todecide which will work best in their classroom.The model most teachers chose to use largelylooked like the Massachusetts Department ofEducation Engineering Design Process Model7(Fig. 2). Some teachers preferred to furthercondense this model into easier acronyms suchas D.E.A.L (determine the problem, evaluatepossible solutions, apply the best solution, lookback and reflect). Figure 2: Massachusetts Department of Education Engineering Design Process Model (MassachusettsTeachers work through the EDP to design and DOE 2006, p. 84)build their own wearable device to address a OneHealth issue. With guidance from Center faculty experienced in
instrument started with explainingconsent to participate in the study and the participation requirements. The survey instrumentincluded multiple published and previously validated measurement scales. The measurementscales included the following: 1) identification with engineering 18 to measure engineeringidentity; ethnic identity scale 19 to measure the level of identification with racial or ethnicidentity; 3) Womanist Identity Attitude scale (WIAS) 20 to measure attitudes reflective of thefour stages of womanist identity development (i.e., Pre-encounter, Encounter, Immersion–Emersion, Internalization); and 4) the Patients Health questionnaire 21 is a self-report measure ofsymptoms of anxiety and depression. Each scale include Likert type questions
.” Finally, the last day of the course was the apex of the Invention Bootcamp, with apresentation of all projects in front of an open public.Assessment We collected data using one student focus group, two student surveys and a mentorsurvey. During the focus group, which took place during the final week of the program,students reflected on what they had learned, the challenges they faced, and theirperceived changes in attitude, knowledge, confidence and aspirations related to invention.All but one student (96 percent) participated in the focus group. Students took the student survey online as a group using their program-providedChromebooks, and it was administered in two parts. Part one was administered halfwaythrough the program, to capture a
, I found it very helpful to be able to step back andobserve myself and reflect on it. As there are many positive benefits, candidates should considervideo recording their lectures.ResearchThe primary artifacts for research are publications and funding3. The key to accomplishing bothof these is staying organized. Staying organized was also the most common tip fromparticipants. Specific suggestions included consistent file names, sharing strategies, andplanning directory structures. The other common tip was ensuring files are backed up, eitherthrough the cloud or manually. All but one participant indicated using cloud storage; Figure 6shows the cloud storage used the most often by each participant. Another participant stressed theuse of
netpromoter items on a 0 to 10 scale, with 0 reflecting the highest positive value (“Interesting,”“Appealing,”) and 10 indicating the closest negative value (“Boring”, “Unappealing”). Table 1. Change in STEM-Inc Student Interest in Computer Science, Engineering & Entrepreneurship, Fall to Spring, 2015-2016 Total 2016 Traditional Lean 2016 2016 Mean Change Mean Change Mean Change (Pre-) (Post-) (Pre-) (Post
, ASCE updated the series findings to reflect currentconditions, Failure to Act: Closing the Infrastructure Investment Gap for America's EconomicFuture (available at These reports cover 10 of the 16categories addressed by the Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, and give specific figureson the cost of infrastructure inefficiencies, including the: • cost to each family’s disposable income, • impact to American jobs, • added cost to U.S. businesses, and • overall impact to the U.S. economy. Figure 2: Failure to Act: Closing the Infrastructure Investment Gap for America's Economic FutureThe 2011 and 2012 infrastructure sector-specific reports of the Failure
instilling confidence in the results in cases where there wasreasonable agreement or prompting reflection where there was not agreement.Typical wood strength values used in structural design are much lower than published clearstrength values. Clear strength values typically represent the mean as-tested values of clearspecimens (without knots, cracks or other defects), whereas design values are often two standarddeviations below the mean to ensure a 95% probability of the wood not failing. Toconservatively estimate the strength of pine in Uganda, EMI would typically use design valuesfor “mixed southern pine” from U.S. standards, which are shown in Table 4 below. Though thisstudy did not include enough clear specimens of each species of Ugandan wood
mentor (11variables) on the post-survey is 4.35 (out of 5) with std = 0.97. An inspection of the Q-Qplots and histogram graphs for the remaining five variables (v2, v4, v5, v8, and v12) forwhich the confidence interval were not computed (variables not normally distributed) showone or two outliers. These outliers could be a reflection of the type of research project andthe student’s academic level.Table 2 (Evaluation 1): CISE REU Survey Constructs Differences df Std. Error 95% confidence interval Mean SmdConstructs
