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entirety and dropped into another institutional framework. The committee advisesfaculty who are contemplating embarking on a similar program development or renewal processat their own institution is to adapt the model, not adopt it. The process is key, not the particularsthat this process achieved when applied in one specific context.References CitedAmerican Society for Engineering Education - Student Division (ASEE-SD) and the Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching (CELT). (2019). Engineering Education Community Resource Wiki. Available at: http://engineeringeducationlist.pbworks.com/Biggs, J. (1999). Teaching for quality learning at university. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.Borrego, M., and Cutler, S. (2010). Constructive
refers to how long a movement or sequence of movements continues.Kinesthetic response refers to a spontaneous reaction to motion. Repetition refers to the repeatingof something onstage. The viewpoint of space encompasses shape, gesture, architecture, spatialrelationship, and topography. Shape refers to the contour the body(ies) makes in space. Gesturerefers to a movement that engages part(s) of the body; gesture is a shape with a beginning, middle,and end. Architecture refers to the environment the actors are working in and how their awarenessof it impacts the way they move. The actors learn “to dance with the space, to be in dialogue witha room, to let movement evolve out of our surroundings” [10]. Topography refers to the floorpattern and the
program the P8X32A and is available under the GNU license atno cost from Google. The touch sensing operates at +3.3V DC with no potential of harm. TheP8X32A has a built in VGA driver that can display about 25 columns by 24 rows in eight colors.Including the vgatext.h driver and using the dprint(vga, ”text here”); statement allows forcharacters to be displayed on the VGA screen. The video resolution is similar to the CommodoreVIC20, an 80’s computer. Replacing standard text with inverted or highlighted text, can be usedfor visual feedback to the user indicating cursor location. Switching between the two rapidlycould be used to indicate error or selection as well. The screen is cleared when no user is presentand has a welcome screen when a user
Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission, Criteria for AccreditingEngineering Technology Programs, 2018-2019.(9) The Organizational Ecology of College Affordability: Research Activity, State Grant AidPolicies, and Student Debt at U.S. Public Universities, C. Eaton et al., Socius: SociologicalResearch for a Dynamic World, American Sociological Association, Sage Journals,https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2378023119862409, August 2019.(10) Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956).Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals; Handbook I:Cognitive Domain, New York, Longmans, Green, 1956.(11) “Real-World Applications of Mathematical and Scientific Principles
. McTigue, Julie S. Linsey, and Tracy Hammond. Mechanix: The development of a sketch recognition truss tutoring system. In 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 2012. ASEE Conferences. https://peer.asee.org/21684. [8] WeeSan Lee, Ruwanee de Silva, Eric J. Peterson, Robert C. Calfee, and Thomas F. Stahovich. Newton’s pen: A pen-based tutoring system for statics. Computers & Graphics, 32(5):511–524, October 2008. doi: 10.1016/j.cag.2008.05.009. URL https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2008.05.009. [9] Robert J. Roselli, Larry Howard, Bryan Cinnamon, Sean Brophy, Patrick Norris, Megan Rothney, , and Derek Eggers. Integration of an interactive free body diagram assistant with a courseware authoring
://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/9dof-razor-imu-m0-hookup-guide. # SH OP LEARN B L OG SUPPOR T L OG I N ! P R ODU CT M E N U find products, tutorials, etc... " EDUCATAppendix A: Project Handout 9DoF Razor IMU M0 Hookup Guide CO NTR I BUTO R S: JI MB0 F AVOR I TE 2 MECH 4XX/6XX Project 1 Professor X
using a median or a mode (not a mean). The mode is probably the most suitable for easy interpretation. • • • Express variability in terms of the range or inter quartile range. Standard Deviation can’t be used. • • • • • • • • • Display the distribution of observations in a dot plot or a bar chart. It can’t be a histogram, because the data is not continuous.APPENDIX B: Five–Point Likert Scale. Rubrics courtesy of W. S. U., Pullman, WA. 5 Has demonstrated excellence. Has analyzed important data precisely. Has provided documentation. Has answered key questions correctly. Evidence of
Director of Pre-collegiate Outreach Programs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Meadows works with K-12 S STEM outreach programs during the summer and academic year. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Building and Evaluating a Multi-tiered Mentor Program to Introduce Research to High School Women (Evaluation)AbstractWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has developed the Women’s Research and MentoringProgram (WRAMP) with the goal of encouraging more women to consider advanced degrees inscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). A multi-tiered mentor program hasevolved to place two local high school students in a graduate student mentor’s research lab
