Presentations 2. Somewhat disagree receiving/providing feedback on Feedback Likert Scale 3. Somewhat agree presentations 4. Strongly agree guidance from faculty mentor(s) Faculty guidance from capstone instructor Instructor guidance from industry mentor(s) Industry guidance from capstone TAs TA participating in TA-led mixers Mixers This capstone experience has helped me learn what I had hoped to
workshops(e.g., NETI, ASEE section meetings, the ASEE National meeting, CW workshops), and haverecruited six participants in our Action Research Fellows program. By studying the context inwhich instructors adopt and utilize the CW, we will be able to provide recommendations forencouraging use of the CW and of other pedagogical innovations.AcknowledgmentsWe acknowledge the support from National Science Foundation (NSF) through grants DUE1821439, 1821445, 1821638, 1820888, and 1821603. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe NSF.References[1] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M. P. Wenderoth, “Active
. She received undergraduate and graduate degrees in mechanical engineering from Duke and NC State, respectively. Her research interests include engineering education and precision manufacturing. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Use of Personas in Rating Scholarship ApplicationsIntroductionThis evidence-based practice paper introduces a method for creating subjective, holistic rubricsbased on the human-centered design concept of personas. It can be difficult to align assessmentmetrics with subjective artifacts, especially when the goal of the artifact itself is subjective. Thefaculty team who collaborated on an NSF S-STEM project faced
important. You are required to use data sets to find correlationsbetween independent and dependent variables and trends including identifying outliers.” Anotheraerospace engineer described how “We use a lot of relationship analysis - sequential, regression,year over year(s) and yes, there are a lot of cross-relationships.” We were surprised by thesestatements that described an ability to analyze data, given that the bulk of the College Algebracourse involves learning how to use and manipulate these formal expressions, learning skills likefactoring, simplifying, solving, and interpreting parameters. We also found that these trends forengineers followed trends we saw in our larger sample where we interviewed professionals fromacross STEM fields.This
and instructor expecta.tions. 2. Representation and interpretation of time functions. 3. Logarithmic relationships. 4. Plots for Characterization of physical phenomena. 5. Resistance: Static and Dynamic. 6. Kirchoff's voltage law, Kirchoff's current law, Ohm 1 s law. 7. Elementary resistive network analysis. 8. Power and energy. 9. Review. 10. Hour Examination. 11. The binary number system. Conversion between bases, 2 s complements. 1 12. Logic networks with gates. Logical functions. 13. Analysis of combinational logic networks via truth tables. 14. From logic diagrams to printed circuit layout. 15
understandably different, no one coursewill be satisfactory and hence a number of course proposalshave been suggested and implemented at many institutions (1,2] • In contrast to other groups of engineers, who may be in-terested only in the application of microprocessors, elec-trical engineers are expected to know all aspects of micro-processors, namely, hardware, software and applications.They should understand the theory as well as the practice ofmicroprocessor engineering. At least one course should beincluded in existing electrical engineering curricula tocover the above topics. This poses a difficult problem forelectrical engineering departments. They must develop asuitable place in electrical engineering curricula where thecourse(s
containing only conventionalnumerical calculation type questions.Introduction Learning is a constructive process in which new knowledge builds upon priorknowledge.1, 2 It is for this reason that there is increased interest in inductive instructionalmethods like inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, and just-in-time teaching to namea few. A common feature of these inductive methods is that questions or problems form thecontext for learning.3 Thus, formative assessments based on questions/problems can play afundamentally important role in student learning. The degree to which homework/activity questions impact student learning can beevaluated by considering them relative to Bloom s taxonom . In order of increasing
ca a c a a afrequency. Proceedings of the 2011 North Midwest Section ConferenceT a d db = s/N, as mentioned earlier. As can be seen,a higher sampling frequency lowers the resolution of the frequency domain representation of thesignal, but a higher sample size increases the resolution. When applied to musical notes, thislinear distribution of discrete frequencies is important because musical notes do not distributethemselves at equal intervals. Musical notes are typically denoted A, B, C, D, E, F, or G. Thisrepresents one octave of notes and there are several octaves within human hearing range. Theoctave a note is in is generally
