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Displaying results 3601 - 3630 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Computed Simulation and Animation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramiro Bravo, Tri-State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
information is provided: • All pipe sizes and materials • Flow rates coming in or out at points A and B, as shown in the figure Qa = 4 ft3/s A 2 C Q2 Q1 Q3 1 3 B Qb=1 ft3/s Page 11.1386.2 Figure 1. Analysis of a Simple NetworkThe problem has three unknowns, and to solve for them, three independent equations are
Conference Session
Curriculum Development and Applications
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jana Whittington, Purdue University-Calumet; Kim Nankivell, Purdue University-Calumet; Joy Colwell, Purdue University-Calumet; James Higley, Purdue University-Calumet
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
193 175 150 132 125 112 S tu d e n ts 100 75 63 50 47 25 12 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 20
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shahnam Navaee, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
-sketched drawings. Theinstructor can use these tools effectively to generate and discuss the correct solutions for theassigned exercises to better guide the students in developing solutions for other problems. Thisapproach to teaching an Engineering Graphics course can be used along-side other traditionalinstructional techniques to further enhance the students’ performance in the course. Page 11.583.10Bibliography1. Navaee, S., “Use of WebCT in Delivering Instructions in Engineering,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2001.2. Navaee, S., Das, N.K., “Utilization of MATLAB in Structural Analysis,” Proceedings of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jianxin Tang, Alfred University
balance of push-and-pull. If thesuspended object gets too close to the electromagnet, the electromagnet should push itaway. Conversely if it falls too low the electromagnet should work at pulling it back up.The LM1820 driver chip has a built-in H-bridge that can reverse polarity of its output andis perfect for this application.Analog Phase-Lead ControllerThe system is open-loop unstable and a phase-lead controller is needed to increase thephase margin of the system to stabilize it. The open-loop transfer function of the system 6.82 × 10 7can be found using the Bode diagram approach to be G p ( s ) = 2 , with its
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alireza Rahrooh, Daytona State College; Walter W. Buchanan P.E., Texas A&M University; Robert De la Coromoto Koeneke, Daytona State College
Tagged Divisions
Page 23.825.6To study the stability, transient and steady state responses, sampling time of 0.5 msec is used.The motor/gear transfer function, Gm(s) and the sensor transfer function H(s) are obtainedthrough an experiment: Gm(s) = 20/s(s+4), H(s) = 0.6Z-transformation of Gm(s) and D/A yields the following discrete transfer function for the system 27.44 10-7(z + 0.9992) G(z) = (z-1)(z-0.9923)Case 1 (no controller).The system is tested without a controller. The transient response is satisfactory compared to thetheoretical calculation, the rising portion of the actual and expected responses
Conference Session
Starting Them Early
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brianna L Dorie, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Taking things (music box, toaster, boxes) apart or put them back together.Outreach § Programs Girl Scouts, afterschool programs, space day/camps. § Designed Children’s Museum(s), Aquariums, Science Centers. EnvironmentsEducation § Kits Circuit kits, Lego robotics, and telescopes. § Curricular Helping with homework, giving extra tasks (i.e. math quizzes, workbooks in summer) Page 23.501.4Informal DiscussionsA vast majority of the parents (n=96%) mentioned that informal discussions were part oftheir repertoire for
Conference Session
Topics in Mechanical ET
2003 Annual Conference
Timothy Cooley
”The final equation then becomes: µ = [W * La * R2 * sin θ * (Rc – Rd)] [0.65797 * Rd * Rd * Ld * Rc * R1 * RPM]with units of pounds force seconds per square foot. Students are also given the exercise of unitsconversion from the above viscometer-dependent units to strengthen their understanding of theuniversality of viscosity between measurement systems. Figure 3 – Viscometer Geometry3) Test FluidFor the purpose of calibration a common, published fluid, SAE 30W motor oil is used. (2) It hasthe following viscosity properties; 0.350 Pa s @ 68F and 0.019 Pa s @ 176F. As the spreadsheetbelow shows, performance of this design was shown to be quite good. Deviation ranged
Conference Session
Engineering Education in Muslim Worlds: Introductory Workshop
2004 Annual Conference
Osman El-Sayed
Assiout University which belongs tothe South of Egypt and 35% for Alexandria University, the national average being 30.5%.This is to be compared to 50.16% ratio for the total university population. It should also benoted that this feature is not new although the figures grew steadily in the last five years(Fig.3). In the early 1960's this ratio was almost 10%.The female graduates represent more than 50% of Architecture and Chemical Engineeringgraduates, around 30% of those of Electrical Engineering, 25% of Civil Engineering andaround 15% of the Mechanical Engineering ones (Fig.4).On the staff side, the percentages are less pronounced by are still much larger than thecorresponding in western engineering educational institutions
Conference Session
ET Capstone Projects
2003 Annual Conference
Janak Dave; Thomas Boronkay