creative response, encouragingfaculty and administrators to focus on experiences of students, staff, and others in moreprecarious positions in the academy. Convening both virtually and in person to document,process, and share both our analysis and our feelings, in the hopes of building relationship,networks, and a stronger movement toward engineering that embraces diversity, inclusion,justice, and liberation.References[1] S. Quiles-Ramos, E. K. Foster, D. M. Riley, and J. Karlin, (2019, June), InfrastructureSinkholes: The Pretense of Operating Gender Neutral Organizations Erodes EngineeringEducation Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida.https://peer.asee.org/32964[2] L. M. Frehill, (2011). Moving beyond
department, or self-learned skillswithout rhyme or reason.IL Instruction in Higher EducationTheories about IL instruction vary by in large based on the purpose of the instruction. Wang [7]found that in order for instruction to be impactful for students and instructors alike, theinstruction must be tied to an assignment. This leads to the approach that you are fulfilling arequest for a client instead of a one off lesson. Not only must this instruction be tied to a specificpurpose, it must be well planned and relevant to the student, approaching them at an appropriatelevel. Wang notes that “[s]etting clear intentions and objectives in an important part of curriculardevelopment and lecturers need to know the broader educational context as well as their
, Number 6, pp. 228–233, 1997.7. McRae, S., Devine, F. and Lakey, J., Women into Science and Engineering, Policy Studies Institute, London, 1991.8. Abrams, L.M., Fentiman, A.W., “An Integrated Program to Recruit and Retain Women Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 1392, 7 pages.9. Salzman, N., & Delaney, A., & Bates, C. R., & Llewellyn, D. C. (2019, June), Easing Students’ Transitions to University Via a Summer Bridge and Outdoor Experience Program Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. https://peer.asee.org/32685
Brasileiro De Pneumologia, vol. 42(6), pp. 403-403, Dec. 2016.[3] J. Morrison, “Developing research questions in medical education: The science and the art,” Medical Education, vol. 36(7), pp. 596-597, 2002.[4] D. B. Bradley, “Developing Research Questions Through Grant Proposal Development,” Educational Gerontology, vol. 27(7), pp. 569-581, 2001.[5] W. Booth, G. Colomb, J. Williams, J. Bizup, and W. FitzGerald, The Craft of Research. Fourth Edition, Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing, 2016.[6] S. Feferman, “Three conceptual problems that bug me,” Lecture draft 1996 [Online]. Available: https://math.stanford.edu/~feferman/papers/conceptualprobs.pdf. [Accessed Jan 14, 2020].
1 3 87% 0.047 6.28 Engine oil 582 (at 25˚C) 0 100% 1 133.73 From Table 2 it can be found that as the viscosity increased the damping ratio and coefficient of the apparatus also increased. Since the input motion is applied on the base plate through a crankshaft, the input frequency can be controlled by the rotational speed of that crankshaft. From the experiments it was found that this apparatus can display the resonance when the input frequency approached its nature frequency 39.33 rad/s. 4. Course Evaluation Since the goal of this study is to improve teaching effectiveness in the vibration and controls class by helping the
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benefit of the new program, majorintrinsic benefits were gained in the areas of community-building and creating transparent andinclusive processes, which will hopefully translate to trust and open communication regardingfuture resources, staffing, and course sharing. Although the launch of the program feels like amajor accomplishment after a long arduous journey, of course the work is really just beginning.The program chair and advisory committee are currently developing an assessment plan andmarketing materials and working with existing departments and programs to staff upcomingcourses.References[1] Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives[2] K. L. Sanford Bernhardt and J. S. Rossman, “An Integrative Education in Engineering
(PID) Controls and TrackingThe lecture focuses on autonomous military vehicles and how they operate. Emphasis is placedon the complex math behind UAV design and PID controllers. The lab session is a demonstrationon quad-copter flight and autonomous tracking. A second autonomous vehicle is tracked by thequad-copter at a known distance and altitude.Water Channel and Particle Image Velocimetry OperationUNCC has the nation’s fourth largest water channel (by flow rate) and one of only a handful ofTomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (TomoPIV) systems. This research tool has a 1m high x1m deep x 3m long test section and with a maximum flow velocity of around 1 m/s. Each iterationof the class has utilized a different model in the water channel
3’s was about the same. It is fascinating that in the span of 3 midterm exams, the performance of “corequisite” group improved by nearly 20 points, to the point that their overall mean score was statistically better than the “prerequisite” group (with up to 94% confidence), a complete reversal of the results of Exam 1. It is clear in this case that the “corequisite” group of students started to develop a better understanding of the course material between the first and second exams and continued to improve until the end of the quarter. On the cumulative Final Exam, which was identical in the two quarters, the two groups performed in a virtually identical manner. This suggests that by the
., & Solecki, W., Using higher education-community partnerships to promote urban sustainability. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 53(1), 18–28, 2010.[6] Little, J. C., Hester, E. T., & Carey, C. C., “Assessing and enhancing environmental sustainability: a conceptual review,” Environmental science & technology, 50(13), 6830- 6845, 2016.[7] Minsker, B., Baldwin, L., Crittenden, J., Kabbes, K., Karamouz, M., Lansey, K., ... & Rivera, S., “Progress and recommendations for advancing performance-based sustainable and resilient infrastructure design,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(12), A4015006, 2015.[8] Zoltowski, C. B., Oakes, W. C
