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Displaying results 391 - 420 of 1013 in total
Conference Session
Issues in Digital Signal Processing
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Kubichek, University of Wyoming; Thad Welch, U.S. Naval Academy; Cameron Wright, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
andWi-Fi systems have to overcome to provide acceptable service, even in more or less benignenvironments.Finally, it is important to note that the I and Q signals can be captured and stored through minormodifications to the LabView VI’s. An instructive exercise is to have the students demodulate areal-world signal using Matlab. For example, suppose an FM signal is captured and stored in aMatlab vector “s” such that the in-phase and quadrature components are represented as the realand imaginary parts. We can extract the signal envelope as “envelope = abs(s)” and theinstantaneous phase as “theta = angle(s)”. Since the FM phase is the integral of the messagesignal, the message signal can be extracted by differentiating the phase using “m = diff
Conference Session
Teaching with Technology in Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Honghui Yu, The City College of New York; Feridun Delale, The City College of New York
Tagged Divisions
, student feedback appears to be very positive.AcknowledgementThis work is supported by NSF through grant # 0343154.References1. Timoshenko, S., Strength of Materials, New York, Van Nostrand (1955).2. Beer, F. P. Beer, Johnston, E. R., Jr., and DeWolf, J.T., Mechanics of materials, 4th edition, McGraw-hill (2005).3. Hibbeler, R.C., Mechanics of materials, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall (2004).4. Blackwell, G.R. “Direct Chip Attach” in The Electronic Packaging Handbook, Ed. Blackwell, G.R., Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC (2000).5. L. B. Freund, L.B., Suresh S., Thin Film Materials : Stress, Defect Formation and Surface Evolution, Cambridge University Press (2004).6. Brain, M., How Thermometers Work,
Conference Session
Lean Manufacturing Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricio Torres, Purdue University; Matthew Stephens, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
of changes always keeping in mindcustomer satisfaction. Reduction of defect level and accuracy in production are terms that defineSix Sigma. While people, rather than computers, are the ones who seek for constant innovation andimprovement, executives should be educated and trained. A course in Six Sigma is the base forfuture success in operations. Page 11.508.17 BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Alukal, G., (n.d.), Create a Lean Mean Machine, Retrieved on December 6th 2005 from Anupindi, R., Chopra, S., Deshmukh, S.D., Van Mieghen, J.A. &
Conference Session
ECE Laboratory Design
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fitra Khan, University of Texas-Brownsville; Mahmoud Quweider, University of Texas-Brownsville; Juan Iglesias, University of Texas-Brownsville; Amjad Zaim, University of Texas-Brownsville
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
placed on the far side of the simulated Public Switched Network (PSN).Among the many tasks, it is used to simulate congestion on the PSN by transferring largeamounts of data back and forth across the PSN.Figure 1 shows the general schematic of CNL. The laboratory houses the 24 computers thatconstitute the 24-node rack-mounted Beowulf as a central component of B-CEIL. Networkdevices are required to simulate a real-world PSN. This consists of a pair of T1-to-V.35 devicesto simulate a leased line8, a pair of DACs to aggregate or cross-connect different channels ofT1's, a pair of routers to provide WAN-to-LAN connectivity at each end of the leased line, andVoIP units on each end to simulate real-world voice grade channels. The Beowulf nodes andother
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Cox, Purdue University; Alene Harris, Purdue University
? Not at All Only a Little Some A Great DealKnowledge-Centered 1 2 3 4Learner-Centered 1 2 3 4Assessment-Centered 1 2 3 4Community-Centered 1 2 3 4Organization 1 2 3 4Comment(s)___________________________________________________________________ Page 11.1422.4
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary and Liberal Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hilkat Soysal, Frostburg State University; Oguz Soysal, Frostburg State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
2006-1822: FRESHMAN COURSE ON SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETYHilkat Soysal, Frostburg State University Hilkat S. Soysal received a law degree from University of Istanbul, Turkey. She practiced law in private companies and two state universities as a counselor. In 1993, she joined Istanbul University College of Engineering as a Lecturer. While teaching law courses for undergraduate engineering students, she did a graduate study in the Marine Engineering Program and received her M.Sc. degree in 1996. She continued to take graduate courses in marine engineering until she moved to the USA. Between 1997 and 2000, she took various courses in MBA and Computer Science, and engineering at
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Ekwaro-Osire, Texas Tech University; Peter Orono, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
