. Historical and current data indicate that the need for science and engineering careers isincreasing, yet the number of students choosing and completing traditional science degrees isdecreasing. The decrease in students choosing and/or being qualified to enter science andengineering fields is continuing even with the programs geared towards increasing awarenessand preparedness. The gap between students entering science and engineering (S&E) fields andgraduating to meet the S&E employment needs was first noted in the early 1990’s. Manyresearchers suggested that recruitment and retention into the qualitative science fields shouldinclude women and minorities to assist in filling in the employment gap. Since a large numberof women and minorities
try and control for a variable such as “committed to diversity”, we compiled someadditional evidence that compares data from the one college that mandated attendance in2005 (the College of Letters & Sciences (L&S)) to other departments in the University.Because the Dean of L&S made attendance at the Searching for Excellence & Diversityworkshops mandatory in 2005 before he would release a faculty position, for the first timewe encountered workshop participants who were actively antagonistic to the messages andspirit of the workshop. Yet, even though some participants in L&S may not have been“committed to diversity”, L&S still showed increases in their offers to women andminorities, and the percentage of new hires who
/Ethnic Sensitive Engineering Activities and Career Guidance.” Just a single componentof the usual five-component topic format was used. This was the presentation of literaturefindings on possible types of classroom engineering activities with gender/minority sensitivityfor awareness of future courses and careers related to engineering disciplines. Such suggestedactivities included: 1) take apart (and maybe rebuild) items such as appliances, cell phones, andcomputers; 2) learn about the engineering design process in terms of how a component(s) of afamiliar system, such as a bicycle or running shoe, are engineered from concept tomanufacturing; 3) redesign common household objects to meet the needs of children, women/minorities, and the elderly; 4
emphasized emphasized emphasized3 = main goal of the activity2 = fairly well addressed Page 12.902.81 = slightly addressed0 = not addressed at allRepresentation of Female Role Models in ScienceOne of our findings during the analysis of the data was the absence of a balanced representationof females and males in the course's activities and speakers. We determined this by analyzing theactivities which Mr. Q. used in the classroom: videos, guest speakers, and the selection of topicsof the various activities and Mr. Q.’s awareness of gender issues.None of the selected videos included female
learning modes used to overcome thelearning-style mismatch include active learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, and Page 12.560.3problem- or project-based learning7,1.Table 1. Dimensions of Learning Styles6 (Felder & Brent, 2004) Dimension Types of Learners within each Dimension Perception Sensing/Sensors Intuitive/Intuitors Input Modality Visual(s) Verbal(s) Processing Active(s) Reflective(s) Understanding Sequential(s
viasynchronous, two-way IP video.Based on the findings of the study in comparison of the two methodologies, it was found thatparticipants in both the traditional, face-to-face methodology and the synchronous, two-way IPvideo methodology were able to increase knowledge and hands-on skills from pretest to posttest.Additionally, the study found there to be no statistically significant difference in participants’knowledge or skill gains between the two educational methodologies.IntroductionThe 4-H program got its start in the early 1900’s in youth corn clubs. Over time, these corn clubsand other similar clubs became of interest to Cooperative Extension Service educators. Theeducators discovered teaching youth new and innovative techniques could help to
). Page 12.1347.124. "Engineering Education for a Changing World," A Joint Project by the Engineering Deans Council and Corporate Roundtable, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington DC (1994).5. S. Bishop and M. Besterfield-Sacre, "Freshman Engineering Leadership Team: Student Mentors for Recruitment and Retention," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Washington DC (1996).6. D. Calkins, D. Plumb, S. Hawkins and M. Coney, "Technical Communications Based Freshman Design Engineering Course," American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (1994).7. S. Keilson, "Freshman Design on a Shoestring," American Society for Engineering
