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Displaying results 331 - 360 of 1849 in total
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer R Amos, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Yael Gertner, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Juan Alvarez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Benjamin Cosman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
the first chapter and reinforced in eachfollowing chapter [3]. When teaching a course that fosters both process and content mastery, carefulattention must be paid to problem-solving processes, which require a conceptual understanding. Previousstudies have shown that several factors lead to success in problem-solving such as student interest in theprompts, clear explanations, and engaging in reflective practices [1].In order to measure students’ attitudes toward a course, we leveraged findings from two related studies,where students were asked to answer a questionnaire with 60 questions related to disposition that was takenfrom the following validated instruments: the Index of Learning Styles[4], the Growth Mindset Scale[6],and sense of
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Ivan Rodriguez-Devora, University of Georgia; David Emory Stooksbury, University of Georgia; John Ray Morelock, University of Georgia; Sonia J Garcia, University of Georgia; Animesh Paul, University of Georgia; Deborah Moyaki, University of Georgia
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Tagged Divisions
International Division (INTL)
course viaZoom, called “ACTIVA tu Speaking (AtuS).” The USGA students spoke Spanish whileMexicanUG students spoke English. The students jointly chose two projects, performednecessary research, and designed prototypes to meet the design needs of their respectivecommunities. This course was not originally conducted as an engineering educationresearch project; thus, this is a retrospective summary. Using a promotional video thatthe USGA students produced about the course and the course reflection paragraph thateach USGA student wrote, we performed a word frequency analysis. Based on the wordfrequency analysis, we conclude that the students’ identification as engineers increased,students connected their academic engineering to real-world problems
Conference Session
Professional Development and Engineering Ethics Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
MAN LIANG, University of Maryland College Park; Michael P McMeekin
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
specifically for mobility engineers. Since examination is oneof the pillars toward licensure, the gap reflects the lack of a complete roadmap toward theprofessional career of mobility engineers. It implies the effectiveness of education programs andquality of practice in this field could be undermined. For example, decision making generatedfrom engineering judgment may lack the grounds of widely accepted norms. Besides,engineering practice could be less tracked, disciplined, or protected. Eventually, less regulatedpractice could lead to adverse impacts on public safety as well as the health of the engineeringcommunity.One of the most important purposes of professional engineering licensure is to provide assuranceto the public of a minimum level of
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 15
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauren Singelmann, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Darcie Christensen, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Elizabeth Pluskwik, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Yuezhou Wang, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
people working at such high levels of Iron Range Engineering gave me the chance to prove what I can do and feel like I am capable of being an engineer (Student 6, para. 2)Student 3Student 3 was a participant who only made connections between four of the framework elements(no mention of Knowledge) and showed limited connections between those that were mentioned.Their co-occurrences happened less frequently than those in Students 6 and 10’s reflections. As areminder from Table 2, student 3 mentioned Skills, Values, and Epistemology in 40% ofparagraphs and Identity in 100%. This correlates with the size of the nodes in Figure 4.Four out of the five paragraphs in Student 3’s
2024 ASEE North East Section
Abdullah Aldwean, University of Bridgeport ; Dan Tenney, University of Bridgeport
Tagged Topics
Emerging Technologies Large language Assessment models LLMs Clinical workflow Healthcare Technology Healthcare Services Figure 1: Research area of interest.Literature reviewThere is a growing body of literature on the useability of large language models (LLMs) inhealthcare. This expanding interest from researchers reflects the importance of this technology inthe
Conference Session
Track 3: Technical Session 1: An Ecosystem of Support Initiatives for BIPOC, Women, and Domestic Graduate Students in STEM
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Andrew Edmunds, Clemson University; Melissa Smith, Clemson University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
Investments Investments CECAS graduate students make up between 28-33% of graduate student enrollment at Clemson UniversityThe graphics on this slide show the overall trends in graduate student enrollment inengineering and computing graduate programs (domestic and international studentscombined). These graphics will reflect fluctuations and illustrated that as overallenrollment at the university has increased at a rate of ~2% graudate