questionnaires have to be applied in further iterations.Additional, a separate questionnaire pertaining to the pan-mentor’s effectiveness will also beconstructed.7. Acknowledgements The second author acknowledges support from IUPUI: Office for Professional Developmentgrant for Special focus Gateway Development and Purdue School of Engineering andTechnology.8. Bibliography1. Ekwaro-Osire S. 'Pan-Mentoring' as an effective element of capstone design courses. The International Journal of Engineering Education 2003;19(5):721-4.2. Orono P, Ekwaro-Osire S, "Evolutionary design paradigm as a retention tool," in Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2005.3. Ekwaro-Osire S, Orono P, "Pan-mentoring in creative
Conference Session
Design of Laboratory Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nebojsa Jaksic, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Page 11.76.12posed a challenge since it was time intensive. All of the students were satisfied with theknowledge acquired. One student termed this “very hard but still the best class I everhad.” The students were extremely satisfied when they performed their first successfulscans.At the end of the semester, all students submitted their lab reports describing their STMsand commenting on the laboratory experience in the course. All student comments werepositive and encouraging. Student course evaluations were administered at the end of thesemester. For this course, the average numerical evaluation was excellent, 4.92 out of 5.Acknowledgement: This project was supported in part by NSF Grant 0407289.References[1] Adams, J. D., Rogers, B. S., and
Conference Session
International Exchange/Joint Programs in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Osborn, IUPUI; Patricia Fox, IUPUI
Tagged Divisions
experiencing a new culture for the first time does put a differentperspective on your outlook on life. The cooperation between the two universities, Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences andIUPUI, is quite good. The interactions between the two institutions and faculty have increasedsince the summer of 2005. Many more IUPUI students will have the opportunity to take a newexperience and make it work to their advantage.References1. Fox, P.L., Wilding, K., Hundley, S., and Coles, E., Developing International Partnerships to GlobalizeUndergraduate Engineering Education, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education,Gliwice, Poland, July 25-29, 2005.2. Fox, P., Grossman, C. Coles, E. Hundley, S., Pidaparti, R. International
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry Sneck, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Donald Bunk, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Douglas Baxter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2006-2428: ENGINEERING "DISCOVERY"-AN ENTRANCE TO THEPROFESSIONDonald Bunk, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteDouglas Baxter, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteHenry Sneck, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Page 11.546.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Engineering “Discovery” – An Entrance to the Profession Douglas H. Baxter Donald S. Bunk Henry Sneck Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of EngineeringAbstract – Many students entering into the study of Engineering have not
2006 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Stanley Rolfe, University of Kansas; Francis M. Thomas, University of Kansas
-9, 19922. “Ethics at Work,” Harvard Business Review, Selected Articles 1983-1991, ISBN 0-87584-286-03. Grigg, Neil S., Criswell, Marvin E, Fontane Darrell G., Siller Thomas J., “Civil Engineering Practice in the Twenty-First Century-Knowledge and Skills for Design and Management,” ASCE Press, ISBN 0-7844-0526-3, 20014. Harris JR., Charles E., Pritchard Michael S., Rabins Michael J., “Engineering Ethics-Concepts and Cases,” Wadsworth Publishing Company, ISBN 0-534-23964-1, 19955. Hitt, William D., “Ethics and Leadership-Putting Theory into Practice,” Battelle Press, ISBN 0-935470-52-2, 19906. Johnson, Deborah G., “Ethical Issues in Engineering,” Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-290578-7, 19917. Selinger, Carl, “Stuff You Don’t Learn in
2006 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Saeed Khan, Kansas State University at Salina; Beverlee Kissick, Kansas State University at Salina
Statements Related GEE suggested student outcomes Agreement a b c d e f g h i level (2’s and 3’s) 1. Studying people and cultures are X X X X X X 100% important to the innovation process in a global economy. 2. In marketing a product the geographic X X X 100% realities must be taken into consideration e.g. whether or not electricity is
2006 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Ahmed M El-Sherbeeny, West Virginia University; Robin Hensel, West Virginia University; Andrea E. Ware, West Virginia University; James E. Smith, West Virginia University
significant tutoring for a problem-focused second freshman engineeringcourse contributes positively to student performance in that course. Proceedings of the 2006 Midwest Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education 6References1. Ames, R, and Lau, S. (1982). “An Attributional Analysis of Student Help-Seeking in Academic Settings.” Journal of Educational Psychology 74: 414-423.2. Bull, S, and McCalla, G. (2002). “Modeling Cognitive Style in a Peer Help Network.” Instructional Science 30: 497-528.3. Clement, J, and Khan, S. (1999). “Strategies
Conference Session
What's New in Mechanics of Materials?
