeting
Sylmarie Davila-Montero, The Citadel
(covering objectives, required tools, and instructions), gradingrubrics, and students’ scores. Reflective insights from students highlight not only the successfulcreation of functional Morse code machines but also a profound appreciation for the practicalapplications of Computational Thinking and programming in the realm of Electrical Engineering.Classroom Activities Leading to ProjectIn the second part of the class, students were introduced to Python and various developmentenvironments, including Spyder from Anaconda 3, as well as the Python editor and simulator forthe BBC Micro:Bit. Following the completion of each class module or topic, students wereassigned brief programming exercises. These exercises required the use of Spyder to
2024 South East Section Meeting
Natalia Cardelino, Mercer University; Laura E Moody, Mercer University
Tagged Topics
reflection [3].The service provided can take many forms. It may include a community project, communityeducation, or the administration of a community survey to understand what problems need to beaddressed [4]. The academic connection refers to the learning aspect students gain throughcoursework and hands-on experiences, and is oftentimes, multidisciplinary. The reciprocalpartnership between the university and the community partner must be beneficial for both. Onechallenge of service learning versus traditional capstone projects is that a meaningful, ongoingrelationship with the community must be maintained [4]. In addition, many projects cannot becompleted in a single course and need the buy-in from the local community to ensure their long-term
George V. Kondraske; Lawrence R. DiSalvi
characterization of academic performance and competency have been topics of interestat all educational levels. Efforts generally include tests within major subject categories such as math,reading, and science with the diversity of categories increasing at higher educational levels. Suchtests result in a score (for individuals or aggregated across individuals) for each category that isintended to reflect “performance”; i.e., a level of competency or mastery within the defined subjectmatter area (SMA). While individual SMA scores are used as part of individual and groupperformance reports, single number “overall performance” metrics are frequently also used. Suchcomposite measures have traditionally been based on simple or weighted averaging. GeneralSystems
2024 South East Section Meeting
Amy Borello Gruss, Kennesaw State University ; Nicholas Anthony Clegorne
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decades, research is still in its infancy within the discipline of engineering educationwith only one research team studying VTS on engineering students. In 2017, Campbell and hiscollaborators introduced VTS to upper-level engineering students in hopes of creating morereflective engineers [14]. A comparison of essay responses before and after the VTS experienceshowed that students were indeed more reflective afterward, though the essay prompt was relatedto the art they previously viewed rather than engineering concepts [14]. They expanded upontheir work with graduate engineering students using instrumentations for insight, contextualcompetence, reflective skepticism, and interdisciplinary skills [15] and using reflective prompts[16] [17] [18
ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Alexander John De Rosa, University of Delaware; Teri Kristine Reed, OU Polytechnic Institute
such as GPAs, scores in prior courses from which the knowledge is to betransferred, etc. To date however, this has not been done. Finally, the think aloud methodologyused in this study has been shown in the past to positively influence student performance suchthat this activity may overestimate actual student performance “in the field” (Gagne et al., 1962;Davis et al., 1968).4. Presentation of DataThis paper presents data taken from the analysis of a single interview from this study. In this casea faculty member in a mechanical engineering department was the participant. Two main themesemerged in the analysis of the data; (1) the extensive use of reflection by the participant inevaluating their problem solving approach and solution(s); (2) the
Matthew Kuester, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; Paul R Griesemer, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
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University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (UMHB) was redesignedfor the Fall 2022 semester to improve student engagement and retention in the engineering program.The course design centered around an individual design project, with supporting modules to preparestudents for the project. Student feedback (in the form of student reflections) provided insight intohow students interacted with the project. Despite being an individual project, many students describedcommunity building that occurred through collaboration. Students also described a sense ofaccomplishment from completing a difficult, open-ended design problem. The redesigned course hasbeen offered in two semesters (Fall 2022, Fall 2023), and the retention rates for students enrolled inthese courses
Mohammad Shafinul Haque; Anthony Battistini; Soyoon Kum; Azize Akcayoglu; William Kitch
1 Session XXXX Hands-on Experiential Learning Modules for Engineering Mechanics (Work-in-progress) Mohammad Shafinul Haque, Anthony Battistini, Soyoon Kum, Azize Akçayoğlu, William Kitch Angelo State University AbstractExperiential learning includes concrete experience (CE), reflective observation (RO), abstractconceptualization (AC), and active experimentation (AE) modules to form a complete learningcycle. It promotes active learning and can significantly improve comprehension of
2024 ASEE North East Section
Jonathan Mellor, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Stephanie McGoldrick, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
