Rensselaer. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017AbstractThis paper presents new and extended research on the impact of integrated hand-held mobiletechnology used in support of experiment centric learning within flipped engineering classrooms.The settings reflect courses serving two levels of students and content (1st year students takingtheir first engineering course and 2nd – 4th year STEM majors from outside of ECE) who arelearning circuit content. The key support for hand-held learning was the Analog DiscoveryBoard (ADB); the major characteristics of the flipped classroom pedagogy were instructorprepared videos and reading materials used by students outside the classroom and classroomactivities to
educators attending to studentemotion within an engineering design environment. Our research setting takes place in a 3-creditpedagogy seminar (EDCI488E) for undergraduate engineering peer educators who are teachingconcurrently in a first-year engineering design course (ENES100). The pedagogy seminar ismodeled after the Learning Assistant Program developed at University of Colorado-Boulder. Theseminar focuses on engineering content and pedagogy relevant to teaching engineering design(i.e. design thinking, reflective decision-making, and teamwork and collaboration). Our researchanalyzes for how empathy impacted peer educators’ teaching practices in the seminar. Usingfield notes, coursework, and videotapes of the pedagogy seminar, we analyzed the
clarity and reflect the scientific nature ofthe content10. As part of the in-class discipline specific activity, the students were divided intogroups by the instructors and were asked to collaborate with group members in dealing with theengineering challenge at hand. This grouping was done to emphasize the importance andnecessity of teamwork in engineering where cooperation impacts the productivity andperformance of the team and also to implement the concept of cooperative learning2,14. Based on feedback collected from program participants, instructors, and counselors duringthe 2015 program, some changes were made to the 2016 program. The theme for 2016 was CO2capture, which apart from being a global problem was chosen in part because the
reflection exercises and interactivetheatre sketches on the importance of diversity19,20.MethodologyCritical ethnography and IntersectionalityEthnography, a primary tool of anthropologists, is a common method used to understand culturefrom the perspective of insiders of that culture. Ethnographic methods include participantobservation, field memos, interviews, and focus groups interviews21,22. Our research is rooted incritical ethnography, which “begins with an ethical responsibility to address processes ofunfairness or injustice within a particular lived domain” (p. 5)23. Critical ethnographers take anactive social justice position in making visible oppressive power relations within a culture andapplying their findings to have positive impacts on
and AcademicDiscipline on Design Prototype Variability” [12] discussed using EEG as part of the pilot butreported no results and instead focused on artifacts from the prototyping activity and the resultsof survey instruments to measure cognitive style. One paper, “Critical Thinking, ReflectivePractice, and Adaptive Expertise in Engineering”, had a small section discussing the need forfMRI studies to be conducted while participants “solve problems that are expected to promotecritical thinking, reflection, or transfer” but again is not an empirical study. The vast majority ofremaining hits for EEG or fMRI were discussing engineering instrumentation labs orcoursework, signal processing, or in briefly referring to how a finding in neuroscience
second iteration of this class, we experimentedwith adding a second mouse to some desktops to promote sharing and turn-taking practicesbetween partners when working collaboratively. At the afterschool workshop, students usedlaptop carts provided by the school. Students had access to Windows laptops with 11-inchconvertible touchscreens.Google Drive: Google Drive [10] is a free online office productivity suite. Google Drive wasused at both sites to facilitate activities/assignments. Each student had access to their ownGoogle Drive folder that consisted of places for them to (1) access instructions, (2) work on non-modeling activities (3) write reflections, and (4) store files.Autodesk Tinkercad: Tinkercad [11] is a free cloud-based computer aided
E illustrates actual statements byCaroline and John Cena. Caroline was already speaking in the first-person “I” before the lessonand John evolved from the pronoun “you” to a first-person pronoun “we” by the end of thelesson. Evolving pronoun usage may reflect evolving interests.54 Exhaustive analysis of theaudio/video data of all lessons must be completed to confirm any overall trends of interestevolution.Appendix F illustrates examples of behavior by Caroline and John Cena. Carolina, was lookingat the lesson worksheet by herself at the beginning of lesson. Others joined her and shecompleted the stethoscope design. She ended the lesson by creating a second design (a headset)with her materials that she asked to take home. Caroline’s behavior