and explore challenges related to the transportation infrastructure.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the U. S. Department of Transportation, FederalHighway Administration’s National Summer Transportation Institute. Portions of the workreported here, related to assessing student interest in- and awareness of- transportationengineering is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1744539. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department ofTransportation and the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAmerican Society of Civil Engineers-ASCE. (2021). 2021 Report
that faculty are not being effective in how they engage with students abouttheir mental health. Moving forward, faculty should be provided with resources and training sothat they feel prepared (even if not fully confident) to provide student support. They should beencouraged and empowered to advocate for their students through recognizing signs of distressand ensuring that students are getting the help that they need.References[1] H. Xiao et al., "Are we in crisis? National mental health and treatment trends in college counseling centers," Psychological Services, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 407-415, 2017, doi: 10.1037/ser0000130.[2] C. R. Kessler, P. G. Amminger, B. S. Aguilar-Gaxiola, B. J. Alonso, B. S. Lee, and B. T. Üstün, "Age
not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science FoundationReferences[1] "Progress Report on the Federal Implementation of the STEM Education Strategic Plan," Office of Science and Technology Policy, Washington, DC, 2019.[2] N. S. B. National Science Foundation, "Science & Engineering Indicators 2018. NSB-2018-1," National Science Foundation, 2018.[3] "Survey: Teen Girls’ Interest in STEM Careers." Junior Achievement USA. decline (accessed February 1, 2021, 2021).[4] E. Cevik et al., "Assessing the effects of authentic experiential learning activities on teacher confidence with engineering concepts," presented at
engineeringeducation during COVID-19 pandemic.” ORMS Today Informs Membership Magazine, 2020.Available:[3] Y. Lambrinidou & M. Edwards, “Learning to Listen: An Ethnographic Approach toEngineering Ethics Education,” ASEE, 2013, Paper ID# 8224.[4] E. A. Cech, “Culture of Disengagement in Engineering Education?,” Science, Technology, &Human Values, 39(1) , pp. 42-72, 2014.[5] M. F. Young, S. Slota, A. B. Cutter, G. Jalette, G. Mullin, B. Lai, & M. Yukhymenko, “Ourprincess is in another castle: A review of trends in serious gaming for education”. Review ofEducational Research, 82(1), pp. 61-89, 2012.[6] D. G. Johnson, “Can engineering ethics be taught?” Yale University Press Blog, June 4
intackling problems, particularly ill-defined or ill-structured problems which typically lie outsidethe educational domain of the sciences and the humanities. Such problems are more likeproblems, issues, or decisions encountered in everyday life [1]; Fox (1981) refers to this type ofproblem engagement as ‘real-world problem solving’. Reference [3] likens this intrinsic value ofdesignerly knowing to the educational value of critical thinking. To extend this idea further, Iwould argue that [3]’s analogy presupposes the reflective nature of design. In the followingsections I will present three aspects of the nature of design (i.e., reflective, ill-defined and open-ended, and social) and discuss how they can contribute to an engineering education rooted
-reported increased learning interest and self-motivation forevery participant. The project’s objectives were articulated to the students through aseries of assigned questions related to the rotation of the designed physical model.Students had to make assumptions, complete analytical calculations, and discuss therelationship(s) between their theoretical values and experiential data.Project reports plus pre- and post- project surveys were collected from each group afterthree-weeks’ work. In the report and the surveys, students’ comments reflected theirviews about this project-based learning. The corresponding learning outcome results havebeen assessed, as well.Students at Purdue University Kokomo campus are commuters. The typical
, Play: Growing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators, p. 50, 2013. [4] S. Vossoughi, M. Escud´e, F. Kong, and P. Hooper, “Tinkering, learning & equity in the after-school setting,” in annual FabLearn conference. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University, 2013. [5] S. Vossoughi and B. Bevan, “Making and tinkering: A review of the literature,” National Research Council Committee on Out of School Time STEM, vol. 67, pp. 1–55, 2014. [6] G. M. Quan and A. Gupta, “Tensions in the productivity of design task tinkering,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 88–106, 2020. [7] M. Berland, T. Martin, T. Benton, C. Petrick Smith, and D. Davis, “Using learning analytics to understand the learning pathways of novice
