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speakers to bringin female role models from industry to highlight their innovative and collaborative work in thefield. We will train the CS Frontiers teachers on these materials in summer 2022, before they pilotin virtual summer camps prior to implementing the units in their academic courses.acknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants1949472, 1949492 and 1949488. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References [1] S. Grover and R. Pea, “Computational thinking: A competency whose time has come,” Computer Science Education: Perspectives
transferring. Belonging and Self-efficacy survey data especiallyduring the pandemic will be carefully analyzed and correlated with students’ performance longitudinally.Practices that generated results will be expanded and disseminated for replication.7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The PIespecially acknowledges the late Melissa Mercer-Tachick, President and Lead Consultant of MUSEEducational Consulting. Melissa designed, meticulously administered, and analyzed the survey and
modules for subsequent students to learn by experiments which can beadded as a lab module in upper level classes.ObjectivesThe main objective was to educate the Engineering Technology (ET) undergraduate studentsabout Vibration Analysis and perform relevant research. Shaking Table II, two accelerometers,and data acquisition kit were used to serve this purpose. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the detailsof the equipment and data acquisition kit. The used accelerometer allows the analysis of severalvibration conditions with measurement of RMS or Peak Vibration Readings over wide range offrequencies, measurement of acceleration up to 490 m/sec 2, with sensitivity of 10.2 mV/(m/s²).MethodologyA team of three undergraduate students enrolled in ET494 (the
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recognizing thepower of positive role models. It is time for higher education institutions to adopt inclusive,family-friendly policies and practices that support women pursuing the professoriate.Funding AcknowledgmentThis research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Alliance for GraduateEducation and the Professoriate (AGEP; award #1821008). Any opinions, findings, conclusions,and recommendations belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNSF.ReferencesAhmad, S. (2017). Family or future in the academy? American Education Research Journal, 87(1), 204–239. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654316631626Allen-Ramdial, S.-A. A., & Campbell, A. G. (2014). Reimagining the pipeline: Advancing
and increasing performance for unique applications (e.g. satellite, passenger aircraft,high-performance vehicle, electric mobility scooter, etc.).AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Autodesk for their generous support with software and services.References1. V. Singh and N. Gu, “Towards an integrated generative design framework,” Design Studies, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 185–207, Mar. 2012, doi: 10.1016/J.DESTUD.2011.06.001.2. S. C. Chase, “Generative design tools for novice designers: Issues for selection,” Automation in Construction, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 689–698, Dec. 2005, doi: 10.1016/J.AUTCON.2004.12.004.3. X. Li, H. O. Demirel, M. H. Goldstein, and Z. Sha, “Exploring Generative Design Thinking
future recruitment efforts to attract engineering students with a diverse background,particularly the underrepresented populations. This paper reported progress of the first objective.Introduction/BackgroundThe importance of diversity in the U. S. engineering workforce has been recognized. Lack ofworkforce diversity in engineering fields has been related to the poor recruitment and retentionof educationally disadvantaged students or underrepresented groups in engineering [1]. Researchhas identified factors preventing those students from pursuing and completing a STEM degreeand strategies to increase diversity in STEM programs such as summer camps/bridge programs,pipeline programs, pre-college programs, targeted programs, and integrated approach
’ conation iv. Person-item distribution map (PIDM) using the Rasch model to investigate students’ perception of agreement or disagreement towards each itemInstrument analysis using Rasch Model The 96-items GOI was first introduced by Kathryn S. Atman, who previously studiedthe goal accomplishment style and psychological types amongst middle school students in theUnited States [8]. In this study, the GOI instrument was distributed to different populations andenvironments, which is the first-year engineering students in one of the universities inMalaysia, which may affect the items’ reliability and validity. The Rasch measurement model is used to assess the psychometric properties in termsof reliability and
and aquatic ecology from the University of Michigan. He is married and has two children who all love to travel.Okechukwu Ugweje (Professor)Chad S. Korach (Associate Professor and Director, School of Engineering)Ethan Andrew Shirley © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by www.slayte.com Advancing Global Competencies within a Required Global Engineering Course During COVID-19While COVID-19 adversely affected every aspect of education, hands-on experiences and study-abroad programs were perhaps hardest hit. The University of Mount Union prides itself on theunique training it offers students for the global engineering
Paper ID #37136Simulated Engineering Teaching Experiences: PreserviceTeachers Learning to Facilitate Discussions to Help StudentsBecome Informed Designers (RTP)Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue (Professor of Science & Engineering Education) Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D., is Professor of Science and Engineering Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She has integrated engineering into courses for PreK-8 teacher candidates, developed and directed a graduate STEM program for PreK-6 teachers, and partnered with teachers to implement PreK-8 science-integrated engineering