funding and retention data areperhaps more reflective of the unique differences between each participant rather than a true measureof the program’s impact.During the inaugural 2014/2015 academic year the EMS NFLC met 23 times and averaged sevenparticipants per meeting (from a pool of 27 new faculty and academic staff). There were 17 uniqueparticipants, and 15 faculty and staff participated in two or more meetings. During the 2015/2016academic year, the EMS NFLC met 22 times and averaged four participants per meeting (from a pool of13 new faculty and academic staff). There were 8 unique participants, and 7 faculty and staffparticipated in two or more meetings.Feedback from participating faculty during the first two years was overwhelmingly
through a practice of initiating, partnering, and policy making.Advance team members and key campus partners commence change initiatives by identifyingbarriers. Once a new program is developed, input and feedback gathered through campuspartnerships. Finally, successful ideas inform policies and procedures to formalize new practices.AcknowledgementsSupport for this research was provided by the National Science Foundation ADVANCEInstitutional Transformation program under Award No. 1209115. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] RIT Human Resources and Institutional Research (2015). NSF
have developed a need for patronage, as well asthe related reliance upon idiosyncratic terms and isolated practices can be found in MargaretCrawford’s writing, “Can Architects Be Socially Responsible?” Similar trends, often morepronounced, can be found within the processes used by engineers. SOURCE? MargaretCrawford, “Can Architects Be Socially Responsible?” in Out of Site: A Social Criticism ofArchitecture, edited by Diane Ghirardo (Seattle: Bay Press, 1990): 27-45.ix Jerome Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966),82-83.x Bruner, 25-26.xi Bruner, 72 (emphasis mine).xii “If this meaning is at once accepted, there is no reflective thinking, no genuine judgment.Thought is cut short
, is a social and discursive practice and understanding itrequires paying close attention at the micro-level. The concept of genre, in turn, highlightsthe recurrent and situated nature of discursive practices, and provides robust methodologicaltools for studying the production, reproduction, and change of discourse. For example, instudying the electronic discourse of a group of computer scientists, Orlikowski and Yates[18] identified the repertoire of genres enacted by the participants over time and showed howthese discursive actions reflected their collective purposes as well as the shared norms andrelations of their occupational community. Similarly, learning in any given setting that relieson repeated discursive acts, which can be
assigned to mentor the student through the semester.The academic component of the internship includes the preparation of various reports thatdocument the student’s role in the company, how they are leveraging networking and growthopportunities and reflection on the internship experience itself.The student is required to coordinate an on-site, face-to-face meeting with their immediatesupervisor and faculty advisor to discuss their progress throughout the internship. The studentintern is required to take meeting notes to document the conversation with a focus onaccomplishments and continuous improvement areas. The faculty advisor uses a preparedgrading rubric for each assignment, reviews and grades the report and reports the correspondinggrades
with dougong isthat it is well-known for its intensive use of dougong in the construction of each level, as shownin Fig. 4., reflecting the first peak in the development history of dougong in that time.Fig. 4: Intensive dougong used in the levels of the Yingxian Wooden PagodaII. Methods --- Graphics Pipeline The methods of establishing the VR simulation of dougong in this paper, known as agraphics pipeline, consist of four stages: (1) initial modeling, (2) advanced modeling, (3) VRproduction, and (4) dissemination for education, as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5: Graphical pipeline to establish the VR simulation In the initial modeling stage, the primary objective was to build the basic 3-D models ofthe components, and to assemble
material.These methods greatly enlarged the learning platform of the class. Assessment of the lectureassignments was uniquely based on active participation by the students, including the learningprocess, delivery of the assigned content, and students’ ability to keep the audience engaged.Class performance through projects and homework assignments revealed that students enhancedtheir knowledge of aircraft stability and control through flight simulator experience, iterativehomework assignments, and by preparing and presenting assigned lectures. Reflections from thestudents showed that they greatly benefitted from the intuitive theoretical learning through theuse of flight simulator.Introduction In the field of engineering, development of both