of the tools and approaches. Students could mimic thepatterns, but never saw the purpose.The Newstetter study further shows that adding “reflection” opportunities to the “doing”activities was not sufficient to promote learning in that case. The environment set up by theinstructor “valued and promoted knowledge building” through explicit opportunities forreflection. Among other things, the instructor asked students to reflect in the middle of class,wrote those reflections on the board to encourage others to reflect, and assigned “learning essays”that focused on “moving students from an analytic or 'bits and pieces' understanding of thedesign process to a synthetic or conceptual understanding of the phases of informed decision-making” [7
Engineering (BME) at Purdue University. These schools sharesimilarities with some common coursework and faculty, but also provide contrasts as BME’sundergraduate population, on average for recent semesters, has been 44-46% female, where ECEhas been 13-14% female. Although BME has slightly more underrepresented minority students(7-8% versus 5%), approximately 60% of BME students are white, versus 40% for ECE. It isimportant to note that Purdue’s School of ECE offers B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering (EE)and Computer Engineering (CmpE), which reflect unique disciplinary cultures. Additionally, theschools differ significantly on undergraduate enrollment. The BME enrollment was 278,whereas ECE’s enrollment was 675 in EE and 541 in CmpE1.In this
#4 Ninety-two percent of graduating SESMC scholars who complete a major milestone (Objective #2) will be employed or enrolled in a four-year program related to their discipline within two years of completion.Objective #5 Success and retention rates among SESMC scholars in select core courses will be at least 83% and 95% respectively. The success rate (“C” grade or better) among comparable STEM students in core courses is 72%; the target reflects a 15% increase over the baseline. The retention rate (percent completing a course) among comparable STEM students in core courses is 85%; the target reflects a 12% increase.Scholar Selection Process and
give them opportunities to reflect on the need to identify complex situations in futuresettings, as well as a safe environment in which to explore, make mistakes, and discuss thebroader ramifications of various engineering decisions in authentic contexts. Ultimately the goalis to better prepare young engineers to tackle ethically the current and future challenges thathave tended to be underemphasized in traditional engineering curriculums.Thus, broadly, our study asks “What impact does giving engineering students authentic butplayful role-playing experiences in the context of examining the ethical, social, andsocietal impacts of engineering solutions have on their knowledge, attitudes, andabilities to act ethically as engineers?”As most
starting with simple problems, we created a logical sequence of topics andexamples to be covered. To create a lasting impact, we decided to end the lecture with a slideoutlining elective courses and undergraduate research opportunities for students.Instructional strategies In order to promote engagement and facilitate retention of knowledge, we includedpractice, reflection, or review activities in each section of the module (Table 1). Table 1: Technical content paired with instructional activities in the module Section Detailed Topics Student activity 1. Defining • Hierarchy of civil engineering fields Working in pairs, identify real
to discussions and Explorations. Ourlabs develop the foundational laboratory skills characteristic of many introductory biologycourses, including micropipetting, microscopy, spectrophotometry, cell culture, bacterialtransformation, PCR, restriction digest, and DNA gel electrophoresis.Lessons Learned: As we reflect on our first few years, we find that we have successfullytransitioned from a large lecture course to an active learning environment. Additionally, we haveextended the studio concept to two downstream courses: Biology II and Physiology. The changerequired significant activation energy and sustained effort as well as the considerable support ofour institution. Our involvement in the National Academies of Science Mountain West
Worth, et al. (2012).During this phase, the NHEI team met daily with their faculty mentor to debrief the progressmade, identify any new problems, brainstorm solutions and plan the following day’s activities.The phase concludes at the end of the fourth week with a formal report and reflection meeting todebrief metacognitive learning from the experience and prepare for future events.Phase III – Moving Toward Independent ResearchAt five weeks of duration the third phase of the internship is the longest component of theprogram and was designed to grow each student’s ability to assume a greater level of autonomyin improvement efforts within their team. During this phase student teams moved to differentpartner locations for two – three weeks at each
) + 𝐾𝑏 𝑠 𝜃𝑚 (𝑠) = 𝐸𝑎 (𝑠) (4) 𝐾𝑡 Page 4 of 15Now we must find Tm(s) in terms of Өm (s) if we are to separate the input and output variables andobtain the transfer function Өm (s) / Ea(s). Following Figure shows typical equivalent mechanicalloading on a motor. Jm is the equivalent inertia at the armature and includes both the armatureinertia and, as we will see later, the load inertia reflected to the armature. Dm is the equivalentviscous damping at the armature and includes armature viscous damping and, as we will see later,the load viscous damping reflected to the armature