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hartley T. Grandin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Joseph Rencis, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Conference Session
Forum on Collaborative Information Literacy Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Honora Nerz, North Carolina State University; Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
all COX-2 inhibitors, such Vioxx and PfizerInc.'s Celebrex and Bextra, appear to increase cardiovascular problems in some patients.The company's statement speaks to the central question at the meeting: whether there is adangerous "class effect" for all COX-2 drugs, and, if so, what the agency should do.Sales of the drugs, hailed in the late 1990s as a breakthrough in treating arthritis pain andaggressively advertised to patients, could be restricted or stopped as a result of the meeting.… (the rest of the article is attached)Source: Kaufman, Marc, (February 17, 2005). Merck cites ‘class effect’. The News and Observer, A3.Your company, Altanova, produces 1 or 2 prescription drugs in the COX-2 class. These drugsare not your biggest sellers, but
Conference Session
New Topics in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sreekanth Ramakrishnan, SUNY Binghamton; Justin Sturek, SUNY Binghamton; Sumit Parimoo, SUNY Binghamton; Krishnaswami Srihari, SUNY Binghamton
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Page 11.1153.23factor(s) that would affect the response variables. The impact of the implementation of the DSS,modified facility layouts and ergonomic considerations were studied through these experimentsand the sensitivity analysis. It was found that the throughput would increase by 20% and theturnaround time would decrease by more than 20% with the suggested modifications. Further,with the implementation of one or more additional recommendations, the throughput wouldincrease by at least 15% over the existing system. Moreover, the application turnaround timeswould also decrease by at least 20%. The details and results of the simulation study and designfor experiments are discussed in detail in Ramakrishnan et al. 8.6.0
Conference Session
International and Sustainability Perspectives and Women in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alicia Abadie, Louisiana State University; Ann Christy, Ohio State University; Marybeth Lima, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
field, but never gave me the impression when I was younger that it was difficult or that she should have made another choice. Secondly, since I grew up in the 80's, women like Margaret Thatcher contributed to my general impression that a woman could legitimately pursue whatever sort of career she wanted. These influences, and probably a healthy dose of ignorance on my part, combined in such a way that it never occurred to me that gender might ever be an issue in my chosen profession, no matter how traditionally "male" that profession was.In terms of why respondents chose to pursue a Ph.D., 58% reported that they were interested inthe jobs one could get with a Ph.D., especially in teaching and research. Twenty
Conference Session
Innovative and Computer-Assisted Lab Studies
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Veton Kepuska, Florida Tech; Mihir Patal, Florida Tech; Nicholas Rogers, Florida Tech
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
tracingbackwards starting from the last point in the matching matrix (X, Y). An optimal alignment pathis computed for each reference word template, and the one with the lowest cumulative score isconsidered to be the best match for the unknown speech sample. (X, Y) H C E i-1, j E i-1 P j-1 i, j-1 S S s P E E h HFigure 2-1 Simplified example of DTW matching
Conference Session
Network Administration and Security
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ron McKean, Ferris State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
of Science in Computer Networks and Systems (CNS) will serve as the case studyin this paper. Although its concept can be traced to 1991, next fall will mark only the tenth yearof its actual existence at Ferris State University1.A fertile environment…Throughout the 1990’s domestic technology and manufacturing flourished. The explosion oftechnology and the ability to practically realize the most sophisticated applications in affordableproducts created excitement and expectations not only for engineers but also marketers,executives, stock holders and especially consumers. Embedded applications were beingdeveloped by both large and small companies for every industrial, commercial, consumer,medical, and military application. Personal Computer
Conference Session
Questions of Identity
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Ollis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
