-efficacy, building their confidence that they can succeed at “real engineering”, and helpingbuild a support network of professors and peers that improves a student’s chances of persisting[5]. This paper focuses on the integration of a cost-effective, easy to implement design projectthat is appropriate for any freshman-level Engineering Design Graphics course but is particularlyappropriate for community college settings.BackgroundDevelopment of Dedicated MakerspaceSpurred by a requirement to integrate design projects into the Engineering Design Graphicscurriculum by the Illinois Community College’s Illinois Articulation Agreement (IAI), theCollege of Lake County (CLC) Engineering department developed design projects forEngineering Design Graphics
thirdyears and are tested on parts of this (teamwork, writing and presentation) individually in theirBachelor End Project (BEP). Due to this, many become the victim of the impact maximisationdescribed above as a result. Even though our approaches make sense at the course level, at acurriculum level there is too little variation to challenge them in their choices.Another recent development found within the Netherlands is the introduction of the ReflectiveEngineer. The idea behind this is twofold, due to the increasing speed of change in oursociety, we are all forced to become lifelong learners, so we need the skills to reflect on ourabilities for this. Furthermore, the (self) reflection will help students make more deliberatechoices concerning their
transition, professional development, advancement, and satisfaction and support.Finally, the team focused its attention on institutional change versus efforts that exclusivelyfocused on new faculty, because advancement for AGEP faculty is typically limited by lack ofinfrastructure to support their needs [4], [5].3 Figure 1. Theory of Change for Project ELEVATE Our roadmap for change begins with a collaborative partnership among peer institutions,leadership buy-in, equity-minded partners, higher education expertise, and culturally responsiveevaluators, shown in Figure 1 (theory of change). The primary activities outlined in our theory ofchange include working collaboratively to meet a common goal, conducting research
, persistence, and career trajectories; engineering writing and communication; and methodological development. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023Capturing attrition decisions in engineering graduate students using longitudinal SMS dataKeywords: Attrition, longitudinal study, SMS (Short Message Service), time series dataAbstractThis research paper reports results from a longitudinal Short Message Service (SMS) text messagesurvey study that captured attrition decisions from engineering graduate students who decided toleave their Ph.D. program or change degree objectives from Ph.D. to M.S. (Master’s-leveldeparture). While past research has investigated doctoral attrition across disciplines to
mechanics of materials.This paper aims to provide lessons learned, highlight some teaching techniques that work,convey class management advice, and tips on balancing priorities when teaching is not your onlyresponsibility. But as I began to put the details together, I realized that given the wide range ofinstitutions and content areas of the audience for this paper, the broad-stroke perspectives towardteaching and classroom management would likely be more beneficial than a highly detailedlitany of content and classroom decisions I made for my course last semester. In writing thispaper, I hope my observations will provide insight and inspiration that new engineering facultycan use as they dive into this wonderfully fulfilling world of
students want from TAs in engineering education settings.Prior Use of NLP in EducationThe use of NLP in education has been significant, particularly in the assessment andclassification of student learning. Assessment involves determining the quality and level ofstudent learning, while classification aims to comprehend student learning without evaluating it.Automated assessment is an attractive solution for large student populations, and one of the mostcommon applications of NLP in education is the assessment of student writing in the Test ofEnglish as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) [3]. NLP is used to evaluate grammar, mechanics, wordusage, complexity, style, and organization of student essays. NLP-based assessments havedemonstrated remarkable
approach and avoidance achievement motivation.,” J. Pers. Soc. Psychol., vol. 76, no. 4, pp. 628–644, 1999, doi: 10.1037//0022-3514.76.4.628.[37] S. Purzer, T. J. Moore, and E. Dringenberg, “Engineering cognition: A process of knowledge acquisition and application,” in Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education. Innovations in Science Education and Technology, Y. J. Dori, Z. R. Mevarech, and D. R. Baker, Eds. Springer, 2018, pp. 167–190.[38] R. Ferrari, “Writing narrative style literature reviews,” Med. Writ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 230– 235, 2015, doi: 10.1179/2047480615z.000000000329.[39] J. A. Byrne, “Improving the peer review of narrative literature reviews,” Res. Integr. Peer Rev., vol
