weremultiple misconceptions for each student's response to each question. After reading through andmaking note of student misconceptions, similar misconceptions were grouped into categories.These categories were developed through emergent themes from student misconceptions asdisplayed on each Topical Module Assessment. For example, many student misconceptions ofcrystal structure included addition or deletion of atoms in the unit cell. Not all misconceptionsinvolved adding or removing the same atom, but because these were similar misconceptions,hinting at an emergent theme, they were grouped into one category referencing extra or missingatom(s). Each student conception was then assigned categories based on these emergent themes.This categorization
two prior fundamentalchemistry competences needing reinforcement. More importantly, the methods adopted in thepresent study may illustrate an approach to connect industrial demand and academicinstruction.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial supports provided by the National ScienceCouncil of the Republic of China under grant NSC 97-2511-S-262-008-MY3. Page 15.1327.11REFERENCESCuhls, K. (2003). Delphi method. Technical report, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research.Faherty, V. (1979), Continuing Social Work Education: Results of a Delphi Survey, Journal of Education for Social Work, 15(1), 12
holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Nebraska, an M.S. in Environmental Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and a B. S. in Civil Engineering from Assam Engineering College in India.Bruce Schumacher, North Dakota State University Bruce Schumacher is an ABD doctoral student in education at North Dakota State University. Schumacher holds an M.S. Ed. from Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota, an M.A.T in Education and B. A. in History from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Page 15.367.1© American Society for Engineering
disaster. In defense of their entity, the students createdan opening statement for the defense, called up to three defense witnesses/experts and composeda defense closing summary statement. In addition to defense, students were allowed to cross-examine witnesses called by other defendants and prepared questions in advance. The aim of thecross-examination was for the students to identify and clarify weaknesses in the arguments andpositions presented by other entities and to make sure information given was complete andaccurate.The overall purpose of this mock hearing was to engage the students in critical thinking andanalysis in a fun and relevant manner. The first objective was to identify what technical error(s)occurred and then dig deeper and try
feltnegatively towards the assignment initially. Pre/post analysis revealed no significant change inthe freshman‟s negative attitudes. Initially, the juniors expressed positive feelings. However,after designing and performing the experiment, the juniors liked the assignment less. Theirpositive attitudes decreased to match the freshmen. The junior and senior attitudes were similarbefore designing the experiment. However, unlike the juniors, the seniors became more positiveafter the assignment was complete.The unexpected effects of the experimental design experience that occurred with the juniorstudents are of interest. The juniors initially felt they understood how to design an experimentbut after performing it, they did not. On the pre-survey, 95% felt
thecourse professor.3 Description of New Lab Exercises3.1 Lab 1: Binary Arithmetic3.1.1 Key ConceptsThe key concepts addressed in this lab are: • converting between the binary, hexadecimal, and decimal number systems; • addition and subtraction of unsigned and signed 2’s complement numbers along with over- flow detection; • an introduction to the Xilinx and ModelSim software packages; and • the simulation of a design using Xilinx and ModelSim software.3.1.2 Pre-Lab Exercises Page 15.1115.5This pre-lab requires students to complete the addition and subtraction exercises shown in Table 1.Students must use the
remove dust etc passengers and fluid crewTransmission Recirculated air Method of What has to be for heat balance regulation recirculated? What has to be lost?Exhibit 3. B. T. Turner’s application of a matrix developed by G. G. S. Bosworth to the problem ofaircraft ventilation.27 Detail is obtained by further expansion of the boxes (see exhibit 4). For exampleit can show a family tree of