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 13
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Shanachilubwa, Harding University; James L. Huff, Harding University; Amy L. Brooks, University of Pittsburgh
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Engineering. Her dissertation research broadly focused on global issues related to sustainable waste management and plastic pollution. After earning her PhD 2021 from the University of Georgia, Amy developed skills in qualitative research methods in engineering education at Oregon State University. As part of this training, she used interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to examine engineering faculty well-being and collaborated on the development of a reflective tool for researchers to build skills in semi- and unstructured interviewing. Building on her postdoctoral training, Amy aims to merge her methodological interests to pursue research questions in the nexus of engineering education, sustainable development
Conference Session
Promoting Inclusivity and Broadening Participation
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Betul Bilgin, The University of Illinois at Chicago
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Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
a burgeoning recognition of the need for DEI withinengineering [11]-[13]. The current state of DEI in the discipline is one of active evolution andcommitment. Institutions, professional societies, and industry leaders are increasinglyemphasizing the creation of more inclusive environments that attract and support a diverseworkforce. Efforts are being made to dismantle the barriers that have historically led tounderrepresentation in engineering fields. Initiatives ranging from outreach programs aimed atyoung students to institutional reforms in hiring and retention practices reflect this shift towardsa more inclusive engineering community.The relevance of DEI in engineering cannot be overstated, as the field significantly impactsevery aspect
Conference Session
Fostering Diversity and Innovation in Engineering Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bianca Estella Salazar, University of California, Merced; Melissa Almeida, University of California, Merced; Zenaida Aguirre Munoz Ph.D., University of California, Merced; Maribel Viveros, University of California, Merced
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.In project-based activities, participants experimented with materials to examine their light-reflective properties. This material testing informed the design of daylighting systems for modelhouses, allowing students to directly apply the EDP. Through this hands-on approach, studentssynthesized their theoretical learning with tangible engineering tasks, and embodied the role ofengineers in solving contemporary challenges.Tools and InstrumentsQuantitative InstrumentsFor the quantitative analysis, we administered structured pre- and post-intervention surveys toevaluate changes in students' self-efficacy, STEM identity, and engineering knowledge. Thesesurveys, which featured a series of items on a 5-point
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharifa Alghowinem, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Aikaterini Bagiati, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Andrés F. Salazar-Gómez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cynthia Breazeal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
projects. Thisresearch also analyzes how adult learners interactively learn, reflect, and apply their AIknowledge to examples drawn from their workplace, while improving their understanding andreadiness to implement AI technologies effectively.Our three-day workshop centered around enriching and engaging learning about AI technologies,ethics, and leadership, featuring topics like supervised learning and bias, AI strategy, andgenerative AI. Apart from discussions, the workshops incorporated hands-on learning with digitaltools, robots, problem-solving scenarios, and a capstone project. Participants were 44 leadersfrom a large government organization. Their learning was measured through pre- andpost-questionnaires on AI leadership, knowledge checks
Conference Session
Transfer issues between 2-year colleges and 4-year Engineering and Engineering Technology programs 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Dillon, University of Washington; EC Cline, University of Washington Tacoma; Emese Hadnagy, University of Washington Tacoma ; Sarah L Rodriguez, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Amanda K Sesko, University of Washington Tacoma; Rebecca N Sliger, Tacoma Community College; Noelle Wilson
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
campustransitions. We recruited from dual credit (e.g., “Running Start”) programs, incoming transfer studentsfrom local two-year institutions, and pre-major STEM students. In the course, we includedtransformational experiences and personal artifacts as a way to enhance research identity and buildcommunity. The personal artifacts were used as a tool to allow students to share an aspect of themselveswith the research class.Student worksheets and reflective essays were collected to assess identity related tasks and reflections inthe course. Students completed a survey about the class experience, with 100% of students reportingagreement that the class had a positive sense of community and collaboration.IntroductionThe transition from a two year institution to
Conference Session
Meet at Springfield Middle: Where Engineering Meets Education, Woozle Wuzzle!