VALUERubric with the following elements: (i) connections to experience, (ii) connections to discipline,(iii) transfer, (iv) integrated communication, and (v) reflection and self-assessment. Followingdescriptions of the four approaches, the authors will offer criteria to compare assessmentinstruments for integrative thinking to assist other researchers in identifying most appropriatetools for assessing such skills in their curricula or programs.Keywords: integrative thinking, interdisciplinary understanding, multidisciplinary teams,assessment instrument, quality workIntroductionEngineering graduates are expected to address complex global challenges (National Academy ofEngineering, 2004) which require integrative thinking—the ability to assimilate
. Becauseof the low cost of purchase and operation of the pumps, each laboratory group can have its owntest setup. It has been found beneficial to have lab groups swap pumps after a first round oftests. Comparisons of performance results obtained by different groups with a common pumpallows for reflection on discrepancies that may have resulted from differences in experimentaltechniques, care taken with measurements, and differences in compensation for various sourcesof loss (such as hydraulic friction in the pump discharge tubing) which are not necessarilydirectly attributable to the capabilities of the basic pump.IntroductionAn ability to plan, execute, and interpret experimental tests is an important part of the skill setfor engineering technology
than simply an “obedient engineer”. The framework proposes that theentrepreneurial mindset of students is increased by promoting curiosity, encouragingconnections, and creating value. The results from this work provide insight into the impact andimplications resulting from applying the KEEN framework to the engineering classroom viaonline discussions.Keywords: writing, journals, reflections, assessment, KEEN, curiosity, connections, creatingvalue.1 IntroductionThe entrepreneurial mindset is a “growth-oriented perspective through which individualspromote flexibility, creativity, continuous innovation, and renewal” [1]. While theentrepreneurial mindset can be useful in starting a new company, this mindset is also critical toexisting
projects that involve design of piping systems, heat exchangers,thermodynamic cycles, and other thermal fluid system."It is a required course, taken mostly by graduating seniors, but sometimes by juniors. Theprerequisites are two courses in Thermodynamics and a course in Heat Transfer Analysis andDesign. Students have also completed a course in Fluid Mechanics.The subject school is on a trimester system with relatively intense 10 weeks per terms, ratherthan the more typical semester system of 15 weeks per term, that is less intense, and canprovide more opportunity for reflection. Whereas semester courses are typically defined interms of credit hours, the courses at this trimester college are defined by three courses pertrimester for a minimum of
reflective mini-essay regarding what could be done to improveperformance for the next client meeting, and to provide feedback regarding the new version ofthe rubric. Collectively, the reflective pieces indicated a need for a more informative agenda anddelegating team members’ roles with respect to the meeting. The students indicated that therevisions to the rubric were very clear, but also made some suggestions for further improvementthat informed subsequent rubric versions.Rubric Reliability, Validation, and RefinementGiven the positive feedback received from the initial use of the Client Interaction Rubric, theauthors implemented a systematic review and refinement of the instrument, including examiningit for reliability and subjecting it to
-making difficulties as foundational support (1996). In regards to theassessment tool itself, some items on the CDS have multiple descriptors and statements within asingle item, which can affect their relatability and the accuracy of students’ responses. Forexample, Item 7 states, “Until now, I haven’t given much thought to choosing a career. I feel lostwhen I think about it because I haven’t had many experiences in making decisions on my ownand I don’t have enough information to make a career decision right now”. Students maystrongly agree with the first part but disagree with the statement in its entirety, which wouldmake it difficult to gauge how closely the statement reflects his or her feelings. Slaney agreesthat the multi-component nature
careerchoice34. In other words, these quantitative data suggest that cis-identifying students are morelikely to persist in engineering and attempt to change themselves or the world around themthrough the use of engineering. Meanwhile, lower Conscientious and higher Opennessmeasurements reflect a lower need to conform to social norms and a greater acceptance ofexperiences unlike their own. Cis-identifying students are confident within engineering but aremore likely to accept individuals who differ from themselves. Through an examination ofcisgender engineering students, we have elucidated a group of students who could positionthemselves as changemakers within engineering culture for the benefit of minority populations.When examining the experiences of
academics, leadership,professionalism, and community support; develops pre-college and college students ontheir academic journey; and builds a support network for advancement throughopportunities that encourages engineering students to interact with their peers, faculty,alumni, and corporate representatives.VisionThe EOE program’s vision is to create a student body at the Cockrell School ofEngineering and the University of Texas at Austin that reflects the diversity of thecollege-age population within Texas.About MITE Enrichment ProgramFormerly known as the MITE Summer Camp, established in the 1980s, the programstrived to increase the number of minority students in engineering by inviting 100students to the UT Austin campus to become excited about