level is not, in and of itself novel. A simple Google Scholar search willgenerate over 24,000 citations elaborating upon such efforts. Peer-reviewed research on thistopic can be summarized into categories of innovation and specialized project development -including industry involvement (Goldberg, Cariapa, Corliss, et. al., 2014); professionalpreparation, and attribute/competency development (Hotaling, Fasse, Bost, et. al., 2012); andcapstone best-practices, pedagogy and assessment approaches (Newell, Doty, & Klein, 1990;Behdinan, Pop-Iliev, & Foster, 2014). Noticeably, however, the presence of recent innovativescholarship in this area appears scant.Looking back however to 1990, Newell, Doty, and Klein suggested that anecdotally, there
this study was obtained from a classroom fieldwork that took place fromAugust 2022 to February 2023. The study utilized a variety of methods to gather data. First,the instructors were asked to write reflective notes about their teaching experiences, whichwere used as autoethnographic accounts for analysis. Second, a research assistant attendedweekly instructor meetings and in-person classes at NYCU to observe the classroomdynamics between the instructors and the students. We are thus able to track how this courseevolved during the semester. Third, the research assistant conducted qualitative interviewswith the students after the semester ended to gain insight into their motivation for enrolling inthe course and their thoughts on the most
’ perspective, hence there isa moral obligation concerning how they write. Reporting is the process where the authors hope tobring people together. Following Kvale's [39] guidelines, when the authors reported the analysisresult in the next section, they contextualized and interpreted the quotes while making themrelevant to the general writing. The authors rendered the conversations into a readable, writtentext format, and the maximum length of the interview quotes is no more than half a page. Onlythe most essential quotes are presented. ‘How to dialogically engage in reading and writing andmake the piece reader-ly?’ was a concern while they were writing up the piece. The goal is neverto generalize the stories. Everything we look at here is not
strive to be an advocate for gender equity.Dr. Lisa Borello, University of Dayton Dr. Lisa J. Borello serves as the Executive Director of the Women’s Center at the University of Dayton. In this role, Dr. Borello advances gender equity on campus via educational programming, research, and policy development; the Women’s Center, established in 2003, serves all faculty, staff and students. She also serves as Research Professor of Applied Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work at UD. Dr. Borello has spent more than 20 years working in higher education in diverse roles ranging from strategic communications to grant writing to managing a research lab. She conducts research on women’s
construct and modifying sessions to fit the needs of different audiences. An additionalchallenge was that we were given widely varying amounts of time to present the sessions. Thismeant that it was very important to have clear learning objectives.As an example, the learning objectives for a session for K-8 teachers and a session for highschool counselors are compared in Table 1. To make the table readable, we do not write out thefull learning objective. We placed verbs from different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy [1] toindicate how the learning objectives differ for each audience, because different audiences requiredifferent depths of understanding. In addition, each topic is given a level of importance for theparticular audience, indicated by low
post-instructionfor the CAEN section, which was for Architectural and Civil Engineering majors. The very smallresponse counts and less pronounced changes in the ratings did not result in significantdifferences although increased understanding was reported for all prompts and the studentsindicated they saw real-world applications for the information they had learned.Ratings for all five of the learning-objective based statements for the EECS section, ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science, resulted in significant changes. These were for robot chassisconstruction and wiring, experience using a computer board, ability to write Python programs,and being motivated by competing with classmates. Like for the other sections, students reportedbeing
spacesParticipants discussed experiencing exclusionary and harmful encounters and practices in STEMhigher education and entrepreneurial spaces. Dr. Wu noted, “As a woman, as a minority, there'salways so many different challenges that's there. It's always there, it’s always there.” One ofthese challenges was not having access to supportive interpersonal relationships in theiruniversities and academic departments. Dr. J remarked, “I came to [university] recognizing that no one's going to help you, Dr. J, so you'd better write the papers, and you'd better write the proposal. That's exactly what I did, I wrote the papers. I wrote the proposals. I was the PI. I was the first author on most of my papers. People were not saying, "Oh Dr. J
this type of mentorship (Leydens 2014, Nieusma 2011). One such initiative, theAccess Network, aims to do just that. The Access Network is a collection of programs (sites) thatare situated in U.S. universities that work towards a more equitable, diverse, inclusive, andaccessible version of the STEM community (Quan 2019). Access prioritizes student leaders, bothat the network-level and in their local sites, by empowering them to take the lead on actions andby providing support for this work. Access sites engage in activities that build inclusive learningcommunities, provide guidance through peer mentorship, and support growth in students’leadership around social justice.One major function of the Access Network is to connect students across these