any hand and lowers itto obtain control of the captions until another personraises a hand. The program continues to update thedisplay’s location if the speaker walks around on stage,as shown in Figure 4b.This form of control based on hand raising takesadvantage of social dynamics - when someone motionswith a hand, others know that person would like to speakor to add something to the conversation. It is a methodwhich reflects physical-world experiences. Figure 3: RTTD-MS - z axisLab Presentation ModeDuring a presentation-style setting where the speakers are standing or otherwise moving around on stageand giving a planned presentation, the program detects which speaker is closest to
sciences (2) majors that were started before the 2000-2001 academic year (Table 1).The environmental design degree was housed in the College of Architecture and Planning. Eightof the programs were accredited by ABET’s EAC; one was Computing Association Commission(CAC)-accredited; 12 were non-accredited.The admissions criteria for majors in the CEAS differed from those in the College of Arts andSciences. These differences were reflected in the average high school GPA of the first-year students who matriculated into various majors, which ranged from a high of 3.90 in Aerospace Engineering to a low of 3.28 in Geography (based on the fall 2008 class). Table 1. The 21 studied undergraduate degree programs
their overall course performance. [3]For STEM students, particularly female students, self-efficacy – defined as a student’s belief inhis or her own ability to achieve academic success – is one of the greatest predictors of successin academic coursework. Female students, in general, rate themselves with lower self-efficacy inengineering coursework, even when they are, in actuality, achieving the same or better gradesthan their male counterparts. [7] According to previous research, there are a variety of factorsthat influence student self-efficacy and academic self-confidence, including perceived lecturerdistance and intimidation. [8] Greater perceived faculty distance reflects a colder, detached, andmore impersonal teaching style, which affects
. Undergraduate research 4. Other service related tasks through student societies and organizationsCourse work and internship experiences are directly connected to class assessment on student’sknowledge and practice of ethics and professionalism. Undergraduate research and other servicesare used as indirect evaluation tools that do not reflect in the transcripts, but are measured andsummarized with a student’s research publications and presentations, and service activities.Course workWhile across the ENE curriculum, some E&P concepts such as consequences of plagiarism,attendance, punctuality, adhering to the deadlines and individual responsibilities in groupactivities are incorporated in all courses, two courses are exclusively designed and
of actively andskillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating informationgathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication,as a guide to belief and action”.10 In this context, critical thinking targeted in this study is thestudents’ ability to gather information through various activities and connect and integrate thisinformation for use (as a guide to action) in a more complex assignment. The approach used issimilar to the one employed in Linder et. al. study in terms of assignment sequencing andbreaking up a larger assignment into smaller assignments. However, the smaller assignmentsused in this study are different in nature and type, and how they are connected
There are multiple ways to contribute productively to a team“How many points do I get for this?” “How does this prepare me for practice?” Table 3: Discussion of traditional and revolutionary structures that support learningTraditional structures that support learning Revolutionary structures that support learningStandard course evaluations Evaluation of teaching that reflects learning and practiceBuying out of teaching Buying into teachingOne size fits all faculty evaluation and rewards Context-based individualized evaluationCounting underrepresented minorities (URMS) Developing ways to create an inclusive
engineering students arenovice researchers and that these skills require nurturing and guidance at this stage withopportunities for continued application.DiscussionThe Intervention sections are taught by a female professor, which since students self-select intothe courses, this is a factor that could influence, if not the successful completion by femalestudents, certainly the higher enrollment percentage of female students in the Interventionsections. The percentage of successful completion of the Intervention sections by female studentsis reflected by other underrepresented minority students in engineering as well. This isencouraging and suggests to the authors that the content variety and structure of the projects usedthis in model is one avenue
Design for X (DfX), a concept widely used in manufacturing industriesfor product design and development. We discuss on our experience of the course, where in toenhance student understanding of DfX, additive manufacturing technology was used to analyzehow the theoretical concepts learnt by students in class were reflected upon their product designand development in real time. Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Design for Environment; Green energy; Green Manufacturing; Concept Based LearningIntroduction To shape and influence the trends of technological emergence in United States, there is asignificant push observed in steering the current emerging workforce towards Science,Technology, Engineering and
