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underrepresented populations, particularly women.Looking forward, WSU is increasing its presence and visibility in Everett. WSU recently brokeground on a new building that is located adjacent to the EvCC campus with completionanticipated by fall 2017. The BSME program will occupy most of the first floor of the buildingwith new state-of-the-art facilities and will be increasing capacity from 30 to 40 students for Fall2016.1 Olson, S., Labov, J.B., & National Research Council. (2012) Community Colleges in the Evolving STEMEducation Landscape: Summary of a Summit. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press.2 National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Snapshot Report 17. “Contribution of Two-year Institutions toFour-year Completions” (2014).3
-implemented emulation of the computer system andexecutes the program as a physical machine. The purpose of virtualization is to execute theprogram in different environments from the host machine. Two techniques are developed andavailable, hardware virtualization and abstract virtual machine. Since the hardware virtualizationvirtually creates one or more separate physical space environment(s) isolated from the hostmachine, it is preferred and widely adopted. In this paper, we will focus on and compare thesetwo virtualization approaches.3.1 Hypervisor-based virtual machineHypervisor-based virtual machine is a software and/or hardware implementation to create andrun separate virtual environments different from host machine. The type-1 hypervisor
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low noise amplifier, 17-bit ADC and powerful DSP unit thus achieving high accuracy andresolution of the thermometer. The thermometer comes factory calibrated with a digital SMBusoutput giving full access to the measured temperature in the complete temperature range(s) witha resolution of 0.02°C. The user can configure the digital output to be PWM. As a standard, the10-bit PWM is configured to continuously transmit the measured temperature in range of -20°Cto 120°C, with an output resolution of 0.14°C. When NCTD measurements were compared tohigh end FLIR camera, the temperature differences were different. Therefore, the project teamdecided to use another infrared temperature sensor to determine if the measurements weredifferent because of the
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: Roy Kravitz;and, the Portland State University administration and faculty, for their continued partnership anddevelopment of high quality and innovative capstone products and experiences. Additionally, “Blocks ofCode” and the other capstone projects referenced in this paper were funded by Erebus Labs, with fundsused entirely for the physical components and fabrication of the end products.References[1] Blackley, S., & Howell, J. (2015). A STEM Narrative: 15 Years in the Making. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(7). http://doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2015v40n7.8[2] Nadelson, L., Callahan, J., Pyke, P., Hay, A., & Schrader, C. (2010). Teaching Inquiry Based Stem In The Elementary Grades Using Manipulatives: A Systemic
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value,that of the application layer’s Instant Messenger application (used to create LL3P packets). Eachpacket has a unique identifier (2 bytes long), and a 1 byte Time To Live field which must bedecremented as the packet is forwarded through the network. The payload is variable sized and a1’s complement checksum is calculated over the packet using a method similar to IP’s method ofzeroing out the checksum field and placing the resulting checksum in the checksum field.Accordingly, when the TTL field changes the checksum must also change. LL3P Frame Structure Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 Source LL3P 0x00
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. Since 1950-s, there was intensive international cooperation inthe area of training Vietnamese students in Soviet universities for industrial companies inVietnam. Training of students was accompanied by academic mobility of Soviet engineerswho contributed to the implementation of industrial projects in Vietnam.The decay of the Soviet Union resulted in drop in the number of joint projects in engineeringeducation. Vietnamese students also shifted their focus to other countries (such as the U.S.)offering a good system of engineering education. Russia is trying to progress in internationalcooperation with Vietnam and has almost returned its position in the number of students.Table 1 represents selected statistics of Russia, Vietnam and their
training sessions was not only to raise the level atwhich the teaching assistants use the workflow, but to also ensure they could accurately conductPre-CAM Consultations.Pre-CAM ConsultationsPrior to beginning formal work on a CAM project, students must consult with a member of theAFL staff. During the Pre-CAM Consultation, the staff member views the model(s) provided bythe student and discusses the manufacturing approach that will be used to machine the part. Thisincludes a discussion on the proper stock size, the proper fixturing approach, the order in whichprocesses should be applied, among other topics. The purpose behind this consultation is toprovide the student with a starting point to begin the CAM work. Also, it ensures they alsofollow
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, especially in the field of Public Administration. Chairman of the Board of the GCC - Computer Graphics Center since 2005. Pr´o-Rector of University of Minho between 2006 and 2009. President of the National College of Informatics (Order of Engineers) since 2010.Prof. Victor F. A. Barros Ing.-Paed IGIP, Science and Education Research Council Prof. Victor Freitas de Azeredo Barros, Ing.-Paed IGIP is Executive Secretary of Science and Education Research Council. He is Researcher at AlgoritmiCentre/University of Minho; University of S˜ao Paulo; Mackenzie University; Pontifical Catholic University of Goias; Goi´as Federal Institute; Amap´a Federal Institute and Catarinense Federal Institute. He is Editor-in-Chief of the
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for the opportunity to be addressed. Describe the problem to be solved, objectives/goals, and assumptions. Design Process – Describe initial brainstorm options, selection criteria, refined options with detailed sketches/components, and selection of a built prototype. Always label (caption) any figures. As common practice, any figure in the report must be discussed somewhere in the text. Prototype Results – Include photographs of the device and testing. Show data to support or reject this design’s function. Description of Final Product – Include a comprehensive schematic(s) of your final design. Include details of all components. Be logical in your sequence of this section. Conclusion – Summarize
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that serves all the LOBs(Line Of Businesses) and Channels in the organization, 3) increased sales revenues because ofmore cross sell and up sell Opportunities, 4) lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) because oflesser maintenance costs as the existing SOR s will slowly retire, 5) increased customersatisfaction and retention, 6) consolidated data enables rapid sales and marketing turnaroundtimes, 7) fast performing SOA web services resulting in increased productivity, 8) analyze theconsumer pattern analysis through intelligent analytics, 9) ability to monitor the applicationhealth through intelligent and real-time monitoring dashboards, and 10) enhanced applicationmaintenance and scalable, reliable catering to future needs [10]. The other
strategies. In the developed economies, researchers such as ClaytonChristensen have been delivering workshops that are rooted in research-based strategies.ApproachCompetencies can be seen as inclusion of skills, knowledge and attitudes including the patternsof personal competencies and the way they work together for achievement 11. We adoptedRichard Lyons‘ definition of innovation - fresh thinking that creates value for all thestakeholders12 - for developing our framework. This includes two elements – fresh thinking orcreativity and value delivery. Fresh thinking results in generating a number of quality ideas andchoosing the best idea(s) and value delivery entails, developing solutions and deploying them toensure benefit to the stakeholders. Our
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practice of teaching these twotopics in an integrated manner. In fact, the faculty already integrated Statics with Strengths ofMaterials and is exploring the possibility of integrating other topics such as Dynamics andVibrations.1 Daisie Boettner, Blace Albert, and Bret Van Poppel. "A Proposal For An Integrated Mechanical EngineeringCurriculum At The United States Military Academy". 2003 Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2003, June.ASEE Conferences, 2003. https://peer.asee.org/11426 Internet. 24 Sep, 20152 Boettner, D. D., Norberg, S. A., Melnyk, R. V., Highley, J. L., Rounds, M. J., & Arnas, A. O. (2006, January).Teaching the Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics through an Integrated Systems Approach.In ASME 2006