66.4 1.0 Competitive Analysis Physically moving patient 1.0 4.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 Target Value 4.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 2 deg min in/s
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Control Applications
2003 Annual Conference
Andrew Koffman; Bryan Waltrip; Svetlana Avramov-Zamurovic
calculates the sensitivity of the bridge is given.MATLAB script2 file:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%This script is the continuation of the script1.Z2=10;Z4=10;Z3=10;Zsource=1;Zdetector=100;Vsource=20;dIdetector=0.1e-3; %smallest detector deflectionZ1=Z2*Z3/Z4 % bridge balance% S=bridge sensitivity S=dI_detector/dZ1, substitute Z1=Z2*Z3/Z4S=-Z4*V_source/(Z3*Z2*Z1+Z1*Z4*Z3+Z1*Z4*Z2+Z3*Z2*Z4+Z_source*(Z3*Z2+Z1*Z4+Z4*Z3+Z2*Z1)+Z_detector*(Z1*Z3+Z3*Z2+Z4*Z1+Z4*Z2+Z_source*(Z1+Z2+Z3+Z4)));dz1=dIdetector/S %bridge resolution~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Let us consider the following bridge components Vsource=20 V, Zsource=1
2001 Annual Conference
Chih-Ping Yeh; Mulchand Rathod
Session 3547 Enhanced Electric Machines and Power Course Chih-Ping Yeh, Mulchand S. Rathod Wayne State UniversityAbstractThis paper presents our experiences in developing a NSF-funded CCLI project for enhancing the‘Electric Machines and Power’ course. The objective of this project is to provide a new structure tothe existing course to enhance student learning of electric machines. The project involves (1) improvingthe long existing rotating machine laboratory by adding modern power electronic drives and devisingreal time data acquisition for measurement and analysis
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
John Mingle; Tom Roberts
ofengineering graduates will again start climbing given that the Millennial Generation is of theCivic type and possess strong potential engineering credentials (community oriented,scientifically inclined, good learners, team players, modest, and willing to take directions fromparents and teachers.)Millennials will prefer a more structured curriculum with ways to measure objective progress.Boomers enjoyed school but battled the rules and behaved in a less controlled manner as therules were relaxed. Millennials say they dislike school but are better behaved, as the rulesbecome stricter 5,6. Millennials are showing progressively better performance in schoolcontrasted with boomer performance that declined in the 1960’s. Millennial parents are alsomore
Conference Session
ECE Design, Capstone, and Engr. Practice
2002 Annual Conference
Mustafa Guvench
circuit yielded good slew rates (1V/s).The Spice simulation of the operational amplifier were done on both a PC running Microsim'sversion 8 and also on a Sun station running Cadence suite, namely Analog Artist v.4.4.3. It wasdetermined that the differences in the results were insignificant. After this thorough designverification of the opamp and also the peripheral circuits designed for biasing it, layout designswere generated using Fairchild's CS80C process parametrized component library and Cadence Page 7.317.3suite. The resulting experimental chip whose name "OpAmp1" reflects the fact that it is a Proceedings of the 2002 American
Conference Session
CoED General Technical Session II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher R. Carroll, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
design.ProblemDesigning digital circuits can be an easy, mechanical exercise, once the basics are mastered.After all, it’s just a matter of getting all the 1’s and 0’s in the right place at the right time, andeven if you guess at the answer, you have a 50% chance of being correct, right? That is thereason that automating the design process through hardware description languages and softwarethat reads those languages to configure programmable logic devices has been so successful. Onthe surface, everything is cookbook and easy. Complex systems are assembled by replicatinglots of simple circuits, a process at which digital computers excel. Circuits designed by studentsin the lab for an introductory digital circuits course fall into this category of design. Once
1997 Annual Conference
Amin Karim; Ahmed Khan
Session 3548 Development of a Wireless Communications Course for Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Curriculum Ahmed S. Khan DeVry Institute of Technology 1221 N. Swift Road Addison, IL 60101 E-mail: Amin Karim DeVry Institute of Technology One Tower Lane Oakbrook Terrace
1998 Annual Conference
M. Bodruzzaman; Satinderpaul Devgan; Saleh Zein-Sabatto
Session 3209Meeting the ABET Computer Competency Requirement in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Tennessee State University M. Bodruzzaman, S. S. Devgan, and S. Zein-Sabatto Tennessee State UniversityIntroductionIn the Information Age, access to timely information in appropriate form is power. Engineers oftomorrow must be proficient in developing computer tools and applications to facilitate access toinformation anywhere any time. ABET criteria for computer use and computer facilities inengineering curriculum and specifically Electrical, Electronic(s), Computer and similarly
1998 Annual Conference
M. Bodruzzaman; Satinderpaul Devgan; Saleh Zein-Sabatto
Session 3232Meeting the ABET Computer Competency Requirement in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Tennessee State University M. Bodruzzaman, S. S. Devgan, and S. Zein-Sabatto Tennessee State UniversityIntroductionIn the Information Age, access to timely information in appropriate form is power. Engineers oftomorrow must be proficient in developing computer tools and applications to facilitate access toinformation anywhere any time. ABET criteria for computer use and computer facilities inengineering curriculum and specifically Electrical, Electronic(s), Computer and similarly