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natasha Lagoudas Wilkerson, Texas A&M University; Joanne K Olson, Texas A&M University; Karen E Rambo-Hernandez, Texas A&M University; Rachelle M Pedersen, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
therelease of the Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning (FPEL) developed in partnership withthe American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE & AE3, 2020) provide differentapproaches to the inclusion of engineering in K-12 settings. In order to provide more clarity onthe learning goals for engineering education, this paper uses a directed content analysis design toidentify the alignment of research and practitioner articles to the learning goals promoted in theNGSS (2013) and FPEL (2020). With a focus on formal middle school classrooms in the UnitedStates, this study addresses the following research questions: 1) What are the trends in articlesbeing published?; 2) How are the FPEL learning goals reflected in the literature?; 3) How are
Conference Session
AI and Tools for Transdisciplinary Work
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Grant Fore, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
Engineering Education, 2024 Design Iterations as Material Culture Artifacts: A Qualitative Methodology for Design Education ResearchAbstractStudying design processes requires the researcher to move with the designer as they negotiate anaction-reflection cycle comprised of a multitude of relationships, including the designer’srelation to themselves, to human and more-than-human others, and to the beliefs, values, andassumptions that design us every day. This paper’s goal is to introduce a qualitative methodologyfor studying the complex relationality of design, particularly (but not exclusively) in anarchitectural design education context. This methodology has theoretical and methodologicalunderpinnings in Process Philosophy and
Conference Session
Virtual and Augmented Reality Application in Manufacturing Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Israa Azzam, Purdue University; Farid Breidi, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Faisal Aqlan, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
Manufacturing Division (MFG)
Society of Phi Kappa Phi, placing her among the top 10% of Purdue Graduate students. Her academic journey reflects a commitment to advancing knowledge and contributing to technological innovation in XR control systems. Her professional aspirations include applying for an Assistant Professor position upon completing her Ph.D. This career trajectory aligns with her desire to leverage her accumulated experience and knowledge to mentor and guide emerging talents. A central component of her vision is inspiring and supporting aspiring scholars in pursuing academic and professional excellence, facilitating impactful change within our field.Dr. Farid Breidi, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI) Dr. Farid
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division (EMD) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raymond L. Smith III, East Carolina University; Henry Lester, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management Division (EMD)
presence of undetected AI-generatedcontent poses a direct challenge to maintaining academic standards, necessitating heightenedvigilance from educators. To mitigate the risk of false negatives, detection tools must evolve withAI content generation technologies, ensuring that new methods of AI-assisted content creation arequickly identified and appropriately addressed [17], [18].3.2.3 AI Detection Tool Comparative Analysis ReviewsThe AI detection tool comparison considers twelve "best AI-detection tools" published rankingsappearing from October 2023 to February 2024. These published rankings range from a minimumranking set of nine to a maximum ranking set of twenty-two software applications. These rankingsappear in chronological order, reflecting
Conference Session
Engineering, Ethics, and Community Engagement
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tiffany Smith, NASA; Zachary T. G. Pirtle, NASA
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division (COMMENG), Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
studies,methodologies, and frameworks for thinking about how to teach engineers about the nature oftheir work1. The American Society for Engineering Education has a separate Engineering EthicsDivision that has also tackled broader topics on how engineers should consider the ethical andsocietal implications of what they do. Our research paper here seeks to build bridges to some ofthat engineering education and ethics research by reflecting on recent efforts that have beenperformed from within a government agency, the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA), to reflect on the implications on the work of engineers. This event wascalled the Artemis and Ethics workshop, and it focused on bringing in social science andhumanities scholars
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 5: Skill Development in Graduate Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Britney Russell, University of Connecticut; Antigoni Konstantinou, University of Connecticut; Ayah Abdallah, University of Connecticut; Fayekah Assanah, University of Connecticut
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
andprovide flexible learning opportunities [9,10]. These efforts reflect a broader recognition of theimportance of communication skills in graduate education and a commitment to preparingstudents for the multifaceted demands of their professional and academic futures.The University of Connecticut has taken a step to advance its graduate engineering curriculumby recognizing the significance of structured support in scientific communication and overallcareer preparation for graduate students. The university has launched a ProfessionalDevelopment (PD) course series uniquely tailored to boost the success of its graduate students.This program distinguishes itself through its focus on career advancement and developingessential core skills for graduate