demonstration of the prototype to an audience thatincludes the client, users, faculty, staff, students and community at the Fall or Winter DesignExpo. These Expos are part of the Design Institute’s Fall and Winter Expos that showcase thework of students in multiple Graduate and Undergraduate design courses and clubs. The DTC2presentation involves a demonstration of the prototype to a smaller audience including theclient, user(s) and other teams that are working on the same project. Unlike DTC1, DTC2projects are distributed to one team per section and across two to four sections. In both DTC1and 2 presenting is an opportunity for students to develop an appreciation for how much theirtechnological and engineering literacy on a specific topic has changed
Paper ID #21227Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes Through Freshman Summer Engi-neering Experience (SEE) ProgramsDr. Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology Dr. Hossein Rahemi is a professor and department chair of Engineering and Technology at Vaughn Col- lege of Aeronautics & Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM grant and
the US and even around the world. This accreditation certainly ensures highquality of the engineering education that is provided to the students. However, with ABET’sapproach of accrediting individual programs, universities (and departments) tend to develop theirengineering programs largely in isolation. There is likely to be a strong overlap between thecollege-level math and basic sciences courses that are required by ABET, but the courses onengineering topics may or may not be common across multiple programs. There could certainlybe overlap based on the history of how these courses were initially designed, the programs theywere initially offered under, the faculty member(s) who designed and/or taught them, scheduling,etc. Universities and
Methods in Engineering Mechanics: Part Three,” 124th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, June 25 – 28, 2017.5. Ambrose, S.A., Bridges, M.W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M.C. and Norman, M.K. (2010). How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.6. Dweck, C.S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York, NY: Random House.7. McGuire, S.Y., and McGuire, S. (2015). Teach Students How to Learn. Sterling, VA: Stylus.8. Nilson, L.B. (2013). Creating Self-Regulated Learners. Sterling, VA: Stylus.9. Lovett, M.C. (2013). Making Exams Worth More Than the Grade. In M. Kaplan, N. Silver, D. LaVaque-Manty and D. Meizlish
themselves come from a demand forinnovation, not just an interest or conventional idea for an encapsulating project. Generally, theprojects come from one of two places. Most commonly, MUSE faculty (along with theconnections they have made in their previous endeavors and continued careers) generatepotential projects that will push students to innovate and create new solutions for real-worldproblems. Alternatively, students have the option of finding their own project to work on bycontacting companies for industry-based projects. As long as the project is approved by thestudents’ advising professor(s), the project can be pursued. The requirement of finding actualvalue in the project, outside of being a grade, is an essential start to creating a real
development program [1], [16]. This paper provided a brief overview of theprogram’s construction and content. We then discussed how our preliminary results showed thecohort’s overall strengths and weaknesses, and also that their professional reputation for somecompetencies varies between subordinates, peers, and advisors. Insights like these will helpparticipants interpret their reports, and design the best development goal for well-roundedgrowth.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1545211.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
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retained within the CU System.References:[1] T. Beaubouef and J. Mason. “Why the high attrition rate for computer science students: somethoughts and observations.” ACM SIGSCE Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp 10-3-106, June 2005.[2] D. Garcia. “One Size Fits All? One size fits none! A Custom Computer Science EducationProposal.” ICER 2006, January, 2007.[3] B. Amerson, “The Social Networks for computer science,” http://www.dailyevergreen.com,[November 4, 2013][4] J. Talton, D. L. Peterson, S. Kamin, D. Israel, J. Al-Muhtadi, “Scavenger Hunt: ComputerScience Retention Through Orientation.”ACM SIGCSE 2006, March 1-5, 2006, Houston, TX.[5] Kuh, G., “High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them,and Why They Matter.” AAC&U
organizational platform and analytical toolsto administer institutional accountability. The approach originates from the quality movementproposed in the 1990’s by W. Edwards Deming for reinventing government as a customer-drivenservice and an adaptation of the Federal Government’s Office of Management and Budget,Congressional Budget Office, and Government Accounting Office. Advantages of the proposedenvironment are an increased emphasis on institutional accountability and quantifying institutionalrisk.I. BackgroundRegional institutions face increasingly complex challenges affecting accountability that includetechnological changes, political uncertainties, financial stability, demographic shifts in studentpopulations, and cultural issues [1]. Dynamic