undergraduates leave the sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.6. Tobias, S. (1990). They’re not dumb, they’re different: Stalking the second tier. Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation.7. Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago.8. Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.9. Kendall Brown, M., Hershock, C., Finelli, C. J., & O'Neal, C. (2009, May). Teaching for retention in science, engineering, and math disciplines: A guide for faculty. Occasional Paper No. 25. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan10. Steele, C. M. (1999). Thin ice
,” ASEE Prism, 13(5), p. 45. 5. President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC), 2001, “Using Information Technology To Transform the Way We Learn,” Arlington, VA. 6. Thiagarajan, S., 1998, “The Myths and Realities of Simulations in Performance Technology,” Educational Technology, 38(5), pp. 35-41. 7. Lajoie, S. and Lesgold, A., 1992, “Apprenticeship Training in the Workplace: Computer-coached Practice Environment as a New Form of Apprenticeship,” Intelligent Instruction by Computer: Theory and Practice, (eds. M. J. Farr and J. Psotka), Taylor and Francis, New York, NY, pp. 15–36. 8. Mosterman, P.J., Dorlandy, M.A.M., Campbell, J.O., Burow, C., Bouw, R., Brodersen, A.J., and Bourne
least 2 research projects. The application form required student contactinformation, college/university, academic major(s)/minor(s), and GPA.The PIs selected participants from the applicant pool based on qualifications, interest in research,and preferred research topics. Minimum eligibility requirements for the program weresophomore standing or higher, 3.0 GPA, and a major in engineering or engineering science.Closely related majors in the sciences, such as materials science, physics, and chemistry werealso considered if the major closely matched a project in which the applicant was interested.Matching of selected participants with faculty mentors was performed by the principalinvestigators (PIs), sometimes in consultation with potential
orientation of pylon shortly after heel strike. The transverse and longitudinal axes of the pylon are described by the vectors: v x pylon = 8iˆ + 4.5 ˆj v y pylon = −4.5iˆ + 8 ˆj You have also measured the vertical (yGRF) and horizontal (xGRF) ground reaction forces generated by a typical user shortly after heel strike for range of walking speeds: Walking Vertical Horizontal Speed (m/s) GRF (N) GRF (N) 0.6 950 100 1.4 1200 250 2.1 1600 650 A) What is the magnitude of the GRF along the longitudinal axis of the pylon for a walking speed of 2.1 m/s
students may have. This framework is based on the works ofReiner, Slotta, Chi and Resnick 1 and Chi 2. The second framework from the works of Steif 3describes the common errors that students make in their solutions of Statics problems and theStatics concepts that they represent. Findings of this study show that students who got the answerincorrect made four common errors. In conjunction, when explaining the reasoning behind theseerrors, students talked about the force(s) as represented in the problem and solution as asubstance or a material object. Introduction The scientific principle taught in Statics is the principle of equilibrium. The primaryscience prerequisite to understanding the principle of
Boring I don't know men definitely not no 2 sometimes hard neither boring nor fun I'm not sure women I don't know not sure 3 neither hard nor easy sometimes fun I think I know I'm not sure Maybe yes a nybody ca n be an 4 easy always fun I definitely know engineer or s ci enti s t definitely yes 1 1.59% 1.59% 11.11
Dynamics course − is themost useful model because it can be used even before a semester begins and thus the instructorhas sufficient time to consider what proactive measures s/he will use in the new semester.However, if an instructor wants to generate a large number of good predictions, so s/he can focuson individual students, particularly those “academically at risk” students, Model #1 should not beused because of its lowest percentage of good predictions. Either Model #2 or Model #3 can beused after the first or second mid-term exams because both models have moderate predictabilityto generate good predictions. For example, if Model #2 or Model #3 predicts that a student willreceive a final exam score below 50 (out of 100), the student will be
, requiring identification and control of physical device(s). The laboratory experiments are designed to complement and synchronize with the lecture course in order to best reinforce concepts learned in class with hands-on experience. Using the laboratory facility, students should be allowed to conduct design and simulation projects in a simulated virtual environment. These projects allow students the opportunity to be involved in the development of software for modern controls, embedded systems, power electronics and industrial drive control systems. Industrial need: The lab addresses the need of industry to have engineers educated in the principles and applications of state-of-the-art sensing and control