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 6: Programs in Graduate Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tess Bisbee Meier, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ceren Yilmaz Akkaya, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Yunus Doğan Telliel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
effectively ona team, integrate information from multiple sources, communicate with written and visualmaterial, and make connections across disciplines 18 .PBL is not inherently transdisciplinary or convergent, but PBL can be used to teach and addressconvergent problems. While PBL is not the only way to learn convergence methodologies, it canbe an efficient “means” to the “end” which is understanding and implementing convergencemethodologies. It emphasizes the process of question identification and framing as much asproblem solving, encouraging students to iterate and seek feedback, and to reflect on theirapproach and proposed solution. Additionally, outcomes of PBL are similar to the skills neededfor the future of convergence research in industry
Conference Session
Engineering education issues relevant to agricultural, biological and ecological engineering-Part 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hector Palala, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Heydi Han, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Juan Carlos Ramos Tanchez, Cornell University; Boanerges Elias Bamaca, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Division (BAE)
. The goal of these discussions is togather detailed information about how they use multiple languages and technology in labs, with afocus on how they communicate and understand tasks. Following these discussions, we holdreflection meetings to go over and confirm the details gathered from the interviews. The findingsfrom these interviews will help us think about how to make future classroom experiences bettersuited for graduate student assistants from different language backgrounds. In December 2023,during our reflection meetings, we took a close look at our own experiences. Hector led grouptalks and interviews to study our experiences, especially the cultural parts in our life stories andresearch. We found important topics and patterns. Hector
2024 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Kimberly J. Cornett
part of the grading process for the assignment which has been selected for programlevel assessment. The student should also complete a self-assessment of the work and reflect onthe progress made when comparing to previous portfolio artifacts and rubrics. A template forformatively assessing student’s longitudinal growth and students’ self-reflection is shown inAppendix B.The following recommended portfolio guidelines aim to reduce the workload burden andstandardize the process for formative assessment for the program: • A cloud folder should be created for each student that contains a copy of each rubric and portfolio template for an e-portfolio. Students should have “viewing” and “adding” permissions, but not ”editing
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan J Ely, University of Southern Indiana; Milad Rezvani Rad, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
required for developing students’ essential skills [2].Although students who used ChatGPT in project-based, reflective, critical thinking, and research-related writing assessments have faced some challenges and shortcomings, they managed to getsatisfactory results with proper training and input. Therefore, the success rate relies on the level ofstudents’ understanding of ChatGPT usage and expected output. However, there is always a riskassociated with mastering this technique that can alter the balance of risk and reward for students[3].Methodology:This case study involved the introduction of a new module regarding Artificial Intelligence inengineering classrooms by looking at the use of generative and non-generative AI in anengineering technical
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 10
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nyna Jaye DeWitt, University of Georgia; Animesh Paul, University of Georgia; John Ray Morelock, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
Classroom Observations Section C: After Classroom Observations The observer meets with the instructor to hear The observer meets with the instructor to hear their reflections, discuss new ideas or their reflections, discuss new ideas or questions, and provide constructive feedback questions, and provide constructive feedback with a focus on highlighting strengths over with a focus on highlighting strengths over areas for improvement (at least three times as areas for improvement. many strengths as areas with room for improvement).Section AThis initial step in the peer observation process is meant to orient the observer to the course. Thismeans reviewing the course material and understanding the classroom
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Asefeh Kardgar, Purdue University ; Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD)
Engineering Education, 2024Effectiveness of Using Animated versus Static InfographicsABSTRACTInfographics are a popular way to convey information in various contexts. They come in twoformats, static and animated. A recent study aimed to determine which format was moreeffective in getting the audience to reflect on the information presented. The study usedsecondary research methodology and found that both formats were effective in conveyinginformation, but animated infographics were more impactful in terms of comprehension,retention, engagement, and memorability. The study suggests that future research should usestatistical and experimental approaches to validate these findings.Keywords - infographics, animated infographics, static
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alfreda Samira James, Stony Brook University; Marianna Savoca, Stony Brook University; Monica Bugallo, Stony Brook University; Catherine A Scott
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