THROUGH THE CONCRETE CANOE COMPETITION Page 12.665.2 ABSTRACTConcrete Canoe – will it float? With the correct mix of cement, water, aggregate, andadmixtures in addition to “Stamina, Teamwork, Strength, Imagination and Commitment,” yes,it will!The use of concrete to make a canoe is an unusual application of a common building material.In the 1970’s when some civil engineering college students decided to build a canoe usingreinforced concrete, concrete boats were not an entirely new idea. In 1848, Joseph Louis Labotof France built the first concrete dingy. The first ocean-going concrete ship was an 84-footlong boat constructed
-Engineering curriculum. Dr. High is involved with the development of an undergraduate entrepreneurship program at Oklahoma State University.Paul Rossler, Oklahoma State University PAUL E. ROSSLER directs the Engineering and Technology Management Program and co-directs the Legal Studies in Engineering Program at Oklahoma State University and is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management. He is a licensed professional engineer and holds a M.S. and Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Virginia Tech.Martin High, Oklahoma State University MARTIN S. HIGH founded and co-directs the Legal Studies in Engineering Program at Oklahoma State University and is an Associate Professor of
preference for Arts and Science across the data with UAshowing the highest percentage enrolment compared to the state and national data (data fromU.S. Department of Education, Alabama Commission on Higher Education and The Universityof Alabama) [1], [7], [8].Table 1. Distribution of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Doctoral Granting Colleges as ofFall 2005 (Percentages unless otherwise noted) [1], [7], [8] College Enrolment/Total State of Alabama National UA University Enrolment (including UA) Engineering 5.8 11.3 9.2 A&S/Total
of 1998. Itis administered by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Undergraduate Education(DUE). The program was modified in 2004 and is now known as the Scholarships in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program. The CSEMS Program supportsacademically talented students, financially needy students for study in the “targeted disciplines”of computer science, engineering, and mathematics; the S-STEM program will additionallysupport study in other natural sciences. Although metrics of financial need are established by thefederal government, participating institutions interpret thresholds for academic merit andfinancial need based on local circumstances. In addition to supporting students with financialneed, the
canslow the tenure clock for women, work in the mid-1990’s showed that very few of them actuallytake parental leave for fear that their senior colleagues will hold it against them.23,24While childbearing has received some attention in the form of policies designed to assist womenprofessors, little if any attention has been paid to the effects of child rearing.25 Significantly moremen than women with children under the age of six achieve tenure. Many women assistantprofessors are cognizant of this additional disadvantage and are choosing to postpone havingchildren. Almost half of them say the decision was made because of their careers. A 2006survey of 4,400 ladder rank faculty found that 40 percent of women said they had fewer childrenthan they
AC 2007-2456: OUTREACH INITIATIVE FOR RECRUITING WOMEN TOENGINEERING: DOING A GOOD DEED FOR GIRL SCOUTSDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina-Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic communications, engineering
AC 2007-2482: NSF CCLI: A PROBLEM-BASED MICROFLUIDICSLABORATORY COURSE FOR UNDERGRADUATESIan Papautsky, University of Cincinnati IAN PAPAUTSKY received his Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of Utah in 1999. He is currently a tenured Associate Professor of in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. His research and teaching interests include application of MEMS and microfluidics to biology and medicine.Ali Asgar Bhagat, University of Cincinnati ALI ASGAR S. BHAGAT received his M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2006, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. His research interests include microfluidics
twigs and leaves. Hence, thesmaller parts of a tree appear to have the same structure as the whole. Until Benoit Mandelbrot3,Gaston Julia11 and Pierre Fatou12 discovered self-similar structures in iterative mappings, suchstructures had gone largely unnoticed. Beginning in the late 1910's and into the 1920's, Julia11and Fatou12 led the study of these self-similar structures. At that time, there were no computersto produce the images that we see today. Consequently, interest in fractals was restricted to thosevery few individuals who could in some sense understand the mathematics behind the picturesthat are drawn today.Although Mandelbrot3 invented the word fractal, many of the objects featured in The FractalGeometry of Nature had been previously