is an assistant professor of rhetoric and composition and the writing program admin- istrator at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ. His research on rhetorical theory, in- frastructure, and communication pedagogy informs his teaching of courses in rhetoric, composition, and technical communication in engineering.Elizabeth Ashley Rea, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Fostering Educational Equity in EngineeringAbstract: This is a research paper. Students in introductory engineering courses face challengescommunicating and integrating their ideas in team projects. Often these challenges with
industry sponsored projects, usually, therewill also be one technical advisor from the company too.Each team will present their project to classmates two times during the semester through themidterm and final presentation. In the midterm presentation, students present their progress todate, share challenges they faced and how they tackled them, and describe their plan for the restof the semester. However, final presentations, usually a week before the capstone conference,allow teams to practice their presentation skills for the big conference day and receive feedbackfrom their peers and the instructor.Roles of the Course Instructor and Technical AdvisorTimely and effective communication is key to the success of each capstone design project. AtPenn
%) along with their branch of specialization. The questionnaire also enquired about thetype of content they fetched in the OER and their contribution to the OER.The study outlined the importance of OER during and after the PANDEMIC and how thescope of adoption increased after the pandemic. It facilitated the adoption of the materials andalso strengthened the OER repositories. The peer review and the validation of the material'sauthenticity are the need of the hour. The transformation in the ecosystem with sharingresources is quantified based on the study.Introduction:The educational ecosystem has transformed tremendously after the pandemic, and it getsaugmented with the infusion of digital resources for teaching, learning and assessment [Al-Freih
) 5. Synthesize and Integrate the Best Evidence into a Joint Position: The four members of the group drop all advocacy to synthesize and integrate what they learned. Each group creates a synthesis of what is now known; our experience is that they do not have difficulty with this, possibly because of the dual perspectives they have taken. They summarize a joint position to which both sides agreed. Subsequently, they (a) prepare a cooperative report with each member of the group selecting a topic supporting the synthesis and writing a paragraph supported by the research; (b) combine their paragraphs into a single paper and refine the flow of the paper; (c) present their conclusions to the class
three-week rotations. Course sections are capped at 15students. The course descriptions and goals are generally similar for both semesters, but theycover different types of unit operations. The learning objectives for the fall semester are that bythe end of the course, students can: 1. Design chemical engineering experiments and create hypotheses 2. Operate chemical engineering tools, equipment, and instrumentation 3. Analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgement to draw conclusions 4. Write and present scientific information clearly to a range of audiences 5. Collaborate with peers and instructors and function as a part of a healthy, creative, and cohesive team 6. Identify safety hazards and preventative measures
the quality of institutional management, additional factors have been found thatinfluence students' academic performance in STEM degree programs. For example, Russell& Zafonte [5] report that first-year students have valuable skills that enable them to succeedin their careers, such as critical thinking. Nevertheless, this study argues that studentsconsider writing skills and collaborative work less important for their career development.Regarding those mentioned above, it has been widely documented that university studentsrequire a broad set of skills to be successful in their careers. For example, it has been shownthat collaborative work helps students to promote conceptual learning, developcommunication skills, foster interdependence
wellness skills. Each course is designed toprovide early exposure to concepts that are deemed to be critical to success in STEM fields, andthat will either level the playing field for low-income students or in some cases give them aprofessional edge. For instance, all Endeavour scholars receive two class sessions of career fairtraining (including résumé writing) in their first semester that is designed specifically for thisprogram, and then are required to attend a career fair within the first two months of school. TheEndeavour Program staff, in partnership with the Engineering Career Center, provide thestudents with padfolios, résumé paper, one-on-one advising, clothing assistance, networkingopportunities, and a dedicated check-in table at the