expectations of any would-be employer across all sectors,including academic employers. While graduate students entered the program with STEMresearch experience, they acknowledge low levels of career knowledge and career readiness.Building a team of supporters is a feature of career design and embedded throughout this project.CAR 551 promotes a design thinking mindset while supporting participants in exploration ofoptions, forming networks according to interests and skills, and constant revision. Yet, careerdesign principles have the potential to disrupt well- established comfort zones in students aboutthe use of STEM skills.Project organizers created an end-of-semester celebration/reflection to normalize career designand encourage participants to
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leana Santos, University of Connecticut; Davis Chacon-Hurtado, University of Connecticut
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
Paper ID #44299Board 32: Designing a Graduate Course in Sustainable Transportation andHuman Rights with a Student-Centered ApproachLeana Santos, University of Connecticut Leana Santos, is a fourth-year Ph.D. Candidate in structural engineering at the University of Connecticut. She is a Harriott and GAANN Fellow. Alongside her current program courses, Leana is pursuing the Graduate Certificate in College Instruction offered by UConn’s Neag School of Education. Her current research is centered on the impact of pyrrhotite oxidation on concrete deterioration, reflecting her dedication to understanding and mitigating
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitra Varun Anand, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Curtis Abel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ahmet Can Sabuncu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
competenciesacross a spectrum of engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical,and computer engineering. Such a holistic educational approach is intended to arm students withthe analytical and problem-solving prowess essential for the engineers of tomorrow [7-8].Building on a preceding work-in-progress study focused on results from the pilot course offering,this paper dives into two offerings of the course over a two-year period, focusing on competencygains assessed through Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) instrument. The analysishopes to uncover advancements in competencies that are pivotal within both engineering andentrepreneurial mindset realms.This study reflects our findings from the initial two iterations of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew J. Ash, Oklahoma State University; James E Stine, Oklahoma State University; Erin Dyke, Oklahoma State University; John Hu, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
understanding; and backward design. Culturalrelevance emphasizes the need to understand students’ linguistic, geographic, gender, racial, andgenerational, among other cultural, knowledge as assets that can be leveraged for curriculum andteaching [3]. Concept-based understanding prioritizes inquiry-based learning and application andtransferability of knowledge versus rote memorization of information or discrete skillacquisition. Backwards design provides an accessible structure for planning assessment andlearning activities in ways that center conceptual understanding and student inquiry [4]. Teacherskept reflective journals, analyzed science and mathematics state standards frameworks, and*1 This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4: Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Crismond, City University of New York, City College
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
learning, and changes in the module’s design over thethree semesters, with rationales behind those decisions. Prominent among the instructionalstrategies was the use of various formative assessment approaches to adjust instruction whileproviding evidence of student progress in using design practices and engineering concepts in aninformed way. Tasks included: Triad Sorting, proposing and applying Design Rules-of-Thumb,Small Group Discussions, Interviews, using Contrasting Cases and reflecting on design practiceusing an Informed Design Rubric. These approaches were used in a context where human-centered designing and “design with us, not for us” was emphasized. Design thinking was introduced and elaborated upon in a variety of ways
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 17
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Milo David Koretsky, Tufts University; Amanda Clara Emberley, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; John Galisky, University of California, Santa Barbara; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Exams as growth opportunity X critically. When they're getting information Extend examples to new problems X X from the teacher, they don't have to think Having students take roles X critically about it because the teacher said Learning from peers X X it. It must be right, you know. More problems are better X XTo operationalize this resource, Avery More time on topic = more learning X Negotiate confusion Xprovided class time for students “to set up the Reflective thinking of
Conference Session
DSA Technical Session 7
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saquib Ahmed, The State University of New York Buffalo State University
Tagged Topics
Data Science & Analytics Constituent Committee (DSA)
developed for accurate counting of grapheneflakes on transparent bulk substrates using optical reflection microscopy measurements [3]. Theuniversal optical conductance model matches reflection data for graphene flakes up to ninelayers thick. However, achieving maximum sensitivity at the desired wavelength necessitatesprecise control over oxide thickness and oxide index of refraction. Another proposed methodutilizes transmission or reflection optical microscopy to determine the number of graphenemonolayers on various substrates [4]. Image modification through software analysis yields a 3Dmodel of few layers of graphene on any substrate. However, this method relies on classical, time-consuming techniques like AFM and Raman spectroscopy for