. 90 no. 7 (Oct) p. 36-42 3. McKee, Sally A.; Kubarek, Diane M. Real-World Engineering: A Course for Masters Students Headed for Industry Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference. v. 2 (2003) p. F1E16-F1E21 Engineering as a Human Endeavor: Partnering Community, Academia, Government, and Industry. Westminster, CO, United States, Nov 5-8 2003. Sponsored by IEEE Education Society, IEEE Computer Society, And American Society for Engineering Education, The University of Colorado. Conference code: 62139 4. Aglan, H. A., Ali, S. F. October 1996,“Hands –On Experiences: An Integral Part of Engineering Curriculum Reform”, Journal of Engineering Education, pp 327-330. 5. Goldberg, D.E., April 1996, “Change in
) em que realiza uma expansão isotérmica. No final deste processo o volume específico do ar é de 0,3119 m3/kg. Qual a 1040 KJ/kg D) transferência de calor que teve lugar? (a) 12,17 kJ; (b) 13,17 kJ; (c) 14,22 kJ; (d) 15,22 kJ; (e) 16,30 kJ. 2 2. (2,0 val.) Um caudal de 3 kg/s de querosene líquido com um calor específico de 2,0 kJ/kgºC entra numa tubagem Dois quilogramas de vapor de água a 2 MPa e 250° C estão contidos no interior de um reservatório
sectionregion, provide the means to map the axial pressure distribution within the entire wind tunnel.This allows direct identification of the location(s) of significant mechanical energy losses,through comparison with ideal inviscid stream tube analysis associated with fluid mechanicsprinciples. In particular, the losses associated with the diffuser section become very apparent, incontrast with the inlet convergent section. Pressure recovery in the diffuser section is modeled ina very simple manner and compared directly with wind tunnel measurements. Fan powerrequirements associated with wind tunnel design are also included as part of the experimentation.The connection between diffuser loss behavior and boundary layer separation phenomenaassociated
education necessary to The current need and use of these weapons on theunderstand the impact of engineering battlefield was discussed and societal and politicalsolutions in a global, economic, implication of improving their accuracy.environmental, and societal context.Bibliography1 Frederick, R.A., Jr., Takada, P., and Cook, L., "Prototype for a Multi-National Propulsion System Design Course,"AIAA Paper 2000-3894, 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 16-19, 2000.2 Frederick, R.A., Jr., Pawlak, M-S, Utley, D.R., Corsetti, C.D., Wells, B.E., and Landrum, D.B., “InternationalProduct Teams for Aerospace Systems Design,” AIAA Paper 2002-4337, July 2002.3
tried toproduce a FC that could convert coal or carbon to electricity directly. These attempts failedbecause not enough was known about materials or electricity. In 1932, Francis Bacon developedthe first successful fuel cell. He used hydrogen, oxygen, an alkaline electrolyte, and nickelelectrodes. In 1952, Bacon and a co-worker produced a 5-kW fuel cell system. The large boost inFC technology comes from NASA. In the late 1950’s NASA needed a compact way to generateelectricity for space missions. Nuclear was too dangerous, batteries too heavy, and solar panelstoo cumbersome. The answer was fuel cells. NASA went on to fund over 200 research contractsfor fuel cell technology. Both the alkaline and polymer electrolyte fuel cells have
Conference. Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change (Vol. 2), pp. 604 -609.2. Cambron, M.E. and Lenoir, H.J., “Introduction to Industrial Automation, a multi-disciplinary course at Western Kentucky University,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2004, pp. 8363-8370.3. Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2005, Portland, OR.4. http://www.delmia.com.5. Cheng, F.S. “A Methodology For Developing Robotic Workcell Simulation Models,” Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, J. A. Joines, R. R. Barton, K. Kang, and P. A. Fishwick, eds.6. http://www.adept.com.7. COSIMIR (2005). COSIMIR
Development group. Currently, she is a research assistant on two NSF funded projects examining gender equity issues in the science and technology fields. She has co-authored several presentations and papers related to women’s career decision making and women’s under-representation in IT.Peggy S. Meszaros, Virginia Tech Peggy S. Meszaros, William E. Lavery Professor of Human Development and Director, Center for Information Technology Impacts on Children, Youth and Families, Virginia Tech, USA. She has extensive teaching, research, and administrative experience including middle school and high school teaching of science and has been a faculty member and administrator for 28 years at private