origin again, from a new light. Or, inElliot,’s words 15: “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time If the premise is correct that many of the “Tech Lit” instructors are bothrepresenting their disciplines to students, and seeking self in the engineering cosmos, thentwo things naturally follow: 1. Their diversity of disciplines works against development of a consensus Page 11.1227.12 version of Technological Literacy, although one could imagine a collection of versions as constituting an encyclopedia of
Conference Session
ELD Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce Reid, Pennsylvania State University-Wilkes-Barre
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
must understand that their staff is always looking to you to set the course.You are their leader, the responsibility is yours. Page 11.324.12Bibliography The Associated Press. (2003). Coach known best for 1980 hockey gold. Retrieved 5/8/2005 from Bezilla, M. (1995). The coach as a fund raiser. Fund Raising Management, 26, 20-25. Retrieved 6/9/2003 from the Proquest Database. Biro, B. (1997). Beyond success: the 15 secrets to effective leadership and life based on legendary coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. Hamilton, Montana: Pygmalion. Collier, G
Conference Session
Knowing Our Students II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joachim Walther, University of Queensland; David Radcliffe, University of Queensland
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
s Educational background Family background Learning s na l nce n ti o Innate Traits
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Katrina Ramsdell, Virginia Tech; Madeline Schreiber, Virginia Tech; Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech; Michael Alley, Virginia Tech
Conference Session
Effective & Efficient Teaching Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexis Powe, Mississippi State University; Jane Moorhead, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
teach or evaluate these subjects.”2 Developing an effective—and efficient—grading approachis particularly difficult for new educators who lack confidence in their evaluation abilities orthose of their teaching assistants (to whom the grading often falls). Meanwhile, technicalwriting educators constantly seek to reinforce the importance of writing to students outside of thewriting class. Both interests, and ultimately those of students, are served when educators from Page 11.669.2various engineering departments work with technical writing educators to develop a gradingsystem that provides specific grading criteria for the grader(s) to ensure
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Elger, University of Idaho; Scott Metlen, University of Idaho; Robert Carson, University of Idaho; Tristan Utschig, Lewis-Clark State College; Dan Cordon, University of Idaho; Marie Racine, University of District Columbia; Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho
: Introduction to Interviewing Techniques. 2004, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.3. Garvin, D. A. (2000). Learning in action: A guide to putting the learning organization to work. Boston, Massa- chusetts: Harvard Business School Press.4. Handy, C. (1995). Managing the dream. Edited by Chawla, S. & Renesch, J. Learning organizations. Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press.5. Knowles, M. (1975). Self-Directed Learning. Chicago: Follet. ISBN 08428221516. Knowles, M. (1984a). The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species
Conference Session
Climate Issues for Women Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rose Mary Cordova-Wentling, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign; Cristina Camacho, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
of U.S. citizens who are training tobecome scientists and engineers, whereas the number of jobs requiring science and engineering(S&E) training continues to grow” (p.1). “If trends continue the United States will lose its abilityto fill the growing demand for science and engineering jobs, yielding [its] global standing tonations such as China and India who are training thousands more engineers and scientists than isthe U.S.” (O’Brien50, 2004, p. 1).The U.S. Department of Commerce62 (1999) projects that by 2010, 50 percent of all U.S. Page 11.1454.2workers will be women. This projection, plus the growth in the science and engineering