panels to reduce their carbon footprint. The teams worked together to make their sites aestheticallyappealing and conducive to low-impact, sustainable development while also serving as an economic boom to the city.Key components of the class were team member evaluations and personal reflection essays. Students were requiredto evaluate themselves and their peers to assess the success of the teams. This helps students be accountable to theirpeers across disciplines. Additionally, reflection questions were posed to the students throughout the course toconsider potential project challenges, evaluate successes, and propose alternative approaches for the future. The paper“Measuring the Impacts of Project-Based Service Learning” by Paterson, Swan, and
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Mary M McCall M.A., University of Detroit Mercy; Nassif E Rayess, University of Detroit Mercy
tobe robust, repeated, and experienced over the course of the student’s college career.Another approach – Embedded technical writingIn 2016, the Mechanical Engineering curriculum at University of Detroit Mercy moved from thetraditional one-semester Technical Writing class offered through the English Department to anEmbedded Technical Writing approach. Among other “soft” or “people” skills, teamwork isdiscussed and practiced from day one through graduation. Over a series of five technical writingclasses from first through third year, students grow in their understanding of the value teams canbring to problem solving, project management and relationship development. Hands-on practiceand reflections help them internalize a teamwork approach to
2023 PSW
Lessa Grunenfelder
and abilities) are treated iteratively throughout the program. Finally, theelement of reflection, outlined in black in Figure 1, is not part of Prather’s model, but is a criticalcomponent of the faculty learning program and a key tool in the development of STEMEducation expertise.As outlined by Tran and Halverson [3], the objectives of the program are to: • Deepen faculty’s understanding of how people learn • Change teaching behavior to support student learning • Engage STEM faculty in habits of reflection • Nurture a tradition of continued learning about teaching • Build a faculty learning communityThe FLP is a full year (two-semester) course completed by a faculty cohort and lead by a team offacilitators. The
2024 South East Section Meeting
Raghu Pucha, Georgia Institute of Technology; Shivani Kundalia, Georgia Institute of Technology
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activities in freshman engineering design course. Pre-activity surveys and post-activity reflection instruments are currently being developed and willbe presented for the assessment of students’ appreciation for diversity, improved intrinsicmotivation and quality of performance.KeywordsDiverse Teams, Engineering Design, Culture-inspired design activities, intrinsic motivationFreshman students’ well-beingThe first year of college constitutes a time of substantial transition for incoming students. As aresult, a great deal of attention has been paid to improving college students' first-yearexperience(Bowman 2010). Research on the well-being of diverse college students has focusedlargely on adjustment processes that are specific to the college
Nathan K. Mitchell; Aburi Anil Kumar
conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gatheredfrom, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guideto belief and action.8 Questions relating to engineering’s impact on social, political, cultural, andeconomic systems are not often addressed in standard engineering curricula. This paperdemonstrates how various pedagogies in the liberal arts like the “global thinking” routinesdeveloped by Boix Mansilla could be adapted for engineering and science education and couldaddress these deficiencies.7 Liberal Arts are Needed in STEMThere are numerous articles in the popular and academic press that highlight Big Tech’s desire toemploy individuals
Conference Session
Track 8: Technical Session 7: Designing an open course to highlight the work of underrepresented STEM scholars
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Brianna B Buljung, Colorado School of Mines; Seth Vuletich, Colorado School of Mines; Madison Schaefer
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
faculty to find appropriate materials, creating barriers both to underrepresented scholars andto those who seek to use their work [9].The glaring gap in guidance for faculty led us to develop the Representation in STEM (RIS) openmini-course. This course was designed to provide faculty with a single page of adaptable contentrelated to representation in a specific discipline or topic area that can be easily used in theirdisciplinary courses. The full course currently contains five modules with the following content: 1. Introduction – details on course development and guidance for using and adapting the course 2. Disciplines – 16 single page lessons for STEM disciplines with readings, videos, websites to explore, and reflection
2024 South East Section Meeting
Sreekanth Gopi, Kennesaw State University; Nasrin Dehbozorgi, Kennesaw State University; Md Abdullah Al Hafiz Khan, Kennesaw State University
academic skillssuch as concentration and time management [24]. Similarly, O’Donnchadha (2018) reported that mindfulness-basedinterventions not only alleviated stress in caregivers but also enhanced their ability to disengage from distressingthoughts and be more mindfully aware [25]. These practices, when integrated with the reflective observation ofpast problems can release the pressure of unresolved issues, providing mental clarity and a structured approach toproblem-solving [26]. This enhances cognitive reappraisal (re-considering the perspective) which can help studentsmanage stress and bring clarity on challenges and priorities. Visualisation: Visualization meditation has emerged as a potent tool for reducing stress and enhancing
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Claudio Freitas, Purdue University Fort Wayne
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Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Spring 2023 23 students 20 students 20 students 20 students Spring 2024 24 students 16 students 24 students 21 studentsData Collection Data collection is being carried out in several distinct phases. The initial phase, in Spring2023, involved the researcher's direct observations, research journal, and reflections whileteaching the narrative pedagogy. The subsequent phase, currently underway in Spring 2024, hasreceived institutional IRB approval and involves student-produced artifacts and surveys. Thefinal phase, planned for Spring 2025, will adopt a quasi-experimental design to collect