authors would like to acknowledge infrastructure support for the development of nano andmicro manufacturing modules to the Center for Advanced Materials and Smart Structures(CAMSS) at NC A&T State University.10. References1. The Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE), http://www.iienet.org2. Michalicek, M. A., “A Brief History and Overview of MEMS Technology and Applications” University of Colorado at Boulder, 2000.3. Ref: Nanonex® NX-2000 Specifications Brochure, 2006.4. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Technik and Umwelt, Projekt Mikrosystemtechnik (PMT)5. Desai S., Lovell M., “Multiphysics Modeling of a Piezoelectric Bimorph Disc in a Direct Write Fabrication Process”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress
enthusiasm of the engineering students involved in the project,in particular with respect to their commitment to improving mathematics education at the highschool level using their engineering skills to guide them to appropriate applications, and finallydue to the commitment of the faculty involved in both cases. The project provides anentrepreneurial learning experience for the engineering students as well as the opportunity toimpact the local community through service learning. The interaction between the university andthe high school may be the first steps in helping improve the math skills of high school studentsin Florida and across the country.Bibliography[1] G. Heinrich, K. Jordan, A. Smalley, and S. Boast. Prepare Students for Technical
are typically based on the following factors: quizzes, homework, midterm exam and final Exam. IX. Relationship of Course Objectives to Program Outcomes Program Outcomes (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Use Use Do Dsn Wo Do Eff Life Prof, Prof, QualCou of of expe of rk Tec Co - ethic soc, ,rse mod math, ri- sys on h m long s, globl, ContObj ern scienc ment & tea pro lear socia diversi impr tools e
Department at OregonInstitute of Technology.Development of the FEA course at OITFinite Element Analysis (FEA) is a numerical method for solving engineering problems bysimulating real-life-operating situations on computers. Finite element analysis proceduresevolved gradually from the work of many people in the fields of engineering, physics, andapplied mathematics. The use of finite element analysis (FEA) become widespread in the 1960’sand 70’s, initially in the automotive and the aerospace industries. During that period of time,expensive mainframe computers were required to run the finite element analysis, and finiteelement models typically required days to create. The task of interpreting results were also verydifficult. Customized software were
leaving the building). Page 12.330.5 Table 1 - Estimated Building Loads2 Estimated Heating And Cooling Loads Conditions Measurement Cooling Load Heating Load Dry-Bulb Temperature [C] 32 -21 Wet-Bulb Temperature [C] 22 -21 Total Horizontal Solar Rad. [W/m2] 668 0 Windspeed [m/s] 5 5.5 Cloud amount [0
WLAN and Bluetooth etc. Other futuredirections include exploring the physical characteristics for WLAN and Bluetooth and theirrespective performance in an interference-limited environment.References[1] Ennis, Greg, “Impact of Bluetooth on 802.11 Direct Sequence,” IEEE 802.11. Working Group Contribution, IEEE 802.11-98/319, September 1998.[2] Haartsen J.C. and Zurbes S., “Bluetooth voice and data performance in 802.11 DS WLAN environment,” SIG Publication, 1999.[3] Punnoose R. J., Tseng R. S., Stancil D. D. Experimental Results for Interference between Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b DSSS Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Society Conference, October 2001.[4] Golmie, N. and Mouveaux F., Interference in the 2.4 GHz
study at the university to takean objective look at the programs that lead to both ABET and NCATE continued accreditation.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Dr. Norman L. Fortenberry, Director of the Center for theAdvancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education in the National Academy of Engineeringfor providing the opportunity and resources that allowed us to participate in the workshops.These workshops provided the critical professional development we needed to initiate andconduct this research.Bibliography1. AC Nielsen Research Services. (2000, February). Employer satisfaction with graduation skills. Retrieved September 3, 2005 from http://www.dest.gov.au/archive/highered/eippubs/eip99-7/eip99_7pdf.2. Beder, S
nuclear energy and such renewable options as wind, geothermal, hydropower, ocean and tidal, solar, biomass, and hydrogen and fuel cells.Unit 3: Non-renewable energy- coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale and tar sandsUnit 4: Environmental impact that discusses the environmental and health and safety impacts of non-renewable and renewable energy options. Page 12.1196.3A sample schedule for a course that meets twice a week for 75 minutes per class sessionis shown in Table 1. Table 1: Sample EGEE 101H Class ScheduleWeeks Unit Topic(s)1-3 1 (Energy Fundamentals