., Crown, S., Freeman, R., Vasquez, H., Villalobos, C., Gonzalez, M., and Ramirez, O., “IncreasingStudent Access, Retention, and Graduation Through and Integrated STEM Pathways Support Initiative for the RioSouth Texas Region”, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas, June 14-17(2009)2. Prince, M.J., and Felder, R.M., “Inductive Teaching and Learning Methods: Definitions, Comparisons, andResearch Bases”, J. Engr. Education, 95(2), 123-138 (2006)3. Cordray, D.S., Harris, T., and Klein, S., “A Research Synthesis of the Effectiveness, Replicability, and Generalityof the VaNTH Challenge-based Instructional Modules in Bioengineering”, Journal of Engineering Education, 98 (4),pp.335-348 (2009)4. Altschuld, James W
Page 15.455.15 APPENDIX A ALUMNI INFORMATION FORM ‐ Confidentiality will be maintained with all information Name: _______________________________________________________ Phone: ___ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Year and quarter of Graduation: __________________ Final CAS Degree: Associate Bachelor (circle one) Major(s
different patents • “God gave them to me” he would say about his ideas, “How Characteristics: can I sell them to someone else?” •Seek out economical ways to uniquely use The generalizability of his ideas agricultural resources & ways to conserve soil made a meaningful impact on •Intent on learning science, a willingness & society. determination to lead in education as the •Use a negative byproduct(s) of a
, Colorado State U, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U Colorado (Boulder) • Mechanisms: ? • Objectives: create and speed the commercialization of renewable energy technologies, energy management systems, and energy efficiency 30 References 1 AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program Guide to R&D Funding Data Historical Table 1 available at http://www.aaas.org/spp/rd/guihist.shtml 2 “Federal Government is Largest Source of University R&D Funding in S&E; Share Drops in FY 2008”, Ronda Britt, NSF 09318 available at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/nsf09318/ 3 Map of DOE Laboratories from http://www.science.doe.gov
, Colorado State U, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U Colorado (Boulder) • Mechanisms: ? • Objectives: create and speed the commercialization of renewable energy technologies, energy management systems, and energy efficiency 30 References 1 AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program Guide to R&D Funding Data Historical Table 1 available at http://www.aaas.org/spp/rd/guihist.shtml 2 “Federal Government is Largest Source of University R&D Funding in S&E; Share Drops in FY 2008”, Ronda Britt, NSF 09318 available at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/nsf09318/ 3 Map of DOE Laboratories from http://www.science.doe.gov
, Colorado State U, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U Colorado (Boulder) • Mechanisms: ? • Objectives: create and speed the commercialization of renewable energy technologies, energy management systems, and energy efficiency 30 References 1 AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program Guide to R&D Funding Data Historical Table 1 available at http://www.aaas.org/spp/rd/guihist.shtml 2 “Federal Government is Largest Source of University R&D Funding in S&E; Share Drops in FY 2008”, Ronda Britt, NSF 09318 available at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/nsf09318/ 3 Map of DOE Laboratories from http://www.science.doe.gov
research work is supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan,under grant 97-2511-S-259-008-MY3. The authors thank Shu-Chen Kuo for her help incollecting and analyzing the data in this study.Bibliography1. Carnegie Corporation of New York and Institute for Advanced Study (2009). The Opportunity Equation: Transforming Mathematics and Science Education for Citizenship and the Global Economy. Retrieved Jan. 8, 2010 from http://www.opportunityequation.org/2. Palmer, D. H. (2009). Student interest generated during and inquiry skills lesson. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(2), 147-165.3. Lester, F., Garofalo I., & Kroll, D. (1989). Self-confide, interest, beliefs and meta-cognition: key influences on problem