ConclusionThis paper presents preliminary work of the implementation of object detection on Raspberry Pi for asenior design project. We run a mobile deep learning model, SSD-MobileNet, on Raspberry Pi todetect various objects. Preliminary valudation results demonstrate the effectiveness of thisimplementation. Moreover, the on-going work is to improve weapon detection. Future work will focuson completing comprehensive and systematical validation on weapon detection in different testingscenarios. References1. Dave, E. (2011). How the next evolution of the internet is changing everything. The Internet of Things.2. Islam, S. R., Kwak, D., Kabir, M. H., Hossain, M., and Kwak, K. S. (2015). The internet
discussed.Below are the basics of the Gravitational N-Body Problem for the sake of this experiment. Findingpositions and movements of bodies in space subject to gravitational forces from other bodies usingNewton’s laws of motion.Gravitational force F between two bodies of masses ma and mb as seen in Figure 1 is: (1) Figure 1: Gravitational N-Body ProblemG is the gravitational constant (6.673 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2) and r the distance between the bodies. (2)For a system of N particles, the sum of the forces is
particular, researchers performanalyses of the environments associated with a microgreens market using a PESTLE framework –which identifies the political (P), economic (E), sociocultural (S), technological (T), legal (L), andenvironmental (E) forces influencing a market. The political environment (P) is favorable towardsincreased microgreen production. For example, the Farm Bill of 2018 provided the USDA’s NationalInstitute of Food and Agriculture with up to $10 million of annual funding toward a competitive grantprogram supporting the development of urban, indoor, and emerging agriculture practices (USDA)2.The economic environment (E) is perceived to be favorable for a microgreens market. Microgreenstrade at a premium when compared to other
, fabricated, and tested successfully at the PVAMU's SMART Center for bike laneapplications. The EGP is composed of seven layers of compound materials. A 3-feet-long integratedPZT strip of 18 thin-film PZT cells was placed in the middle of the EGP. The prototype of the EGPwas tested using an output load of 7.5 kΩ. A bicycle with a rider weighing a total of about 142pounds served as the mechanical pressure source for the test. The tested PZT cells produced anaverage of 68 VDC, and the energy of the DCPR was 616.53 mW/s for the rider riding the bike onthe EGP. IntroductionGlobal energy demand is increasing due to technological advances and consumer patterns that haveled to increased energy demand [1-2
of the 2022 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX Copyright © 2022, American Society for Engineering Education 7 References1. Sumarni, S., 2016, "Think Pair Share effect of understanding the concept and achievement," in Proceeding of the International Conference on teacher Training and Education, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 783-787.2. Deshpande, A. and Salman, B., 2016, "Think-pair-share: application of an active learning technique in engineering and construction management classes," in Associate Schools of Construction, 52nd
slightly betterresults. Our next steps include building on existing sketch recognition research andincorporating more features such as tilt and pressure measurements in hopes of building areliably accurate application to access children’s fine motor skills. References 1. Grissmer, D., Grimm, K.J., Aiyer, S.M., Murrah, W.M., Steele, J.S.: Fine motor skills and early comprehension of the world: two new school readiness indicators. Develop-mental psychology 46(5), 1008 (2010). 2. Anthony, L., Brown, Q., Nias, J., Tate, B., Mohan, S.: Interaction and recognition challenges in interpreting children’s touch and gesture input on mobile devices. In:Proceedings of the 2012 ACM
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five potential answers ranging from “to a great extent” to “not at all”and two free response questions were utilized in this study. The Likert scale questions used inthis study were: ● Did the oral exam(s) contribute positively to your learning in the course? ● Do you feel that the oral exam(s) helped improve your technical speaking skills? ● Did the oral exam(s) increase your motivation to learn? ● Do you feel the oral exam(s) contributed positively to academic integrity in the course? ● Did the oral exams cause you undue stress?The two free response questions asked about the best aspects of the oral exams and their areas ofimprovement. To run ANOVA on ranks tests and find the correlation between different factors,scores of 5
-thematic in the design and decision-making process [14]. Moreover, the proposed holisticengineering design education prevailing over the restricted use of key technical macro-thematicfactors, allow for the design of equitable and inclusive solutions through the consideration of thediverse influences associated with the project. This is an especially critical feature given that keytechnical macro-thematic factors used for traditional engineering design may be developed basedon specific group(s) of our society. Therefore, not accounting for the uniqueness and diversity thatlocal-thematic may impose, and even demand, from the respective solution, e.g., Smart Gridprojects for a high- and low- income regions significantly differ on its design features
remains a dominantideology in public opinion, professional practice, academic policy, and law in the U. S. today [1].The legal definition of disability in the U. S. exemplifies the medical model. Section 3 of theAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and its 2008 amendment defines disability, with respectto an individual, as “(A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more ofthe major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) beingregarded as having such an impairment” [34]. The second model, called the social model ofdisability, emerged in the late 20th century [15] and has quickly become a widespreadepistemology in disability studies [35]. The social model posits disability as a