Shadi Balawi, Texas A&M University; Jonathan Weaver-Rosen, Texas A&M University; Joanna Tsenn, Texas A&M University; Mohammad Waqar Mohiuddin; Carlos R. Corleto P.E., Texas A&M University
strategies charter for their class project reflection on team building activity • Short reflection/assessment• Short reflection/assessment • Short reflection/assessment Proceedings of the 2024 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX Copyright  2024, American Society for Engineering Education 4 Implementation PlanThe UNITES teamwork skill development project was launched to enhance our undergraduatecurriculum in the mechanical engineering
2024 South East Section Meeting
Evelyn Abagayle Boyd, Clemson University and Colorado School of Mines ; David E Vaughn, Clemson University; Jeffery M Plumblee II, JMP2 LLC; Bridget Trogden, American University
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form of the industry experience so the reason why I joined is kind of similar to what the reason why I did Co-OP. I wanted an experience that would teach me something that I probably wasn't going to get from classes and would be more team based as well.” -JohnJohn was not alone in his reflection that he wanted to participate in a humanitarian engineeringproject but did not have the terminology before participating in CEDC. Clemson University doesnot currently offer a humanitarian engineering major, so CEDC allows students to be introducedto and explore humanitarian engineering within their various curricular structures. In addition toreal world connections, Sam and Rachel heard about specific projects within CEDC and
ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Erica Cusi Wortham, GW Engineering; Zoe Szajnfarber; Robert Pless, The George Washington University; Ryan Watkins, The George Washington University
scholarship in real-world contexts. The programdoes this through graduate seminars, collaborative courses, peer/faculty/industry mentoring,convenings/symposia/events, and the Summer Incubator. Within this framework, the primarygoals of the incubator are to develop scholarly identity, build community, connect acrossdisciplines, practice core research skills, learn ethics in context, and develop professionalcommunication skills.The Summer Incubator course combines a studio-based learning environment with a designframework whose built-in cycles of reflection and iteration – with an emphasis on prototyping–foster cross-disciplinary connections. We drew inspiration for the structure of the incubatorfrom the design sprint [6], a method created to
2024 ASEE North East Section
Susannah GAL, Wentworth Institute of Technology
like Hemo Globin and Myo Globin responding to a job to deliver oxygen to cells.When asked to respond to the case study done in class, students write short (1-2 page) reportsresponding to questions such as how they responded to the clicker-like case, whether or not theyagreed with the judicial panel’s decision (for the trial), what role they played in the environmentalscenario, or by providing a resume for Hemo Globin or Myo Globin for the discussed job. A questionon the final exam allowed the students to reflect on their favorite case and what they learned related tothe course topic. The Case Studies in Science site is a great resource for case studies that can be easilyincorporated into lecture, lab or discussion sections. There are case
Tonia Haikal, Texas A&M University; Robert Harold Lightfoot Jr, Texas A&M University
LLM, like ChatGPT, into educational settings has the potential to enhancemotivation and self-efficacy among students1, but excess use of these resources can yield adverseeffects. Students' cognitive skills rely on their self-efficiency and self-motivation. Studies haveshown that the lower their motivation and self-efficacy to acquire cognitive skills, the higher theiravoidance of tasks. In contrast, those with higher motivation, self-efficacy, and self-motivation arelikely to engage with tasks using their knowledge and expand their borders7. LLMs could restrictstudents from reflecting on their learning process; instead, students might overlook their strengthsand areas for improvement. LLMs could suppress the development of a growth mindset8
2024 South East Section Meeting
Adeel Khalid, Kennesaw State University
recommendations for increasing the quality of teaching. The results of the survey arediscussed.Literature ReviewHigher education, just like any other organization, requires leaders. The most suitable leaders inhigher education tend to be the academics that come up the ranks. Most of these leaders havebackgrounds in research and teaching. Betof [1] argues that leaders as teachers help stimulatelearning and development, strengthens the organizational structure and communications,promotes positive changes, and reduces costs by leveraging top talent. Bowan [2] asserts thatleadership is a key element in meeting the needs of the engineering profession in an era ofheightened global competition. Urbanski et al [3] present the reflections on teachers as
2024 South East Section Meeting
Autar Kaw, University of South Florida; Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh
. The questions rangedfrom making a meme to describing a difficult or intuitive concept. Despite the opportunity forextra credit and the unique prompts, the participation rate was only 59% of the possiblesubmissions, and no clear trend was observed between the participation of high- or low-performing students.KeywordsFlipped classroom, active learning, metacognition, reflection.1 IntroductionReflection [1-3] is crucial for fostering metacognition, supporting effective learning, academicsuccess, and lifelong learning beyond college. It is not only about absorbing information but alsoabout actively thinking about one's thinking. By engaging in metacognitive practices, studentscan set learning goals, evaluate their understanding of course material