Discretion on Individual Creativity, Journal of Applied Psychology, 16, pp. 179-185. 7. RUNCO, M.A. & ALBERT, R.S. (1990) Theories of Creativity (New York, Sage). 8. BROOKS, R. (A.K.A JAMES MATTHEWS) & JAHANIAN, S. A Pedagogical Strategy for Gradual Enhancement of Creative Performance of the Students. European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1999. 9. LUMSDAINE, M. & LUMSDAINE, E. (1994) Creative Problem Solving: Thinking Skills for a Changing World (New York, McGraw Hill Text). 10. HALDAR, A AND MAHADEVAN, S. 2000. “Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design”, John Wiley and Sons, New York
discipline, the lines between academic and socialintegration in the student experience are blurred such that a general term such as “sense ofbelonging” is more appropriate. Two main themes emerged from the data with regards tostudents’ sense of belonging: (a) the impact of participants’ connectivity with peers, faculty andthe College of Engineering; and (b) the extent of participants’ socialization to the engineeringprofession. The primary contribution of these findings is a better understanding of theengineering student experience that suggests a revision to Veenstra et al.’s Model of EngineeringStudent Retention. In addition, these findings extend previous recommendations related to first-year engineering instructional and student support
to the academic and career goals of thestudent. This began the active learning process. An example of “The Frame” is illustrated in Figure 1. The student has an interest in howdiseases spread. The student’s career goal was to go into a biomedical field. The studentresearched the process and found a set of differential equations that model the spread of diseasefor a particular and general case.5,6Figure 1. “The Frame” utilized in the context of the spreading of disease. Susceptible βI Infected g Recoveredβ = transmission rate, B = birth rate, d = death rate, R0 = reproductive rate (rate that infectedpersons cause new infected persons), g = recovery rate, S, I and R are the populations of thethree
, thestudents were instructed on a computer code, developed by Morin, that determined thesurvivability of a crewmember given an acceleration/deceleration loading profile and a givenstopping distance. Again, it must be stressed that these are very simplistic relationships at thispoint and, at most, very crude approximations of actual behavior. However, they are very usefulfor students to develop a “feel” for how parameter variations can affect performance and design. Restrained Human Tolerance—Uninjured Limits for < 0.1-s Duration +15 g Note: Limits are just approximations; onset rates must also be
“become” researchers in the sense that they conductliterature reviews, develop research question(s), design (collaboratively with mentors/peers) theirstudy, and report their results. Initiating teachers into the research process in the first week of theRET experience is key. In this paper, we describe how we use a Legacy Cycle approach to trainthe teachers in the research process. The inquiry approach inherent in a Legacy Cycle providesteachers the flexibility to research topics and develop their interests, yet the structure of theCycle keeps the teachers focused and progressing towards the final goal/product: their researchquestion. Using the Legacy Cycle early in the RET experience also showcases how a Cycleunfolds when implemented. This is
graduate student instructors (6th ed.), Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. 9. Greenberg, J. E., Smith, N. T., and Newman, J. H. (2003) Instructional module in Fourier spectral analysis, based on principles of „how people learn‟. Journal of Engineering Education, 92, 155-165. 10. Pandy, M. G., Petrosino, A.J., Austin, B. A., and Barr, R. E. (2004) Assessing adaptive expertise in undergraduate biomechanics. Journal of Engineering Education, 93, 1-12. 11. https://repo.vanth.org/portal/public-content/how-people-learn/how-people-learn, retrieved on Jan 6, 2010. 12. Brophy, S. & Bransford, J. (2001). Design Methods for Instructional Modules in Bioengineering. 2001 Proceedings of the
design in the classroom – sharedways of recording, discussing, and making sense.Bibliography1. Fortus, D., Krajcik, J. S., Dershimer, R. C., Marx, R. W., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2005). Design-based science and real-world problem-solving. International Journal of Science Education, 7(3), 855-879. Page 15.958.162. Kolodner, J. L., Camp, P. J., Crismond, D., Fasse, B., Gray, J., Holbrook, J., et al. (2003). Problem-based learning meets case-based reasoning in the middle-school science classroom: Putting Learning by Design (TM) into practice. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(4), 495-547.3. Mehalik, M. M., Doppelt