an important aspect of engineering practice during the second industrial revolution, which started in the late 19th century. Today, the importance of teamwork skills for engineers is codified in the ABET accreditation requirements (ABET 2021). Too often, we, as instructors, put students in teams and assume they will learn teamwork skills organically. As a result, the majority of students report at least one type of interpersonal problem on projects and many report reduced learning as a result (Wolfe et al. 2016). In most cases, we don’t learn about the problems until reading student peer evaluations or we don’t learn about them at all. Either way, the opportunity to correct the situations has passed and the damage is done. In
,” Commun. Teach., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 116–129, Oct. 2008, doi: 10.1080/17404620802382680.[10] J. Gilmore, M. A. Maher, D. F. Feldon, and B. Timmerman, “Exploration of factors related to the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate teaching assistants’ teaching orientations,” Stud. High. Educ., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1910–1928, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.806459.[11] M. Di Benedetti, S. Plumb, and S. B. M. Beck, “Effective use of peer teaching and self-reflection for the pedagogical training of graduate teaching assistants in engineering,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2022.2054313.[12] J. Agarwal, G. Bucks, and T. J. Murphy, “A Literature
, the framework was also evaluated by peers andexperts at different times.Figure 1. Research approach and development of the framework 6Development of the FrameworkA team of professors of engineering education and graduate researchers from communication,education, and engineering developed this framework. Figure 1 shows the structure of thedevelopment of the framework. Before the development of the framework, the study hadcompared and mapped ABET Criterion 3: Student Outcomes and EAB Criterion 2: StudentLearning (p 15-16) Objectives to illustrate and visualize potential differences (Refer to Table 2).Overall, the ABET criterion emphasized abilities
, comparative outcomes research, and biomedical sciences. He has successfully published several peer-reviewed articles in biomedical sciences, physical medicine and rehabilitation, modeling and simulation of physiological signals, motion analysis, and engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 A New Synthesis Procedure for Designing Digital Filters Based on Optical Fiber Structures Mohammed Ferdjallah Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Marshall University Huntington, WV 25705
skeptical peer reviewer. Because of the dual roles of the firstauthor, it was additionally important to be clear in terms of approach and to leavemethodological traces. The systematic approach to this work was part of our effort to createtraces that are inspectable.To think about trustworthiness, it is valuable to identify the kind of knowledge being producedand then address features of the approach that contribute to the trustworthiness of that kind ofknowledge. The research question “What is suggested about the design space of learningexperiences based on a constant comparative analysis of ten instances of this learningexperience” foregrounds the desired knowledge--an understanding of the design space. Theanalysis is identifying dimensions of
conflict, etc between stories showing student stories patternsEach conversation was analyzed using deductive coding techniques. They were each coded twice – once withnarrative coding and then again with thematic coding.The Narrative codes included structures of storytelling such as aspects of plot such as conflict and resolutions,setting, and characters. Characters in the stories included the students, their home communities, elders & mentorson campus, peers, and the structures themselves.The thematic coding utilized the nine tenets of TribalCrit to determine which showed up in the stories ofIndigenous engineering students and determined
across the Undergraduate Curriculum: Preliminary Results from the Collaboration Across Boundaries (CAB) Pedagogical StudyS. Monisha Pulimood1, Diane C. Bates2, and Kim Pearson31Department of Computer Science, The College of New Jersey2Department of Sociology, The College of New Jersey3Department of Journalism and Professional Writing, The College of New Jersey1. INTRODUCTIONDespite the growing need for scientific literacy, colleges and universities offer most scientificcontent in courses offered in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Thispaper reports on the evaluation of the Collaboration Across Boundaries (CAB) pedagogy, whichincorporates project-based, community-engaged learning in
, participants learn about and gain access to resources that are explicitly DEI-related: they mobilize resources to advance equity at the institutional level as an outcome of theprojects and collaborate on additional projects to embed DEI into the process of change-makingitself, starting from the initial stages of writing a proposal. Secondly, the way participants engagewith each other, and approach change goals puts equity and inclusion into practice: participantsidentify and tackle structural barriers to change through DEI-aligned behaviors, from addressinghow institutional circumstances create resistance to DEI, to developing a shared vision forsystemic change that is inclusive and collaborative.IntroductionWe draw on resource mobilization theory and