applicationof modern modeling and simulation tools which are reasonably easy to use and could assiststudents in dealing with complex problems. An example of such a tool is theMatlab/Simulink/Simscape set of modeling and simulation tools that can model many complexphysical systems [7].The course that is discussed in this paper integrates fundamental ideas from integrativeexperiences and project based learning. The course builds on the material covered across anumber of different engineering and science courses, and extends student ability from dealingwith simple textbook problems to solving complex real world engineering problems. The courseis going through development stages and reflects a number of lessons learned that already havebeen integrated or
(outer layer) and rubble (inner core) at the same time.The proposed construction sequence was also based on the assumption that it was a whollynew construction. Renovation or reconstruction would have different sequences, such asintegrating the old wall into the new wall. In addition, evidence of the key-in feature was onlyshown in eastern Jinshanling; this may or may not apply to all sections of the wall inJinshanling. If evidence is presented that the key-in was not used, the authors will update thedesign to reflect this.There was also an inaccuracy in Google Earth’s satellite images of the terrain and locationsof the Great Wall. When a placemark in Google Earth is placed in the center of the toweraccording to Google’s 2013 satellite image
form. Thequestions are also re-designed in order to attempt to maximize activation related to cryptographyconcepts by maximizing the effort subjects exert to answer the question. We expect that thesechanges to the fMRI methods will add to our understanding of where cryptography concepts areprocessed in the brain.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1500046. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.ReferencesAlvarez, J. A., & Emory, E. (2006). Executive function and the frontal lobes: a meta-analyticreview. Neuropsychology
Hispanic – 43%. Over 55% of LaGuardia’s students receivedfinancial aid in 2015 and over 55% of its students who were living with their parentsbelonged to homes with a family income of less than $25,000 while over 75 % of itsstudents who were living away from their parents belong to homes with a family incomeof less than $25,000. The lofty goal of joint/dual degrees is to bridge the gap that dividesthe number of students from underrepresented and underserved populations who canaccess and earn an engineering degree so that more engineering degrees can be earned tobetter reflect the nation's diversity.In the AS/BE program, the student spends two years at the community college, and uponreceiving an AS degree, enters our engineering program as a 3rd
finished their projects (see figures 2a and 2b). Participants were asked to reflect back tobefore the project began to rate their confidence on skills on a Likert scale, and then considertheir confidence at the conclusion of the project. In the future, a survey will be given to studentsat the first build session, and the same survey upon completion to measure competencies.A statistical analysis of the survey results was performed. For each category considered, the datawas first tested for normality. For normally distributed data sets, a paired t-test was used. For thedata that was not normal, the Wilcoxon R-S test was used to test for significance. A p-value lessthan 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Figure 2a: First part of survey
fact that SEEDS programs provide an immediate link to other underrepresented populationsin the Clark School of Engineering through LLCs and regular networking events.Regardless of the type of SEEDS program in which they participated (i.e., LLC, mentoring, orthe combination of LLC and mentoring), engineering undergraduates were more likely to beretained within engineering than peers who did not participate in SEEDS programming.Moreover, based on the study’s findings it appears that participation in the LLC programs (i.e.,Flexus and Virtus) in combination with the mentoring program may have the most positiveimplications for student retention. Reflected in the results, as a whole SEEDS students whoparticipated in the combination of living and
.., 2010) and that afemale scientist needed 64 more impact points than an identical male scientist to be seen asequally competent—which translates into three extra papers in Nature or Science or 20 in lessprestigious journals (Wenneras & Wold, 1997).A second mechanism that fuels Prove-It-Again bias is in-group favoritism: in-groups, but notout-groups, tend to get the benefit of the doubt (Brewer, 1999; Brewer & Gardner, 1996;Hewstone, 1990). The Prove-It-Again phenomenon also reflects stereotype expectancy(Hamilton & Rose, 1980), aka confirmation bias (Mahoney, 1977): we see what we expect tosee. Because low-competence stereotypes set expectations low, more evidence will be requiredof out-groups, as compared with in-groups, to persuade