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education & Industry Duplicate Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Keating, University of South Carolina; Thomas Stanford, University of South Carolina; John Bardo, Western Carolina University; Duane Dunlap, Western Carolina University; Eugene DeLoatch, Morgan State University; Albert McHenry, Arizona State University; Joseph Tidwell, Arizona State University; Niaz Latif, Purdue University; Dennis Depew, Purdue University; Mark Schuver, Purdue University; David Quick; Roger Olson, Rolls-Royce; Samuel Truesdale, Rolls-Royce; Jay Snellenberger, Rolls-Royce; Stephen Tricamo, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Harvey Palmer, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mohammad Noori, California State Polytechnic University; Kathleen Gonzalez Landis, University of Arizona; Ronald Bennett, University of St. Thomas
industry for competitiveness and the nation’s defense.Whereas the nation invested heavily during the 1960’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s in the graduateeducation of the U.S. scientific workforce for basic academic research, we have not as a nationplaced a balanced emphasis in the further professional education of the nation’s graduateengineers who enter industry and are the nation’s primary creators, developers, and leaders ofU.S. technological progress for competitiveness and national security purposes.As a consequence of this unbalanced emphasis, lasting over four decades, the U.S. engineeringworkforce in industry is the nation’s most underdeveloped resource for innovation. The nation ispaying the price for long-term underdevelopment of the U.S
Conference Session
Hurricane Katrina
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
W. Robert Story, Virginia Tech; Brian LeCroy, Virginia Tech; Christina Pace, Virginia Tech; Michael Palmer, Virginia Tech; Leigh McCue, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
. Page 11.309.32.0 Case Studies2.1 Inland Storms: The Edmund FitzgeraldSevere weather has threatened vessels on the Great Lakes for years. For example, during theGreat Lakes Storm of 1913, at least 19 ships sank, killing 248 aboard.7 In the 1970’s, perhaps themost mysterious of Great Lakes shipwrecks occurred, the wreck of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald.When the Edmund Fitzgerald set out for Zug Island on November 9, 1975 there was a galewarning issued by the National Weather Service. Winds were reported at speeds greater than 50knots, and waves were estimated to be over 10 feet high.8 The Fitzgerald continued to move outinto the storm, which proved deadly. They were out of sight and off the radar in just minutes.The members of the ship did not send
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education & Industry Duplicate Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Duane Dunlap, Western Carolina University; John Bardo, Western Carolina University; Donald Keating, University of South Carolina; Thomas Stanford, University of South Carolina; Eugene DeLoatch, Morgan State University; Albert McHenry, Arizona State University; Joseph Tidwell, Arizona State University; Niaz Latif, Purdue University; Mark Schuver, Purdue University; Dennis Depew, Purdue University; Roger Olson, Rolls-Royce; David Quick; Stephen Tricamo, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Samuel Truesdale, Rolls-Royce; Jay Snellenberger, Rolls-Royce; Harvey Palmer, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mohammad Noori, North Carolina State University; Kathleen Gonzalez Landis, University of Arizona; Ronald Bennett, University of St. Thomas
,Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP)3 has pointed out, graduate education in engineeringhas evolved primarily in the United States as a byproduct of a national science policy forscientific research. The United States has not had a coherent policy for the graduate developmentof the vast majority of its domestic engineering graduates in the U.S. engineering workforcewhose professional careers are not centered on academic scientific research but rather arecentered on creating, developing, and innovating new, improved, and breakthrough technologyin industry for competitiveness and the nation’s defense.Whereas the nation invested heavily during the 1960’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s in the graduate
2006 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Joseph J. Rencis; Hartley T. Grandin; William O. Jolley
softwaredeveloped for the user has become very easy to use. It has become more important thanever to insure that the analyst, in his/her search for the best modeling method, correctlyuses the tools available.What Type of Education is Required to Carry Out a Proper Element Analysis?When FEM first appeared in the 1960's it was introduced into the engineering curriculumat the graduate level. As the method and computer technology matured, FEM wasintroduced at the undergraduate level in engineering and engineering technologyprograms, even in some two-year technology programs. Graphical user-friendlyinterfaces (GUI) have significantly reduced the complexities of the actual application ofFEM software such that engineers with education equal to or less than the