clickers. The clicker quizzes focused on topics discussed during thatparticular class period, reflecting both the assigned reading for the day and the class discussion.The clicker quizzes were each two or three questions, mostly conceptual in nature with somesimple analytic problems used on occasion. These quizzes in total comprised 20% of the grade;since there were 25 of them, each was about 0.8% of the course grade. A final examination countedfor 30% of the course grade as well, with the same college-mandated structure, and the remaining10% of the course grade was assigned to homework performance.The final method of examinations used employed seven smaller tests administered every twoweeks for the duration of the semester. Each of these exams
process but that don’t travel to the chapters partner community inEl Salvador, and those that are involved in the design process on campus and also travel to work with thecommunity.Currently, this project is attempting to understand the different instruments available to investigatestudent’s global competency and preparedness to work globally and how to measure and understand thedifferent models used in these six different groups. This paper will expand upon and reflect upon differentoptions for the project.Global engineering competencyIn engineering, global engineering competency can be seen as inhabiting three dimensions of technical,professional and global domains which contain the skills and attributes of a globally competent,professional
assignment. Open-ended comments arequalitative. They can be used by authors in revising their work. They also allow authors(or instructors!) to judge how carefully the reviewer has read and reflected on the work.A rubric can be more or less detailed depending on how many artifacts students areexpected to review. A rubric with twenty separate criteria (“questions”) would beoverhwelming for an instructor to fill out for each piece of work submitted by the class,but the length might be pretty reasonable for students who are asked to review only twoto four peers. The detail in the rubric serves to draw reviewers’ attention to aspects of thework they might have missed. Ratings [Each has a dropdown to assign score, plus a text box where comments can be
. 7.Reflect on which virtues apply. 8.Consider relevant relationships. 9.Develop a list of potential responses. 10.Use moral imagination to consider each option based on the above considerations. 11.Choose the best option. 12.Consider what could be done in the future to prevent the problem” [18].To indicate to the engineering audience that the process for ethical decision makingresembles the process of solving open-ended design challenges in engineering—a processmany an engineer is well familiar with—the authors rearranged the 12 steps into a 5-stageprocess using the language of engineering design (see Figure 1). Figure 1 A Design-based Process for Ethical
organizing preparation for the next general review. Previously, he has worked in promoting reflection in courses within Stanford University.Dr. Helen L. Chen, Stanford University Helen L. Chen is a research scientist in the Designing Education Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of ePortfolio Initiatives in the Office of the Registrar at Stanford University. She is also a member of the research team in the National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter). Chen earned her undergraduate degree from UCLA and her Ph.D. in Communication with a minor in Psychology from Stanford University in 1998. Her current research interests include: 1) engineering and entrepreneurship education
assess and address more successful curricular applications andteaching methods in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Departments.Currently, the senior-level course in Sustainability is required for Environmental Engineers andserves as an environmental elective for the majority of Civil Engineers. Environmental and Civilengineers at Florida Gulf Coast University share the same course template for the first two years.Performance in the senior level Sustainability in Engineering course varies even though thetopics reflect all varieties of infrastructure including energy efficiency, construction,transportation and water and waste infrastructure as well as project planning, life cycle analysesand economic topics. Students in both disciplines
, NY.Students are asked to reflect upon the “master list” of 3P impacts. For the campus parkingexamples covered in class (small-scale projects) only a few impacts are likely to be significant. Itbecomes readily apparent that many more will apply to these larger projects, makingsustainability evaluations more challenging which further addresses the third lesson objective.When concluding the in-class lesson, it is important to re-state for students that quantifying the3Ps is difficult, especially considering multiple perspectives. As is commonly done withalternatives analysis for large-scale infrastructure projects, meetings with stakeholders can beconducted to gather input. Sustainability Index scores are not absolute – there is inherentuncertainty in