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 14
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hayaam Osman, Purdue University ; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kavon Karrobi, Boston University; Angela Lai, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
learning.The instructors here are ultimately interested in how to best navigatethe role that generative AI tools will play in the experience andlearning outcomes of their students related to course objectives, suchas improving written and oral technical communication skillsthrough written assignments and class presentations. The long-term goal of the study is to collectand analyze cross-institutional data to investigate and compare AI usage by BME students fromdifferent institutions, and we are currently working towards a multi-institution IRB to do so.4. References[1] C. Shaw, L. Yuan, D. Brennan, S. Martin, N. Janson, and G. Bryant, “GenAI In Higher Education,” Tyton Partners, Oct. 2023, [Online]. Available:
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lizandra C Godwin, University of New Mexico
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
, pp. 25–1144.[4] M. L. Miles, C. A. Agger, R. S. Roby, and T. R. Morton, “Who’s who: How ‘women of color’ are (or are not) represented in STEM education research,” Science Education, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 229–256, 2022, doi: 10.1002/sce.21694.[5] “Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities 2023 | NSF - National Science Foundation.” Accessed: Feb. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:[6] R. F. Funk Brian Kennedy and Cary, “STEM Jobs See Uneven Progress in Increasing Gender, Racial and Ethnic Diversity,” Pew Research Center Science & Society. Accessed: Feb. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available: jobs-see
Conference Session
Flaming Moe's Influence: Bio-Inspired STEM Explorations, Hot Stuff!
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abeera P. Rehmat, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael Helms; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeffrey H Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
presented their lunchboxdesign solutions for their final presentation (FP). The presentations were seven minutes in lengthand required students to identify the problem, describe the different thermal regulation systemsin nature (i.e., polar bear, whale blubber, penguins, etc.) they explored for their design solution,which system(s) were incorporated into their design and how they were incorporated.Additionally, students presented their design iterations, including models/images, along withresults and modifications for each design, leading to their final design solution. The presentationswere audio-recorded and transcribed for data analysis.Finally, students completed an engineering survey (pre-post), which comprised 5-point Likert-scale items
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Mary Jackson, Rowan University; Cheryl A Bodnar, Rowan University; Cassandra Sue Ellen Jamison, Rowan University; Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University; Mary Staehle, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
, 9-11 weeks during the summer months [33], [34], [35]. Students have theopportunity to work directly alongside faculty and graduate student mentors, complete an oralpresentation or research paper, and sometimes pursue publication of their work [34], [36].Students who participate in REU programs are commonly asked to answer surveys that detailtheir perceptions of their skills and experiences [11], [34], [37], where students commonlyexpress having an increase in research skills, such as keeping lab notebooks and writing/readingresearch papers [31], laboratory skills [34], and collaboration [37]. In Nepal et al.'s study [11],students answered pre- and post-surveys about their experiences in mechanical, industrial, andsystems engineering REU
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diana A. Chen, University of San Diego; Joel Alejandro Mejia, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Gordon D Hoople, University of San Diego; R. Jamaal Downey
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
change in engineering curricula and spaces to shift engineering to be a field more inclusive of diversity in all forms. Her scholarly interests include engineering education that contextualizes engineering sciences and design, exploring engineering boundaries for inclusive pedagogy, and sustainability and bio-inspired design in the built environment.Dr. Joel Alejandro Mejia, The University of Texas at San Antonio Dr. Joel Alejandro (Alex) Mejia is an associate professor with joint appointment in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies and the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Mejiaˆa C™s work examProf. Gordon D Hoople, University of San Diego Dr
Conference Session
Emerging Areas: Biotechnology, Microtechnology, and Energy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thuyoanh Truong, California State Universtiy, Long Beach, Department of Chemical Engineering; William Ferguson, Department of Chemical Engineering, California State University, Long Beach; Roger C. Lo, California State University, Long Beach, Department of Chemical Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