methodologicalinsights on how to examine the research questions addressed in this proposal. We will build on these initialfindings to create surveys, revise interview protocols, collect larger-scale quantitative and qualitative data,design an intervention, and assess the effectiveness of the intervention. ReferencesAmerican Society for Engineering Education. (2019). Longitudinal retention and time-to-graduation report [Data file]. http://www.asee.orgAndres, L., & Carpenter, S. (1997). Today's higher education students: Issues of admission, retention, transfer, and attrition in relation to changing student demographics. Centre for Policy Studies in Education, University of British
practical problem-solving [13]. This cohort of PACE students are assigned graduate or senior-level undergraduate student mentors. The mentors remain with the PACE students II. CTF & S TUDENT P REPARATION and train them in their freshman and sophomore years onA. Capture-The-Flag Competition foundational cyber topics and software tools such as Python. The embedded Capture-The-Flag (eCTF) competition was 2) Hands-on Learning Experiences – CAP Lab: The PACEhosted by MITRE Cyber
. DEFINING QUALITYThe idea for this project began with a conversation between one of theauthors, Scott Conrad, and an Associate Dean of the College ofEngineering, Dean Robert Ratner. The focus of the conversation wasthat the author felt a recent 4.4% cut in the College'·s budget andcontinued rises in enrollment were eroding the quality of his education.The Dean asked the author to define a quality education. A list ofvarious criteria such as class size, advising, faculty competence, andup-to-dateness of lab equipment quickly came to mind. However, thelist was incomplete and quite myopic. The Dean pointed out two problemswith the list: 1. It was only one person's perspective, i.e., another student would probably generate a different
The Engineering Advisory Committee One Solution Closing he Gap in he Iron Range s Engineering Education: K-14 Carl Sandness, Tom Jamar, Roy Smith, J. Moe Benda University of Minnesota DuluthAbstract: The Iron Range will never be the same. A powerful and influential group fromcommunities surrounding Hibbing Minnesota has aligned to ensure area students have everyopportunity to discover engineering as their lifelong passion. Powerful is not based on anyorganizational chart but rather an attitude of we-will-make-it-happen. The group started as theHibbing High School Engineering Advisory Committee. Creating an ad-hoc partnership
Paper ID #33535Achieving Domestic Internationalization and Global Competence ThroughOn-Campus Activities and Globally Responsive EducationDr. Sanjay Tewari, Missouri University of Science and Technology Dr. Tewari is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Civil Engineering at the Missouri University of Science & Technology ( Missouri S&T), Rolla, MO. His primary responsibility is associated with the Cooperative Engineering Program of Missouri State University and Missouri S&T. Before joining Missouri S&T, he worked as Assistant Professor at Louisiana Tech University. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil
for the organizational dynamics of each institution. The resulting model can be used to identifyvariables that are most important for the educational mission, i.e., those that have the most significant influence on theoutput measures and also those that help minimize the influence of external disruptions.Figure 10: Causal Relationship FrameworkReferencesAllan, J.F., McKenna, J., and Dominey, S., (2014) Degrees of resilience: profiling psychological resilience and prospectiveacademic achievement in university inductees. British Journal of Guidance & counselling, Vol 42, No 1, 9-25.Bocchini, P. and Frangopol, D., (2011). Resilience-driven disaster management of civil infrastructure, in Papadrakakis, M.,Fragiadakis, M., and Plevris, V., ed
Jovanovic, Ph.D., Rafael Landaeta, Ph.D. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529Abstract— With the growing number of adult and military veterans entering highereducation, it is important to understand and incorporate the basics of andragogy incurriculum, course development, and the learning environment to facilitate learning anddegree completion. Researchers in this S-STEM project funded by the NSF shareobservations of a student-faculty partnership that resulted from the development of aformal learning community. A series of targeted seminars were conducted that appear tohave increased adult and military veteran engineering and technology students’ levels ofconnectedness and self-efficacy. Results of this pilot study are
exchangers [11], transmission cables [12], Frequency Drive (VFD). The VFD allows the flowing fluid totowering chimneys [13], and radio antennas [14] that are be controlled either manually or automatically at frequenciesexposed to flowing air. Interestingly, recent investigation ranging from 20 Hz to 55 Hz. The maximum average flowsuggests that when the large lateral oscillations can be well speed that can be achieved is approximately 60 cm/s. Acontrolled and utilized, useful energy harvesting of such converging chamber was designed at the entrance of themechanisms becomes possible. The Vortex Induced observation chamber to reduce the complexity of the flow andVibration Aquatic
combinedspectrum. The power spectrum increases in accuracy as the number of data points per FFT Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Gulf Southwestern Annual Conference The University of Texas at Arlington Copyright©2003, American Society for Engineering EducationFigure 1. Example of a Power Spectral Distribution Plotincreases. The software used to process the data, provided with the TSI IFA 300 Anemometer,had a maximum block size of 256K.The PSD was also used to determine the correct choice of a low-pass filter. From looking at theplot, choosing a filter between 10 kHz and 50 kHz would satisfactorily capture the requiredsignal information for a velocity of 15 m/s. The software program
. The window is a 5 mm thick anti-reflective (AR)coated piece of fused-silica 50 mm in diameter with a flatness of 1/10 λ. Light reflects off the die,passes through the beam-splitter a second time, and then enters the objective and imaging lensbefore coming to the CCD camera, which is used to record the data. The objective and imaginglenses act as a compound microscope. The interferometric image created by the optical setupprovides a known distance of 316.4 nm between two consecutive fringes. The interferometric datais used to determine the crack length, ‘s’ of a beam. CCD Camera Vacuum
, Columbus, OH, June 25-28.11. Flood, M., & Pease, B. (2005). Undoing men's privilege and advancing gender equality in public sector institutions. Policy and Society, 24(4), 119-138.12. McIntosh, P. (2020). White privilege and male privilege: A personal account of coming to see correspondences through work. In Ed. K. Weekes, Privilege and prejudice: Twenty years with the invisible knapsack. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.13. Funk, C., & Parker, K. (2018, January 9). Women and men in STEM often at odds over workplace equity. Pew Research Center. Available at: stem-often-at-odds-over-workplace-equity/.14. Alegria, S. (2019). Escalator or step
organizations students participated in by allowingthem to select to which organization(s) they belong. The survey had a response rate of 5.67%(total senior engineering students = 2907). The low response rate was expected because this wassent out to senior engineering students at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Table 1 and2 shows the summary statistics for PI score and participation in organizations. Figure 1 showstest for normality. For this test, H0: the sample follows a normal distribution and H1: the sampledoes not follow a normal distribution. As the computed p-value is greater than the significancelevel alpha=0.05, one cannot reject the null hypothesis H0. That is, the sample follows a normaldistribution. Incomplete responses were excluded
that hinder or support role identitydevelopment in graduate school. In addition, this framework for engineering graduate student identity development has thepotential to increase understanding of doctoral students’ experiences, particularly those ofhistorically marginalized graduate students, and how institutions may better support the identitydevelopment of all students. Furthering understanding of identity development in graduateschool supports the development of a more representative engineering workforce throughincreased understanding of the identity experiences of engineering doctoral students. Thus, thiswork may have implications for persistence and representation in graduate school and academia.References[1] S. L. Rodriguez, C
students: one student reported low participation inboth projects and s/he attended the classes about half in person and half online, which mighthave contributed to the low participation. The other student reported low participation in thesecond project although s/he attended the classes fully in person and s/he reported fullparticipation in the first project. There was no data to explain the reason, but project 2 wasstudent-driven by the team leader who came up with that project topic. As instructors, we need toencourage all students to contribute to the final design and prototyping.Course ManagementA mixture of teaching modalities was used in this course, as explained in the Course Setupsection.Depending on the course content, such as for