technical information exchange. We hope that in the future these twocourses may excite more students to pursue advanced studies and careers in this area of growingimportance. Page 22.1062.6AcknowledgementsThe authors greatly acknowledge the financial support for the equipment of this work by thestarting fund from the College of Engineering, California State University, Long Beach. Theauthors also thank Professor Sergio Mendez for his proofreading and suggestions.References1. M. A. Burns, B. N. Johnson, S. N. Brahmasandra, K. Handique, J. R. Webster, M. Krishnan, T. S. Sammarco, P. M. Man, D. Jones, D. Heldsinger, C. H. Mastrangelo, D. T
Conference Session
Fostering Student Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Emelina Coso, Georgia Institute of Technology; Reid Bailey, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
various perspectives and an ability to evaluate multiple disciplinary approaches to problem-solving. Interdisciplinarity also includes an ability to recognize the strengths or weaknesses of one‟s own disciplinary perspective, but also recognize the shared assumptions, skills or knowledge among disciplines.”20The research design and methods of this study were influenced by specific qualities ofinterdisciplinary understanding at the collegiate level21-22. Boix Mansilla and Duraisingh (2007;2009) worked to determine a comprehensive definition of what constitutes a student‟sinterdisciplinary understanding based upon faculty assessment of student interdisciplinaryresearch. The study focused on four well-recognized
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University; David L. Silverstein, University of Kentucky; Ronald L. Miller, Colorado School of Mines; John L. Falconer P.E., University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
Page 22.336.2responsibility). Beginning in the 1970’s, education researchers and educators began to identifyconceptual shortcomings in students and the propensity for students to carry with them strongly-held misconceptions describing how the world around them worked.1 Based on this perspective,Halloun and Hestenes developed the Force Concept Inventory (FCI), an instrument to measurestudents’ fundamental conceptual understanding of Newtonian mechanics.2,3 The FCI led to atransformation in physics education in which a renewed focus on conceptual understandingreplaced some of the emphasis on routine problem-solving.As the positive effect of the FCI on physics education has become more widely known, ConceptInventories have emerged in many science
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Moallem, Simon Fraser University; Yaser M. Roshan, Simon Fraser University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
converted to C code andrun on various microcontroller targets. Developing a host-target platform inMatlab/Simulink embedded coder requires two different steps 11 . In the first step, thetarget directory structure is built followed by appropriate target files, make files, andhook files. In the next step, the appropriate Target Language Compiler (TLC) files andS-functions of each block are created. TLC files are the script files that specify the formatand content of output source files. S-functions are computer language description of aSimulink block written in Matlab, C, C++, or Fortran. C, C++, and Fortran S-functions Page 22.450.4 Figure 3: 1-DoF robotic
1999 Annual Conference
Francis Ting
theinstruments for velocity and pressure measurements have fast frequency responses. It is alsodesirable that the instrument for velocity measurements can measure more than one componentof flow velocity. The following equipment were purchased for this project: an Acoustic DopplerVelocimeter ($10,265) from SonTek; a low-range differential pressure transducer ($850) fromValidyne; a Solo 2300 multi-media notebook ($3,600) and a HP Deskjet 670C printer ($196.43)from Gateway; a KPCMCIA data acquisition card ($701.25) and an universal screw terminal($130) from Keithley Metrabyte.The ADV measures all three components of velocity and can detect turbulence up a Nyquistfrequency of 12.5 Hz. The velocity range of the ADV is ±2.5 m/s, and the velocity resolution
Conference Session
BME Course and Curriculum Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Sweeney, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
) explain how both intracellular and extracellular biopotentials ariseand are recorded; (4) explain how electric fields and currents can be used to stimulate cells andto defibrillate the heart; and (5) record and analyze common biopotential signals arising from theheart, nerves, and muscles.Books & ResourcesBy far the most popular textbook for courses in Bioelectricity is Plonsey and Barr‟sBioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach (now in its 3rd edition)3. In our course we use Plonseyand Barr as the required text, and also refer to the free on-line text Malmivuo and Plonsey‟sBioelectromagnetism4. Other texts in use in Bioelectricity courses listed in the onlineBiomedical Engineering Curriculum Database (see above) include J. Patrick Reilly‟s
Conference Session
Demonstration and Project Enhancements in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Zenaida Otero Gephardt, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
values would be most meaningful andappropriate for this process. Typically, students chose water temperatures in the range of 70 - 95°C and times between 30 s and 6 min. Some teams chose wider ranges of temperature or timeand would subsequently observe differences in the significance of the factors. Additionally, aseparate set of experiments were conducted to determine the value of the standard deviation. 1 2 Figure 1. French Press Coffee Maker. First coffee grounds are brewed with hot water for a Page 15.804.3 designated time (1). Then the plunger/filter is depressed, separating the coffee grounds